home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 2000-06-20 | 72.6 KB | 2,471 lines |
- object WebModule1: TWebModule1
- OldCreateOrder = False
- OnCreate = WebModule1Create
- OnDestroy = WebModule1Destroy
- Actions = <
- item
- Name = 'admin'
- PathInfo = '/admin'
- OnAction = WebModule1adminAction
- end
- item
- Name = 'adminteam'
- PathInfo = '/adminteam'
- end
- item
- Name = 'applyedit'
- PathInfo = '/applyedit'
- OnAction = WebModule1applyeditAction
- end
- item
- Name = 'applyfind'
- PathInfo = '/applyfind'
- OnAction = WebModule1applyfindAction
- end
- item
- Name = 'attach'
- PathInfo = '/attach'
- OnAction = WebModule1attachAction
- end
- item
- Name = 'attachapply'
- PathInfo = '/attachapply'
- OnAction = WebModule1uploadAction
- end
- item
- Default = True
- Name = 'attachment'
- PathInfo = '/attachment'
- OnAction = WebModule1attachmentAction
- end
- item
- Name = 'close'
- PathInfo = '/close'
- OnAction = WebModule1closeAction
- end
- item
- Name = 'calendar'
- PathInfo = '/calendar'
- OnAction = WebModule1calendarAction
- end
- item
- Name = 'columns'
- PathInfo = '/columns'
- OnAction = WebModule1columnsAction
- end
- item
- Name = 'default'
- OnAction = WebModule1rootAction
- end
- item
- Name = 'editrequest'
- PathInfo = '/editrequest'
- OnAction = WebModule1editrequestAction
- end
- item
- Name = 'filter'
- PathInfo = '/filter'
- OnAction = WebModule1filterAction
- end
- item
- Name = 'filterapply'
- PathInfo = '/filterapply'
- OnAction = WebModule1filterapplyAction
- end
- item
- Name = 'findlist'
- PathInfo = '/findlist'
- OnAction = WebModule1findlistAction
- end
- item
- Name = 'find'
- PathInfo = '/find'
- OnAction = WebModule1findAction
- end
- item
- Name = 'flag'
- PathInfo = '/flag'
- OnAction = WebModule1flagAction
- end
- item
- Name = 'flagapply'
- PathInfo = '/flagapply'
- OnAction = WebModule1flagapplyAction
- end
- item
- Name = 'getcombovalues'
- PathInfo = '/getcombovalues'
- OnAction = WebModule1getcombovaluesAction
- end
- item
- Name = 'groupchange'
- PathInfo = '/groupchange'
- OnAction = WebModule1groupchangeAction
- end
- item
- Name = 'help'
- PathInfo = '/help'
- OnAction = WebModule1helpAction
- end
- item
- Name = 'history'
- PathInfo = '/history'
- OnAction = WebModule1historyAction
- end
- item
- Name = 'historyframe'
- PathInfo = '/historyframe'
- OnAction = WebModule1historyframeAction
- end
- item
- Name = 'Login'
- PathInfo = '/login'
- OnAction = WebModule1LoginAction
- end
- item
- Name = 'LoginTop'
- PathInfo = '/logintop'
- OnAction = WebModule1LoginTopAction
- end
- item
- Name = 'logout'
- PathInfo = '/logout'
- OnAction = WebModule1logoutAction
- end
- item
- Name = 'mainheader'
- PathInfo = '/mainheader'
- OnAction = WebModule1captionAction
- end
- item
- Name = 'options'
- PathInfo = '/options'
- OnAction = WebModule1optionsAction
- end
- item
- Name = 'quicksort'
- PathInfo = '/quicksort'
- OnAction = WebModule1quicksortAction
- end
- item
- Name = 'optionsapply'
- PathInfo = '/optionsapply'
- OnAction = WebModule1optionsapplyAction
- end
- item
- Name = 'root'
- PathInfo = '/'
- OnAction = WebModule1rootAction
- end
- item
- Name = 'sort'
- PathInfo = '/sort'
- OnAction = WebModule1sortAction
- end
- item
- Name = 'tabchange'
- PathInfo = '/tabchange'
- OnAction = WebModule1tabchangeAction
- end
- item
- Name = 'tabchangeapply'
- PathInfo = '/tabchangeapply'
- OnAction = WebModule1tabchangeapplyAction
- end
- item
- MethodType = mtPost
- Name = 'tablist'
- PathInfo = '/tablist'
- OnAction = WebModule1mainAction
- end
- item
- Name = 'tabs'
- PathInfo = '/tabs'
- OnAction = WebModule1tabsAction
- end
- item
- Name = 'tasklist'
- PathInfo = '/tasklist'
- OnAction = WebModule1tasklistAction
- end
- item
- Name = 'workbody'
- PathInfo = '/workbody'
- OnAction = WebModule1workbodyAction
- end
- item
- Name = 'workheader'
- PathInfo = '/workheader'
- OnAction = WebModule1workheaderAction
- end
- item
- Name = 'workreq'
- PathInfo = '/workreq'
- OnAction = WebModule1workreqAction
- end>
- BeforeDispatch = WebModule1BeforeDispatch
- AfterDispatch = WebModule1AfterDispatch
- Left = 375
- Top = 115
- Height = 457
- Width = 722
- object MainFrame: TPageProducer
- HTMLDoc.Strings = (
- '<HTML>'
- '<head>'
- '<title>Alexsys Team-Web</title>'
- '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; iso-8859-1">'
- '<meta name="author" content="� Copyright 1999 Alexsys Corporatio' +
- 'n. All Rights Reserved.">'
- '</head>'
- '<frameset framespacing="0" border="false" frameborder="0" rows="' +
- '46,*">'
- ' <frame name="AlexTeamHeader" scrolling="no" noresize target="A' +
- 'lexTeamMain" src="logintop">'
- #9'<FRAMESET COLS="135,*" frameborder="0" border="0" framespacing=' +
- '"0" noresize scrolling="NO">'
- ' '#9#9'<FRAME SRC="tabs?CTX=<#CONTEXT>&TABNO=<#TABNO>" NAME="AlexTe' +
- 'amTabs" frameborder="0" border="0" framespacing="0" noresize scr' +
- 'olling="auto" target="AlexTeamMain">'
- #9#9'<FRAME SRC="tasklist?CTX=<#CONTEXT>&TABNO=<#TABNO>&VLD=pass" N' +
- 'AME="AlexTeamInfo" frameborder="0" border="0" framespacing="0" n' +
- 'oresize scrolling="auto" target="_self">'
- #9'</FRAMESET>'
- '</HTML>'
- ' '
- ' '
- ' '
- ' ')
- OnHTMLTag = MainFrameHTMLTag
- Left = 178
- Top = 70
- end
- object LoginPage: TPageProducer
- HTMLDoc.Strings = (
- '<html>'
- ''
- '<head>'
- '<title>Login Page</title>'
- '<meta name="Microsoft Border" content="none">'
- '</head>'
- ''
- '<body background="../images/bluegrad_background.jpg" bgcolor="#F' +
- 'FFFFF" text="#000000">'
- '<script language="JavaScript">'
- '<!-- Begin JavaScript'
- ' browser = (((navigator.appName == "Netscape") && (parseInt(n' +
- 'avigator.appVersion) >= 3 )) || ((navigator.appName == "Microsof' +
- 't Internet Explorer") && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4 ))' +
- ')'
- ''
- ' if ( browser) {'
- ''
- ' blurb = new MakeArray(3)'
- ''
- #9'blurb[1] = "Enter User ID"'
- ''
- #9'blurb[2] = "Enter Password"'
- ''
- #9'blurb[3] = ""'
- ''
- ' }'
- ''
- 'function dologin() {'
- ''
- ' frames["AlexTeamHeader"].location = "caption";'
- ''
- ' }'
- ''
- ''
- 'function MakeArray(n) {'
- ''
- ' this.length = n'
- ' for (var i = 1; i<=n; i++) {'
- ' this[i] = new Image()'
- ' }'
- ''
- 'return this'
- ''
- '}'
- ''
- ''
- 'function msover(num) {'
- ''
- ' if ( browser) {'#9
- #9'window.status = blurb[num]'
- ' }'
- '}'
- ''
- ''
- 'function msout(num) {'
- ''
- ' if ( browser) {'
- #9'window.status = blurb[3]'
- ''
- ' }'#9' '
- '}'
- ''
- 'function checkform(form) {'
- ''
- ' if ( form.UID.value.length <1 ) {'
- ''
- ' alert("User ID must be entered.",4);'
- ''
