423 Error renaming file:\nFile '%1' might be in use or on a volume that does not allow renaming.
424 Error adding file: '%1'.
425 Error creating file: '%1'.
426 A filename cannot contain any of the following characters:\n %1
427 Version number mismatch.\nPlease reinstall JetSuite using the Setup program.
428 There is not enough memory or disk space to complete the operation.
429 Error copying file:\n '%1'\n to '%2'.
430 Error deleting directory:\nDirectory '%1' may not be empty or it may be on a volume that does not allow deletions.
431 Error creating directory: '%1'.
432 Error renaming directory:\n '%1'\n to '%2'.
433 Are you sure that you want to delete the selection?
434 Are you sure that you want to delete %u selections?
435 Select a file
3000 JetSuite PC Fax Send
3041 Import
3103 JetSuite PC Fax Options
3104 Select an address entry to edit.
3306 CITY
3307 STATE
3315 FAX_PRI
3316 EMAIL
3328 Standard\nFine\nSuperFine
3330 User_NAME_TITLE
3331 User_FIRST_NAME
3332 User_LAST_NAME
3333 User_COMPANY
3334 User_ADDRESS
3335 User_CITY
3336 User_STATE
3338 User_COUNTRY
3339 User_NUM_VOICE
3340 User_NUM_MOBILE
3341 User_NUM_FAX
3342 User_NUM_OTHER
3343 User_EMAIL
3346 User_USER_NOTE
3360 Doc_VERSION
3361 Doc_NAME_APP
3368 Doc_RES_VERT
3369 Doc_RES_HORIZ
3400 eFax Messenger Plus - Advanced Fax
3401 eFax Messenger Plus - Address Book
3402 eFax Messenger Plus - Address Book Options
3403 Sub&ject:
3420 '%1' is not a valid file.
3421 Delete the invalid group entry?
3422 '%1' has invalid entries.\nGroup entries may also be invalid.
3430 There was a problem converting the cover page with %s:\n%s\n\n'%s' returned %xh
3431 CloseRCHDoc
3432 EndRCHPage
3433 WriteBitmapData
3434 StartRCHPage
3435 InitDocData
3436 OpenRCHDoc
3437 OpenRIObjectFile
3438 Object Not Found
3439 RIOpenDoc
3440 RIGetDocumentInfo
3450 Select OK to recover as many database entries as possible.\nThis will destroy groups and move them to the main list.\nIndexes will be rebuilt.
3460 &Individuals: %u of %u selected
3461 &To: %u recipients
3465 Name
3466 Company
3467 Fax Number
3470 Sound Files (*.wav)|*.wav|
3471 Select a receive fax sound
3472 Address Book Files (*.adr)|*.adr|
3473 Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|
3474 WinFax Lite Files (*.dbf)|*.dbf|
3475 DataBase Files (*.dbf)|*.dbf|
3476 All Files (*.*)|*.*|
3478 You must specify a fax number.
3479 The phone number is invalid, please correct before proceeding.\n\nThe following characters are legal: %1
3480 Sending a PC Fax requires a 'Destination'.\n\nYou may also want to customize the 'Send options'.
3481 The Quick-Note PC Fax requires a 'Destination' and a 'Cover note'.\n\nYou may also want to customize the 'Send options'.
3482 The Quick-Note PC Fax requires a 'Destination' and either 'Cover note' or 'Send pages in the document feeder' selected.\n\nYou may also want to customize the 'Send options'.
3485 [Reschedule/Resend of fax '%1']
3486 [Forward of fax '%1']
3487 The date or the time settings are not reasonable.
3488 The send date is greater that 2 weeks from now. Is this correct?
3489 Please enter a group name between 1 and %u characters.
3490 If you would like to change information such as the SENDERS first name, last name, company, etc, you must go to the User Information tab. To access this tab, click Options, then Desktop from the menu. Then click on the tab labeled User Information.\n\nShow this message again?
3491 JetSuite PC Fax Address Book
3492 Voice Number
3493 JetSuite PC Fax Billing Codes
3600 The year must be between %u and %u
3601 The month must be between %u and %u
3602 The day must be between %u and %u
3603 The hour must be between %u and %u
3604 The minute must be between %u and %u
3605 The AM/PM symbol must be '%s' or '%s'
3606 The international time format settings are incorrect.\n\nFrom the International applet of the Control Panel, please enter the symbols to use to denote 'before noon' and 'after noon' (like AM or PM)
3610 Failed to confirm the PIN, please enter again.
3611 Code
3612 Description
3615 You must enter a billing code.
3616 Invalid character in billing code.\nThe billing codes must contain only digits ('0' - '9').
3617 The billing code must be between 1 and 999.
3618 The billing code must be unique.
3619 Unable to initialize the '%1' modem.\nFrom the Modem applet of the Control Panel, make sure this modem is listed in the Modem Properties dialog.
