Press Ctrl++ and Ctrl+- to increase and decrease volume level.
Use the following shortcut keys to control the player: Ctrl+P - Play, Ctrl+S - Stop, Ctrl+U - Pause, Ctrl+V - Previous Track and Ctrl+N - Next Track
Press the right mouse button when in the "mini-me" player mode to bring up a popup menu.
If you are experiencing performance problems, try disabling skinning.
Press Ctrl+E to toggle between the "mini-me" player mode and normal mode.
Visit to download new skins for the "mini-me" player.
Visit to get latest version of Media Jukebox .
Visit to browse the ever-growing selection of music available to sample and/or purchase.
Drag && Drop file into Current Playlist to append it to the playlist.
You can change playback order of a playlist by dragging && dropping media file inside of the playlist.
Drag && Drop WAV, MP3, ASF or WMA files into CD Station to create an Audio CD.
To protect your media library from unwanted or temporary modifications while in use by others, switch to "Party Mode".
If you are an artist and are looking for an inexpensive way to distribute you music - visit to discover how easy it using "Music Exchange".
Press Ctrl+J to check for new version of Media Jukebox.
Press Ctrl+B to back up all Media Jukebox settings and music layout, so you can restore it in case of system crash.
You should backup your User License to prevent loss of licenses due to hard disk failures.
Run License Manager to backup your User License.
You can run License Manager to restore all your music licenses if you have backed up your User License.
You can restore your licenses to a second machine by running License Manager.
If you illegally give your licenses to another person, you risk exposing your personal information, such as credit card information, to the other person.
If you illegally give your licenses to other people, you risk exhausting your license restoration limit and not being able to restore your licenses when you need to do so.
To see all the licenses you have acquired so far, run License Manager program.