- ' return false'
- ' }'
- ''
- ' return true'
- ''
- '}'
- ''
- 'function DoLogin() {'
- ' c = document.AlexWebJavaLib.getshortformat();'
- ' document.loginForm.DFM.value = c;'
- '}'
- ''
- ''
- '// End of Script -->'
- '</script>'
- ''
- ''
- '<p> </p>'
- ''
- '<p> </p>'
- ''
- '<form name=loginForm action="tablist" method="POST" align="cente' +
- 'r" onsubmit="return checkform(this)" target=_top>'
- ' <div align="center"><center><table border="0" cellpadding="3" ' +
- 'cellspacing="0" width="410">'
- ' <tr>'
- ' <td align="right" rowspan="2" width="75"><img src="../imag' +
- 'es/teampeopleonwhite.gif"'
- ' alt="Team-Web 98" WIDTH="72" HEIGHT="78"><font face="arial' +
- ',helvetica,geneva"> </font></td>'
- ' <td align="right" valign="bottom" width="110"><font size="' +
- '3" face="arial,helvetica,geneva"><strong>User'
- ' ID</strong></font></td>'
- ' <td valign="bottom" width="150"><font size="3" face="arial' +
- ',helvetica,geneva"><input'
- ' type="text" size="15" name="UID" onmouseout="msout(1)"'
- ' onmouseover="msover(1); return true"></font></td>'
- ' <td valign="bottom" width="75"><font size="2" face="arial,' +
- 'helvetica,geneva"><input'
- ' type="submit" value=" Login " onClick="DoLogin()" ></f' +
- 'ont></td>'
- ' </tr>'
- ' <tr>'
- ' <td align="right" valign="top" width="110"><font size="3" ' +
- 'face="arial,helvetica,geneva"><strong>Password</strong></font></' +
- 'td>'
- ' <td valign="top" width="150"><font size="3" face="arial,he' +
- 'lvetica,geneva"><input'
- ' type="password" size="15" name="PWD" onmouseout="msout(2)"'
- ' onmouseover="msover(2); return true"></font></td>'
- ' <td valign="top" width="75"><font size="2" face="arial,hel' +
- 'vetica,geneva"><input'
- ' type="reset" name="Clear" value=" Clear "></font></td>'
- ' </tr>'
- ' </table>'
- ' </center></div>'
- '<input name="DFM" type="hidden" value="">'
- '</form>'
- ''
- '<p align="center"> </p>'
- ''
- '<p align="center"> </p>'
- ''
- '<p align="center"><font size="1" face="arial,helvetica"><em>� Co' +
- 'pyright 1999-2000 '
- 'Alexsys Corporation. All Rights Reserved.</em></font></p>'
- ''
- #9'<applet'
- #9#9'code=AlexWebJavaLib.class'
- #9#9'name=AlexWebJavaLib'
- ' codebase="../java"'
- #9#9'width=0'
- #9#9'height=0 >'
- #9'</applet>'
- ''
- '</body>'
- '</html> '
- ' '
- ' ')
- OnHTMLTag = HeaderPageHTMLTag
- Left = 96
- Top = 68
- end
- object TabsContent: TPageProducer
- HTMLDoc.Strings = (
- '<HTML><HEAD>'
- '<title>Alexsys Team 98 Web - Tabs</title>'
- '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; iso-8859-1">'
- '<meta name="author" content="� Copyright 1999 Alexsys Corporatio' +
- 'n. All Rights Reserved.">'
- '<LINK REL=STYLESHEET TYPE="text/css" HREF="../AlexSys.css">'
- ''
- '<SCRIPT language="javascript">'
- ''
- 'selimg = new Image();'
- 'selimg.src = "../images/pointer.gif";'
- ''
- 'notselimg = new Image();'
- 'notselimg.src = "../images/pointernot.gif";'
- ''
- 'function gothere(tabno) {'
- #9'for (var i = 1; i <= <#NUMTABS> ; i++) {'
- #9#9'document.images[i-1].src = notselimg.src;'
- #9'}'
- #9'document.images[tabno].src = selimg.src;'
- '}'
- ''
- 'function UpdateHeader() {'
- ' top.AlexTeamHeader.location.href='#39'mainheader?CTX=<#CONTEXT>'#39';'
- '}'
- ''
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- ''
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- ' onLoad="UpdateHeader(); return true;">'
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- 'DER=0>'
- ' <tr><td height=6></td><tr>'
- ' <#TABSHERE>'
- ' </table>'
- '</div>'
- ''
- '<SCRIPT language="javascript">'
- 'gothere(<#TABNO>);'
- '</SCRIPT>'
- ''
- '</BODY></HTML> ')
- OnHTMLTag = TabsContentHTMLTag
- Left = 256
- Top = 10
- end
- object GridContent: TPageProducer
- HTMLDoc.Strings = (
- '<html>'
- ''
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- '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; iso-8859-1">'
- '<meta name="author" content="� Copyright 1999 Alexsys Corporatio' +
- 'n. All Rights Reserved.">'
- '<LINK REL=STYLESHEET TYPE="text/css" HREF="../AlexSys.css">'
- ''
- '<STYLE>'
- '</STYLE>'
- ''
- '<script language="JavaScript">'
- ''
- 'var myrefresh = '#39'tasklist?CTX=<#CONTEXT>&TABNO=<#TABNO>&VLD=-1'#39';'
- ''
- ''
- '<#NEWFUNC>'
- ''
- '</script>'
- ''
- '</head>'
- ''
- '<body'
- ' topmargin=0 leftmargin=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 '
- ' BGCOLOR='#39'#FFFFFF'#39'>'
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- ''
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- 'p align="center" ><strong> <#TABNAME></strong></th> -->'
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- ' <font color="#000000" size="2" face="Arial"><strong> <#T' +
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- ' <#ROWS>'
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- ''
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- ' <#SEQUENCE>'
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- ''
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- ''
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- OnHTMLTag = GridContentHTMLTag
- Left = 266
- Top = 72
- end
- object NotImplemented: TPageProducer
- HTMLDoc.Strings = (
- '<HTML>'
- '<HEAD>'
- '<TITLE>Under construction</TITLE>'
- '</HEAD'
- '><BODY>'
- '<CENTER>'
- '<IMG SRC="../fcat.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="Busy at work!"><P>'
- '<FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="+8" COLOR="Blue">We are working on this' +
- '!</FONT><HR>'
- '<FONT FACE="Arial" COLOR="Blue"><#COMMENT></FONT>'
- '</CENTER>'
- '</BODY>'
- '</HTML>')
- OnHTMLTag = NotImplementedHTMLTag
- Left = 598
- Top = 490
- end
- object WorkRequestReport: TPageProducer
- HTMLDoc.Strings = (
- '<HTML><HEAD>'
- '<script language=JavaScript>'
- '<!-- Begin JavaScript'
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- 'function newwork(ctx,wrq,nt) {'
- ' top.location = '#39'applyedit?CTX='#39'+ctx+'#39'&WRQ='#39'+wrq+'#39'&NOTETYPE='#39 +
- '+nt+'#39'&NEWWRQ='#39'+wrq+'#39'&FROM=VIEW'#39';'
- ' // window.open('#39'applyedit?CTX='#39'+ctx+'#39'&WRQ='#39'+wrq+'#39'&NOTETYPE='#39 +
- '+nt+'#39'&NEWWRQ='#39'+wrq,'#39'_top'#39','#39#39');'
- '}'
- 'function openhistory() {'
- ' historychild = window.open('#39'historyframe?CTX=<#CONTEXT>&WRQ=<#' +
- 'REQUEST>'#39','#39'AlexTeamHistory'#39','
- ' '#39'status,scrollbars,resizable,width=<#HISTWIDTH>,height=<#HISTH' +
- 'EIGHT>'#39');'
- '}'
- '// End of Script -->'
- '</script>'
- '</HEAD>'
- '<!-- Button Bar -->'
- '<#TOOLBAR>'
- '</HTML>'
- ''
- ' ')
- OnHTMLTag = WorkRequestReportHTMLTag
- Left = 190
- Top = 216
- end