3620 Invalid fax number. Be sure to include the full number, including area code.\n\nDo not include country code or 'outside line' prefixes such as 8 or 9.
16000 Version Information
16160 %1 was not found.\n\nReinstall the application or restore from a backup.
16168 %1 group %2 is missing!\n\nReinstall the application or restore from a backup.
16169 The application may not run correctly. The selected components have invalid versions!\n\nPlease reinstall the application or restore from a backup.
17000 eFax Email Wizard
17100 America Online (3, 4 or 5) http://www.aol.com/webutilities
17101 Lotus ccMail (6.0) http://www.ccmail.com
17102 Lotus ccMail (8.0 or later) http://www.ccmail.com
17103 Lotus Notes (4.6) http://www.lotus.com
17104 Microsoft Mail (3.0 or later) http://www.microsoft.com
17105 Microsoft Exchange/Windows Messaging http://www.microsoft.com/Windows95
17106 Microsoft Outlook http://www.microsoft.com/Outlook
17107 Microsoft Outlook Express http://www.microsoft.com/ie/ie40/oe
17108 Netscape Communicator (4.0 or later) http://www.netscape.com/download
17109 Novell Groupwise (5.5 or later) http://www.novell.com/groupwise
17110 Pegasus Mail (3.0 or later) http://www.pmail.com
17111 Qualcom Eudora Light/Pro (3.0 or later) http://www.eudora.com
17119 VIM (Vendor Independent Messaging) http://www.efax.com/help
17120 Name
17121 MAPI (16-bit) VIM (16-bit) AOL (16-bit) Other (16-bit)
17122 MAPI VIM AOL Other
17123 Not detected Not installed\nUpgrade\nSetup\nInstalled
17124 The eFax Email Wizard did NOT detect your email software. Please (re)install your email software or ask your system administrator to help you and try again.
17125 The eFax Email Wizard detected a problem with your current email software configuration. The software may have been deleted or corrupted. Please reinstall your email software and try again.
17126 The eFax Email Wizard has detected an old or unsupported version of your email software. Please contact your software vendor to obtain or download an upgrade before continuing.
17127 The eFax Email Wizard has detected your email software is installed but may need additional configuration. If an error occurs while sending a message, consult your email manual or on-line help to find out how to install Simple MAPI support.
17128 The eFax Email Wizard has detected your email software is installed and properly configured.
17129 Executable Files (*.exe)|*.exe|
17130 Browse for email software
17131 You have selected '%s' as your email software.
17132 eFax Messenger Plus does not yet provide an automated link to '%s', so your files will be saved to disk. You can then open '%s' and attach them manually, as you would any other email attachments.
17133 sendtest@efaxsend.com
17227 Your email setup was successful!
23000 eFax Messenger Plus - Scan
23010 About eFax Messenger Plus - Scan...
23011 Cannot open eFax Messenger Plus
23012 Error loading bitmap buttons
23014 Scan to Email uses the default color mode at 300 dpi
23016 Scan to Fax sets the scan to black and white at 300 dpi
23017 Scan to File uses the default color mode at 300 dpi
23018 A native transfer sends all image data at once
23019 Scan
23020 Settings
23026 Advanced settings should be used only to solve problems
23028 Scan to Email
23030 Scan to Fax
23032 Scan to File
23034 Select Scanner
23035 Scan to File sets the scan to black and white at 300 dpi
23036 An error occurred, the scan job was not successful
24000 eFax Messenger Plus - Twain Service DLL
24001 Unknown scanner class icon %u
24002 Cannot activate unknown scanner %s of type %d.
24003 Unknown scanner class: %s
24005 Source is connected to maximum number of supported applications.
24007 Unable to find %s. Make sure it is in the PATH.
24008 Call failed: RC = %u
24009 Failed call's CHECKSTATUS failed.
24010 Capability not supported by the TWAIN Data Source.
24011 Unknown destination in DSM_Entry.
24012 Unrecognized operation triplet.
24013 Data parameter out of supported range.
24014 General failure. The TWAIN Data Source needs to be unloaded.
24015 Not enough memory to complete operation.
24016 Source Manager is unable to find the supported Source.
24017 Source or Source Manager reported an error to the user and handled the error; keep on truckin'
24018 Illegal operation for current Source Manager or Source state.
24019 Operation succeeded. (Should never be reported)
24020 Unknown TWCC code %u
24021 Type value #%ld: %u
24022 Invalid enumeration item type %u.
24023 Invalid array item type %u.
24029 Unable to load TWAIN bitmap.
24030 Attempting to access NULL TWAIN icon.
24031 No scanner selected. Do you wish to cancel the scan?
24032 Scanner Error
24033 3-Bit scanning is currently not supported. Please choose another option.
