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1501 NWConv 1502 Unavailable 1503 %13s KB Free 1504 Not present 1505 Present 1506 %13s KB Free 1507 Mapping Files(*.MAP)|*.map| 1508 Configuration Files(*.CNF)|*.cnf| 1509 Warning 1510 This will delete all servers from\nthe list of servers to convert\nand all the configuration information. 1511 NewName 1512 Password 1513 __GROUPS__ 1514 Can't access the specified mapping file 1515 Mapping file created succesfully.\nDo you want to edit it? 1516 Mapping file could not be created 1517 \n 1518 Sun 1519 Mon 1520 Tue 1521 Wed 1522 Thu 1523 Fri 1524 Sat 1525 Sunday 1526 Monday 1527 Tuesday 1528 Wednesday 1529 Thursday 1530 Friday 1531 Saturday 1532 Cannot connect to server: %s 1533 You do not have administrator or supervisor privileges on %s 1534 ;+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n 1535 ;| %-74s |\n 1536 Yes 1537 No 1538 Error: Can't write LogFile 1539 Can't access the specified mapping file, do you want to browse for it? 1540 Locked out 1541 Volume: 1542 Dir: 1543 File: 1544 Total Bytes: 1545 Share Properties 1546 Modify Destination 1547 From Server: 1548 To Server: 1549 Source Files 1550 Destination 1551 NetWare Server 1552 Windows NT Server 1553 Free: %-14s Allocated: %-14s 1554 (Drive Invalid) 1555 The following file conversions point to drives that are not NTFS.\n\nFile permissions will only be transfered if the destination drive is an NTFS Drive. 1556 There does not appear to be enough space on the destination drives for the following file transfers to take place. 1557 Transfer Aborted 1558 Converting User: 1559 User: 1560 Converting Group: 1561 Group: 1562 Verifying Information 1563 Administrators 1564 SYSTEM 1565 MAIL 1566 LOGIN 1567 ETC 1568 SYS 1569 Out of Memory 1570 NwConv - Error 1571 NTFS 1572 \\%s\ADMIN$ 1573 ADMIN$ 1574 System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions 1575 ProductType 1576 LanmanNT 1577 Windows NT(R) Server 1578 NetWare(R) Server 1579 Free Space: %13s 1580 Path: %s 1581 Size: %13s 1582 CNF 1583 Name 1584 DisplayName 1585 System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NWCWorkstation\networkProvider 1586 System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NWCWorkstation 1587 System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\networkProvider 1588 NWCWorkstation 1589 \\%s\SYS 1590 SUPERVISOR 1591 GUEST 1592 ADMIN 1593 EVERYONE 1594 Domain Admins 1595 Domain Users 1596 [SRWCEMFA] 1597 Select NetWare Server 1598 .MAP 1599 MAP 1600 Passwords 1601 Usernames 1602 Group Names 1603 Defaults 1604 Domain Admins 1605 Print Operators 1606 Enumerating Users: 1607 Enumerating Groups: 1608 Adding Users to Group: %s 1609 Adding Security Equivalences for User: %s 1610 Adding Print Operators: %s 1611 CDFS 1612 NWConv - CRITICAL ERROR 1613 Error 1614 Path must be in the form of: drive:\path 1615 The share already exists 1616 Cannot connect to server: %s 1617 No Admin Priviledge on: %s 1618 Could not get Server Information for: %s 1619 %s is not a Windows NT Server 1620 Cannot connect to server: %s\n\n%s 1621 Configuration File Corrupt 1622 The configuration file was created with a different version of the program 1623 Client Services for NetWare not