home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 5000 Request Files and Text Files (*.req; *.txt)*.req;*.txtAll Files (*.*)*.*
- 5001 All Files (*.*)*.*
- 5002 Open Request File
- 5003 Save As Outfile Name
- 5004 Certificate request Error.
- 5005 CertReqApp
- 5006 CertReq Application
- 5007 Missing RequestId parameter\n
- 5008 Bad RequestId parameter\n
- 5009 BSTR conversion failed -- out of memory\n
- 5010 ConfigGetConfig failed\n
- 5020 Incomplete
- 5021 Error
- 5022 Denied
- 5023 Issued
- 5024 Issued out of band
- 5025 Pending
- 5026 Revoked
- 5027 ???
- 5040 Certificate not issued: %ls (%x)\n
- 5041 Certificate request is pending:%s%ls (%x) RequestId: %u\n
- 5042 Fatal Error\nError code: %d (%x)
- 5043 DecodeFile returned %u (%x)\n
- 5045 ICertRequest::GetDispositionMessage --> %ls\n
- 5046 Error submitting request: %x -- %d(%x)\n
- 5050 Usage:\n
- 5051 CertReq [-config ConfigString] [-attrib AttributeString] RequestFile CertFile [CertChainFile]\n
- 5052 CertReq [-config ConfigString] -retrieve RequestId CertFile [CertChainFile]\n
- 5053 CertReq [-keygen -attrib AttributeString] KeyGenFile CertFile [CertChainFile]\n
- 5054 \n
- 5055 -attrib AttributeString - Named attribute string\n
- 5056 -config ConfigString - Server\Certificate Authority config string\n
- 5057 \n
- 5058 KeyGenFile - Base64-encoded KeyGen input file name\n
- 5059 RequestFile - Base64-encoded PKCS10 input file name\n
- 5060 CertFile - Base64-encoded X-509 output file name\n
- 5061 CertChainFile - Base64-encoded PKCS7 output file name\n