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- // $XConsortium: ca /main/5 1996/09/28 17:18:16 rws $
- // $XFree86: xc/programs/xkbcomp/symbols/ca,v 3.6 1996/12/26 07:02:18 dawes Exp $
- default partial alphanumeric_keys
- xkb_symbols "basic" {
- // Describes the differences between a very simple en_US
- // keyboard and a very simple Canadian keyboard
- // This layout conforms to the CAN/CSA-Z243.200-92 standard
- name[Group1]= "Canadian";
- // Alphanumeric section
- // CAN/CSA-Z243.200-92 calls this key "AE00"
- key <TLDE> {
- type[Group1]= "THREE_LEVEL",
- symbols[Group1]= [ slash, backslash, bar ],
- // The standard calls for a soft hyphen, but X doesn't declare
- // a keysym for soft_hyphen.
- // symbols[Group2]= [ NoSymbol, soft_hyphen ]
- symbols[Group2]= [ NoSymbol, hyphen ]
- };
- key <AE04> { [ 4, dollar ],
- [onequarter, currency ] };
- key <AE06> { [ 6, question ],
- [threequarters, fiveeighths ] };
- key <AE07> {
- type[Group1]= "THREE_LEVEL",
- symbols[Group1]= [ 7, ampersand, braceleft ],
- symbols[Group2]= [ 7, seveneighths ]
- };
- key <AE08> {
- type[Group1]= "THREE_LEVEL",
- symbols[Group1]= [ 8, asterisk, braceright ],
- symbols[Group2]= [ 8, trademark ]
- };
- key <AE09> {
- type[Group1]= "THREE_LEVEL",
- symbols[Group1]= [ 9, parenleft, bracketleft ],
- symbols[Group2]= [ 9, plusminus ]
- };
- key <AE10> {
- type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
- type[Group2]="THREE_LEVEL",
- symbols[Group1]= [ 0, parenright, bracketright ],
- symbols[Group2]= [ 0, parenright, bracketright ]
- };
- key <AE11> {
- symbols[Group1]= [ minus, underscore ],
- symbols[Group2]= [ minus, questiondown ]
- };
- key <AE12> {
- type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
- symbols[Group1]= [ equal, plus, notsign ],
- symbols[Group2]= [ dead_cedilla, dead_ogonek ]
- };
- // once again, CAN/CSA-Z243-200.0 defines a key for which there is no
- // symbol.
- // key <AD03> { [ e, E ],
- // [ oe, OE ] };
- key <AD11> {
- type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
- symbols[Group1]=[ dead_circumflex, dead_diaeresis, dead_grave ],
- symbols[Group2]=[ NoSymbol, dead_abovering ]
- };
- key <AD12> {
- type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
- symbols[Group1]=[ ccedilla, Ccedilla, asciitilde ],
- symbols[Group2]=[ dead_tilde, dead_macron ]
- };
- key <AC03> { [ d, D ],
- [ eth, Dstroke ] };
- // CAN/CSA-Z243.200-92 calls for ij and IJ ligatures on group two of
- // this key, but X doesn't define keysyms for them. Put them here but
- // comment them out.
- // key <AC07> { [ j, J ],
- // [ ij, IJ ] };
- key <AC08> { [ k, K ],
- [ kra ] };
- key <AC10> {
- type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
- symbols[Group1]= [ semicolon, colon, degree ],
- symbols[Group2]= [ dead_acute, dead_doubleacute ]
- };
- key <AC11> { [ egrave, Egrave ],
- [ NoSymbol, dead_caron ] };
- // CAN/CSA-Z243.200-92 calls this key C12 on "47-key" keyboards
- // or D13 on "48-key" keyboards.
- key <BKSL> { [ agrave, Agrave ],
- [ NoSymbol, dead_breve ] };
- key <LSGT> { [ ugrave, Ugrave ],
- [ ugrave, brokenbar ] };
- key <AB01> {
- type="THREE_LEVEL",
- symbols[Group1]= [ z, Z, guillemotleft ],
- symbols[Group2]= [ z, Z, guillemotleft ]
- };
- key <AB02> {
- type="THREE_LEVEL",
- symbols[Group1]= [ x, X, guillemotright ],
- symbols[Group2]= [ x, X, guillemotright ]
- };
- key <AB04> { [ v, V ],
- [leftdoublequotemark,leftsinglequotemark] };
- key <AB05> { [ b, B ],
- [rightdoublequotemark,rightsinglequotemark] };
- // Neither apostrophen (apostrophe followed by n) or musical note
- // are legal keysyms. Leave the definition here until they get
- // defined, but comment it out for now.
