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- Application Name: Modem Monitor Graph
- Version: 3.4
- Release Date: 6 - 6 - 2000
- Platform: Windows 95/98
- FileSize: 278637 Bytes
- Price: $0.00
- Registration Status: Freeware
- Eval Period: None
- Application Home Page: www.geocities.com/ashoka_kumar_2000/index.html
- Application Location: www.geocities.com/ashoka_kumar_2000/modemgph.zip
- ScreenShot Location: www.geocities.com/ashoka_kumar_2000/akmodem.gif
- Company Name: Ashok Kumar Parmar
- Contact E-Mail: ashok_nz@hotmail.com
- Contact Phone: +64 3 4553939
- Short Description:
- ------------------
- Plots in realtime sent/received data with Dial-Up Manager and Data Logging
- Long Description:
- -----------------
- This free program plots in realtime all data sent and received using
- the Dial-Up Networking Adapter and Modem. Shows separate sent,
- received, send rate, received rate, peaks and totals.
- Five graphs and statistics. Animated System Tray Icon.
- Allows you to change colours, graph size, sample seconds, 3D graph,
- axis and more. Full automated self-upgrade. Autostart with Win95/98.
- New - CPU Light Meter, Dial-Up Manager - dial, hangup, data logging,
- option to hide axis lines, fixed or floating Vertical scale,
- more color options.
- Version Info:
- -------------
- 3.4 6 June, 2000
- Add - Option to display a Bitmap or JPEG on the graph
- Add - Option to move Vertical scale to the right of the graph
- Add - New button on Launch List to start ALL programs
- Add - New button on Dial-Up Manager to display Password
- Change- Reuse ASPACK is it does NOT contain a virus
- Change- Move connected speed text to the start of the window title
- Fixed - Display resize when screen resolution is changed
- 3.3 28 Oct, 1999
- Fixed - Errors if Launch List file not found.
- Change- Not using ASPACK anymore.
- 3.2 3 Oct, 1999
- Added - Launch List to automatically run programs when connect to
- the Internet.
- Added - Graph/Stats visibility depends on Connection
- Added - Keep display within the screen boundry
- Fixes - Hangup, window size when not connected
- Change- Move CPU Meter to the Right, always ON.
- 3.1 8 Sept, 1999
- Change- DialUp Manager Display - fix errors with List Selections
- and improve connection detection.
- 3.0 1 Sept, 1999
- Added - CPU Light Meter instead of a graph
- Added - Option to hide axis lines when Axis is displayed
- Added - Fixed or Floating Vertical scale
- Added - More color options
- Added - Show/Hide menu item to allow easier display management
- Added - Dial-Up Manager - dial, hangup and data logging
- 2.7 10 July, 1999
- Fixed - Fonts
- 2.6 28 June, 1999
- Fixed - Allow for Small Font and Large Font Display Options.
- 2.5 25 June, 1999
- Change- Now using small Terminal font - stats, axis and legend
- Change- Axis gradient and ticks
- Change- About box changes
- Fixed - Speed calculated based on graph size needs to allow for
- sample seconds or parts of a second
- 2.4 20 June, 1999
- Added - Option to calculate send and receive rates using the graph
- plots vs since program startup (or totals reset)
- 2.3 29 March, 1999
- Added - Troubleshooting menu to download MSDUN 1.3 update
- Fixed - Total reset display not clearing
- 2.2 23 Feb, 1999
- Added - Plots for Average Send b/sec and Average Receive b/sec
- Added - Plot Line size selection
- 2.1 17 Feb, 1999
- Added - Minimize/Restore when left clicking System Tray icon
- Added - Compress EXE size using ASPack
- 2.0 24 Jan, 1999
- Fix - Update check - reset
- 1.6 24 Jan, 1999
- Added - Autostart with Win95/98 - allows you to start the program
- when Windows starts - the program will sit in the System
- Tray.
- Added - Check, Download and Run upgrades to this program as they
- as released. This function is automatic but needs to have
- a connection into the Internet already established.
- Change- Menu changes
- Change- Move Help function into the About Box
- Fix - Fixes to hiding minimized icon on the task bar
- 1.5 18 Jan, 1999
- Added - Animated System Tray Icon.
- Fix - Calculations of rate after a Total Reset.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- <META HTTP-EQUIV="dfs-name" CONTENT="Modem Monitor Graph Update">
- <META HTTP-EQUIV="dfs-version" CONTENT="3.4">
- <META HTTP-EQUIV="dfs-date" CONTENT="June 6, 2000">
- <META HTTP-EQUIV="dfs-author" CONTENT="Ashok Kumar Parmar">
- <META HTTP-EQUIV="dfs-url" CONTENT="http://www.geocities.com/ashoka_kumar_2000/modemgph.zip">
- <META HTTP-EQUIV="dfs-readme" CONTENT="http://www.geocities.com/ashoka_kumar_2000/modemgph.txt">
- <META HTTP-EQUIV="dfs-runparams" CONTENT="/SP-">
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------