11000 The modem is not configured correctly. For troubleshooting information, click Help.\n
11001 You cannot access your account at this time of day. Try again later.\n
11002 Your account is no longer in service. For information, contact customer support.\n
11003 Your password is expired. For information, contact customer support.\n
11004 Your account is not configured for remote access. For information, contact customer support.\n
11005 (%d.%d.%d.%d)
11006 Warning: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties.
11007 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under law.
11008 &Help
11009 &Edit Number
11010 Please enter a Phone Number
11012 The Redial value you type must be a number.
11013 The Disconnect value you type must be a number between %d and %d minutes.
11014 You must type your user name before you can connect to the service.
11015 You must type your password before you can connect to the service.
11016 You must type your domain before you can connect to the service.
11018 You must provide a phone number before you can connect to the service. To provide a phone number, click Settings, and then click Edit Number.
11019 You must provide a phone number before you can connect to the service. To select a phone number, click Settings, and then click Phone Book.
11020 You must select the modem you want to use to connect to the service. To select a modem, click Settings.
11021 You must have the PPTP protocol set up on your machine before you can connect using a secure connection. To set up the PPTP protocol, exit from Connection Manager, and then use the Network icon in the Control Panel.\n
11022 You must specify the user name you use for secure connections before you can connect to the service.\n
11023 You must specify the password you use for secure connections before you can connect to the service.\n
11024 You must specify your secure connection domain before you can connect to the service.\n
11025 Initializing...
11026 Dialing %s on %s (%u seconds)...
11027 Dialing PPTP server %s on %s (%u seconds)...
11028 Verifying the password for %s (%u seconds)...
11029 The number you are dialing is busy. If you cannot connect after a few attempts, select another phone number.\n
11030 There was no answer at the number you are dialing. If you cannot connect after a few attempts, try selecting a different phone number.\n
11031 Pausing before redialing (%u seconds)...
11032 Dialing is cancelled. Click Connect to begin dialing again. To work offline, click Cancel.
11033 %s - Sign-In
11034 Sign-In
11035 The connection could not be established (Error %u). For troubleshooting information, click Help.\n
11036 The modem is not responding. For troubleshooting information, click Help.\n
11037 The computer you are dialing is not answering. For troubleshooting information, click Help.\n
11038 The modem could not detect a dial tone. For troubleshooting information, click Help.\n
11039 You have reached a wrong number. Check the number you are dialing and try again.\n
11040 Either your user name or password is incorrect or your account could not be accessed. For troubleshooting information, click Help.\n
11041 Your modem is being used by another program. Close the other program, and then try connecting again. For troubleshooting information, click Help.\n
11042 The connection could not be established. For troubleshooting information, click Help.\n
11043 OK
11044 Disconnect
11045 Working...
11046 The connection could not be established. For troubleshooting information, click Help.\n
11047 A TCP/IP problem has occurred. Please check if you have TCP/IP installed and selected for your modem.\n
11048 Connection Manager requires some components that are not installed on your computer. Do you want Connection Manager to install these?
11049 Connection Manager
11050 You must restart your computer in order for these changes to take effect. Do you want to restart now?
11051 Warning
11052 The connection to %s has been lost.
11053 Sign-In
11054 %s bps
11055 %02u:%02u:%02u
11056 %s
11057 %s (%s cps)
11058 Connected
11059 %s - Connected
11060 %u seconds until disconnect.
11061 Stay Online
11062 Hang-up Now
11063 OK
11064 Disconnect
11065 Connected for %u seconds.
11066 Connected for %u second.
11067 Connected for %u seconds.
11068 Connected for %u minute.
11069 Connected for %u minute, %u second.
11070 Connected for %u minute, %u seconds.
11071 Connected for %u minutes.
11072 Connected for %u minutes, %u second.
11073 Connected for %u minutes, %u seconds.
11074 Connected for %u hour.
11075 Connected for %u hour, %u second.
11076 Connected for %u hour, %u seconds.
11077 Connected for %u hour, %u minute.
11078 Connected for %u hour, %u minute, %u second.
11079 Connected for %u hour, %u minute, %u seconds.
11080 Connected for %u hour, %u minutes.
11081 Connected for %u hour, %u minutes, %u second.
11082 Connected for %u hour, %u minutes, %u seconds.
11083 Connected for %u hours.
11084 Connected for %u hours, %u second.
11085 Connected for %u hours, %u seconds.
11086 Connected for %u hours, %u minute.
11087 Connected for %u hours, %u minute, %u second.
11088 Connected for %u hours, %u minute, %u seconds.
11089 Connected for %u hours, %u minutes.
11090 Connected for %u hours, %u minutes, %u second.
11091 Connected for %u hours, %u minutes, %u seconds.
11092 Connection Manager cannot start because required files are missing.\nYou must install Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 and Dial-Up Networking before starting\nConnection Manager. You can install Dial-Up Networking from the Accessories menu under\nPrograms on the Start menu.
11093 Connection Manager
11094 Connection to %s was terminated. Do you want to reconnect?
11095 Reestablish Connection
11096 Connection Manager cannot be started using 'CMMGR32.EXE'.\nTo start Connection Manager, use the desktop icon.
11097 Connection Manager has not finished setting up your Internet connection.\n\nAre you sure you want to exit?
11098 Connection Manager could not start the RAS (Remote Access Authentication) services and therefore cannot continue. Check the services control panel to make sure these services were installed properly and they are not disabled.\n\nWould you like to retry this operation?
11099 Connection Manager cannot start because Point-To-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) is not installed. Install Point-To-Point Tunneling Protocol.
11100 Connection Manager cannot start because Point-To-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) is not installed. You can install and configure Point To Point Tunneling Protocol under Network in the Control Panel.
11101 Connection Manager cannot continue because Dial-up Networking was not installed properly. Run Connection Manager again to set up Dial-up Networking. If you have further problems, you may need to install and configure Dial-Up Networking or your modem using the Windows Control Panel.
11102 Type the user name and password you use for Internet access.
11103 Connection Manager requires some components that are not installed on your computer. Run Connection Manager to install these.
11104 The service profile is damaged. Re-install the service profile.
11105 Click Connect to begin dialing. To work offline, click Cancel.
11106 The service you are trying to open requires a later version of Microsoft Connection Manager. Contact your network administrator or service provider to obtain an update.
11107 The connection could not be established. Please try connecting later.\n
11108 Connection Manager cannot be started because the Dial-up Networking entry cannot be found.
11109 The modem is already in use or is not configured for Remote Access dial out. For troubleshooting information, click Help.\n
11110 Your modem (or other connecting device) has reported an error.\n
11111 The number you are dialing is busy.\n
11112 There was no answer at the number you are dialing.\n
11113 You must configure your dialing properties before you can connect to the service. To do this, click Settings.
11114 Dialing extended number %s on %s (%u seconds)...
11115 You must have the PPTP protocol set up on your machine before you can connect using a secure connection.\n
11116 There was no reponse from the secure connection server. If you cannot connect after a few attempts, try again later.\n
11117 There was no reponse from the secure connection server.\n