installed 1624 Error Creating Log File: %s 1625 Already Converting %s 1626 This will end the conversion. Are you sure you want to do this? 1627 Warning 1628 The specified mapping file already exists, do you want to overwrite it? 1629 %s is not a NetWare Server 1630 NWConv Mapping for: %s 1631 Version: 1.1 1632 Format Is: 1633 OldName, NewName, Password 1634 [USERS]\n 1635 \n[GROUPS]\n 1636 USERS 1637 GROUPS 1638 Midnight AM Noon PM\n 1639 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11\n 1640 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+\n 1641 Error: Writing File 1642 Error: Writing File - out-of-space 1643 Error: Can't create thread to copy file 1644 [New Shares]\n 1645 Path: %s \n 1646 Access Rights for: %s 1647 [Access Rights]\n 1648 Unable to open source 1649 Unable to open source, error code %d 1650 Unable to get time of source 1651 Unable to create destination, error code %d 1652 Unable to set time of destination 1653 Unable to set attributes of destination 1654 Source Directory: %s\n 1655 Dest Directory : %s\n 1656 File: %s 1657 [Files]\n 1658 [RAHS] 1659 Error Copying File: %s -> %s\n 1660 Files are shown in the following format: 1661 [Files] 1662 1,234,567 [RAHS] TEST.TXT 1663 | |||| | 1664 | |||| +- Name of the File 1665 | |||| 1666 | |||+---- System 1667 | ||+----- Hidden 1668 | |+------ Archived 1669 | +------- Read Only 1670 | 1671 +---------- File size (in Bytes) 1673 The Access Rights are shown in the following format: 1674 [Access Rights] 1675 [SRWCEMFA] TestUser 1676 |||||||| | 1677 |||||||| +- User or Group the Rights apply to 1678 |||||||| 1679 |||||||+---- Access Control 1680 ||||||+----- File Scan 1681 |||||+------ Modify 1682 ||||+------- Erase 1683 |||+-------- Create 1684 ||+--------- Write 1685 |+---------- Read 1686 +----------- Supervisory 1687 Converting Files: 1688 File: 1689 Copying Files From Volume: %s\n 1690 To Share: %s\n 1691 Total Files Converted: %s\n 1692 Bytes Transferred: %s\n 1693 Logon Hours:\n 1694 New Account Info:\n 1695 Name: %s\n 1696 Password: %s\n 1697 Guest 1698 User 1699 Admin 1700 Privilege: %s\n 1701 Home Dir: %s\n 1702 Comment: %s\n 1703 Flags:\n 1704 Execute login script: %s\n 1705 Account disabled: %s\n 1706 Deleting prohibited: %s\n 1707 Home dir required: %s\n 1708 Password required: %s\n 1709 User can change password: %s\n 1710 Script path: %s\n 1711 Full Name: %s\n 1712 Logon Server: %s\n 1713 Error %d: Adding Access Rights\n 1714 Error %d: Adding Access Rights. User/Group: %s\n 1715 No Access (None) 1716 Full Control (All) 1717 R 1718 W 1719 X 1720 D 1721 P 1722 (RX) 1723 Read (RX) 1724 (WX) 1725 Add (WX) 1726 (RWX) 1727 Add & Read (RWX) 1728 (RWXD) 1729 Change (RWXD) 1730 Special Access %s 1731 Minimum Password Length: %li\n 1732 Maximum Password Age: %li days\n 1733 Force Logoff: %li\n 1734 ;| Created: %-65s |\n 1735 ;| System : %-65s |\n 1736 ;| Admin : %-65s |\n 1737 ;| Version: %1d.