24034 Horizontal and vertical scan resolutions are unequal. This document cannot be read. Continue scan?
24035 Please place document in scanner and make sure the scanner is ready.
24036 Scanner
24037 N/A
24038 Warning
24039 OK
24040 Scanner Control Setting
24041 Custom
24042 eFax Messenger Plus - Scan
24043 eFax.com
24101 Cannot set %s to the scanner. The system is selecting the top one in the color list.
24102 Cannot set the default brightness value %d. The system is selecting the power-on value.
24103 Cannot set the default contrast value %d. The system is selecting the power-on value.
24104 Cannot set the default resolution value %d. The system is selecting the power-on value.
24105 Warning: Cannot disable the scanner driver's user interface.
24201 Could not open the TWAIN Data Source Manager. The system may need to be rebooted.
24202 Could not open the TWAIN Data Source, %1. Please check that the scanner is properly connected and that its TWAIN driver is installed.
24203 Could not negotiate scanner capabilities
24205 Could not set resolution
24206 Could not set progress indicator
24207 Could not set brightness
24208 Could not set auto brightness
24209 Could not set contrast
24210 Could not set pixel type
24211 Could not close the TWAIN Data Source Manager. The system may need to be rebooted.
24212 Could not open the TWAIN Data Source Manager because a Data Source is already open. The system may need to be rebooted.
24213 Could not open the TWAIN Data Source because a Data Source is already open. The system may need to be rebooted.
24214 Could not close the TWAIN Data Source because it is not currently open.
24215 Source is currently enabled.
24216 The TWAIN Data Source has been enabled.
24217 Please remove any pages from the document feeder. Otherwise, it may launch the scanning process.
24218 Could not disable the TWAIN Data Source. The system may need to be rebooted.
24219 Could not get image information
24220 Could not create the pixmpage
24221 Could not handle weird depth
24222 Unsupported PixelType
24223 Unable to allocate TWAIN transfer buffer.
24224 Invalid listbox for TWAIN sources.
24225 Invalid resolution value %s. The system is setting the previous value %d.
24226 Invalid contrast value %s. The system is setting the previous value %d.
24227 Invalid brightness value %s. The system is setting the previous value.
24228 Please specify a valid name for this scan profile.
24229 A scanner control setting dialog box is currently open. Please close it before you scan or set the scanner controls again.
24230 You did not specify a valid profile setting name. The system will use 'Custom' as the name.
24231 The value %s is not valid.
24232 The scanned image has been cropped by the TWAIN Data Source. There may not be enough free memory to process the image at the selected size and resolution.
24233 Could not set the paper size.
24234 Could not set color mode
24301 Logitech PowerPage,41
24302 Logitech,40
24303 Logitech PageScan Color 1.2,40
24304 SheetFed Scanner,1
24305 SheetFed Scanner,1
24306 EZOPTION,1
24307 Genius FastReader,1
24308 Lumina,40
24309 Lumina 2000 Twain V2.32 1.0,40
24310 DeskScan II,18
24311 EasyPhoto SmartPage 1.0,40
24312 IMD9000 Scanner 2.12 1.51,40
24313 IMD9000 Scanner 2.22 1.51,40
24314 Esselte Paperlite 1.0,80
24315 HP PictureScan 3.0 2.0,4
24316 Microtek PageWiz 1.0,100
24317 Logitech PageScan Color Pro 2.0,40
24318 LeoScan 1.0,40
24319 Scan-O-Rama 1.24.1B2 for Win95 1.0,200
24320 Scan-O-Rama 1.24.1B0 1.5,200
24321 Sheetfed Scanner (16) 3.10,40
24322 Sheetfed Scanner (32) 3.10,40
24323 HP LaserJet Companion 5.1,240
24324 HP ScanJet 5s 1.0,40
24325 EPSON Scanners,2
24326 HP LaserJet 3100 2.0,40
24327 JetFax M900 Series 2.0,40
24351 S0,OCR/Text
24352 S1,OCR/Text
24353 S2,Color Picture
24354 S3,Grayscale Picture
24355 S4,Fax
24401 Color,1
24402 Resolution,300
24403 Brightness,0
24404 AutoBright,0
24405 PaperSize,3
24406 Contrast,0
24451 Color,16
24452 Resolution,100
24453 Brightness,0
24454 AutoBright,0
24455 Contrast,0
24456 PaperSize,3
24481 Color,4
24482 Resolution,100
24483 Brightness,0
24484 AutoBright,0
24485 Contrast,0
24486 PaperSize,3
24501 Color,1
24502 Resolution,200
24503 Brightness,0
24504 AutoBright,0
24505 Contrast,0
24506 PaperSize,3
24601 Black & White (Line Art)
24602 16 Grays (4-bit)
24603 256 Grays (8-bit)
24604 16 Colors (4-bit)
24605 256 Colors (8-bit)
24606 True Color (24-bit)
24700 (scanner default)
