home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 301 dump configuration information or files
- 302 get default configuration string
- 303 get default configuration string via ICertGetConfig
- 304 Dump KeyGen file
- 305 Decode hexadecimal-encoded file
- 306 Decode Base64-encoded file
- 307 Encode file to Base64
- 308 Deny pending request
- 309 Resubmit pending request
- 310 Revoke Certificate
- 311 Publish CRL [optionally to file or default web location]
- 312 Get CRL
- 313 IsValid Certificate
- 314 Set attributes for pending request
- 315 Set extension for pending request
- 316 Retrieve the CA's signing certificate
- 317 Retrieve the CA's exchange certificate
- 318 Dump Certificate Log
- 319 Dump Certificate Queue
- 320 Dump Raw Database
- 321 Verify public/private key set
- 322 Verify certificate chain
- 323 Check certificate for 0x7f length encodings
- 324 Display this usage message
- 325 Verbose operation
- 326 Use IDispatch instead of COM
- 327 Reverse Log and Queue columns
- 328 Options:
- 329 KeyGenFile
- 330 InFile OutFile
- 333 RequestId
- 334 RequestId
- 335 SerialNumber
- 336 [OutFile | -]
- 337 OutFile
- 338 SerialNumber
- 339 RequestId AttributeString
- 340 RequestId ExtensionName Flags Value
- 341 OutCASignatureCertFile
- 342 OutCAExchangeCertFile
- 343 KeyContainerName CACertFile
- 344 CertFile CACertFile
- 345 CertFile
- 346 Out of memory
- 347 Missing -config arg
- 348 Unknown arg
- 349 Multiple verb args
- 350 Missing argument
- 351 Too many arguments
- 352 Internal verb table error
- 353 Unexpected -config option
- 354 Usage:
- 355 Options
- 356 Verbs:
- 357 ConfigString
- 358 %x: ch=%02x
- 359 Input Length = %d
- 360 Odd character count at offset %x
- 361 Output Length = %d
- 362 DecodeFile returned %u (%x)
- 363 EncodeToFile returned %u (%x)
- 364 Issuer
- 365 Subject
- 366 ERROR: Issuer name does not match Key Authority name (%x)
- 367 Issuer name matches Key Authority name
- 368 No Key Authority name
- 369 ERROR: Issuer serial number does not match Key Authority
- 370 Issuer serial number matches Key Authority
- 371 Issuer Name
- 372 KeyAuthority Name
- 373 KeyId:
- 374 Key Authority SerialNumber:
- 375 CA Serial Number:
- 376 CryptAcquireContext returned %u (%x)
- 377 CryptExportPublicKeyInfo returned %u (%x)
- 378 LoadKeys returned %u (%x)
- 379 LoadCert(CA) returned %u (%x)
- 380 ERROR: Public keys DO NOT MATCH
- 381 Container Public Key:
- 382 Root Public Key:
- 383 %ws verifies as the public key in %ws
- 384 %ws does NOT verify as the public key in %ws
- 385 Certificate is REVOKED (Reason=%x)
- 386 ERROR: Verify Revocation Status returned %u(%x)
- 387 Cannot check revocation status
- 388 Revocation check passed
- 389 LoadCert(Cert) returned %u (%x)
- 390 LoadCert(CA) returned %u (%x)
- 391 Cert
- 392 CA
- 393 Cert Serial Number:
- 394 Root Serial Number:
- 395 CA is not a root: Subject name does not match Issuer (%x)
- 396 ERROR: CA Subject name does not match Cert Issuer (%x)
- 397 CA Subject name matches Cert Issuer
- 398 CertVerifySubjectCertificateContext Flags = %x -->
- 399 ERROR: Certificate validation failure: %x
- 400 ERROR: CA did not issue Certificate: Signature check failed
- 401 ERROR: Certificate has expired
- 402 Certificate is current and signature is valid
- 403 Contains CRL_DIST_POINTS revocation-check extension
- 404 Contains NETSCAPE_REVOCATION_URL revocation-check extension
- 405 Certificate has no revocation-check extension
- 406 %ws verifies as issued by %ws
- 407 %ws does NOT verify as issued by %ws
- 408 -- Revocation check skipped.
- 409 -- Revocation check passed.
- 410 -- Revocation check: REVOKED.
- 411 -- Revocation check FAILED.
- 412 Signature matches Public Key
- 413 CRL Entries:
- 414 Cert:
- 415 ???
- 416 Suspect length in
- 417 : field=%ws
- 418 , oid=%ws
- 419 Extension %d: oid="%hs" fcrit=%u length=%x
- 420 CryptVerifyCertificateSignature returned %x
- 421 myDecodeKeyGenRequest returned %u (%x)
- 422 Algorithm ObjectId: %hs
- 423 Algorithm Parameters:
- 424 NULL
- 425 PublicKey: UnusedBits=%u
- 426 ChallengeString: "%ws"
- 427 Config String: "%ws"
- 428 ICertGetConfig Config String: "%ws"
- 429 Certificate request is pending: RequestId: %u
- 430 Certificate issued.
