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- Attribute VB_Name = "Settings"
- Option Explicit
- Global Const APP_PATH As String = "IIS://localhost/w3svc/1/Root/IISSamples"
- Global Const APP_NAME As String = "ExAir"
- ' The main entry into setting all the IIS ExAir options
- Public Function IISSettings(strPath As String) As Boolean
- On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
- NukeApplication
- ' For debugging only
- 'MsgBox "Nuked"
- SetDir strPath, APP_NAME
- SetDir strPath, APP_NAME & "/Catalog"
- SetDir strPath, APP_NAME & "/Benefits"
- SetDir strPath, APP_NAME & "/FreqFlyer"
- SetDir strPath, APP_NAME & "/BusinessPartners"
- SetDir strPath, APP_NAME & "/SiteAdmin"
- ' For debugging only
- 'MsgBox "Paths set"
- SetSecurity strPath
- SetErrorRedirects strPath & "ErrPages"
- ' For debugging only
- 'MsgBox "About to set applications"
- SetApplication APP_NAME, "Exploration Air Sample Site", True
- SetApplication APP_NAME & "/Catalog", "Test Catalog Site", False
- SetApplication APP_NAME & "/Benefits", "Intranet Benefits", True
- ' For debugging only
- 'MsgBox "Applications set"
- SetDebug
- IISSettings = True
- Exit Function
- ErrorHandler:
- MsgBox "An error occurred while setting ExAir config details." _
- & " The error is: " & Hex(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description, _
- vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "ExAir Config. Error"
- IISSettings = False
- End Function
- ' Attempt to delete an existing ExAir application
- Private Sub NukeApplication()
- Dim oRoot As Object
- On Error Resume Next
- Set oRoot = GetObject(APP_PATH)
- If Err <> 0 Then GoTo NoPath
- oRoot.Delete "IIsWebDirectory", APP_NAME
- If Err <> 0 Then GoTo NoWebDir
- SmallSleep
- oRoot.SetInfo
- SmallSleep
- NoPath:
- NoWebDir:
- Set oRoot = Nothing
- End Sub
- ' Set ExAir etc as a directory
- Private Sub SetDir(strPath As String, strName As String)
- On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
- Dim oRoot As Object
- Dim oDir As Object
- Set oRoot = GetObject(APP_PATH)
- SmallSleep
- SmallSleep
- Set oDir = oRoot.Create("IIsWebDirectory", strName)
- oDir.SetInfo
- Set oDir = Nothing
- Set oRoot = Nothing
- Exit Sub
- ErrorHandler:
- MsgBox "An error occurred while setting ExAir Web Directory details." _
- & " The error is: " & Hex(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description, _
- vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "ExAir Config. Error (SetDir)"
- End Sub
- ' Turn on debugging for the IISSamples VDir
- Private Sub SetDebug()
- On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
- Dim oRoot As Object
- Set oRoot = GetObject(APP_PATH)
- oRoot.AppAllowDebugging = True
- Set oRoot = Nothing
- Exit Sub
- ErrorHandler:
- MsgBox "An error occurred while setting ExAir Web Debugging." _
- & " The error is: " & Hex(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description, _
- vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "ExAir Config. Error (SetDebug)"
- End Sub
- ' Set the application type...
- Private Sub SetApplication(strAppName As String, strFriendlyName As String, fInProc As Boolean)
- On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
- Dim oRoot As Object
- Dim oDir As Object
- Dim strWhere As String
- strWhere = "getting Root"
- Set oRoot = GetObject(APP_PATH)
- strWhere = "getting app"
- Set oDir = oRoot.GetObject("IISWebDirectory", strAppName)
- SmallSleep
- SmallSleep
- strWhere = "creating app"
- oDir.AppCreate fInProc ' Run the application in-process/out-of-proc
- strWhere = "setting friendly name"
- oDir.AppFriendlyName = strFriendlyName ' Name of application
- strWhere = "setting exception handling"
- oDir.AspExceptionCatchEnable = False ' We don't want ASP to catch exceptions (makes debugging easier!)
- strWhere = "flushing info"
- oDir.SetInfo
- Set oDir = Nothing
- Set oRoot = Nothing
- Exit Sub
- ErrorHandler:
- MsgBox "An error occurred setting ExAir Web Applications details while " & strWhere & "." _
- & " The error is: " & Hex(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description, _
- vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "ExAir Config. Error (SetApplication - " & strAppName & ")"
- End Sub
- ' Set some of the error pages (403.4, 403.7 & 404)
- Private Sub SetErrorRedirects(strDir As String)
- On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
- Dim oRoot As Object
- Dim oDir As Object
- Set oRoot = GetObject(APP_PATH)
- Set oDir = oRoot.GetObject("IIsWebDirectory", APP_NAME)
- Dim strErrs(), strErr
- Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
- Dim strReplace(3) As String
- strReplace(0) = "403,4,FILE," & strDir & "\Err403-4.htm"
- strReplace(1) = "403,7,FILE," & strDir & "\Err403-7.htm"
- strReplace(2) = "404,*,FILE," & strDir & "\Err404.htm"
- ' First get all the existing errors
- ' Then search for the error message in the collection
- ' If the error exists then replace it with the correct one from strReplace()
- i = 0
- Const SEARCH_SIZE As Integer = 5
- For Each strErr In oDir.HttpErrors
- ReDim Preserve strErrs(i)
- strErrs(i) = strErr
- For j = 0 To 2
- If Left(strErr, SEARCH_SIZE) = Left(strReplace(j), SEARCH_SIZE) Then
- strErrs(i) = strReplace(j)
- Exit For
- End If
- Next j
- i = i + 1
- Next
- oDir.HttpErrors = strErrs
- oDir.SetInfo
- Set oDir = Nothing
- Set oRoot = Nothing
- Exit Sub
- ErrorHandler:
- MsgBox "An error occurred while setting ExAir Error details." _
- & " The error is: " & Hex(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description, _
- vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "ExAir Config. Error (SetErrorRedirects)"
- End Sub
- ' Set SSL requirements on two directories
- ' Set Authentication requirements on one
- Private Sub SetSecurity(strPath As String)
- On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
- Dim oRoot As Object
- Dim oDir As Object
- Set oRoot = GetObject(APP_PATH)
- Set oDir = oRoot.GetObject("IIsWebDirectory", APP_NAME)
- ' SSL Constants from IISCnfg.h
- Const ACCESS_SSL As Integer = &H8
- Const ACCESS_SSL_REQUIRE_CERT As Integer = &H40
- ' Authentication constants from IISCnfg.h
- Const AUTH_NTLM As Integer = &H4
- Dim oFFDir As Object
- Set oFFDir = oDir.GetObject("IIsWebDirectory", "FreqFlyer")
- oFFDir.AccessSSLFlags = 0 ' Use ACCESS_SSL for SSL channel
- oFFDir.SetInfo
- Set oFFDir = Nothing
- Dim oBizDir As Object
- Set oBizDir = oDir.GetObject("IIsWebDirectory", "BusinessPartners")
- oBizDir.AccessSSLFlags = 0 ' Use ACCESS_SSL + ACCESS_SSL_REQUIRE_CERT + ACCESS_SSL_ALLOW_CERT for client authentication
- oBizDir.SetInfo
- Set oBizDir = Nothing
- Dim oAdminDir As Object
- Set oAdminDir = oDir.GetObject("IIsWebDirectory", "SiteAdmin")
- oAdminDir.AuthFlags = AUTH_NTLM
- oAdminDir.SetInfo
- Set oAdminDir = Nothing
- Dim oBenefitsDir As Object
- Set oBenefitsDir = oDir.GetObject("IIsWebDirectory", "Benefits")
- ' oBenefitsDir.AuthFlags = AUTH_NTLM
- oBenefitsDir.SetInfo
- Set oBenefitsDir = Nothing
- Set oDir = Nothing
- Set oRoot = Nothing
- Exit Sub
- ErrorHandler:
- MsgBox "An error occurred while setting ExAir Security details." _
- & " The error is: " & Hex(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description, _
- vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "ExAir Config. Error (SetSecurity)"
- End Sub
- Private Sub SmallSleep()
- Sleep 1000
- End Sub