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Text File  |  2000-03-24  |  8.0 KB  |  268 lines

  1. // $XConsortium: ca /main/5 1996/09/28 17:18:16 rws $
  2. // $XFree86: xc/programs/xkbcomp/symbols/ca,v 3.6 1996/12/26 07:02:18 dawes Exp $
  3. default partial alphanumeric_keys 
  4. xkb_symbols "basic" {
  6.      // Describes the differences between a very simple en_US
  7.      // keyboard and a very simple Canadian keyboard
  8.      // This layout conforms to the CAN/CSA-Z243.200-92 standard
  10.     name[Group1]= "Canadian";
  12.     // Alphanumeric section
  13.     // CAN/CSA-Z243.200-92 calls this key "AE00"
  14.     key <TLDE> {
  15.         type[Group1]= "THREE_LEVEL",
  16.         symbols[Group1]= [ slash, backslash, bar ],
  17. // The standard calls for a soft hyphen, but X doesn't declare
  18. //  a keysym for soft_hyphen.
  19. //        symbols[Group2]= [ NoSymbol, soft_hyphen ]
  20.         symbols[Group2]= [ NoSymbol, hyphen ]
  21.     };
  22.     key <AE04> {    [      4,    dollar        ],    
  23.             [onequarter,    currency    ]    };
  24.     key <AE06> {    [      6,    question    ],    
  25.             [threequarters,  fiveeighths    ]    };
  26.     key <AE07> {    
  27.         type[Group1]= "THREE_LEVEL",
  28.         symbols[Group1]= [ 7,    ampersand,     braceleft     ],
  29.         symbols[Group2]= [ 7,   seveneighths            ]
  30.     };
  31.     key <AE08> {
  32.         type[Group1]= "THREE_LEVEL",
  33.         symbols[Group1]= [ 8,    asterisk,    braceright     ],
  34.         symbols[Group2]= [ 8,    trademark            ]
  35.     };
  36.     key <AE09> {
  37.         type[Group1]= "THREE_LEVEL",
  38.         symbols[Group1]= [ 9,    parenleft,    bracketleft    ],
  39.         symbols[Group2]= [ 9,    plusminus ]
  40.     };
  41.     key <AE10> {
  42.         type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
  43.         type[Group2]="THREE_LEVEL",
  44.         symbols[Group1]= [ 0,    parenright,    bracketright    ],
  45.         symbols[Group2]= [ 0,    parenright,    bracketright    ]
  46.     };
  47.     key <AE11> {    
  48.         symbols[Group1]= [ minus,    underscore        ],
  49.         symbols[Group2]= [ minus,    questiondown        ]
  50.     };
  51.     key <AE12> {
  52.         type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
  53.         symbols[Group1]= [ equal, plus, notsign            ],
  54.         symbols[Group2]= [ dead_cedilla, dead_ogonek        ]
  55.     };
  56. // once again, CAN/CSA-Z243-200.0 defines a key for which there is no
  57. // symbol.
  58. //    key <AD03> {    [      e,    E        ],
  59. //            [     oe,    OE        ]        };
  60.     key <AD11> {
  61.         type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
  62.         symbols[Group1]=[ dead_circumflex, dead_diaeresis, dead_grave ],
  63.         symbols[Group2]=[ NoSymbol, dead_abovering ]
  64.     };
  65.     key <AD12> {
  66.         type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
  67.         symbols[Group1]=[ ccedilla, Ccedilla, asciitilde ],
  68.         symbols[Group2]=[ dead_tilde, dead_macron ]
  69.     };
  70.     key <AC03> {    [      d,    D        ],
  71.             [     eth,    Dstroke        ]    };
  72. // CAN/CSA-Z243.200-92 calls for ij and IJ ligatures on group two of
  73. // this key, but X doesn't define keysyms for them.  Put them here but
  74. // comment them out.