%-63d |\n 1738 Migration Tool for NetWare Error Log File 1739 Migration Tool for NetWare Log File 1740 Migration Tool for NetWare Summary Log File 1741 Login Times:\n 1742 Original Account Info:\n 1743 Name: 1744 (Never) 1745 (Unlimited) 1746 Account expires: 1747 Restrictions:\n 1748 Only SUPERVISOR can change password\n 1749 Anyone who knows password can change it\n 1750 Unique passwords required: %s\n 1751 # days to Password Expiration: 1752 Initial Grace Logins: 1753 Minimum Password Length: %u\n 1754 Maximum Number of Connections: 1755 Default Current Account Balance: %lu\n 1756 Default Credit Limit: %lu\n 1757 Max Disk Blocks: 1758 Account disabled: %s\n 1759 Password expires: 1760 Grace Logins: 1761 Number of login failures: %u\n 1762 [Shares]\n 1763 Number of Migrations = %i\n 1764 [Servers]\n 1765 From: %-15s To: %s\n 1766 Server Information 1767 Windows NT(R) Server\n 1768 Version: %lu.%lu\n 1769 [Drives]\n 1770 Free Space: %s\n 1771 NetWare(R) Server\n 1772 Version: %u.%u\n 1773 [Transfer Options]\n 1774 Convert Users and Groups: %s\n 1775 Use mapping file: %s\n 1776 Mapping File: %s\n 1777 User Transfer Options:\n 1778 Passwords: 1779 1 - Use NULL\n 1780 2 - Password is username\n 1781 3 - Use constant: %s\n 1782 User must change password: %s\n 1783 Duplicate Names: 1784 Duplicate Groups: 1785 Log Error\n 1786 Ignore\n 1787 Pre-pend constant: %s\n 1788 Overwrite with new Info\n 1789 Use supervisor defaults: %s\n 1790 Add Supervisors to the Administrators Group: %s\n 1791 Transfer users to trusted domain: %s\n 1792 [File Options]\n 1793 Convert Files: %s\n 1794 From: %-15s 1795 To: %-15s 1796 Converted: %-40s 1797 Users to Transfer\n 1798 +--------------------------------------------------+\n 1799 (Error: Name too Long) 1800 (Duplicate) 1801 (Error: Name Invalid) 1802 User Name too long 1803 Duplicate User Name 1804 User Name Contains Invalid Characters 1805 Error Transfering User Name 1806 [Users]\n 1807 Number of Users = %i\n\n 1808 [Transferring Users]\n 1809 (Duplicate)\n\n 1810 Error: Duplicate User Name\n 1811 (Error: Name too Long)\n\n 1812 Error: User Name too long\n 1813 (Error: Name Invalid)\n\n 1814 Error: User Name Invalid\n 1815 (Error: Saving User)\n 1816 Error: Saving User Name\n 1817 (Added) 1818 Total Users Converted: %s\n 1819 Group Name too long 1820 Duplicate Group Name 1821 Group Name Contains Invalid Characters 1822 Error Transfering Group Name 1823 [Transferring Groups]\n 1824 [Groups]\n 1825 Number Groups = %li\n 1826 Error: Duplicate Group Name\n 1827 Error: Group Name too long\n 1828 Error: Group Name Invalid\n 1829 (Error: Saving Group) 1830 Error: Saving Group Name\n 1831 [Adding Users to Groups]\n 1832 Error: Adding user [%s] to Group: %s\n 1833 (Error: Adding User) 1834 Could not enumerate users for Group: %s\n 1835 [Converting Security Equivalences]\n 1836 [Security Equivalences]\n 1837 [Converting Print Operators]\n 1838 [Print Operators]\n 1839 Total Groups Converted: %s\n 1840 Setting User Defaults from Supervisor Defaults 1841 [New Defaults: %s]\n 1842 [Original Defaults: %s]\n 1843 [Supervisor Defaults: %s]\n 1844 Conversion = Trial\n 1845 Conversion = Regular\n 1846 Error: Accessing Server: %s\n 1847 Error: Getting Users on Server: %s\n 1848 Error: Getting Groups on Server: %s\n 1849 [Transferring Files]\n 1850 Bytes: 1851 of: 1852 Conversion Aborted: %s\n 1853 Conversion Finished: %s\n 1854 Error: Accessing Mapping File: %s\n 1855 Error: Getting Users from Mapping File: %s\n 1856 Error: Getting Groups from Mapping File: %s\n