1 You already have an outgoing call in progress. Either cancel that call or wait until it is answered before placing another call.
2 There are no phone lines available to complete your request.
3 You cannot call yourself.
5 You have lost connection from the Firetalk voice server. Select "Connect" from the file menu to reconnect.
6 Forum names must be 255 characters or less.
7 You can't add yourself to your contact list.
8 You have connected to an old Voice Server. Choose "Select Voice Server" from the "File" menu to switch to a different server.
9 You have entered a blank name, one that is less than two characters long, or one that contains invalid characters. Valid characters are numbers, letters, or the following: ` _ [] {}.
10 Your nickname contains invalid characters, is less than two characters long, or is comprised only of numbers. Valid characters are numbers, letters, or the following: ` _ [] {}.
11 No Firetalk Number Found.
12 No Firetalk Number Found. Try using a * for a wildcard search of email or names to expand your search (ie Email: *support@multitude.com).
13 No Firetalk Users Found.
14 No Firetalk users Found. Try using a * for a wildcard search of email or names to expand your search (ie Email: *support@multitude.com).
15 Too many users found. Please narrow the search parameters.
16 No Firetalk Number Found. Firetalk Numbers must be comprised of numeric digits only with no spaces in them.
17 Too many Firetalk Numbers found. Please provide more search parameters.
18 Too many Firetalk users found. Please provide more search parameters.
121 Displays a Tip of the Day.
122 Ti&p of the Day...
123 Did you know...
124 Tips file does not exist in the prescribed directory
129 You must either hang up or put your current conversation on hold before joining another.
130 Error starting the Audio system:
131 Audio output open failed. Your sound card may be in use by another application, or not installed correctly. Please ensure that only Firetalk is using your computer's audio. You may also want to check your sound card for proper installation\nNOTE: you will still be able to send Instant Messages to other users, and participate in Text Chat while in a Forum. You will not, however, be able to speak, or hear what other people are saying.
132 Audio card does not support full duplex. Full duplex sound cards permit two-way communication. This enables you to both hear and talk to other Firetalk users. Without a full duplex sound card, you will only be able to hear others. Please check the manual for your sound card for more information.
133 Audio input open failed.
134 Codec isn't available.
135 Audio Playback setup failed.
136 Codec Test Failed.
137 Unknown Audio Error.
138 Unknown Audio Error.
139 Unknown Audio Error.
140 You must leave the Forum you are in before placing a call.
141 Hi,\n\nThis is a confirmation message sent to all new users of Firetalk,\nthe new way to communicate on the Internet, a free service from Multitude Inc.\n\nIf you HAVE NOT recently signed up for Firetalk then someone may have made a\nmistake when typing in their Email address. If so we ask that you reply to this \nmessage (making sure that this entire message is sent back to us), with REMOVE as \nthe subject line.\n\nFireTalk is an Integrated Communication System for voice, text, messaging \nand conferencing over the Internet. Use Firetalk to contact your friends, \nfamily and associates at any time, it is also Firewall friendly making it \nas simple to call from the office as from home.\n\nVisit our web site at http://www.firetalk.com to make any changes to your Email \naddress or password. Tell your friends to visit the site to download and \ninstall the Firetalk Client. \n\nThanks for joining the Firetalk network\n\nYour Friends at Firetalk\n
142 WARNING: An unknown error has occurred while updating your version of Firetalk. Select the Help button below, for more information about resolving this problem.
143 WARNING: A File not Found error has occurred while updating your version of Firetalk. If this occurs, it usually means that Firetalk tried to patch when it didn't really need to. You should be able to cancel out of this dialog and re-connect without problem. If this error persists, Select the Help button below, for more information about resolving this problem.
145 Hello,\n\nCongratulations! Your friend %s would like to converse with you over the Internet using Firetalk. Firetalk will allow you to communicate quickly, easily and cheaply (it's FREE from Multitude, Inc.) using a microphone and your computer. Why type when you can talk?\n\nMessage from %s:\n%s\n\n\n****************\nFiretalk is an Integrated Communication System for voice, text, messaging and conferencing over the Internet. Use it to contact your friends, family and associates at any time. Firetalk is firewall friendly, making it as simple to call from the office as from home.\n\nTo download Firetalk, go to http://www.firetalk.com. Once you have installed Firetalk, don't forget to add %s to your contact list by pressing the "Add/Find Users" button.\n\nThanks for joining the Firetalk network!\n\nIf you have received this message in error, please forward this mail (including headers) to: remove@firetalk.com.