- object ErrorPage: TPageProducer
- HTMLDoc.Strings = (
- '<html>'
- ''
- '<head>'
- '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"'
- 'content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">'
- '<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage Express 2.0"' +
- '>'
- '<title>Alexsys Team-Web Error</title>'
- ''
- '<script language="JavaScript">'
- ''
- '<!-- Begin JavaScript'
- ''
- 'function checkclose(closeit) {'
- ' if (top.document.title == '#39'Alexsys Team-Web'#39') {'
- ' return true;'
- ' }'
- ' else'
- ' {'
- ' if (closeit == 1) {'
- ' top.close()'
- ' }'
- ' else {'
- ' window.history.go(-1);'
- ' return false;'
- ' }'
- ' }'
- '}'
- ''
- '// End of Script -->'
- '</script>'
- '<LINK REL=STYLESHEET TYPE="text/css" HREF="../AlexSys1.css">'
- '</head>'
- ''
- '<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">'
- ''
- '<table border="0" cellpadding="8" cellspacing="0">'
- ' <tr>'
- ' <td><table border="0" cellpadding="8" cellspacing="0">'
- ' <tr>'
- ' <td><img src="<#EXTRADOTS>../images/error.gif"'
- ' width="32" height="32"></td>'
- ' <td class=bigtitle><#TITLE></td>'
- ' </tr>'
- ' <tr>'
- ' <td> </td>'
- ' <td class=bigtext><#TEXT1></td>'
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- ' <tr>'
- ' <td> </td>'
- ' <td>'
- ' <form Action="<#BTN1ACT>" method="POST" onSubmit' +
- '="return checkclose(<#CLOSE>)">'
- ' <p><input type="submit" name="BTN1"'
- ' value="<#BTN1>" </p>'
- ' </form>'
- ' </td>'
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- ' <tr>'
- ' <td> </td>'
- ' <td class=bigtext align=right><#TEXT2></td>'
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- ' </td>'
- ' </tr>'
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- '</body>'
- '</html> '
- ' ')
- OnHTMLTag = errorPageTag
- Left = 504
- Top = 18
- end
- object LoginMain: TPageProducer
- HTMLDoc.Strings = (
- '<html>'
- ''
- '<head>'
- '<title>Alexsys Team-Web</title>'
- ''
- '<SCRIPT language="javascript">'
- 'if (self != top) {'
- 'top.location.href = self.location.href'
- '}'
- ''
- '</SCRIPT> '
- '</head>'
- ''
- '<frameset framespacing="0" border="false" frameborder="0" rows="' +
- '46,*">'
- ' <frame name="AlexTeamHeader" scrolling="no" noresize target="A' +
- 'lexTeamMain" src="logintop">'
- ' <frame name="AlexTeamMain" src="login" scrolling="auto">'
- ' <noframes>'
- ' <body>'
- ' <p>This page uses frames, but your browser doesn'#39't support the' +
- 'm.</p>'
- ' </body>'
- ' </noframes>'
- '</frameset>'
- '</html>'
- ' '
- ' '
- ' '
- ' '
- ' '
- ' ')
- OnHTMLTag = HeaderPageHTMLTag
- Left = 22
- Top = 10
- end
- object HeaderPage: TPageProducer
- HTMLDoc.Strings = (
- '<html>'
- ''
- '<head>'
- '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"'
- 'content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">'
- '<meta name="Microsoft Border" content="none">'
- '<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage Express 2.0"' +
- '>'
- '<title><#TITLE></title>'
- '<style>'
- '<!--'
- ''
- 'uc { font: verdana, arial, sans-serif; 10; bold }'
- ''
- '-->'
- '</style>'
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- ''
- '<body bgcolor="#336699" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0"'
- 'marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">'
- ''
- '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">'
- ' <tr>'
- ' <td width="8%"><a href="http://www.alexcorp.com"'
- ' target="_blank"><img src="../images/team-web-people.gif"'
- ' alt="Go To Alexsys Corporation" border="0" width="36"'
- ' height="35"></a></td>'
- ' <td width="29%"><#PANEL2></td>'
- ' <td align="center" width="30%"><font color="#FFFFFF"'
- ' size="2" face="verdana,arial,helvetica"><strong><#COMPAN' +
- 'Y></strong></font></td>'
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- ' size="1" face="verdana,arial,helvetica"><strong><#PRODTY' +
- 'PE><br>'
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- ' face="verdana,arial,helvetica"><strong><#VERSION></stron' +
- 'g></font></td>'
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- '</body>'
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- OnHTMLTag = HeaderPageHTMLTag
- Left = 104
- Top = 12
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- object editpage: TPageProducer
- HTMLDoc.Strings = (
- '<HTML><HEAD>'
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- ''
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- ''
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- 'var fmt;'
- 'var monthoffset;'
- ''
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- ' if (isNaN(new'
- 'Date(document.AlexWebJavaLib.getDateFmtasMDY(curdate,fmt)))) {'
- ' monthoffset = 0;'
- ' }'
- ' else'
- ' {'
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- 'Date(document.AlexWebJavaLib.getDateFmtasMDY(curdate,fmt));'
- ' dn = new Date();'
- ' monthoffset ='
- 'd.getMonth()+d.getFullYear()*12-(dn.getMonth()+dn.getFullYear()*' +
- '12);'
- ' }'
- '}'
- ''
- ''
- ' browser = (((navigator.appName == "Netscape") && (parseInt(n' +
- 'avigator.appVersion) >= 3 )) || ((navigator.appName == "Microsof' +
- 't Internet Explorer") && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4 ))' +
- ')'
- ' makechange = false;'
- ''
- ''
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- ' document.inputForm.NOTETYPE.value = '#39#39';'
- ' document.inputForm.NEWWRQ.value = ID;'
- ' setmakechange("SAVE");'
- '}'
- ''
- 'function openhistory() {'
- ' historychild = window.open('#39'historyframe?CTX=<#CONTEXT>&WRQ=<#' +
- 'REQUEST>'#39','#39'AlexTeamHistory'#39','
- ' '#39'status,scrollbars,resizable,width=<#HISTWIDTH>,height=<#HISTH' +
- 'EIGHT>'#39');'
- '}'
- ''
- 'function deleteattach(ctx,wrq,nt) {'
- ' r = confirm("Do you want to delete the attachment?");'
- ' if (r) {'
- ' newwork(ctx,wrq,nt);'
- ' }'
- '}'
- ''
- 'function newwork(ctx,wrq,nt) {'
- ' document.inputForm.NOTETYPE.value = nt;'
- ' document.inputForm.NEWWRQ.value = wrq;'
- ' setmakechange('#39'NEW'#39');'
- '}'
- ''
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- ' }'
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- ' {'
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- '// ******** fill in with text input areas *******'
- '<#WIDTHSIE>// ********'
- ' }'
- '}'
- ''
- 'function resizing(evnt) {'
- ' // alert('#39'resize!'#39');'
- '}'
- ''
- 'window.onresize=resizing;'
- ''
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- ' s = strin;'
- ' for (i=0; i<s.length; i++) {'
- ' if (s[i] != '#39' '#39') {'
- ' return false;'
- ' }'
- ' }'
- ' return true;'
- '}'
- ''
- 'function addDate(selectlist,selectval) {'
