home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- Initialization file for JOE
- Standard Joe
- JOE looks for this file in:
- 1 - .joerc
- 2 - $HOME/.joerc
- 3 - /usr/local/lib/joerc
- This file can include other files by placing the following include command
- in the first column:
- :include filename
- FIRST SECTION: Default global options (these options can also be specified
- on the command line. Also the NOXON, LINES, COLUMNS, DOPADDING and BAUD
- options can be specified in environment variables):
- Put each option you want set in the first column:
- -option Sets the option
- --option Clears the option
- -mid Cursor is recentered when scrolling is necessary
- -marking Text between ^KB and cursor is highlighted (use with -lightoff)
- -asis Characters 128 - 255 shown as-is
- -force Force final newline when files are saved
- -nobackups If you don't want backup files to be created
- -lightoff Turn off highlighting after block copy or move
- -exask ^KX always confirms file name
- -beep Beep on errors and when cursor goes past extremes
- -nosta Disable top-most status line
- -keepup %k and %c status line escape sequences updated frequently
- -pg nnn No. lines to keep for PgUp/PgDn
- -csmode ^KF after a pervious search does a ^L instead
- -backpath path Directory to store backup files
- -nonotice Disable copyright notice
- -noxon Attempt to turn off ^S/^Q processing
- -orphan Put extra files given on command line in orphaned buffers
- instead of in windows
- -dopadding Output pad characters (for when there is no tty handshaking)
- -lines nnn Set no. screen lines
- -baud nnn Set baud rate for terminal optimizations
- -columns nnn Set no. screen columns
- -help Start with help on
- -skiptop nnn Don't use top nnn lines of the screen
- Status line definition strings. -lmsg defines the left-justified string and
- -rmsg defines the right-justified string. The first character of -rmsg is
- the background fill character. The following escape sequences can be used
- in these strings:
- %t 12 hour time
- %u 24 hour time
- %T O for overtype mode, I for insert mode
- %W W if wordwrap is enabled
- %I A if autoindent is enabled
- %X Rectangle mode indicator
- %n File name
- %m '(Modified)' if file has been changed
- %* '*' if file has been changed
- %R Read-only indicator
- %r Row (line) number
- %c Column number
- %o Byte offset into file
- %O Byte offset into file in hex
- %a Ascii value of character under cursor
- %A Ascii value of character under cursor in hex
- %p Percent of file cursor is at
- %l No. lines in file
- %k Entered prefix keys
- %S '*SHELL*' if there is a shell running in window
- %M Macro recording message
- These formatting escape sequences may also be given:
- \i Inverse
- \u Underline
- \b Bold
- \d Dim
- \f Blink
- -lmsg \i%k%T%W%I%X %n %m%R %M
- -rmsg %S Row %r Col %c %t Ctrl-K H for help
- SECOND SECTION: File name dependant local option settings:
- Each line with '*' in the first column indicates the modes which should be
- set for files which match the regular expression. If more than one regular
- expression matches the file name, then the last matching one is chosen.
- Here are the modes which can be set:
- -wordwrap Wordwrap
- -autoindent Auto indent
- -overwrite Overtype mode
- -lmargin nnn Left margin
- -rmargin nnn Right margin
- -tab nnn Tab width
- -indentc nnn Indentation character (32 for space, 9 for tab)
- -istep nnn Number of indentation columns
- -french One space after '.', '?' and '!' for wordwrap
- and paragraph reformat instead of two. Joe
- does not change the spacing you give, but
- sometimes it must put spacing in itself. This
- selects how much is inserted.
- -spaces TAB inserts spaces instead of tabs.
- -linums Enable line numbers on each line
- -rdonly File is read-only
- -keymap name Keymap to use if not 'main'
- -lmsg Status line definition strings-
- -rmsg see previous section for more info.
- -mnew macro Macro to execute when new files are loaded
- -mold macro Macro to execute when existing files are loaded
- -msnew macro Macro to execute when new files are saved
- -msold macro Macro to execute when existing files are saved
- Macros for the above options are in the same format as in the key
- binding section below- but without the key name strings.
