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- addrbo.rpm: Address book
- axe.rpm: A simple to use X11 editor
- axe3d.rpm: A simple to use X11 editor
- bluefish.rpm HTML Editor
- calctool.rpm A calculator
- conv.rpm: Conversion utility (units of measurement)
- coolmail.rpm Cool XBiff clone
- eterm.rpm: E-Term
- fader.rpm: Screen brightness adjuster
- gnuplot.rpm: GNUplot
- iglooftp.rpm IglooFTP-Client
- jpilot.rpm: palm pilot desktop for Linux
- knews.rpm: Threaded news reader under X11
- mgdiff.rpm: X-diff
- nedit.rpm: Full featured plain text "Nirvana Editor"
- netscape.rpm Netscape (including script for starting netscape)
- pan.rpm: note manager
- plan.rpm: Clear and easy to use schedule planner
- rasmol.rpm: Molecular Graphics Visualization tool
- roottail.rpm print text directly to X11 root window
- susecurs.rpm SuSE logo as cursor in X11
- susevbox.rpm SuSEVbox - a configuration tool for vbox as well as an answer phone
- xarchie.rpm: X11 tool to search archie servers
- xautolck.rpm lock the screen after a certain time automagically
- xbanner.rpm: X-Background writings and images
- xcolors.rpm: displays colors defined in rgb.txt
- xfm.rpm: xfm, a file manager for X.
- xftp.rpm: X11 frontend to 'ftp'
- xhtalk.rpm: a talk program under X11
- xinfo.rpm: X-Browser for GNU Info Pages
- xirc.rpm: xirc - a chat programm under X11
- xkeycaps.rpm A frontend to xmodmap
- xless.rpm: text browser
- xlock.rpm: A screen saver
- xlogin.rpm: xlogin, xtelnet
- xmftp.rpm: motif-based ftp client
- xnetload.rpm This program displays network traffic and uptime for the network
- xosview.rpm: info on the system load
- xselect.rpm: Manipulate the XSelection
- xsysinfo.rpm Displays the system load
- xtail.rpm: X11 Version of tail
- xtalk.rpm: X11 client for talk
- xtar.rpm: View contents of a tar file
- xtexit.rpm: Prompt on exiting X
- xzap.rpm: tool to view X11 programs