- ' if (selectval.value == "") return;'
- ' for (i=0; i<selectlist.options.length; i++) {'
- ' if (selectlist.options[i].text == selectval.value) {'
- ' selectlist.selectedIndex = i;'
- ' return;'
- ' }'
- ' }'
- ' var oOption = new Option(selectval.value,selectval.value);'
- ' selectlist.options[selectlist.options.length] = oOption;'
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- ' return true;'
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- ' return false;'
- ' }'
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- ''
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- ''
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- '}'
- ''
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- ' r = confirm("You will lose any changes you have made. Do you' +
- ' want to undo ALL changes?");'
- '// ******** #SPINSETDAY *******'
- '// ******'
- ' if (r) {'
- ' document.inputForm.reset();'
- ' }'
- #9'return false;'
- '}'
- ''
- 'function askifview() {'
- ' // alert("formmodified: " + formmodified);'
- ' if (! formmodified) {'
- ' top.window.close();'
- ' return true;'
- ' }'
- ' else {'
- ' r = confirm("You will lose any changes you have made. Do y' +
- 'ou want to close this window?");'
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- ' makechange = false;'
- ' //if (document.inputForm.WRQ.value == '#39'-1'#39')'
- ' top.window.close();'
- ' //document.inputForm.POSTREASON.value='#39'VIEW___'#39';'
- ' //document.inputForm.submit();'
- ' return true;'
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- #9'return r;'
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- '}'
- ''
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- ' if ( makechange ) {'
- '// ******** #REQUIRED *******'
- '// ******'
- ' }'
- ' return true'
- '}'
- ''
- 'var Sdate0 = new Date();'
- 'var milliseconds0 = Date.UTC(Sdate0.getFullYear(),Sdate0.getMont' +
- 'h(),Sdate0.getDate())+'
- ' Sdate0.getTimezoneOffset()*60000;'
- ''
- '// ******** #SPINLOGIC ******* '
- '// ****** Fill in with list of date spinners ******'
- '// ******'
- ''
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- '<#IDNO>'
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- '</FORM><BR>'
- '<#IDNO>'
- '</h3>'
- '<hr>'
- 'Request Fields:<br>'
- '</body>'
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- ' top.opener != null &&'
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- ' ("" + top.opener.location) != "" &&'
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- ' ("" + top.opener.myrefresh) != "")'
- ' {'
- ' // alert("my Opener = " + top.opener.name);'
- ' top.opener.location = top.opener.myrefresh;'
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- ''
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- ' return str.length();'
- ' }'
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- ' {'
- ' return str.length'
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- ''
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- '// *******'
- ' ;'
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- ''
- ''
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- '<!--- ***** --->'
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- 'group onClick="JavaScript:window.history.go(-1);">'
- ' '
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- 'k="openhelp('#39'<#HELPPAGE>'#39')">'
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- ' <td width="11%" valign="top"><#SORT></td>'
- ' <td width="12%" valign="top"><#FILTER></td>'
- ' <td width="13%" valign="top"><#RCOUNT></td>'
- ' <td width="15%" valign="top"><#RANGE></td>'
- ' </tr>'
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- ''
- ' '
- ' '
- ' '
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- Left = 612
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- '<html>'
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- object FindPage: TPageProducer
- HTMLDoc.Strings = (
- '<HTML><HEAD>'
- '<TITLE>Find in records</TITLE>'
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- ' TH { text-align: left; font-family: sans-serif; background-col' +
- 'or: blue; color: white; }'
- ' TD { font-family: sans-serif; }'
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- '</STYLE>'
- '<script language=JavaScript>'
- '<!-- Begin JavaScript'
- ''
- 'window.focus();'
- ''
- ''
- 'function checkempty(form) {'
- ' v = form.FINDEXP.value;'
- ' if (v.length == 0) {'
- ' alert("Find What string is empty",4);'
- ' form.FINDEXP.focus();'
- ' return false;'
- ' }'
- ' return true;'
- '}'
- ''
- '// End of Script -->'
- '</script>'
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- '<LINK REL=STYLESHEET TYPE="text/css" HREF="../AlexSys1.css">'
- '<BODY style="margin: 10" onload="javascript: document.inputForm.' +
- 'FINDEXP.focus()">'
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- 'yfind?CTX=<#CONTEXT>" onSubmit="return checkempty(this);">'
- '<!-- Insert #CONTEXT -->'
- ''
- '<TABLE cellspacing=0 cellpadding=10 bgcolor="#DEDFDF">'
- '<TR><TD>'
- '<TABLE cellspacing=15 bgcolor="#DEDFDF">'
- 'UE="<#FINDEXP>"></TD>'
- '<TD><INPUT NAME="Find" VALUE=" Find " TYPE="SUBMIT"></TD>' +
- '</TR>'
- '<TR><TD>Use Record Set:</TD><TD><SELECT NAME="USELIST">'
- '<!-- Insert #LIST -->'
- '<#LIST>'
- '</SELECT></TD> <td><INPUT NAME="Close" VALUE=" Close " TYPE=' +
- '"BUTTON" onclick="top.close();"></td></TR>'
- '<TR><TD colspan=2>Include Memos in Search:</TD>'
- '<TD><INPUT NAME="HELP" VALUE=" Help " TYPE="BUTTON" onclic' +
- 'k="openhelp('#39'finddlg'#39')"></TD>'
- '</TR>'
- '<!-- Insert #CHECKED -->'
- '<#CHECKED>'
- '</TABLE>'
- ''
- '</TD></TR>'
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- ''
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- '</BODY></HTML> '
- ' ')
- OnHTMLTag = FindPageHTMLTag
- Left = 332
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- object CalendarPage: TPageProducer
- HTMLDoc.Strings = (
- '<html><head>'
- '<LINK REL=STYLESHEET TYPE="text/css" HREF="../AlexSys1.css">'
- '<script language=JavaScript>'
- ''
- '<!-- Begin JavaScript'
- '// Recommended size WIDTH=250,HEIGHT=170'
- ''
- ' curday = 0;'
- ' timenow = new Date();'
- ' timenow = new Date(timenow.getFullYear(),timenow.getMont' +
- 'h()+opener.monthoffset,timenow.getDate());'
- ' timestart = timenow;'
- ' timestart.setDate(1);'
- ' timeend = new Date(timestart.getFullYear(),timestart.get' +
- 'Month()+1,1,0,0,0);'
- ' timeend = new Date(timeend.getTime() - 86400000);'
- ' startday = timestart.getDay();'
- ' endday = timeend.getDate();'
- ' newyear = timenow.getFullYear();'
- ' months = new Array ("January","February","March","April' +