  75. //    key <AC07> {    [      j,    J        ],
  76. //            [     ij,    IJ        ]    };
  77.     key <AC08> {    [      k,    K        ],    
  78.             [        kra            ]    };
  79.     key <AC10> {
  80.         type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
  81.         symbols[Group1]= [ semicolon, colon, degree ],
  82.         symbols[Group2]= [ dead_acute, dead_doubleacute ]
  83.     };
  84.     key <AC11> {    [    egrave,    Egrave        ],    
  85.             [  NoSymbol,    dead_caron    ]    };
  86. // CAN/CSA-Z243.200-92 calls this key C12 on "47-key" keyboards
  87. // or D13 on "48-key" keyboards.
  88.     key <BKSL> {        [    agrave,    Agrave          ],      
  89.                         [  NoSymbol,    dead_breve      ]       };
  90.     key <LSGT> {    [    ugrave,    Ugrave        ],
  91.             [    ugrave,    brokenbar    ]    };
  92.     key <AB01> {
  93.         type="THREE_LEVEL",
  94.         symbols[Group1]= [ z, Z, guillemotleft ],
  95.         symbols[Group2]= [ z, Z, guillemotleft ]
  96.     };
  97.     key <AB02> {
  98.         type="THREE_LEVEL",
  99.         symbols[Group1]= [ x, X, guillemotright ],
  100.         symbols[Group2]= [ x, X, guillemotright ]
  101.     };
  102.     key <AB04> {    [      v,    V        ],    
  103.             [leftdoublequotemark,leftsinglequotemark]    };
  104.     key <AB05> {    [      b,    B        ],    
  105.             [rightdoublequotemark,rightsinglequotemark]    };
  106. //  Neither apostrophen (apostrophe followed by n) or musical note
  107. //  are legal keysyms.  Leave the definition here until they get
  108. //  defined, but comment it out for now.
  109. //    key <AB06> {    [      n,    N        ],
  110. //            [ apostrophen, musicnote    ]    };
  111.     key <AB08> {
  112.         type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
  113.         symbols[Group1]= [ comma, apostrophe, less ],
  114.         symbols[Group2]= [ horizconnector, multiply ]
  115.     };
  116.     key <AB09> {
  117.         type[Group1]= "THREE_LEVEL",
  118.         symbols[Group1]= [ period, quotedbl, greater ],
  119.         symbols[Group2]= [ periodcentered, division ]
  120.     };
  121.     key <AB10> {    [    eacute,    Eacute        ],    
  122.             [    NoSymbol,     dead_abovedot    ]    };
  123.     key <RCTL> {        [ ISO_Level3_Shift              ]       };
  124. };
  125. partial alphanumeric_keys 
  126. xkb_symbols "alternate" {
  127.     include "ca(basic)"
  128.     key <TLDE> {
  129.         type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
  130.         symbols[Group1]=[slash, backslash,bar],
  131.         symbols[Group2]=[dead_diaeresis      ]
  132.         };
  133.     key <AE07> {
  134.         type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
  135.         symbols[Group1]=[7, ampersand,braceleft],
  136.         symbols[Group2]=[seveneighths          ]
  137.         };
  138.     key <AE08> {
  139.         type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
  140.         symbols[Group1]=[8, asterisk,braceright],
  141.         symbols[Group2]=[trademark             ]
  142.         };
  143.     key <AE09> {
  144.         type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
  145.         symbols[Group1]=[9, parenleft,bracketleft],
  146.         symbols[Group2]=[plusminus              ]
  147.         };
  148.     key <AE10> {
  149.         type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
  150.         symbols[Group1]=[0, parenright,bracketright],
  151.         symbols[Group2]=[                          ]
  152.         };
  153.     key <AE12> {
  154.         type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
  155.         symbols[Group1]=[equal, plus,notsign],
  156.         symbols[Group2]=[dead_cedilla,dead_ogonek]
  157.         };
  158.     key <AD11> {
  159.         type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
  160.         symbols[Group1]=[dead_circumflex,dead_diaeresis,dead_grave],
  161.                 symbols[Group2]=[dead_abovering]
  162.         };
  163.     key <AD12> {
  164.         type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
