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- 13A - One/ones, p²edloºky
- V
- Mohl bych se podívat na tyto hrníƒky? - Tyto?
- Could I see these cups, please? - Those ones?
- Ne, tamty modré za tou ƒervenou krabicí. - Tady jsou.
- No, those blue ones behind the red box. - Here you are.
- P²ed tou konvicí jsou p╪kné sklenice.
- There∩re nice glasses in front of that teapot.
- Vpravo od nich jsou dvoje st²íbrné hodinky.
- There∩re two silver watches to the right of them.
- Za nimi je mal∞ kulat∞ obrázek.
- There∩s a small round picture behind them.
- Na stole je mnoho v╪cí:
- There∩re many things on the table:
- Vpravo jsou n╪jaké kníºky, p²ed nimi jsou dvoje noviny.
- On the right there∩re some books, in front of them there∩re two newpapers.
- Vlevo od nich je τálek kávy.
- There∩s a cup of coffee to the left of them.
- Za ním je mal∞ magnetofon a p²ed ním t²i kazety.
- Theer∩s a small taperecorder behind it and three cassettes in front of it.
- Vedle nich jsou br∞le a ƒasopis.
- There∩re glasses and a magazine by them.
- Za naτím domem je krásná zahrada.
- Behind our house there∩s a beautiful garden.
- P²ed hotelem je taxík.
- In front of the hotel there∩s a taxi.