- '","May","June",'
- ' "July","August","September","Octobe' +
- 'r","November","December");'
- ' newmonth = timenow.getMonth();'
- ' month = months[newmonth];'
- ' newmonthtxt = "0"+(newmonth+1);'
- ' newmonthtxt = newmonthtxt.substring(newmonthtxt.length-2);'
- ''
- 'function istoday(row,col,offset,endday) {'
- ' v = (row*7)+col-offset+1;'
- ' dnow = new Date()'
- ' if (v > 0 && v <= endday && opener.monthoffset == 0 && dnow.' +
- 'getDate() == v) {'
- ' return '#39' background="../images/todaybig.gif"'#39';'
- ' }'
- ' else'
- ' {'
- ' return '#39#39';'
- ' }'
- '}'
- ''
- 'function realday(row,col,offset,endday) {'
- ' v = (row*7)+col-offset+1;'
- ' if ( v > 0 && v <= endday) {'
- ' return '#39'<A class="cal" HREF="#" onClick="return ' +
- 'setday('#39'+v+'#39')">'#39'+v+'#39'</A>'#39';'
- ' }'
- ' else'
- ' {'
- ' return '#39#39';'
- ' }'
- '}'
- ''
- 'function addDate(selectval,datev) {'
- ' selectval.value = datev;'
- '}'
- ''
- 'function settoday() {'
- ' dnow = new Date();'
- ' newdaytxt = "0"+dnow.getDate();'
- ' newdaytxt = newdaytxt.substring(newdaytxt.length-2);'
- ' newmonthtxt = "0"+dnow.getDate();'
- ' newmonthtxt = newmonthtxt.substring(newmonthtxt.length-2);'
- ' switch (opener.fmt) {'
- ' case 3: addDate(opener.dateValue,'#39#39'+dnow.getDate()+'#39'/'#39'+(' +
- 'dnow.getMonth()+1)+'#39'/'#39'+dnow.getFullYear());'
- ' break;'
- ' case 2: addDate(opener.dateValue,'#39#39'+(dnow.getMonth()+1)+' +
- #39'/'#39'+dnow.getDate()+'#39'/'#39'+dnow.getFullYear());'
- ' break;'
- ' case 1: addDate(opener.dateValue,'#39#39'+(dnow.getMonth()+1)+'#39'/'#39'+' +
- 'dnow.getDate()+'#39'/'#39'+dnow.getYear());'
- ' break;'
- ' default:'
- ' addDate(opener.dateValue,'#39#39'+dnow.getFullYear()+'#39'/'#39'+n' +
- 'ewmonthtxt+'#39'/'#39'+newdaytxt);'
- ' }'
- ' opener.addDate(opener.dateField,opener.dateValue);'
- ' window.close();'
- '}'
- ''
- 'function setday(dayin) {'
- ' curday = dayin;'
- ' newdaytxt = "0"+dayin;'
- ' newdaytxt = newdaytxt.substring(newdaytxt.length-2);'
- ' switch (opener.fmt) {'
- ' case 3: addDate(opener.dateValue,'#39#39'+dayin+'#39'/'#39'+(newmonth+' +
- '1)+'#39'/'#39'+newyear);'
- ' break;'
- ' case 2: addDate(opener.dateValue,'#39#39'+(newmonth+1)+'#39'/'#39'+day' +
- 'in+'#39'/'#39'+newyear);'
- ' break;'
- ' case 1: addDate(opener.dateValue,'#39#39'+(newmonth+1)+'#39'/'#39'+dayin+'#39 +
- '/'#39'+('#39#39'+newyear).substring(2));'
- ' break;'
- ' default:'
- ' addDate(opener.dateValue,'#39#39'+newyear+'#39'/'#39'+newmonthtxt+' +
- #39'/'#39'+newdaytxt);'
- ' }'
- ' opener.addDate(opener.dateField,opener.dateValue);'
- ' window.close();'
- '}'
- ''
- 'function fwdmonth() {'
- ' opener.monthoffset++;'
- ' window.location.reload();'
- '}'
- ''
- 'function backmonth() {'
- ' opener.monthoffset--;'
- ' window.location.reload();'
- '}'
- ''
- ' document.write('#39'<title>'#39'+opener.cap+'#39'</title>'#39');'
- ''
- '// End of Script -->'
- ''
- '</script>'
- '</head>'
- ''
- '<body class="cal"><form METHOD="POST" onSubmit="return false">'
- '<table cols=7 border=0 width="100%" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>'
- '<tr><th class="cal2a">'
- '<INPUT class="cal" TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE="<" onclick="backmonth' +
- '();return false;">'
- '</th>'
- '<th class="cal" colspan=5 valign=middle>'
- ''
- '<script language=JavaScript>'
- ''
- '<!-- Begin JavaScript'
- ''
- ' document.write(month+" - "+timenow.getFullYear());'
- ''
- '// End of Script -->'
- ''
- '</script>'
- ''
- '</th>'
- '<th class="cal2b">'
- '<INPUT class="cal" TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE=">" onclick="fwdmonth(' +
- ');return false">'
- '</th></tr>'
- ''
- '<tr class="cal"><td class="cal" width="14%">'
- 'Sun'
- '</td><td class="cal" width="14%">'
- 'Mon'
- '</td><td class="cal" width="14%">'
- 'Tue'
- '</td><td class="cal" width="14%">'
- 'Wed'
- '</td><td class="cal" width="14%">'
- 'Thu'
- '</td><td class="cal" width="14%">'
- 'Fri'
- '</td><td class="cal" width="14%">'
- 'Sat'
- '</td></tr>'
- ' '
- '<script language=JavaScript>'
- ''
- '<!-- Begin JavaScript'
- ''
- ' for (r=0;r<6;r++) {'
- ' f = realday(r,0,startday,endday);'
- ' if (r > 0 && f == "") break;'
- ' document.write('#39'<tr><td class="cal">'#39');'
- ' document.write(f);'
- ' document.write('#39'</td><td class="cal"'#39'+istoday(r,' +
- '1,startday,endday)+'#39'>'#39');'
- ' document.write(realday(r,1,startday,endday));'
- ' document.write('#39'</td><td class="cal"'#39'+istoday(r,' +
- '2,startday,endday)+'#39'>'#39');'
- ' document.write(realday(r,2,startday,endday));'
- ' document.write('#39'</td><td class="cal"'#39'+istoday(r,' +
- '3,startday,endday)+'#39'>'#39');'
- ' document.write(realday(r,3,startday,endday));'
- ' document.write('#39'</td><td class="cal"'#39'+istoday(r,' +
- '4,startday,endday)+'#39'>'#39');'
- ' document.write(realday(r,4,startday,endday));'
- ' document.write('#39'</td><td class="cal"'#39'+istoday(r,' +
- '5,startday,endday)+'#39'>'#39');'
- ' document.write(realday(r,5,startday,endday));'
- ' document.write('#39'</td><td class="cal"'#39'+istoday(r,' +
- '6,startday,endday)+'#39'>'#39');'
- ' document.write(realday(r,6,startday,endday));'
- ' document.write('#39'</td></tr>'#39');'
- ' }'
- ''
- '// End of Script -->'
- ''
- '</script>'
- '<STYLE>'
- 'A.today:link, A.today:visited, A.today:active { text-decoration:' +
- ' none }'
- '</STYLE>'
- '<tr><td class="today" colspan=7 align="center" valign="top">'
- '<A class="today" HREF="#" onClick="return settoday()">'
- '<img src="../images/today.gif" border=0 align="top"> ' +
- 'Today: '
- '<#TODAY>'
- '</A></TD></TR>'
- '</BODY>'
- '</HTML> ')
- OnHTMLTag = CalendarPageHTMLTag
- Left = 520
- Top = 82
- end
- object OptionsPage: TPageProducer
- HTMLDoc.Strings = (
- '<html>'
- ''
- '<head>'
- '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"'
- 'content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">'
- '<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 4.0">'
- '<title>User Options</title>'
- '<LINK REL=STYLESHEET TYPE="text/css" HREF="../AlexSys1.css">'
- ''
- '<SCRIPT language=javascript>'
- ''
- ''
- 'function Submitandclose() {'
- ' document.inputForm.submit();'
- ' // top.close();'
- ' return true;'
- '}'
- '</script>'
- '<style>'
- '<!--'
- '.WindowHeader { font-family: Arial; font-size: 14pt; color: #800' +
- '000; font-weight: bold }'
- '-->'
- '</style>'
- ''
- '</head>'
- ''
- '<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">'
- ''
- ''
- '<form name="inputForm" method="POST" action=optionsapply>'
- '<table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#DED' +