- *
- -wordwrap
- *.c
- -autoindent
- *.h
- -autoindent
- *akefile
- *rc
- *.p
- -autoindent
- THIRD SECTION: Named help screens:
- Use \i to turn on/off inverse video
- Use \u to turn on/off underline
- Use \b to turn on/off bold
- Use \d to turn on/off dim
- Use \f to turn on/off flash
- {Basic
- \i Help Screen turn off with ^KH more help with ESC . (^[.) \i
- \i \i\uCURSOR\u \uGO TO\u \uBLOCK\u \uDELETE\u \uMISC\u \uEXIT\u \i \i
- \i \i^B left ^F right ^U prev. screen ^KB begin ^D char. ^KJ reformat ^KX save \i \i
- \i \i^P up ^N down ^V next screen ^KK end ^Y line ^T options ^C abort \i \i
- \i \i^Z previous word ^A beg. of line ^KM move ^W >word ^R refresh ^KZ shell \i \i
- \i \i^X next word ^E end of line ^KC copy ^O word< ^@ insert \uFILE\u \i \i
- \i \i\uSEARCH\u ^KU top of file ^KW file ^J >line \uSPELL\u ^KE edit \i \i
- \i \i^KF find text ^KV end of file ^KY delete ^_ undo ^[N word ^KR insert\i \i
- \i \i^L find next ^KL to line No. ^K/ filter ^^ redo ^[L file ^KD save \i \i
- }
- {Windows
- \i Help Screen turn off with ^KH prev. screen ^[, next screen ^[. \i
- \i \i^KO Split the window in half ^KE Load file into window \i \i
- \i \i^KG Make current window bigger ^KT Make current window smaller \i \i
- \i \i^KN Go to the window below ^KP Go to the window above \i \i
- \i \i^C Eliminate the current window ^KI Show all windows / Show one window\i \i
- }
- {Advanced
- \i Help Screen turn off with ^KH prev. screen ^[, next screen ^[. \i
- \i \i\uMACROS\u \uMISC\u \uSCROLL\u \uSHELL\u \uGOTO\u \uI-SEARCH\u \i \i
- \i \i^K[ 0-9 Record ^K SPACE status ^[W Up ^K' Window ^[B To ^KB ^[R Backwards\i \i
- \i \i^K] Stop ^K\\ Repeat ^[Z Down ^[! Command ^[K To ^KK ^[S Forwards \i \i
- \i \i^K 0-9 Play ^[M Math ^K< Left \uQUOTE\u \uDELETE\u \uBOOKMARKS\u \i \i
- \i \i^K? Query ^KA Center line ^K> Right ` Ctrl- ^[Y yank ^[ 0-9 Goto \i \i
- \i \i^[D Dump ^[H Message ^\\ Meta- ^[O line< ^[^[ Set \i \i
- }
- {Programs
- \i Help Screen turn off with ^KH prev. screen ^[, next screen ^[. \i
- \i \i\uGOTO\u \uINDENT\u \uCOMPILING\u \i \i
- \i \i^G Matching ( [ { ^K, less ^[C Compile and parse errors \i \i
- \i \i^K- Previous place ^K. more ^[E Parse errors \i \i
- \i \i^K= Next place ^[= To next error \i \i
- \i \i^K; Tags file search ^[- To prev. error \i \i
- }
- {Search
- \i Help Screen turn off with ^KH prev. screen ^[, next screen ^[. \i
- \i \iSpecial search sequences: \i \i
- \i \i \\^ \\$ matches beg./end of line \\? match any single char \i \i
- \i \i \\< \\> matches beg./end of word \\* match 0 or more chars \i \i
- \i \i \\c matches balanced C expression \\\\ matches a \\ \i \i
- \i \i \\[..] matches one of a set \\n matches a newline \i \i
- \i \i \\+ matches 0 or more of the character which follows the \\+ \i \i
- \i \iSpecial replace sequences: \i \i
- \i \i \\& replaced with text which matched search string \i \i
- \i \i \\0 - 9 replaced with text which matched Nth \\*, \\?, \\c, \\+, or \\[..] \i \i
- \i \i \\\\ replaced with \\ \\n replaced with newline \i \i
