32839 Displays the Basic Artificial Resource Failure Settings dialog box for testing all failure points\nBARF All Settings
40500 An error occurred trying to open the cluster at '%1':
40501 An error occurred attempting to open cluster node '%1':
40502 An error occurred attempting to open the '%1' group:
40503 An error occurred attempting to open the '%1' resource:
40504 An error occurred trying to open the '%1' network:
40505 An error occurred trying to open the '%1' network interface:
40506 An error occurred attempting to get the registry key for the '%1' cluster:
40507 An error occurred attempting to get the registry key for node '%1':
40508 An error occured attempting to get the registry key for the '%1' group:
40509 An error occurred attempting to get the registry key for the '%1' resource:
40510 An error occurred attempting to get the registry key for the '%1' resource type:
40511 An error occurred attempting to get the registry key for the '%1' network:
40512 An error occurred attempting to get the registry key for the '%1' network interface :
40513 An error occurred attempting to register the '%1' cluster with the cluster notification port:
40514 An error occurred attempting to register for cluster registry notifications for '%1':
40515 An error occurred attempting to register for cluster registry notifications for node '%1':
40516 An error occurred attempting to register for cluster registry notifications for the '%1' group:
40517 An error occurred attempting to register for cluster registry notifications for the '%1' resource:
40518 An error occurred attempting to register for cluster registry notifications for the '%1' resource type:
40519 An error occurred attempting to register for cluster registry notifications for the '%1' network:
40520 An error occurred attempting to register for cluster registry notifications for the '%1' network interface:
40521 An error occurred attempting to read properties for the '%1' cluster:
40522 An error occurred attempting to read properties for node '%1':
40523 An error occurred attempting to read properties for '%1' group:
40524 An error occurred attempting to read properties for the '%1' resource:
40525 An error occurred attempting to read properties for the '%1' resource type:
40526 An error occurred attempting to read properties for the '%1' network:
40527 An error occurred attempting to read properties for the '%1' network interface:
40528 An error occurred attempting to open a cluster enumerator for cluster '%1':
40529 An error occurred attempting to enumerate cluster objects for cluster '%1':
40530 An error occurred attempting to enumerate the preferred owners of group '%1':
40531 An error occurred attempting to enumerate the resources contained in group '%1':
40532 An error occurred attempting to enumerate the possible owners of resource '%1':
40533 An error occurred attempting to enumerate the resources on which resource '%1' is dependent:
40534 An error occurred attempting to enumerate resources that are dependent on the '%1' resource:
40535 An error occurred attempting to enumerate interfaces connected to the '%1' network:
40536 An error occurred attempting to enumerate the network priority list for the '%1' cluster:
40537 An error occurred attempting to create the '%1' cluster group:
40538 An error occurred attempting to create the '%1' cluster resource:
40539 An error occurred attempting to delete the '%1' group:
40540 An error occurred attempting to delete the '%1' resource:
40541 An error occurred attempting to rename the '%1' cluster as '%2':
40542 An error occurred attempting to rename the '%1' resource as '%2':
40543 An error occurred attempting to rename the '%1' group as '%2':
40544 An error occurred attempting to rename the '%1' network as '%2':
40545 An error occurred attempting to start the Cluster Service on node '%1':
40546 An error occurred attempting to stop the Cluster Service on node '%1':
40547 The Cluster Service on node '%1' cannot be started.
40548 An error occurred attempting to make '%1' the quorum resource:
40549 An error occurred attempting to pause node '%1':
40550 An error occurred attempting to resume node '%1':
40551 An error occurred attempting to evict node '%1':
40552 An error occurred attempting to bring the '%1' group online:
40553 An error occurred attempting to take the '%1' group offline:
40554 An error occurred attempting to move the '%1' group:
40555 An error occurred attempting to bring the '%1' resource online:
40556 An error occurred attempting to take the '%1' resource offline:
