4005 ERROR LSGT065: IPX has not been loaded, or VIPX.386 doesn't work with your IPX protocol stack. If you're using IPX.COM, upgrade to the latest IPXODI.COM.
4006 Error %d opening IPX socket.
4007 You must load the remote control TSR.
4008 The IPX listen has failed.
4009 Unable to get 256 color table.
4010 Incorrect length received in return code.
4011 Packet number responding: %d.
4012 Unable to allocate Windows timer.
4013 Add Name complete. Name number: %d.
4014 Session Listen Failed.
4015 Wrong version of VUSER.386 is loaded.
4017 Lock memory segment failed.
4018 Global page lock failed.
4019 Error. Invalid pointer received.
4020 Error. Full Screen DOS box is not supported.
4021 The remote computer has entered a video mode\nthat is only supported by the Remote Control Agent.\nThe Remote Control Agent is not currently running on the remote computer.
4022 Error %d reading %s
4023 Error %d writing to %s
4024 Error, unable to free memory.
4025 Connection was terminated by TARGET.
4026 ReceiveDDB: Failed to allocate memory, size %ld
4027 The TARGET video driver cannot send 16 color\ndata properly. Using 256 colors.
4028 The TARGET video driver loses the right edge\non odd width 16 color DIBitmap conversions.
4029 Connection with the user has failed.
4030 Failed to communicate with the user station.
4031 User TSR is the wrong version (%d.%02d).
4032 User module is busy.
4033 Unable to use SIGHT.OVL because %s\n
4034 The remote workstation did not respond.
4035 Failed to open socket (0x%x). Your socket table is full.
4036 User's security does not allow this operation.
4037 Are you sure you want to reboot the remote computer?
4038 Remote Workstation (%s) has acknowledged reboot request.
4039 Establish Session failed
4040 Unable To Locate %s
4041 Unable to transfer module to user\n%s
4042 error setting %d's item data
4043 This ROM module is larger than 64k in\nsize; trailing data may be lost
4044 Request for ROM strings failed.
4045 Global Alloc Error: %d
4046 Unable to communicate\nwith File Transfer slave.
4047 Error while building\n %s file list.
4048 Error while building\n %s directory list.
4049 Error while building\n %s drive list.
4050 The specified path is invalid.
4051 The drive is not ready.
4052 Unable to access drive.
4053 Unable to select all files.
4054 No files to select.
4055 Unable to create file:\n%s
4056 Unable to open %s file:\n%s
4057 Unable to write to file:\n%s
4058 No response from slave. %s error
4059 Unable to write to remote\nfile: %s
4060 Unable to read file:\n%s
4061 Unable to delete partial file.
4063 Sending reboot request.
4064 Verifying...
4065 Reboot request acknowledged.
4066 Permission Denied
4067 Cancelled
4068 Insufficient access rights
4069 Communication failure
4070 Getting command line
4071 Unable to get command line
4072 Connection Status: ACTIVE
4073 The Windows remote control agent is not loaded on the remote machine.
4074 Remote user has denied permission.
4075 Unable to ask the user for permission.
4076 File not found (Error 0x02)
4077 Path not found (Error 0x03)
4078 Error (%d)
4079 Unable to communicate with the client: 0x%02X (0x%02X).\nMake sure the workstation is running the remote control agent.
4080 Viewee: %s, Caller: %s
4081 Cannot toggle to full screen because the client's video resolution is too small
4082 Some data has been lost.\nDo you wish to continue viewing?
4083 Attempting to locate
4084 Trying additional protocols
4085 Viewing
4086 Verifying rights
4087 Done
4088 Lshift+
4089 Rshift+
4090 Alt+
4091 Ctl+
4092 The user did not grant permission before the timeout period elapsed.
4093 Cannot get the remote user's permission because the workstation is not running the remote control agent.
4094 Cannot get machine attributes, probably\nbecause all the SQL connections are in use.
4095 Register of Scrolling Dialog Failed
4096 Out of memory
4097 Executing %s
4098 The directory could not be created.\nThe name may not be supported\non the specified disk's file system.
4099 The NetBIOS session could not be initialized.\nAnother console may be viewing the client.
4101 Cleaning up for CANCEL...
4102 Getting current directory.
4103 USER
4105 Building %s's file list...
4106 Building %s's directory and drive list...
4107 Verifying path...
4108 Ready.
4109 Starting copy process...
4110 Received CANCEL...
4111 Copying File %d of %d [%s]
4112 This file mask is already in the list
4113 Modify File Mask
4114 Add File Mask
4201 Remote
4202 Control
4203 Reboot
4204 File
4205 Transfer
4206 Execute
4207 CMOS
4208 Info
4209 Device
4210 Drivers
4211 ROM
4212 Interrupt
4213 Vectors
4214 DOS
4215 Memory
4216 Ping
4217 Test
4218 Windows
4219 Window
4220 Modules
4221 Tasks
4222 Classes
4223 Global
4224 Heap
4225 GDI
4226 Chat
4301 Configure...
4302 Hot Keys...
4303 Status History...
4400 Quick Windows Viewer
4401 Refreshing Screen And Data...
4402 Refreshing Screen...
4403 System Key Pass-Through: ON
4404 System Key Pass-Through: OFF
4405 Hotkeys: ENABLED
4406 Hotkeys: DISABLED
4407 Accelerated mode ON...
4408 Accelerated mode OFF...
4409 Local User %s on Machine %s
4411 Remote User %s on Machine %s
4412 File Transfer
4413 File %s already exists.\nDo you wish to replace it?
4414 Confirm Overwrite
4415 Do you really want to cancel the transfer?
4416 Transfer process cancelled.\nFiles were skipped.
4417 Files were skipped.
4418 Unable to get current directory.
4419 The File Transfer Agent could not send the file.
4420 The remote user agent was unable to establish a session.
4421 This computer already has a session with the remote user.
4422 You have insufficient rights to establish a session with the remote computer.
4423 Cannot establish a security context with the client.
4425 The remote agent is currently busy, please try again later.