  165.         symbols[Group1]=[ccedilla,Ccedilla,asciitilde],
  166.                 symbols[Group2]=[dead_tilde,dead_macron]
  167.         };
  168.     key <AC10> {
  169.         type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
  170.         symbols[Group1]=[semicolon,colon,degree],
  171.                 symbols[Group2]=[dead_acute,dead_doubleacute]
  172.         };
  173.     key <AB01> {
  174.         type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
  175.         symbols[Group1]=[z,Z,guillemotleft],
  176.                 symbols[Group2]=[                 ]
  177.         };
  178.     key <AB02> {
  179.         type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
  180.         symbols[Group1]=[x,X,guillemotright],
  181.                 symbols[Group2]=[                  ]
  182.         };
  183.     key <AB08> {
  184.         type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
  185.         symbols[Group1]=[comma,apostrophe,less],
  186.                 symbols[Group2]=[horizconnector,multiply]
  187.         };
  188.     key <AB09> {
  189.         type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
  190.         symbols[Group1]=[period,quotedbl,greater],
  191.                 symbols[Group2]=[periodcentered,division]
  192.         };
  193.     key <SPCE> {
  194.         type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
  195.         symbols[Group1]=[space,space,nobreakspace]
  196.         };
  197.     // End alphanumeric section
  199.     // begin modifier mappings
  201.     modifier_map Shift  { Shift_L };
  202.     modifier_map Lock   { Caps_Lock };
  203.     modifier_map Control{ Control_L };
  204.     modifier_map Mod3   { Mode_switch };
  205. };
  207. partial alphanumeric_keys 
  208. xkb_symbols "Sundeadkeys" {
  209.     include "ca(basic)"
  210.     key <AE12> {
  211.         type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
  212.         symbols[Group1]= [ equal, plus, notsign        ],
  213.         symbols[Group2]= [ SunFA_Cedilla, dead_ogonek    ]
  214.     };
  215.     key <AD11> {
  216.         type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
  217.         symbols[Group1]=[ SunFA_Circum, SunFA_Diaeresis, SunFA_Grave ],
  218.         symbols[Group2]=[ NoSymbol, dead_abovering ]
  219.     };
  220.     key <AD12> {
  221.         type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
  222.         symbols[Group1]=[ ccedilla, Ccedilla, asciitilde ],
  223.         symbols[Group2]=[ SunFA_Tilde, dead_macron ]
  224.     };
  225.     key <AC10> {
  226.         type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
  227.         symbols[Group1]= [ semicolon, colon, degree ],
  228.         symbols[Group2]= [ SunFA_Acute, dead_doubleacute ]
  229.     };
  231. };
  233. partial alphanumeric_keys 
  234. xkb_symbols "sundeadkeys" {
  235.     include "ca(Sundeadkeys)"
  236. };
  238. partial alphanumeric_keys 
  239. xkb_symbols "nodeadkeys" {
  240.     include "ca(basic)"
  241.     key <AE12> {
  242.         type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
  243.         symbols[Group1]= [ equal, plus, notsign        ],
  244.         symbols[Group2]= [ cedilla, ogonek        ]
  245.     };
  246.     key <AD11> {
  247.         type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
  248.         symbols[Group1]=[ asciicircum, diaeresis, grave ],
  249.         symbols[Group2]=[ NoSymbol, degree ]
  250.     };
  251.     key <AD12> {
  252.         type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
  253.         symbols[Group1]=[ ccedilla, Ccedilla, asciitilde ],
  254.         symbols[Group2]=[ asciitilde, macron ]
  255.     };
  256.     key <AC10> {
  257.         type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
  258.         symbols[Group1]= [ semicolon, colon, degree ],
  259.         symbols[Group2]= [ acute, doubleacute ]
  260.     };
  261.     key <AC11> {    [    egrave,    Egrave        ],    
  262.             [  NoSymbol,    caron        ]    };
  263.     key <BKSL> {        [    agrave,    Agrave          ],      
  264.                         [  NoSymbol,    breve          ]       };
  266. };