2007 Region files (*.pbr)|*.pbr|All files (*.*)|*.*
2010 Now printing...
3010 Ph&one books:
3011 Filter POP list
3012 Filter &by:
3013 &Containing:
3014 A&pply
3015 &Add...
3016 Ed&it...
3017 &Delete
3018 POP Name
3019 Area Code
3020 Access Num
3021 Country/Dependency
3022 Region
3023 Status
3024 Are you sure you want to delete this POP?
3025 All POPs
3026 Access Number
3027 Area Code
3028 Country/Dependency
3029 POP Name
3030 Region
3031 Status
3032 &File
3033 &Edit
3034 &Tools
3035 &Help
3036 &New Phone Book...
3037 &Copy Phone Book...
3038 &Delete Phone Book
3039 E&xit
3040 &Add POP...
3041 &Edit POP...
3042 &Delete POP
3043 &Publish Phone Book...
3044 &View Phone Book Files...
3046 &Regions Editor...
3047 &Options...
3048 &Help Topics
3049 &About Phone Book Administrator
3050 &Print POP List
3051 &View Log File
3052 &What's This?
3060 <no phone book selected>
3061 Loading
4038 Access Information
4039 Settings
4046 &POP name:
4047 &Country/ Dependency:
4048 &Region:
4049 &Area code:
4050 Access &number:
4051 S&tatus:
4052 POP settings
4053 &Dial-Up Networking entry:
4054 Analog speed
4055 &Min:
4056 M&ax:
4057 Last edited:
4058 Add POP -
4059 Edit POP -
4060 In Service
4061 Not In Service
4062 <none>
4063 <all>
4066 Do you want to delete this phone book?
4067 Add New Phone Book
4068 Type a name for the new phone book. It must match the Phone Book Name used in Connection Manager Administration Kit.
4069 &New phone book name:
4070 Copy Phone Book
4071 Original phone book:
4080 Sign o&n
4081 Sign &up
4082 Mod&em
4083 &ISDN
4084 Custom &1
4085 Mu<icast
4086 Sur&charge
4087 Custom &2
5191 Publish Phone Book -
5192 &Create
5193 &Post
5194 &Options...
5195 Create a new phone book release.\nOne full CAB file and up to five delta CAB files will be created in the release directory.
5196 Post the new release to the Phone Book Service.
5197 New release:
5198 &Release directory:
5199 Server address:
5205 Select a directory
5206 Delta
5207 Full Phone Book
5208 Phone Book Files -
5209 &File:
5214 &Description (for example, Phone Book Update):
5215 &Informational URL (for example, http://www.ISP.net/info.html):
5216 &Certificate file:
5217 &Private key file:
5218 General
5219 Phone Book Service
5220 CAB File Signing
5221 &Server address (for example, www.phonebook.ISP.net):
5222 &User name:
5223 &Password:
5225 Options -
5230 Region Add
5231 Region Edit
5232 Region Delete
5233 POP Add
5234 POP Edit
5235 POP Delete
5236 Date
5237 Action
5238 Key Field
5239 Record ( ; delimited )
6001 Version
6002 Copyright 1997 Microsoft Corporation
6003 Warning: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminial penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.
6004 About
6010 Please enter a valid username.
6011 Please enter a valid password.
6012 Can't find this file.
6013 You must select a private key file to use with the certificate.
6014 You must select a certificate file to use with the private key.
6015 The path is too long. Please move the file to a folder closer to the root.
6019 No printer has been set. Please install a printer and try again.
6020 This file already exists.
6021 Is it okay to overwrite this file?
6022 You do not have permissions for this directory. The directory might be read only.
6023 This drive is not available. The connection to the drive has been lost.
6024 Deleting will affect all POPs using this region. If you continue, you will have to edit POPs referencing this region.
6025 This region name already exists.
6026 The selected phone book cannot be found.
6027 Cannot open the selected phone book. The file may be read-only.
6028 The selected phone book is corrupt.
6029 The selected phone book is in use. If Phone Book Administrator is running on a file server, the phone book may be being edited by another workstation.
6030 Cannot open the selected phone book. The phone book database may have been edited incorrectly or there is a loss of ODBC compatibility.
6031 The help file is missing. Reinstall Phone Book Administrator to restore the help file.
6032 Could not find this file. Please see the documentation for instructions.
6033 Are you sure you want to delete this POP?
6034 The phone book contains no POP information.
6035 This application is already running.
6036 The application has failed to start correctly.
6037 Please choose a valid release directory.
6038 No changes have been made to In Service POP information.
6039 This phone book contains no In Service POPs.
6040 This version already exists!
6041 An error has occurred. You may have read-only permissions to the Phone Book Administrator release directory, or you do not have the needed permissions on the Phone Book Service data directory.
6042 Cannot connect to the server. Please verify that the server name and account information are correct. Also check that the server is operating.
6043 An error has occurred during posting. Please check the Phone Book Service settings.
6044 Please select a country. The list of countries is used by Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAPI) and enables international calls.
6045 Please enter the POP name.
6046 Please enter the area code or press the space bar.
6047 Please enter the access number.
6048 Please select status (In-service or Not in-service). In-service allows the POP to be published.
6049 Please enter a valid Phone Book name.\n\nThe following phone book names are reserved:\n\nempty_pb, pbserver
6050 Please enter a new Phone Book name. This name is already in use.
6051 Please enter a valid Phone Book name. You may not use the following characters: \ / : * ? ' < > |
6052 There is insufficient space to perform this action.\nPlease free up space on this drive and try again.\n\n
6053 Error loading the log file.
6054 There is insufficient disk space to perform this action.\nPlease free up space on this drive and try again.\n\n
6055 A problem occurred accessing PBSERVER.MDB. This file may be corrupt. Please see documentation regarding this problem.
6056 An error has occurred performing this action. The error description is included below.
6057 /I <phone book name> 'Import to this phone book'\n\n/P <phone book file> 'Phone book file to import'\n\n/R <regions file> 'Regions file to import'\n\n/B <phone book name> 'Publish this phone book'\n\n/? 'Display this message box'
6058 Post
6059 Please select a release directory with a shorter path.
6060 The following error occurred on the FTP server:
6061 Access ID
6062 Country/Dependency number
6063 Region ID
6064 POP name
6065 Area code
6066 Access number
6067 Min speed
6068 Max speed
6069 Flip factor
6070 POP Flags
6071 Dial-up entry
6072 POP Status
6074 Comment block
6075 An error has occurred during file creation.
6076 Invalid path for input file. Please make sure you have typed the full path.
6077 A problem occurred while reading the import file:
6078 An error occurred while deleting a POP record
6079 An error occurred while adding or updating a POP record
6080 An unspecified error occurred on import.
6081 An unspecified error has occurred during command line processing.
6082 The phone book passed as a command line parameter does not exist
6083 An error has occurred during command line processing. See import.log in the application directory for details.
6084 Wrong number of fields.
6085 Length of input field exceeds application defined value
6086 A numeric input field contains non numeric characters
6087 Configuration data for publishing is incomplete. Please run Phone Book Administrator and set the options for this phone book.
6088 Duplicate region name found
6089 The region specified for phone book import does not exist
6090 The country specified for phone book import does not exist
6091 The total length of the Area Code and Access Number fields can not exceed 36 characters.
6092 You must specify a phone book with the /I command line option for import.
6093 You must specify a phone book with the /P option for publishing.
6094 Line number
6095 Phone book name cannot be all digits. Please select another name.
6096 Phone book import has completed successfully.
6097 Region import has completed successfully.
6098 Phone book publishing has completed successfully.