40557 An error occurred attempting to initiate a failure of the '%1' resource:
40558 An error occurred attempting to change the group of the '%1' resource to '%2':
40559 An error occurred attempting to add node '%1' as a possible owner of the '%2' resource:
40560 An error occurred attempting to remove node '%1' as a possible owner of the '%2' resource:
40561 An error occurred attempting to add '%1' as a dependency of '%2':
40562 An error occurred attempting to remove '%1' as a dependency of '%2':
40563 An error occurred attempting to load the '%1' extension DLL:
40564 An error occurred attempting to get the address of the '%1' entry point from the '%2' extension DLL:
40565 An error occurred attempting to get an IClassFactory interface pointer from the '%1' extension DLL:
40566 An error occurred attempting to create an instance of the extension data in the '%1' extension DLL:
40567 An error occurred attempting to get the '%1' interface pointer from the '%2' extension DLL:
40568 An error occurred attempting to initialize the '%1' extension DLL:
40569 An error occurred attempting to add pages from the '%1' extension DLL:
40570 An error occurred attempting to invoke command # %1 in the '%2' extension DLL:
40571 An error occurred while querying the '%1' extension DLL for menu items to be added to the context menu:
40572 An error occurred attempting to create the 'Parameters' key for the '%1' object:
40573 Start and End failback window values must not be the same.
40574 At least one entry must be specified in the %1 list.
40575 A value must be entered in the '%1' field.
40576 You have specified no possible owners for this resource. This means that this resource cannot be brought online on any node in the cluster and, if it is currently online, it will be brought offline along with any other resources that are dependent on it.\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?
40577 No possible owners are specified for this resource. This means that this resource cannot be brought online on any node in the cluster.
40578 An error occurred attempting to set the preferred owners list for the '%1' group:
40579 There are no nodes on which the resources in this group can be brought online.
40580 The '%1' resource cannot be changed to another group while it is dependent on other resources or while other resources are dependent upon it.
40581 Error invoking the security editor. Make sure the cluster Network Name resource is online.
40582 An error occurred attempting to convert '%1' to a CLSID:
40583 An error occurred attempting to insert '%1' into the menu:
40584 Cannot drop '%1' on '%2'.
40585 The '%1' group is already online on node '%2'.
40586 The '%1' group cannot be moved to node '%2' unless that node is up.
40587 The '%1' resource is already a member of the '%2' group.
40588 A dependency is required on a resource of type %1.
40589 An error occurred attempting to save parameters to the cluster database:
40590 The cluster name specified is invalid.
40591 The cluster name specified is too long.
40592 The cluster name specified contains invalid characters.
40593 The cluster name specified is already in use.
40594 The display name is not being changed.
40595 Access to the cluster can be granted/denied only to domain users and groups. Please remove any local users or groups from the permissions dialog box.
40596 No one has been granted access to the cluster. Please grant at least one user or group permission to use the cluster.
40597 The quorum resource cannot be dependent on other resources.
40598 The node owning the '%1' group must be listed as a possible owner for this resource. You must move the '%1' group to another node before you can remove '%2'.
40599 One of the resources that would be deleted is a core resource. Core resources can not be deleted.
40600 An error occurred attempting to set the network priority order for the '%1' cluster:
40609 \n\nError ID: %d (%08.8x).
40610 Cluster group '%1' created successfully.
40611 Cluster resource '%1' created successfully.
40612 Cluster '%1' is no longer available.
40613 Are you sure resource '%1' should be deleted?
40614 Are you sure group '%1' should be deleted?
40616 Evicting a node will prevent it from participating in the cluster. Are you sure node '%1' should be evicted from the cluster?
40617 A connection to the cluster at '%1' could not be opened. This may be caused by the Cluster Service on node '%1' not being started. Would you like Cluster Administrator to attempt to start the Cluster Service on node '%1'?
