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- 9C - P²íslovce ƒasová, often, sometimes, usually, never ░ poƒasí
- V
- Podnebí v ¼eské republice je mírné, poƒasí je ƒasto prom╪nlivé.
- The climate in the Czech Republic is mild, the weather is often changeable.
- V zim╪ dosti ƒasto sn╪ºí a je zamraƒeno.
- In winter it quite often snows and it∩s cloundy.
- (In winter there∩s often snow...)
- Zimní teploty jsou od 0 do 15 stupσà Celsia pod nulou.
- Winter temperatures are from 0 degrees to 15 degrees C below zero.
- V lét╪ jsou n╪kdy bou²ky a p²eháσky, ale ƒasto je sluneƒno.
- In summer there∩re sometimes T-storms and showers, but it∩s often sunny.
- Teplota obvykle nestoupá nad 30 stupσà Celsia.
- The temperature doesn∩t usually go above 30 degrees C.
- Lidé chodí plavat do bazénu nebo k ²ece.
- People go swimming to a swimming pool or to a river.
- Kdyº je v╪trno, hodn╪ lidí chodí surfovat.
- When it∩s windy lots of people go surfing.
- Nejsou u nás ani hurikány ani dlouhá sucha.
- There are neither hurricanes nor droughts in this country.
- Na podzim je n╪kdy mlha a vítr a n╪které dny jsou chladné.
- In autumn there∩s sometimes fog and wind and some days are cold.
- Je dnes teplo? - Ne, je dost chladno a v╪trno.
- Is it warm today? - No, it∩s quite cold and windy.
- V Anglii je n╪kdy deτtivo.
- In England it is sometimes rainy.
- V Indii nikdy nesn╪ºí.
- In India there∩s never snow.
- (In India it never snows.)
- V Africe prτí jednou za n╪kolik t∞dnà.
- In Africa there∩s rain once every few weeks.
- (In Africa it rains once every few weeks.)