- }
- {Names
- \i Help Screen turn off with ^KH prev. screen ^[, next screen ^[. \i
- \i \i Hit TAB at file name prompts to generate menu of file names \i \i
- \i \i Or use up/down keys to access history of previously entered names \i \i
- \i \i Special file names: \i \i
- \i \i !command Pipe in/out of a shell command \i \i
- \i \i >>filename Append to a file \i \i
- \i \i - Read/Write to/from standard I/O \i \i
- \i \i filename,START,SIZE Read/Write a part of a file/device \i \i
- \i \i Give START/SIZE in decimal (255), octal (0377) or hex (0xFF) \i \i
- }
- {Joe
- \i Help Screen turn off with ^KH prev. screen ^[, \i
- \i \i Send bug reports to: Joe Allen (jhallen@world.std.com) \i \i
- }
- FOURTH SECTION: Key bindings:
- Section names you must provide:
- :main For editing window
- :prompt For prompt lines
- :query For single-character query lines
- :querya Singe-character query for quote
- :querysr Search & Replace single-character query
- Other sections may be given as well for organization purposes or for
- use with the '-keymap' option.
- Use:
- :inherit name To copy the named section into the current one
- :delete key To delete a key sequence from the current section
- Keys:
- Use ^@ through ^_ and ^? for Ctrl chars
- Use SP for space
- Use a TO b to generate a range of characters
- You can also use termcap string capability names. For example:
- .ku Up
- .kd Down
- .kl Left
- .kr Right
- .kh Home
- .kH End
- .kI Insert
- .kD Delete
- .kP PgUp
- .kN PgDn
- .k1 - .k9 F1 - F9
- .k0 F0 or F10
- .k; F10
- Macros:
- Simple macros can be made by comma seperating 2 or more command names. For
- example:
- eof,bol ^T Z Goto beginning of last line
- Also quoted matter is typed in literally:
- bol,">",dnarw .k1 Quote news article line
- Macros may cross lines if they end with ,
- Commands or named macros may be created with :def. For example, you can
- use:
- :def foo eof,bol
- To define a command foo which will goto the beginning of the last line.
- :windows Bindings common to all windows
- type ^@ TO Type a character
- abort ^C Abort window
- abort ^K Q
- abort ^K ^Q
- abort ^K q
- arg ^K \ Repeat next command
- explode ^K I Show all windows or show only one window
- explode ^K ^I
- explode ^K i
- help ^K H Help menu
- help ^K ^H
- help ^K h
- hnext ^[ . Next help window
- hprev ^[ , Previous help window
- math ^[ m Calculator
- math ^[ M Calculator
- math ^[ ^M Calculator
- msg ^[ h Display a message
- msg ^[ H Display a message
- msg ^[ ^H Display a message
- nextw ^K N Goto next window
- nextw ^K ^N
- nextw ^K n
- pgdn .kN Screen down
- pgdn ^V
- pgdn ^[ [ 6 ~
- pgup .kP Screen up
- pgup ^U
- pgup ^[ [ 5 ~
- play ^K 0 TO 9 Execute macro
- prevw ^K P Goto previous window
- prevw ^K ^P
- prevw ^K p
- query ^K ? Macro query insert
- record ^K [ Record a macro
- retype ^R Refresh screen
- rtn ^M Return
- shell ^K Z Shell escape
- shell ^K ^Z
- shell ^K z
- stop ^K ] Stop recording
- :main Text editing window
- :inherit windows
