home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- Option Explicit
- ' Shell object
- Dim m_wshShell
- Set m_wshShell=WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
- ' Some defaults
- Dim m_strServername, m_strDir, m_strLoginID, m_strPassword
- Dim m_strErrLogFile, m_strBadArgument
- ' Argument prefix length
- Const ARG_PREFIX_LEN = 3
- Call GetCommandLineArgs
- ' Name of the script and welcome message
- Dim m_strSource, m_strWelcome
- m_strSource = "Exploration Air Database Install v1.04.1003"
- If m_strBadArgument = "True" Then
- m_strWelcome = vbTab & vbTab & "Incorrect Parameter Entered" & vbCRLF & _
- vbTab & vbTab & "Unable to continue" & vbCRLF & vbCRLF
- Else
- m_strWelcome = ""
- End If
- m_strWelcome = m_strWelcome & vbTab & vbTab & "**** PLEASE READ ****" & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & _
- "This script builds up the SQL Server databases for Exploration Air." & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & _
- "Usage is: BuildExAir.cmd [-S:server] [-U:login ID] [-P:password] [-D:dir]" & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & _
- "Where: " & vbCRLF & _
- vbTab & "[server] name of the server where SQL Server resides (default is '" & m_strServername & "')." & vbCRLF & _
- vbTab & "[login ID] is the SQL Server admin login (default is 'sa')." & vbCRLF & _
- vbTab & "[password] is the login ID password (default is no password)." & vbCRLF & _
- vbTab & "[dir] is the location of SQL Server (default is 'c:\mssql')." & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & _
- "Note: Any existing database named ExAir or ExAirBenefits will be deleted." & vbCRLF & vbCRLF
- If m_strBadArgument = "True" Then
- m_strWelcome = m_strWelcome & "To build up the SQL Server databases for Exploration Air, rerun with correct parameters."
- Msgbox m_strWelcome, vbOKOnly, m_strSource
- Else
- m_strWelcome = m_strWelcome & "Do you wish to continue?"
- If Msgbox(m_strWelcome,vbYesNo + vbQuestion, m_strSource) = vbNo Then
- Err.Raise 1,m_strSource,"Execution halted by the user."
- End If
- Call BuildDatabases
- Call BuildDSN
- MsgBox "Database Setup is completed!",vbInformation+vbOK,m_strSource
- End If
- '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
- ' GetCommandLineArges parses the command line
- Sub GetCommandLineArgs
- ' Set defaults
- m_strDir="c:\mssql"
- m_strLoginID="sa"
- m_strPassword=""
- m_strErrLogFile = "ExAirLog."
- m_strBadArgument = "False"
- Dim wshNet
- set wshNet = WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
- m_strServername = wshNet.ComputerName
- ' Get argument object
- Dim wshArg, str
- 'Set wshArg=Wscript.Arguments
- For each str in Wscript.Arguments
- Select Case UCase(Left(str,ARG_PREFIX_LEN))
- Case "-S:"
- m_strServerName = PruneOffPrefix(str)
- Case "-P:"
- m_strPassword = PruneOffPrefix(str)
- Case "-D:"
- m_strDir = PruneOffPrefix(str)
- Case "-U:"
- m_strLoginID = PruneOffPrefix(str)
- Case Else
- m_strBadArgument = "True"
- Exit Sub
- End Select
- Next
- End Sub
- '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
- ' PruneOffPrefix removes the -X: from a
- ' command-line option
- Function PruneOffPrefix(str)
- If Len(str) > ARG_PREFIX_LEN Then
- PruneOffPrefix = Mid(str, ARG_PREFIX_LEN+1)
- Else
- PruneOffPrefix = ""
- End If
- End Function
- '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
- ' ExecuteBCP executes a .BCP file
- ' Throws an exception on failure
- Sub ExecuteBCP(strDatabase,strTable, strSwitch)
- Dim strComment
- strComment = " Populating " & strTable
- WScript.echo strComment
- dim strCommand
- strCommand = "bcp " & strDatabase & ".." & strTable & _
- " in " & strTable & ".bcp" & _
- " -S" & m_strServerName & _
- " -U" & m_strLoginID & _
- " -P" & m_strPassword & _
- " -o " & m_strErrLogFile & _
- " -n"
- If strSwitch <> "" Then
- strCommand = strCommand & strSwitch
- End If
- Dim ret
- ret=m_wshShell.Run(strCommand,2,True)
- If ret <> 0 Then
- Err.Raise 1,m_strSource,"BCP failed, please look at the " & m_strErrLogFile & " file for any errors."
- End If
- End Sub
- '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
- ' ExecuteSQLScript executes a .SQL file
- ' Throws an exception on failure
- Sub ExecuteSQLScript(strWhich, strComment, strSQLScript, strOption)
- WScript.echo vbCRLF & strComment
- Dim strCommand
- strCommand = "isql -U" & m_strLoginID & _
- " -P" & m_strPassword & _
- " -S" & m_strServerName & _
- " -i " & strSQLScript & _
- " -o " & m_strErrLogFile & strWhich & " " & strOption
- Dim ret
- ret=m_wshShell.Run(strCommand,2,True)
- If ret <> 0 Then
- Err.Raise 1,m_strSource,"ISQL failed, please look at the " & m_strErrLogFile & strWhich & " file for any errors."