- 431 Certificate has not been issued: Disposition: %u
- 432 Certificate disposition is invalid
- 433 Certificate disposition is valid
- 434 Certificate disposition is revoked
- 435 Date
- 436 Long
- 437 String
- 438 Binary
- 439 Schema:
- 440 Row %u:
- 441 DBOpen: Opening Database %ws
- 442 EMPTY
- 443 error=%x
- 444 ,
- 445 LONG: cb=%u(%x) %u(%x)
- 446 STRING: cb=%u(%x) "%ws"
- 447 BINARY: cb=%u(%x)
- 448 Base64Encode returned %u (%x)
- 449 LocalAlloc returned %u
- 450 DATE: cb=%u(%x) %x:%x
- 451 ???: cb=%u(%x)
- 452 Critical
- 453 Disabled
- 454 PolicyFlags=%x
- 455 Request
- 456 Policy
- 457 Admin
- 458 Server
- 460 Origin=%ws
- 461 ???=%x
- 462 Request %u:
- 463 Request Properties:
- 464 Certificate Properties:
- 465 Request Attributes:
- 466 Certificate Extensions:
- 467 %ws: Flags = %x(%ws), Length = %x
- 468 Expected at least %u args, received %u
- 469 Expected no more than %u args, received %u
- 470 ConfigGetConfig failed
- 471 %hs: -%ws command FAILED
- 472 ???
- 473 None
- 474 Other
- 475 Issuer
- 476 IssuerRDN
- 477 IssuerRDNAttribute
- 478 IssuerRDNString
- 479 Subject
- 480 SubjectRDN
- 481 SubjectRDNAttribute
- 482 SubjectRDNString
- 483 Extensions
- 484 ExtensionArray
- 485 Extension
- 486 ExtensionValue
- 487 ExtensionValueRaw
- 488 Signature does not match Public key: %x
- 489 CryptDecodeObject returned %u(%x)
- 493 Name:
- 494 OrgUnit:
- 495 Organization:
- 496 Locality:
- 497 State:
- 498 Country:
- 499 Config:
- 500 ExchangeCertificate:
- 501 SignatureCertificate:
- 502 Description:
- 503 Server:
- 504 Authority:
- 505 Entry
- 506 Certificate Extensions:
- 507 Request Attributes:
- 513 X509 Certificate:
- 514 X509 Certificate Revocation List:
- 515 PKCS10 Certificate Request:
- 516 KeyGen Certificate Request:
- 517 Version: %u
- 518 Serial Number:
- 519 Signature Algorithm:
- 520 Public Key Algorithm:
- 521 Issuer Unique Id:
- 522 Subject Unique Id:
- 523 NotBefore:
- 524 NotAfter:
- 525 ThisUpdate:
- 526 NextUpdate:
- 527 RevocationDate:
- 528 Extensions:
- 529 CRL Extensions:
- 530 PKCS7 Message:
- 531 Possible Root Certificate: Subject matches Issuer, but Signature check fails: %x
- 532 Non-root Certificate
- 533 Root Certificate: Subject matches Issuer
- 534 Non-root Certificate uses same Public Key as Issuer
- 535 Revoking "%ws"
- 536 Enter PFX password:
- 537 Unknown Extension type
- 538 Private Key:
- 539 Length
- 540 Display times as GMT
- 541 GMT
- 542 password PFXFile
- 543 backup certificate server certificate and private key
- 544 password PFXFile
- 545 restore certificate server certificate and private key
- 546 [Certificate Store Name]
- 547 dump certificate server certificate store
- 548 ProviderType = %x
- 549 Container = %ws
- 550 Provider = %ws
- 551 KeySpec = %x
- 552 Flags = %x
- 553 Restored keys and certificates for %ws from %ws.
- 554 Backed up keys and certificates for %ws to %ws.
- 557 PKCS7 Message Content:
- 558 PKCS7 Message Authenticated Attributes:
- 559 PKCS7 Message Signing Certificate:
- 560 ================ Begin Nesting Level %d ================
- 561 ---------------- End Nesting Level %d ----------------
- 562 %ws: Lang %08x (%d.%d)
- 563 File %d.%d:%d.%d
- 564 Product %d.%d:%d.%d\n
- 565 No PKCS7 Message Signing Certificate
- 566 No PKCS7 Message Content
- 567 No PKCS7 Message Certificates
- 568 No PKCS7 Message CRLs
- 569 PKCS7 Message Certificates:
- 570 PKCS7 Message CRLs:
- 571 Renewal Certificate:
- 572 No PKCS7 Message Authenticated Attributes
- 573 %d attributes:
- 574 Attribute[%d]: %hs (%ws)
- 575 Value[%d][%d]: