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- #!/usr/bin/perl
- # socklist
- # Simple and effective substitute for "lsof" for Linux with a proc filesystem.
- # Standard permissions on the proc filesystem make this program only
- # useful when run as root.
- # Larry Doolittle <ldoolitt@jlab.org>
- # September 1997
- # example output (with # added given the context of a perl program):
- #
- # type port inode uid pid fd name
- # tcp 1023 394218 425 23333 3 ssh
- # tcp 1022 394166 425 23312 3 ssh
- # tcp 6000 387833 313 3942 0 X
- # tcp 2049 81359 0 13296 4 rpc.nfsd
- # tcp 745 81322 0 13287 4 rpc.mountd
- # tcp 111 81282 0 13276 4 portmap
- # tcp 22 26710 0 7372 3 sshd
- # tcp 25 25902 0 156 18 inetd
- # tcp 80 20151 0 2827 4 boa-0.92
- # tcp 23 2003 0 156 5 inetd
- # udp 620 855681 0 0 0
- # udp 655 394445 0 0 0
- # udp 2049 81356 0 13296 3 rpc.nfsd
- # udp 743 81319 0 13287 3 rpc.mountd
- # udp 111 81281 0 13276 3 portmap
- # udp 707 2776 0 0 0
- # udp 514 1861 0 124 1 syslogd
- # raw 1 0 0 0 0
- #
- # It appears that each NFS mount generates an open udp port, which
- # is not associated with any process. This is the origin of those
- # mysterious ports 620, 655, and 707 above. I still don't understand
- # the meaning of raw port 1.
- # part 1: scan through the /proc filesystem building up
- # a list of what processes own what network "inodes".
- # result is associative array %sock_proc.
- opendir (PROC, "/proc") || die "proc";
- for $f (readdir(PROC)) {
- next if (! ($f=~/[0-9]+/) );
- if (! opendir (PORTS, "/proc/$f/fd")) {
- # print "failed opendir on process $f fds\n";
- closedir PORTS;
- next;
- }
- for $g (readdir(PORTS)) {
- next if (! ($g=~/[0-9]+/) );
- $r=readlink("/proc/$f/fd/$g");
- # 2.0.33: [dev]:ino
- # ($dev,$ino)=($r=~/^\[([0-9a-fA-F]*)\]:([0-9]*)$/);
- # 2.0.78: socket:[ino]
- # ($dev,$ino)=($r=~/^(socket):\[([0-9]*)\]$/);
- # -svm-
- ($dev,$ino)=($r=~/^(socket|\[[0-9a-fA-F]*\]):\[?([0-9]*)\]?$/);
- # print "$f $g $r DEV=$dev INO=$ino\n";
- if ($dev == "[0000]" || $dev == "socket") {$sock_proc{$ino}=$f.":".$g;}
- }
- closedir PORTS;
- }
- closedir PROC;
- # exit;
- # for $a (keys(%sock_proc)) {print "$a $sock_proc{$a}\n";}
- # part 2: read /proc/net/tcp, /proc/net/udp, and /proc/net/raw,
- # printing the answers as we go.
- print "type port inode uid pid fd name\n";
- sub scheck {
- open(FILE,"/proc/net/".$_[0]) || die;
- while (<FILE>) {
- @F=split();
- next if ($F[9]=~/uid/);
- @A=split(":",$F[1]);
- $a=hex($A[1]);
- ($pid,$fd)=($sock_proc{$F[9]}=~m.([0-9]*):([0-9]*).);
- $cmd = "";
- if ($pid && open (CMD,"/proc/$pid/status")) {
- $l = <CMD>;
- ($cmd) = ( $l=~/Name:\s*(\S+)/ );
- close(CMD);
- }
- printf "%s %6d %10d %6d %6d %4d %s\n",
- $_[0], $a ,$F[9], $F[7], $pid, $fd, $cmd;
- }
- close(FILE);
- }
- scheck("tcp");
- scheck("udp");
- scheck("raw");