40618 An error occurred getting partition information for the '%1' resource:
40620 Are you sure the cluster service on node '%1' should be stopped?
40621 Are you sure group '%1' should be moved from node '%2' to node '%3?
40622 Are you sure the '%1' resource should be moved from the '%2' group to the '%3' group?
40623 The cluster name has now been changed.\nYou must take the Cluster Name resource offline and then bring it back online again in order for the cluster to be known by the new name on the network.
40624 Changing the name of a resource type changes only its display name.\n\nDo you want to continue?
40625 Taking the '%1' resource offline may cause the connection to the '%2' cluster to be lost.\n\nDo you want to take the '%1' resource offline?
40630 %1 (%2)
40631 %1 Properties
40632 New %1
40633 Offline
40634 Offline Pending
40635 Online
40636 Online Pending
40637 Partially Online
40638 Failed
40639 Initializing
40640 Paused
40641 Down
40642 Joining
40643 Up
40644 Unavailable
40645 Partitioned
40646 Unreachable
40647 Unknown
40650 Internal & Client Access
40651 Client Access Only
40652 Internal Use Only
40653 None
40654 Yes
40655 No
40656 Warning: this computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.
40657 New Group
40658 New Resource
40660 P&roperties
40661 What's This?
40670 Opening a connection to '%1'...
40671 Starting cluster service on '%1'...
40672 Adding node '%1' in cluster '%2'...
40673 Reading node '%1' in cluster '%2'...
40674 Adding group '%1' in cluster '%2'...
40675 Reading group '%1' in cluster '%2'...
40676 Adding resource '%1' in cluster '%2'...
40677 Reading resource '%1' in cluster '%2'...
40678 Adding resource type '%1' in cluster '%2'...
40679 Reading resource type '%1' in cluster '%2'...
40680 Adding network '%1' in cluster '%2'...
40681 Reading network '%1' in cluster '%2'...
40682 Adding network interface '%1' in cluster '%2'...
40683 Reading network interface '%1' in cluster '%2'...
40700 Nodes
40701 Groups
40703 Resources
40704 Resource Types
40705 Networks
40706 Network Interfaces
40707 Active Groups
40708 Active Resources
40709 Physical Devices
40720 Cluster
40721 Container
40722 Node
40723 Group
40724 Resource
40725 Resource Type
40726 Network
40727 Network Interface
40730 Name
40731 Type
40732 Description
40733 Owner
40734 Resource Type
40735 Resource DLL
40736 Extension DLL
40737 Group
40738 Resource
40739 State
40740 Display Name
40741 Role
40742 Node
40743 Network
40744 Adapter
40745 Address
40746 Mask
40750 class Unknown
40751 class Storage
40800 noreconnect
40801 norecon
40850 Microsoft
40851 Version %d.%d (Build %d.%d)
40852 No Access
40853 Read
40854 Change
40855 Full Control
40856 Cluster Access
40858 The SYSTEM account must always have access to the cluster. Please use the permissions dialog box to add the SYSTEM account.
50859 The Administrators account must always have access to the cluster. Please use the permissions dialog box to add the Administrators account.