- Spell-check macros
- :def spellfile filt,"cat >ispell.tmp;ispell ispell.tmp </dev/tty >/dev/tty;cat ispell.tmp;/bin/rm ispell.tmp",rtn,retype
- :def spellword psh,nextword,markk,prevword,markb,filt,"cat >ispell.tmp;ispell ispell.tmp </dev/tty >/dev/tty;tr -d <ispell.tmp '\\012';/bin/rm ispell.tmp",rtn,retype,nextword
- spellfile ^[ l
- spellword ^[ n
- Extra functions not really part of JOE user interface:
- delbol ^[ o Delete to beginning of line
- delbol ^[ ^O Delete to beginning of line
- dnslide ^[ z Scroll down one line
- dnslide ^[ Z Scroll down one line
- dnslide ^[ ^Z Scroll down one line
- edit,rtn,filt,
- query,parserr ^[ c Compile
- edit,rtn,filt,
- query,parserr ^[ ^C Compile
- execmd ^[ x Prompt for command to execute
- execmd ^[ X Prompt for command to execute
- execmd ^[ ^X Prompt for command to execute
- isrch ^[ s Forward incremental search
- isrch ^[ S Forward incremental search
- isrch ^[ ^S Forward incremental search
- notmod ^[ ~ Not modified
- nxterr ^[ = To next error
- parserr ^[ e Parse errors in current buffer
- parserr ^[ E Parse errors in current buffer
- parserr ^[ ^E Parse errors in current buffer
- prverr ^[ - To previous error
- rsrch ^[ r Backward incremental search
- rsrch ^[ R Backward incremental search
- rsrch ^[ ^R Backward incremental search
- run ^[ ! Run a program in a window
- tomarkb ^[ b Go to beginning of marked block
- tomarkb ^[ ^B Go to beginning of marked block
- tomarkk ^[ k Go to end of marked block
- tomarkk ^[ ^K Go to end of marked block
- tomarkk ^[ K Go to end of marked block
- txt ^[ i Prompt for text and insert it
- txt ^[ ^I Prompt for text and insert it
- txt ^[ I Prompt for text and insert it
- upslide ^[ w Scroll up one line
- upslide ^[ ^W Scroll up one line
- upslide ^[ W Scroll up one line
- yankpop ^[ y Undelete text
- yankpop ^[ ^Y Undelete text
- yankpop ^[ Y Undelete text
- bufed ^[ d Menu of buffers
- pbuf ^[ . Next buffer
- nbuf ^[ , Prev buffer
- query ^[ q Quoted insert
- byte ^[ n Goto byte
- col ^[ c Goto column
- abortbuf ^[ k Kill current buffer- don't mess with windows
- ask ^[ a Ask to save current buffer
- bop ^[ p Backwards paragraph
- bos ^[ x Bottom of screen
- copy ^[ ^W Copy block into yank
- dupw ^[ \ Split window
- eop ^[ n Forwards paragraph
- format ^[ j Format paragraph ignore block
- markl ^[ l Mark line
- nmark ^[ @ Turn off ^KB ^KK
- pop ^[ > Pop ^KB ^KK
- psh ^[ < Push ^KB ^KK
- swap ^[ x Swap ^KB and cursor
- tomarkbk ^[ g Switch between beginning and end of marked
- tos ^[ e Top of screen
- tw0 ^[ 0 Kill current window (orphans buffer)
- tw1 ^[ 1 Kill all other windows (orphans buffers)
- uarg ^[ u Universal argument
- yank ^[ ^Y Undelete previous text
- yapp ^[ w Append next delete to previous yank
- Standard JOE user interface
- quote8 ^\ Enter Meta chars
- quote ` Enter Ctrl chars
- backs ^? Backspace
- backs ^H
- backw ^O Backspace word
- bknd ^K ' Shell window
- blkcpy ^K C Copy marked block
- blkcpy ^K ^C
- blkcpy ^K c