- 'FDF">'
- '<TR><TD>'
- ' '
- ' <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2">'
- ' <tr valign=top><td colspan=4 height=25><p class="bighead' +
- '"><a name="DisplayRows"></a>Display'
- ' Rows</p></td></tr>'
- ' <tr valign="top"> <td width=20></td>'
- ' <td width="70">Rows</td>'
- ' <td width="70"><select name="ROWS">'
- ' </select></td>'
- ' <td>Sets the number of rows'
- ' displayed at a time.</td>'
- ' </tr>'
- ' </table>'
- ' <HR>'
- ' <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4">'
- ' <tr valign=top><td colspan=4 height=25><p class="bighead' +
- '"><a name="PrivateCols"></a>Keep'
- ' Separate Columns for Each Tab</p></td></tr>'
- ' <tr valign="top"> <td width=20></td>'
- ' <td width="140"><input'
- ' type="checkbox" <#PRIVATECOLS> name="PRIVATECOLS" va' +
- 'lue="1">Separate Columns</td>'
- ' <td>Keeps separate column settings for each Teamview' +
- ' tab.</td>'
- ' </tr>'
- ' </table>'
- ' <HR>'
- ' <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4">'
- ' <tr valign=top><td colspan=4 height=25><p class="bighead' +
- '"><a name="AutoRefresh"></a>Automatic'
- ' Refresh</p></td></tr>'
- ' <tr valign="top"> <td width=20></td>'
- ' <td width="140"><input'
- ' type="checkbox" <#AUTOREFRESH> name="AUTOREFRESH" va' +
- 'lue="1">Automatic</td>'
- ' <td>Automatically Refresh the Main window after edit' +
- 's.</td>'
- ' </tr>'
- ' </table>'
- ' <HR>'
- ' <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4">'
- ' <tr valign=top><td colspan=4 height=25><p class="bighead' +
- '"><a name="OpenMode"></a>Open'
- ' in Edit or View Mode</p></td></tr>'
- ' <tr valign="top"> <td width=20></td>'
- ' <td width="140"><input'
- ' type="radio" <#OPENEDIT> name="DEFAULTTOEDIT" value=' +
- '"1">Edit'
- ' Mode</td>'
- ' <td>Opens the Work Request directly in edit mode.</t' +
- 'd>'
- ' </tr>'
- ' <tr valign="top"> <td width=20></td>'
- ' <td width="140"><input'
- ' type="radio" <#OPENVIEW> name="DEFAULTTOEDIT" value=' +
- '"0">View Mode</td>'
- ' <td>Opens the Work Request in view mode.</td>'
- ' </tr>'
- ' </table>'
- ' <#ENDEDIT>'
- ' <HR>'
- ' <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4">'
- ' <tr valign=top><td colspan=4 height=25><p class="bighead' +
- '"><a name="ReqWindow"></a>Work'
- ' Request Windows</p></td></tr>'
- ' <tr valign="top"> <td width=20></td>'
- ' <td width="140"><input'
- ' type="radio" <#WINDOWONE> name="OPENMANY" value="0">' +
- 'Same'
- ' Window</td>'
- ' <td>Opens each Work Request in'
- ' the same window.</td>'
- ' </tr>'
- ' <tr valign="top"> <td width=20></td>'
- ' <td width="140"><input'
- ' type="radio" <#WINDOWMANY> name="OPENMANY" value="1"' +
- '>New Window</td>'
- ' <td>Opens each Work Request in'
- ' a separate window.</td>'
- ' </tr>'
- ' </table>'
- ' <HR>'
- ' <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4">'
- ' <tr valign=top><td colspan=4 height=25><p class="bighead' +
- '"><a name="ReqSize"></a>Work Request Size</p></td></tr>'
- ' <tr valign="top"> <td width=20></td>'
- ' <td width="70">Width</td>'
- ' <td width="70"><select name="WIDTH">'
- ' <#WIDTHS>'
- ' </select></td>'
- ' <td>Sets the width of the Work'
- ' Request window.</td>'
- ' </tr>'
- ' <tr valign="top"> <td width=20></td>'
- ' <td>Height</td>'
- ' <td><select name="HEIGHT">'
- ' <#HEIGHTS>'
- ' </select></td>'
- ' <td>Sets the height of the'
- ' Work Request window.</td>'
- ' </tr>'
- ' </table>'
- ' <HR>'
- ' <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4">'
- ' <tr valign=top><td colspan=4 height=25><p class="bighead' +
- '"><a name="SaveClose"></a>Close'
- ' on Save</p></td></tr>'
- ' <tr valign="top"> <td width=20></td>'
- ' <td width="140"><input'
- ' type="checkbox" <#CLOSEONSAVE> name="CLOSEONSAVE" va' +
- 'lue="1">Close On Save</td>'
- ' <td>Closes the Work Request Window after saving chan' +
- 'ges.</td>'
- ' </tr>'
- ' </table>'
- ' <#ENDEDIT>'
- ' <HR>'
- ' <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4">'
- ' <tr valign=top><td colspan=4 height=25><p class="bighead' +
- '"><a name="WebHints"></a>'
- ' Display Hints</p></td></tr>'
- ' <tr valign="top"> <td width=20></td>'
- ' <td width="140"><input'
- ' type="checkbox" <#WEBHINTS> name="WEBHINTS" value="1' +
- '">Show Hints</td>'
- ' <td>Displays field hints when editing requests.</td>'
- ' </tr>'
- ' </table>'
- '</TD></TR>'
- '</table>'
- '<BR>'
- '<INPUT type="submit" value=" OK " id=ingroup name=ingroup ' +
- 'onClick="Submitandclose()">'
- ' '
- '<INPUT type="submit" value=" Cancel " id=cancelgroup name=canc' +
- 'elgroup onClick="JavaScript:top.close();return false;">'
- ' '
- '<INPUT type="BUTTON" value=" Help " id=help name=help onClic' +
- 'k="openhelp('#39'useropt'#39')">'
- '<INPUT type="hidden" name="CTX" value="<#CONTEXT>">'
- '</form>'
- ''
- ''
- '</body>'
- '</html> '
- ' ')
- OnHTMLTag = OptionsPageHTMLTag
- Left = 492
- Top = 156
- end
- object CloseAndRefreshPage: TPageProducer
- HTMLDoc.Strings = (
- '<html>'
- ''
- '<head>'
- '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"'
- 'content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">'
- '<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage Express 2.0"' +
- '>'
- '<title>User Options</title>'
- '<LINK REL=STYLESHEET TYPE="text/css" HREF="../AlexSys1.css">'
- ''
- '<SCRIPT language=javascript>'
- ''
- 'function refreshOpener() {'
- ' if (("" + top.opener) != "undefined" &&'
- ' top.opener != null &&'
- ' ("" + top.opener.location) != "undefined" &&'
- ' ("" + top.opener.location) != "" &&'
- ' ("" + top.opener.myrefresh) != "undefined" &&'
- ' ("" + top.opener.myrefresh) != "")'
- ' {'
- ' top.opener.location = top.opener.myrefresh;'
- ' }'
- ' return true;'
- '}'
- ''
- '</script>'
- ''
- '</head>'
- ''
- '<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" onload="refreshOpener();top.close()">'
- '</body>'
- '</html>'
- ' '
- ' ')
- Left = 604
- Top = 202
- end
- object filterpage: TPageProducer
- HTMLDoc.Strings = (
- '<HTML>'
- '<HEAD>'
- '<LINK REL=STYLESHEET TYPE="text/css" HREF="../AlexSys1.css">'
- '<script language=JavaScript>'
- '<!-- Begin JavaScript'
- ''
- ''
- 'function applyValues() {'
- ' c = '#39#39';'
- ' for (i = 0; i < document.applets[0].getNumLines(); i++)'
- ' {'
- ' '#9'c += document.applets[0].getRuleText(i)'
- ' }'
- ' document.filterForm.returnv.value = c;'
- '}'
- ''
- '// End of Script -->'
- '</script>'
- '<!--- title #TITLE --->'
- '<title>'
- '<#TITLE>'
- '</title>'
- '<LINK REL=STYLESHEET TYPE="text/css" HREF="../AlexSys1.css">'
- '</HEAD>'
- '<BODY>'
- '<FORM action="filterapply" method=POST id=filterForm name=filter' +
- 'Form>'