- End If
- End Sub
- '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
- ' ExecuteISQL executes the SQL statement in strSQL
- ' Throws an exception on failure
- Sub ExecuteISQL(strWhich, strComment, strSQL, strOption)
- WScript.echo vbCRLF & strComment
- Dim strCommand
- strCommand = "isql -U" & m_strLoginID & _
- " -P" & m_strPassword & _
- " -S" & m_strServerName & _
- " /Q " & chr(34) & strSQL & chr(34) & _
- " -o " & m_strErrLogFile & strWhich & " " & strOption
- Dim ret
- ret=m_wshShell.Run(strCommand,2,True)
- If ret <> 0 Then
- Err.Raise 1,m_strSource,"ISQL failed, please look at the " & m_strErrLogFile & strWhich & " file for any errors."
- End If
- End Sub
- '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
- ' BuildDatabases builds and populates all the data
- Sub BuildDatabases
- ' Nuke old stuff
- ExecuteSQLScript "1", "Clearing old data", "NukeDev.sql", ""
- ' Build main ExAir database
- ExecuteISQL "2", "Creating ExAir database device", "disk init name='ExAirDev', physname='" & m_strDir & "\Data\ExAirDev.Dat', vdevno=42, size=2048", "-b"
- ExecuteSQLScript "2", "Building ExAir database (this can be time-consuming!)", "ExAir.sql", "-b"
- ExecuteBCP "ExAir", "Ads", ""
- ExecuteBCP "ExAir", "AdsInterests", ""
- ExecuteBCP "ExAir", "Company", ""
- ExecuteBCP "ExAir", "Destination", ""
- ExecuteBCP "ExAir", "FlightSchedule", ""
- ExecuteBCP "ExAir", "InterestCategories", ""
- ExecuteBCP "ExAir", "Interests", ""
- ExecuteBCP "ExAir", "Member", ""
- ExecuteBCP "ExAir", "Membership", ""
- ExecuteBCP "ExAir", "MembershipType", ""
- ExecuteBCP "ExAir", "MembersInterests", ""
- ExecuteBCP "ExAir", "Promotions", ""
- ExecuteBCP "ExAir", "PromotionsInterests", ""
- ExecuteBCP "ExAir", "Special", ""
- ExecuteBCP "ExAir", "TakeANumber", ""
- ExecuteBCP "ExAir", "Transactions", ""
- ExecuteBCP "ExAir", "TransactionType", ""
- ' Build Benefits database
- ExecuteISQL "3", "Creating Benefits database device", "disk init name='ExAirBenefitsDev', physname='" & m_strDir & "\Data\ExAirBenefitsDev.Dat', vdevno=43, size=2048", "-b"
- ExecuteSQLScript "3", "Building Benefits database (this can be time-consuming!)", "ExAirBenefits.sql", "-b"
- ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "BenefitStatus", " -E"
- ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "EBDStatus", " -E"
- ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "EDStatus", " -E"
- ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "EmployeeStatus", " -E"
- ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "PlanStatus", " -E"
- ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "QualifierStatus", " -E"
- ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "Benefit", " -E"
- ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "DependentType", " -E"
- ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "Field", " -E"
- ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "Gender", " -E"
- ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "GeoArea", " -E"
- ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "Physician", " -E"
- ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "Plans", " -E"
- ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "QualifierClass", " -E"
- ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "TaxStatus", " -E"
- ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "BenefitPlan", ""
- ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "BenefitTaxStatus", ""
- ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "Dependent", " -E"
- ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "Employee", " -E"
- ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "PlanField", ""
- ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "PlanGeoArea", ""
- ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "Qualifier", " -E"
- ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "BenefitQualifier", ""
- ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "EmployeeBenefit", ""
- ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "EmployeeDependent", ""
- ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "EmployeeQualifier", " -E"
- ExecuteBCP "ExAirBenefits", "EmployeeBenefitDependent", ""
- End Sub
- '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
- ' BuildDSN builds the two File DSN's
- Sub BuildDSN
- WScript.echo vbCRLF & "Building ODBC data sources (DSNs)"
- WriteOneDSN "SQLFreq.dsn", "ExAir"
- WriteOneDSN "SQLBenefits.dsn", "ExAirBenefits"
- End Sub
- Sub WriteOneDSN(strDSNName, strDatabase)
- Dim obFileSys, obDSN, WSHShell, DefaultODBCDir
- Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
- DefaultODBCDir = WSHShell.RegRead("HKLM\Software\ODBC\ODBC.INI\ODBC File DSN\DefaultDSNDir")
- Set obFileSys = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- Set obDSN = obFileSys.CreateTextFile(DefaultODBCDir & "\" & strDSNName)
- obDSN.WriteLine("[ODBC]")
- obDSN.WriteLine("DRIVER=SQL Server")
- obDSN.WriteLine("UID=" & m_strLoginID)
- obDSN.WriteLine("PWD=" & m_strPassword)
- obDSN.WriteLine("DATABASE=" & strDatabase)
- obDSN.WriteLine("WSID=" & m_strServername)
- obDSN.WriteLine("APP=Microsoft Win32")
- obDSN.WriteLine("SERVER=" & m_strServername)
- obDSN.Close
- End Sub