- blkdel ^K Y Delete marked block
- blkdel ^K ^Y
- blkdel ^K y
- blkmove ^K M Move marked block
- blkmove ^K ^M
- blkmove ^K m
- blksave ^K W Save marked block
- blksave ^K ^W
- blksave ^K w
- bof ^K U Goto beginning of file
- bof ^K ^U
- bof ^K u
- bol .kh Goto beginning of line
- bol ^A
- bol ^[ [ H
- bol ^[ [ 1 ~
- center ^K A Center line
- center ^K ^A
- center ^K a
- crawll ^K < Pan left
- crawlr ^K > Pan right
- delch .kD Delete character
- delch ^D
- deleol ^J Delete to end of line
- dellin ^Y Delete entire line
- delw ^W Delete word to right
- dnarw .kd Go down
- dnarw ^N
- dnarw ^[ O B
- dnarw ^[ [ B
- edit ^K E Edit a file
- edit ^K ^E
- edit ^K e
- eof ^K V Go to end of file
- eof ^K ^V
- eof ^K v
- eol .kH Go to end of line
- eol ^E
- eol ^[ [ F
- eol ^[ [ 4 ~
- exsave ^K X Save and exit
- exsave ^K ^X
- exsave ^K x
- ffirst ^K F Find first
- ffirst ^K ^F
- ffirst ^K f
- filt ^K / Filter block
- fnext ^L Find next
- fmtblk ^K J Format paragraphs in block
- fmtblk ^K ^J
- fmtblk ^K j
- gomark ^[ 0 TO 9 Goto bookmark
- groww ^K G Grow window
- groww ^K ^G
- groww ^K g
- insc .kI Insert a space
- insc ^@
- insf ^K R Insert a file
- insf ^K ^R
- insf ^K r
- lindent ^K , Indent to left
- line ^K L Goto line no.
- line ^K ^L
- line ^K l
- ltarw .kl Go left
- ltarw ^B
- ltarw ^[ O D
- ltarw ^[ [ D
- macros ^[ d Dump keyboard macros
- macros ^[ ^D
- markb ^K B Set beginning of marked block
- markb ^K ^B
- markb ^K b
- markk ^K K Set end of marked block
- markk ^K ^K
- markk ^K k
- mode ^T Options menu
- nextpos ^K = Goto next position in position history
- nextword ^X Goto next word
- open ^] Split line
- prevpos ^K - Previous position in history
- prevword ^Z Previous word
- redo ^^ Redo changes
- rindent ^K . Indent to right
- rtarw .kr Go right
- rtarw ^F
- rtarw ^[ O C
- rtarw ^[ [ C
- save ^K D Save file
- save ^K S
- save ^K ^D
- save ^K ^S
- save ^K d
- save ^K s
- setmark ^[ ^[ Set bookmark
- shrinkw ^K T Shrink window
- shrinkw ^K ^T
- shrinkw ^K t
- splitw ^K O Split window
- splitw ^K ^O
- splitw ^K o
- stat ^K SP Show status
- tag ^K ; Tags file search
- tomatch ^G Goto matching parenthasis
- undo ^_ Undo changes
- uparw .ku Go up
- uparw ^P
- uparw ^[ O A
- uparw ^[ [ A
- :prompt Prompt windows
- :inherit main
- complete ^I
- :menu Selection menus
- :inherit windows
- abort ^[ ^[
- backsmenu ^?
- backsmenu ^H
- bofmenu ^K U
- bofmenu ^K ^U
- bofmenu ^K u
- bolmenu .kh
- bolmenu ^A
- dnarwmenu .kd
- dnarwmenu ^N
- dnarwmenu ^[ [ B
- dnarwmenu ^[ O B
- eofmenu ^K V
- eofmenu ^K ^V
- eofmenu ^K v
- eolmenu .kH
- eolmenu ^E
- ltarwmenu .kl
- ltarwmenu ^B
- ltarwmenu ^[ [ D
- ltarwmenu ^[ O D
- rtarwmenu .kr
- rtarwmenu ^F
- rtarwmenu ^[ [ C
- rtarwmenu ^[ O C
- rtn SP
- rtn ^I
- rtn ^K H
- rtn ^K h
- rtn ^K ^H
- uparwmenu .ku
- uparwmenu ^P
- uparwmenu ^[ [ A
- uparwmenu ^[ O A
- :query Single-key query window
- :inherit windows
- :querya Single-key query window for quoting
- type ^@ TO
- :querysr Search & replace query window
- type ^@ TO