- '<!--- hidden info #HIDDEN --->'
- '<#HIDDEN>'
- '<!--- ***** --->'
- '<INPUT type="hidden" value="" id="returnv" name="returnv">'
- '<table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#DED' +
- 'FDF">'
- '<TR><TD><P class="bighead"><#TITLE></P>'
- '</TD></TR>'
- '<TR><TD> Use Record Set: <SELECT NAM' +
- 'E="USELIST">'
- '<!-- Insert #LIST -->'
- '<#LIST>'
- '</SELECT></TD></TR>'
- '<TR><TD>'
- '<applet'
- ' id="tool"'
- ' code=Filter.class'
- ' name=Filter'
- ' codebase="../java"'
- ' width=600'
- ' height=400 >'
- ' <!--- <param name=background value="c0c0c0"> --->'
- ' <param name=background value="DEDFDF">'
- ' <param name=foreground value="000000">'
- ' <PARAM NAME="out" VALUE="Available Columns">'
- ' <PARAM NAME="in" VALUE="Include records that match these' +
- ' filter criteria">'
- ' <PARAM NAME="path" VALUE="getcombovalues?CTX=<#CONTEXT>&' +
- 'FLD=">'
- ''
- '<!--- Columns #COLUMNS --->'
- '<#COLUMNS>'
- '<!--- Filter items #ITEMS --->'
- '<#ITEMS>'
- '<!--- ***** --->'
- '</applet>'
- '</TD></TR>'
- '</TABLE>'
- '<BR>'
- '<INPUT type="submit" value=" OK &nbs' +
- 'p;" id=infilter name=infilter onClick="applyValues()">'
- ' '
- '<INPUT type="BUTTON" value=" Cancel " id=cancelgroup name=cancel' +
- 'group onClick="JavaScript:window.history.go(-1);">'
- ' '
- '<INPUT type="BUTTON" value=" Help " id=help name=help onClic' +
- 'k="openhelp('#39'filter'#39')">'
- '</FORM>'
- '</BODY>'
- '</HTML>'
- ' ')
- OnHTMLTag = filterpageHTMLTag
- Left = 418
- Top = 226
- end
- object ComboPage: TPageProducer
- HTMLDoc.Strings = (
- '<HTML>'
- '<HEAD>'
- '<TITLE>Choices for combo</TITLE>'
- '</HEAD>'
- '<BODY>'
- '<pre>'
- '</pre>'
- '</BODY>'
- '</HTML> ')
- OnHTMLTag = ComboPageHTMLTag
- Left = 498
- Top = 228
- end
- object OpenFuncsPage: TPageProducer
- HTMLDoc.Strings = (
- 'function openWork(ID) {'
- ' mychild = window.open('#39'workreq?CTX=<#CONTEXT>&WRQ='#39' + ID + '#39'&F' +
- 'ROM=VIEW'#39','#39'<#WORKWINDOW>'#39','
- ' '#39'status,scrollbars,resizable,width=<#WORKWIDTH>,height=<#WORKH' +
- 'EIGHT>'#39');'
- '}'
- ''
- 'function newfind(ctx) {'
- ' findwindow = window.open('#39'find?CTX='#39'+ctx,'#39'AlexTeamFind'#39','
- ' '#39'status,scrollbars,resizable'#39'); //,width=600,height=400'#39');'
- '}'
- ' ')
- OnHTMLTag = FuncsPageHTMLTag
- Left = 310
- Top = 132
- end
- object NewFuncPage: TPageProducer
- HTMLDoc.Strings = (
- 'function newwork(ctx,wrq,nt) {'
- ' window.open('#39'workreq?EDIT=Y&CTX='#39'+ctx+'#39'&WRQ='#39'+wrq+'#39'&NOTETYPE='#39'+' +
- 'nt+'#39'&NEWWRQ='#39'+wrq ,'#39'<#WORKWINDOW>'#39','
- ' '#39'status,scrollbars,resizable,width=<#WORKWIDTH>,height=<#WORKH' +
- 'EIGHT>'#39');'
- '}'
- ' ')
- OnHTMLTag = FuncsPageHTMLTag
- Left = 412
- Top = 134
- end
- object TabChangePage: TPageProducer
- HTMLDoc.Strings = (
- '<html>'
- ''
- '<head>'
- '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"'
- 'content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">'
- '<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage Express 2.0"' +
- '>'
- '<title>User Options</title>'
- '<LINK REL=STYLESHEET TYPE="text/css" HREF="../AlexSys1.css">'
- ''
- '<SCRIPT language=javascript>'
- ''
- ''
- 'function askifdelete() {'
- ' r = confirm("Do you want to permanently delete this Tab?");'
- ' if (r) {'
- ' document.inputForm.POSTOP.value='#39'D'#39';'
- ' document.inputForm.submit();'
- ' return true;'
- ' }'
- #9'return r;'
- '}'
- ''
- 'function savechanges() {'
- ' document.inputForm.POSTOP.value='#39'S'#39';'
- ' document.inputForm.submit();'
- ' return true;'
- '}'
- ''
- '</script>'
- ''
- '</head>'
- ''
- '<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">'
- ''
- ''
- ''
- '<form name="inputForm" method="POST" action=tabchangeapply targe' +
- 't="_top" >'
- '<table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#DED' +
- 'FDF">'
- '<TR><TD>'
- ' '
- ' <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4">'
- ' <tr valign=top><td colspan=4 height=25><p class="bighead' +
- '">Tab Definition</p></td></tr>'
- ' <tr valign="top"> <td width=20></td>'
- ' <td width="140"><input'
- ' type="radio" name="NEWTAB" value="1">New Tab</td>'
- ' <td >Creates a new Tab</td>'
- ' </tr>'
- ' <tr valign="center"> <td width=20></td>'
- ' <td width="140" valign=top><input'
- ' type="radio" checked name="NEWTAB" value="0">Modify ' +
- 'Tab</td>'
- ' <td>Changes the current Tab</td>'
- ' </tr>'
- ' </table>'
- ' <HR>'
- ' <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4">'
- ' <tr valign=top><td colspan=4 height=25><p class="bighead' +
- '">Tab Description</p></td></tr>'
- ' <tr valign="top"> <td width=20></td>'
- ' <td width="140">Tab Label:</td>'
- ' <td>Display label for the Tab</td>'
- ' </tr>'
- ' <tr valign="top"> <td width=20></td>'
- ' <td colspan=3>'
- ' <!--webbot bot="Validation" b-value-required="TRUE" ' +
- 'i-minimum-length="1" -->'
- ' <input type="TEXT" name="TABLABEL" size="30" value="' +
- '<#TABLABEL>"></td>'
- ' </tr>'
- ' <tr valign="top"> <td width=20></td>'
- ' <td width="140">Description:</td>'
- ' <td>Long description displayed for the Tab title</td' +
- '>'
- ' </tr>'
- ' <tr valign="top"> <td width=20></td>'
- ' <td colspan=3>'
- ' <!--webbot bot="Validation" b-value-required="TRUE" ' +
- 'i-minimum-length="1" -->'
- ' <input type="TEXT" name="TABDESC" size="60" value="<' +
- '#TABDESC>"></td>'
- ' </tr>'
- ' </table>'
- ' <HR>'
- ' <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4">'
- ' <tr valign=top><td colspan=4 height=25><p class="bighead' +
- '">Tab Records</p></td></tr>'
- ' <tr valign="top"> <td width=20></td>'
- ' <td width=140>Use Record Set:</td>'
- ' <td>Selects the list of records before filtering</td' +
- '>'
- ' </tr>'
- ' <tr valign="top"> <td width=20></td>'
- ' <td colspan=2><select name="USELIST">'
- ' <#LIST>'
- ' </select></td>'
- ' </tr>'
- ' </table>'
- ' <HR>'
- ' <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4">'
- ' <tr valign=top><td colspan=4 height=25><p class="bighead' +
- '">Tab Position</p></td></tr>'
- ' <tr valign="top"> <td width=20></td>'
- ' <td width=140>Position After:</td>'
- ' <td>Selects the position of the Tab</td>'
- ' </tr>'
- ' <tr valign="top"> <td width=20></td>'
- ' <td colspan=2><select name="POSITION">'
- ' </select></td>'
- ' </tr>'
- ' </table>'
- '</TD></TR>'
- '</table>'
- '<BR>'
- '<INPUT type="BUTTON" value=" OK " id=OKBTN name="OKBTN" on' +
- 'Click="savechanges()">'
- ' '
- '<INPUT type="BUTTON" value=" Delete " id=DELETE name="DELETE" ' +
- 'onClick="askifdelete()">'
- ' '
- '<INPUT type="BUTTON" value=" Cancel " id=cancelgroup name=canc' +
