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- 12C - Minul∞ ƒas prost∞, nepravidelná slovesa, tell, say ░ minulost
- V
- V kolik jste vƒera vstávali? - Vstával jsem ve t²i ƒtvrt╪ na sedm.
- What time did you get up yesterday? - We got up at a quarter to seven.
- Proƒ jste tam τli tak pozd╪? - M╪li jsme moc práce.
- Why did you go there so late? - We were very busy.
- Co jsi m╪l k snídani? - m╪l jsem rohlíky a kávu.
- What did you have for breakfast? - I had rolls and coffee.
- Kde ses narodil? - Narodil jsem se v Lond∞n╪.
- Where were you born? - I was born in London.
- Kde jsi vƒera ob╪dval? - Ob╪dval jsem v restauraci.
- Where did you have lunch yesterday? - I had lunch at a restaurant.
- Proƒ jsi nehrál tenis? - Byl jsem unaven∞.
- Why didn∩t you play tennis? - I was tired.
- Dívali jste se vƒera na televizi? - Ano, dívali a ten film se nám nelíbil.
- Did youwatch TV yesterday? - Yes, we did, and we didn∩t like the film.
- Jeli jste autobusem? - Ne, τli jsme p╪τky.
- Did you go by bus? - No, we went on foot.
- ⁿekli jsme otci, ºe jsme byli v kin╪, ale ve skuteƒnosti jsme τli na drink.
- We told father that we were at a cinema, but actually we went for a drink.
- ⁿekli, ºe byli doma, ale ve skuteƒnosti byli ve m╪st╪.
- They said that they were at home, but actually they were in town.
- ⁿekl mi, ºe tu knihu ƒetl.
- He told me that he read the book.
- ⁿekla, ºe nemohla najít svoje klíƒe.
- She said that she couldn∩t find her keys.
- ⁿekli nám, ºe ten koncert byl velmi p╪kn∞.
- They told us that the concert was very nice.