146 Welcome to Firetalk! We hope you enjoy the service. To invite a friend to join, simply click on Invite a Friend in the Tools menu.
147 The alias you have selected is already taken by another Firetalk user. Please select a different one.
148 Multitude is not accepting any more accounts at this time. Try again in a few days, or go to www.Firetalk.com/ServiceStatus.html for more information.
149 Failed to Modify Account because the alias you have selected is already taken by another Firetalk user. Please select a different one.
150 Your account has been successfully updated. You will need to disconnect and reconnect for the changes to take effect.
151 Error: Not connected to database. Check your internet conection and try again or exit and restart Firetalk.
152 Because this forum has greater than 7 users, you have been placed in "Push To Talk" mode. Click and hold the talk button and speak into your microphone. Release the Talk button when finished.
153 Because this forum has fewer than 5 users, you have been placed in "Voice Activated" mode.
154 Build 235
155 Firetalk has a new feature that enables your Contact List to remain the same no matter where you logon: work, home, or at a friend's! We have preserved your current Contact List in its entirety, and will import it for you when you specify "yes" to the question below.\n\nWould you like to import your existing Contact List?
156 ERROR CONNECTING TO DATABASE:\n\nCurrently you are unable to connect to the database. Please confirm that you are connected to the Internet. If so, try logging back into Firetalk in a few minutes.\n\nIf connected to the Internet from behind a proxy server or firewall (frequently installed on corporate networks), please refer to the following FAQ:\nhttp://www.Firetalk.com/support/proxyconfig.html\n\nIn addition, you may want to consult with you Internet Service Provider (ISP) or Network Administrator to resolve any additional connectivity issues.\n\nFor further assistance please contact Firetalk Support at mailto:support@firetalk.com.
157 Cannot create a top level forum or category. Please choose a category for your forum or specify the full path for it. (i.e. If attempting to create a forum named "Friends" which you would like to place within the "General" category you would type: General/Friends
158 No folders creation allowed.
159 No category(folder) exist for forum.
160 Internal forum creation error.
161 While in a call or forum, Voice Mail is unavailable. To play or record Voice Mail, you must end the current call or forum.
162 This forum uses Controlled Microphones. Only Owners, Moderators, and those who have been handed a microphone may speak. You may request a microphone by clicking the Raise Hand button.
163 ERROR: You must be connected to the Firetalk server to compose or listen to Voice Mail.
164 Your Voice Mail will be sent the next time you connect to the Firetalk server.
165 You have been granted speaking privileges in this forum.
166 You do not currently have speaking privileges in this forum.
167 WARNING:This message could not be deleted because it has not yet been downloaded from the Firetalk server.
168 Error downloading voicemail from server. This message was possibly retrieved from another computer.
169 The Wav file that you have selected is incompatible with Firetalk.\n\nFiretalk only supports Wav files saved in PCM format.
170 Unable to update Firetalk after three tries. Please re-install.
171 This forum allows Owners (the forum creator) and Moderators (a privilege distributed by Owners) to ban or kick users from forums. All members of the forum are visible to the group and may speak.
172 This forum uses Controlled Microphones. Only Owners, Moderators, and those who have been handed a microphone may speak. Only these members of the forum are visible. Since Virtual Auditoriums support a large number of audience members, each of their names are not listed. Audience members may request a microphone by clicking the Raise Hand button.
32875 Ban User
32876 Kick User
32881 Invite To Web Tour
32893 Make Moderator
32894 Make Owner
32895 Revoke Moderator
32896 Give Microphone
32897 Take Microphone Away
32903 UnBan User
32904 Remove From Web Tour
32909 Remove From Queue
32919 Take Microphone
32920 Refresh Moderator List
32922 Black
32923 Maroon
32924 Green
32925 Olive
32926 Navy
32927 Purple
32928 Teal
32929 Gray
32930 Silver
32931 Red
32932 Lime
32933 Yellow
32934 Blue
32935 Fuchsia
32936 Aqua
32937 White
32938 Automatic
32939 Bold
32940 Italic
32941 Underline
32942 Color
32943 This is not a valid number.
32944 The number must be between 1 and 24.
32945 Virtual Auditoriums are recommended for more than 100 members.\n\nDue to the large size, only those with speaking privileges will be shown in the Participant List.\n\nSpeaking privileges can be requested via the Raise Hand button.\n\n\nThis is a new beta feature being offered for a limited time only.