- 'elgroup onClick="JavaScript:window.history.go(-1);">'
- ' '
- '<INPUT type="BUTTON" value=" Help " id=help name=help onClic' +
- 'k="openhelp('#39'tabs'#39')">'
- '<INPUT type="hidden" name="CTX" value="<#CONTEXT>">'
- '<INPUT type="hidden" name="TABNO" value="<#TABNO>">'
- '<INPUT type="hidden" name="POSTOP" value="">'
- '</form>'
- ''
- ''
- '</body>'
- '</html> '
- ' '
- ' ')
- OnHTMLTag = TabChangePageHTMLTag
- Left = 610
- Top = 246
- end
- object FlagPage: TPageProducer
- HTMLDoc.Strings = (
- '<HTML>'
- '<HEAD>'
- '<LINK REL=STYLESHEET TYPE="text/css" HREF="../AlexSys1.css">'
- '<script language=JavaScript>'
- '<!-- Begin JavaScript'
- ''
- ''
- 'function getstrlen(str) {'
- ' if (navigator.appName == "Netscape") {'
- ' return str.length();'
- ' }'
- ' else'
- ' {'
- ' return str.length'
- ' }'
- '}'
- ''
- 'function applyValues() {'
- ' document.flagForm.selections.value = '#39#39
- ''
- '// for each value #RETURNVALUE'
- '// *******'
- ' ;'
- '}'
- ''
- ''
- '// End of Script -->'
- '</script>'
- '<!--- title #TITLE --->'
- '<title>'
- '<#TITLE>'
- '</title>'
- '</HEAD>'
- '<BODY onLoad="document.flagForm.ingroup.value = '#39' OK '#39';">'
- '<FORM action="flagapply" method=POST id=flagForm name=flagForm t' +
- 'arget="_top">'
- '<table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#DED' +
- 'FDF">'
- '<TR><TD><P class="bighead"><#TITLE></P>'
- '</TD></TR>'
- '<TR><TD>'
- '<applet'
- ' id="tool"'
- ' code=DualColumnShort.class'
- ' name=DualColumnShort'
- ' codebase="../java"'
- ' width=450'
- ' height=150 >'
- ' <!--- <param name=background value="c0c0c0"> --->'
- ' <param name=background value="DEDFDF">'
- ' <param name=foreground value="000000">'
- #9#9' <param name=updown value="no">'
- '<!--- titles #TITLES --->'
- '<#TITLES>'
- '<!--- items #ITEMS --->'
- '<#ITEMS>'
- '<!--- ***** --->'
- '</applet>'
- '</TD></TR>'
- '<TR><TD class="boldhead">'
- 'Flag Text:<br>'
- '</TD></TR>'
- '</TABLE>'
- '<!--- hidden info #HIDDEN --->'
- '<#HIDDEN>'
- '<!--- ***** --->'
- '<br>'
- '<INPUT type="submit" value=" OK " id=ingroup name=ingroup ' +
- 'onClick="applyValues()">'
- ' '
- '<INPUT type="BUTTON" value=" Cancel " id=cancelgroup name=canc' +
- 'elgroup onClick="<#CANCELBUTTON>">'
- ' '
- '<INPUT type="BUTTON" value=" Help " id=help name=help onClic' +
- 'k="openhelp('#39'flagnote'#39')">'
- '<INPUT type="hidden" value="" id="selections" name="selections">'
- '<INPUT type="hidden" value="<#FLAGID>" id="FLAGID" name="FLAGID"' +
- '>'
- '<INPUT type="hidden" value="<#DATETAG>" id="DATETAG" name="DATET' +
- 'AG">'
- '</FORM>'
- '</BODY>'
- '</HTML> ')
- OnHTMLTag = GroupHTMLTag
- Left = 428
- Top = 290
- end
- object StdFuncsPage: TPageProducer
- HTMLDoc.Strings = (
- 'function openhelp(page) {'
- ' helpchild = window.open('#39'help?CTX=<#CONTEXT>&HELP='#39' + page,'#39'al' +
- 'exsysteamhelp'#39','
- ' '#39'status,scrollbars,resizable,width=<#HELPWIDTH>,height=<#HELPH' +
- 'EIGHT>'#39');'
- '} '
- ' ')
- OnHTMLTag = StdFuncsPageHTMLTag
- Left = 314
- Top = 182
- end
- object LicensePage: TPageProducer
- HTMLDoc.Strings = (
- '<title><#LICTITLE></title>'
- '<SCRIPT language=javascript>'
- ''
- ''
- '<#NEWFUNC>'
- ''
- '</script>'
- '</head>'
- ''
- '<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">'
- ''
- '<p><font color="#800000" size="+2" face="Times New Roman"><stron' +
- 'g>'
- '</strong></font></p>'
- ''
- '<center><font color="#0000A0" size="+1" face="Arial"><strong>'
- '<#LICLINE1>'
- '</strong></font></center>'
- ''
- '<center><font size="-1" face="Arial"><strong>'
- '<#LICLINE2>'
- '</strong></font></center>'
- ''
- '<p> </p>'
- ''
- '<p><font size="-1" face="Arial">'
- '<#LICMSG>'
- '</font></p>'
- ''
- '<FORM>'
- '<INPUT type="button" value=" OK " id=ingroup name=ingroup ' +
- 'onClick="<#LICACTION>">'
- ' '
- '<INPUT type="BUTTON" value=" Help " id=help name=help onClic' +
- 'k="openhelp('#39'license'#39')">'
- '</FORM>'
- ''
- '</body>'
- '</html> '
- ' ')
- OnHTMLTag = LicensePageHTMLTag
- Left = 380
- Top = 18
- end
- object AttachPage: TPageProducer
- HTMLDoc.Strings = (
- '<HTML>'
- '<HEAD>'
- '<LINK REL=STYLESHEET TYPE="text/css" HREF="../AlexSys1.css">'
- '<script language=JavaScript>'
- '<!-- Begin JavaScript'
- ''
- 'function Submitandclose() {'
- ' document.attachForm.submit();'
- ' return true;'
- '}'
- ''
- ''
- ''
- '// End of Script -->'
- '</script>'
- '<!--- title #TITLE --->'
- '<title>'
- '<#TITLE>'
- '</title>'
- '</HEAD>'
- '<BODY>'
- '<FORM ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"'
- #9' action="attachapply" method=POST id=attachForm name=attachFo' +
- 'rm target=_top>'
- '<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" ' +
- 'bgcolor="#DEDFDF">'
- '<TR><TD><P class="bighead"><#TITLE></P>'
- '</TD></TR>'
- '<TR><TD>'
- '</TD></TR>'
- ''
- '<TR>'
- '<TD width=300>'
- 'If you select "Copy and link the file", a new file will be creat' +
- 'ed on'
- 'the server and the attachment will be linked to the file.<br><br' +
- '>'
- 'If you select "Copy the file",'
- 'the attachment will be copied directly into the database.<br><br' +
- '>'
- 'Browse to select the files that you wish to upload.'
- '</TD>'
- '</TR>'
- ''
- '<TR>'
- '<td>'
- '<input type="radio" checked name="LINK" value="1">Copy and link ' +
- 'the file'
- '<input type="radio" name="LINK" value="0">Copy the file'
- '</td>'
- '</TR>'
- ''
- '<TR><TD width="400">'
- '<INPUT Type=FILE NAME="File_1" ID="File_1" size="30">'
- '</TD></TR>'
- ''
- '<TR><TD width="400">'
- '<INPUT Type=FILE NAME="File_2" ID="File_2" size="30">'
- '</TD></TR>'
- ''
- '<TR><TD width="400">'
- '<INPUT Type=FILE NAME="File_3" ID="File_3" size="30">'
- '</TD></TR>'
- ''
- '<TR><TD width="400">'
- '<INPUT Type=FILE NAME="File_4" ID="File_4" size="30">'
- '</TD></TR>'
- ''
- '</TABLE>'
- '<!--- hidden info #HIDDEN --->'
- '<#HIDDEN>'
- '<!--- ***** --->'
- '<br>'
- '<INPUT type="submit" value=" OK " id=attach name=attach on' +
- 'Click="Submitandclose()">'
- ' '
- '<INPUT type="BUTTON" value=" Cancel " id=cancelgroup name=canc' +
- 'elgroup onClick="<#CANCELBUTTON>">'
- ' '
- '<INPUT type="BUTTON" value=" Help " id=help name=help onClic' +
- 'k="openhelp('#39'attach'#39')">'
- '</FORM>'
- '</BODY>'
- ''
- '<script language=JavaScript>'
- '<!-- Begin JavaScript'
- 'if (navigator.appName != "Netscape") {'
- ' document.attachForm.File_1.size = 65;'
- ' document.attachForm.File_2.size = 65;'
- ' document.attachForm.File_3.size = 65;'
- ' document.attachForm.File_4.size = 65;'
- ' }'
- '// End of Script -->'
- '</script>'
- ''
- '</HTML>'
- ' '
- ' ')
- OnHTMLTag = GroupHTMLTag
- Left = 510
- Top = 284
- end
- end