57344 Cluster Administrator
57345 For Help, press F1
57346 Select an object on which to get Help
57600 Create a new document\nNew
57601 Opens a connection to a cluster\nOpen
57602 Closes the connection to the active cluster\nClose
57603 Save the active document\nSave
57604 Save the active document with a new name\nSave As
57616 Opens a connection to this cluster
57617 Opens a connection to this cluster
57618 Opens a connection to this cluster
57619 Opens a connection to this cluster
57620 Opens a connection to this cluster
57621 Opens a connection to this cluster
57622 Opens a connection to this cluster
57623 Opens a connection to this cluster
57624 Opens a connection to this cluster
57625 Opens a connection to this cluster
57626 Opens a connection to this cluster
57627 Opens a connection to this cluster
57628 Opens a connection to this cluster
57629 Opens a connection to this cluster
57630 Opens a connection to this cluster
57631 Opens a connection to this cluster
57632 Erase the selection\nErase
57633 Erase everything\nErase All
57634 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCopy
57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut
57636 Find the specified text\nFind
57637 Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste
57640 Repeat the last action\nRepeat
57641 Replace specific text with different text\nReplace
57642 Selects all items in the window\nSelect All
57643 Undo the last action\nUndo
57644 Redo the previously undone action\nRedo
57648 Opens another window for the active cluster\nNew Window
57649 Arranges icons at the bottom of the window\nArrange Icons
57650 Arranges windows so they overlap\nCascade Windows
57651 Arranges windows as non-overlapping tiles\nTile Windows
57652 Arranges windows as non-overlapping tiles\nTile Windows
57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit
57664 Displays program information, version number, and copyright\nAbout
57665 Quits Cluster Administrator\nExit
57666 Opens Help\nHelp Topics
57667 Displays Help topics\nHelp Topics
57668 Displays instructions about how to use help\nHelp
57669 Displays help for clicked on buttons, menus, and windows\nHelp
57670 Displays help for current task or command\nHelp
57680 Switch to the next pane\nNext Pane
57681 Switch back to the previous pane\nPrevious Pane
59136 EXT
59137 CAP
59138 NUM
59139 SCRL
59140 OVR
59141 REC
59392 Shows or hides the toolbar\nToggle ToolBar
59393 Shows or hides the status bar\nToggle StatusBar
61184 Change the window size
61185 Change the window position
61186 Reduce the window to an icon
61187 Enlarge the window to full size
61188 Switch to the next document window
61189 Switch to the previous document window
61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents
61202 Restore the window to normal size
61203 Activate Task List
61215 Activate this window
61440 Open
61441 Save As
61442 All Files (*.*)
61443 Untitled
61446 an unnamed file
61457 &Hide
61472 No error message is available.
61473 An unsupported operation was attempted.
61474 A required resource was unavailable.
61475 Out of memory.
61476 An unknown error has occurred.
61696 Invalid filename.
61697 Failed to open document.
61698 Failed to save document.
61699 Save changes to %1?
61700 Failed to create empty document.
61701 The file is too large to open.
61702 Could not start print job.
61703 Failed to launch help.
61704 Internal application error.
61705 Command failed.
61706 Insufficient memory to perform operation.
61707 System registry entries have been removed and the INI file (if any) was deleted.
61708 Not all of the system registry entries (or INI file) were removed.
61712 Please enter an integer.
61713 Please enter a number.
61714 Please enter an integer between %1 and %2.
61715 Please enter a number between %1 and %2.
61716 Please enter no more than %1 characters.
61717 Please select a button.
61718 Please enter an integer between 0 and 255.
61719 Please enter a positive integer.
61720 Please enter a date and/or time.
61721 Please enter a currency.
61728 Unexpected file format.
61729 %1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given.
61730 Destination disk drive is full.
61731 Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else.
61732 Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else.
61733 An unexpected error occurred while reading %1.
61734 An unexpected error occurred while writing %1.
61836 Unable to read write-only property.
61837 Unable to write read-only property.
61840 Unable to load mail system support.
61841 Mail system DLL is invalid.
61842 Send Mail failed to send message.
61856 No error occurred.
61857 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1.
61858 %1 was not found.
61859 %1 contains an invalid path.
61860 %1 could not be opened because there are too many open files.
61861 Access to %1 was denied.
61862 An invalid file handle was associated with %1.
61863 %1 could not be removed because it is the current directory.
61864 %1 could not be created because the directory is full.
61865 Seek failed on %1
61866 A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing %1.
61867 A sharing violation occurred while accessing %1.
61868 A locking violation occurred while accessing %1.
61869 Disk full while accessing %1.
61870 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end.
61872 No error occurred.
61873 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1.
61874 An attempt was made to write to the reading %1.
61875 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end.
61876 An attempt was made to read from the writing %1.