24701 A4
24702 B5
24703 Letter (U.S.)
24704 Legal (U.S.)
24705 A5
24706 B4
24707 B6
24708 B
24709 3x5 Index Card
24710 4x6 Index Card/Photo
24711 5x8 Index Card
24712 3.5x5 Photo
24713 5x7 Photo
24714 Error initializing the printer to start document creation
24715 Error writing the image information to the printer
24716 Error closing the printer to end document creation
24801 Image is too large to transfer. Please decrease the resolution, select non-color or do a non-native transfer.
24802 The size of the scanned image exceeds the recommended maximum for a Native transfer.
24803 The transfer may stress system resources or not be successful if there is insufficient memory to perform the operation.
24804 Do you want to continue the transfer?
25000 eFax Messenger Plus - Fax Wizard
26000 eFax Shortcuts
26010 If you would like to configure 'eFax Messenger Plus',\nselect the red swirl icon on your taskbar.
26111 Failed to '%1'.\n\nYou may need to reinstall your eFax.com software.
27010 Live Menu
27021 Send
27022 Send
27101 Save document to disk
27102 Send document to Email service
27103 Send document to eFax service
27104 Check out eFax Messenger Plus from eFax.com!
27106 Configure the Live Menu
27109 Send document to the device
27160 Live Menu cannot send at this time.\n\nEither a document is not open or '%1' does not support sending from Live Menu.\n\nIf a document is open, please select File => Print and select '%2'\nfrom the list of printer names and click OK.
27161 Live Menu will be enabled on the next system reboot.\n\nSelect OK to reboot now.
61440 Open
61441 Save As
61442 All Files (*.*)
61443 Untitled
61457 &Hide
61472 No error message is available.
61473 An unsupported operation was attempted.
61474 A required resource was unavailable.
61475 Out of memory:\nThere is not enough memory or disk space to complete the operation.
61476 An unknown error has occurred.
61696 Invalid filename.
61697 Failed to open document.
61698 Failed to save document.
61699 Save changes to '%1'?
61700 Failed to create empty document.
61701 The file is too large to open.
61702 Could not start print job.
61703 Failed to launch help.
61704 Internal application error.
61705 Command failed.
61706 There is not enough memory or disk space to complete the operation.
61712 Please enter an integer.
61713 Please enter a number.
61714 Please enter an integer between %1 and %2.
61715 Please enter a number between %1 and %2.
61716 Please enter no more than %1 characters.
61717 Please select a button.
61718 Please enter an integer between 0 and 255.
61719 Please enter a positive integer.
61720 Please enter a date and/or time.
61721 Please enter a currency.
61728 Unexpected file format.
61729 %1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given.
61730 Destination disk drive is full.
61731 Unable to read from '%1', it is opened by someone else.
61732 Unable to write to '%1'.\n\nMake sure the disk is not full or write-protected\nand that the file is not currently in use.
61733 An unexpected error occurred while reading '%1'.
61734 An unexpected error occurred while writing '%1'.\n\nMake sure the disk is not full or write-protected\nand that the file is not currently in use.
61836 Unable to read write-only property.
61837 Unable to write read-only property.
61840 Unable to load mail system support.
61841 Mail system DLL is invalid.
61842 Send Mail failed to send message.
61856 No error occurred.
61857 An unknown error occurred while accessing '%1'.
61858 '%1' was not found.
61859 '%1' contains an invalid path.
61860 '%1' could not be opened because there are too many open files.
61861 Access to '%1' was denied.
61862 An invalid file handle was associated with '%1'.
61863 '%1' could not be removed because it is the current directory.
61864 '%1' could not be created because the directory is full.
61865 Seek failed on '%1'
61866 A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing '%1'.
61867 A sharing violation occurred while accessing '%1'.
61868 A locking violation occurred while accessing '%1'.
61869 Disk full while accessing '%1'.
61870 An attempt was made to access '%1' past its end.
61872 No error occurred.
61873 An unknown error occurred while accessing '%1'.
61874 An attempt was made to write to the reading '%1'.
61875 An attempt was made to access '%1' past its end.
61876 An attempt was made to read from the writing '%1'.