- // key <AB06> { [ n, N ],
- // [ apostrophen, musicnote ] };
- key <AB08> {
- type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
- symbols[Group1]= [ comma, apostrophe, less ],
- symbols[Group2]= [ horizconnector, multiply ]
- };
- key <AB09> {
- type[Group1]= "THREE_LEVEL",
- symbols[Group1]= [ period, quotedbl, greater ],
- symbols[Group2]= [ periodcentered, division ]
- };
- key <AB10> { [ eacute, Eacute ],
- [ NoSymbol, dead_abovedot ] };
- key <RCTL> { [ ISO_Level3_Shift ] };
- };
- partial alphanumeric_keys
- xkb_symbols "alternate" {
- include "ca(basic)"
- key <TLDE> {
- type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
- symbols[Group1]=[slash, backslash,bar],
- symbols[Group2]=[dead_diaeresis ]
- };
- key <AE07> {
- type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
- symbols[Group1]=[7, ampersand,braceleft],
- symbols[Group2]=[seveneighths ]
- };
- key <AE08> {
- type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
- symbols[Group1]=[8, asterisk,braceright],
- symbols[Group2]=[trademark ]
- };
- key <AE09> {
- type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
- symbols[Group1]=[9, parenleft,bracketleft],
- symbols[Group2]=[plusminus ]
- };
- key <AE10> {
- type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
- symbols[Group1]=[0, parenright,bracketright],
- symbols[Group2]=[ ]
- };
- key <AE12> {
- type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
- symbols[Group1]=[equal, plus,notsign],
- symbols[Group2]=[dead_cedilla,dead_ogonek]
- };
- key <AD11> {
- type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
- symbols[Group1]=[dead_circumflex,dead_diaeresis,dead_grave],
- symbols[Group2]=[dead_abovering]
- };
- key <AD12> {
- type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
- symbols[Group1]=[ccedilla,Ccedilla,asciitilde],
- symbols[Group2]=[dead_tilde,dead_macron]
- };
- key <AC10> {
- type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
- symbols[Group1]=[semicolon,colon,degree],
- symbols[Group2]=[dead_acute,dead_doubleacute]
- };
- key <AB01> {
- type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
- symbols[Group1]=[z,Z,guillemotleft],
- symbols[Group2]=[ ]
- };
- key <AB02> {
- type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
- symbols[Group1]=[x,X,guillemotright],
- symbols[Group2]=[ ]
- };
- key <AB08> {
- type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
- symbols[Group1]=[comma,apostrophe,less],
- symbols[Group2]=[horizconnector,multiply]
- };
- key <AB09> {
- type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
- symbols[Group1]=[period,quotedbl,greater],
- symbols[Group2]=[periodcentered,division]
- };
- key <SPCE> {
- type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
- symbols[Group1]=[space,space,nobreakspace]
- };
- // End alphanumeric section
- // begin modifier mappings
- modifier_map Shift { Shift_L };
- modifier_map Lock { Caps_Lock };
- modifier_map Control{ Control_L };
- modifier_map Mod3 { Mode_switch };
- };
- partial alphanumeric_keys
- xkb_symbols "Sundeadkeys" {
- include "ca(basic)"
- key <AE12> {
- type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
- symbols[Group1]= [ equal, plus, notsign ],
- symbols[Group2]= [ SunFA_Cedilla, dead_ogonek ]
- };
- key <AD11> {
- type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
- symbols[Group1]=[ SunFA_Circum, SunFA_Diaeresis, SunFA_Grave ],
- symbols[Group2]=[ NoSymbol, dead_abovering ]
- };
- key <AD12> {
- type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
- symbols[Group1]=[ ccedilla, Ccedilla, asciitilde ],
- symbols[Group2]=[ SunFA_Tilde, dead_macron ]
- };
- key <AC10> {
- type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
- symbols[Group1]= [ semicolon, colon, degree ],
- symbols[Group2]= [ SunFA_Acute, dead_doubleacute ]
- };
- };
- partial alphanumeric_keys
- xkb_symbols "sundeadkeys" {
- include "ca(Sundeadkeys)"
- };
- partial alphanumeric_keys
- xkb_symbols "nodeadkeys" {
- include "ca(basic)"
- key <AE12> {
- type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
- symbols[Group1]= [ equal, plus, notsign ],
- symbols[Group2]= [ cedilla, ogonek ]
- };
- key <AD11> {
- type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
- symbols[Group1]=[ asciicircum, diaeresis, grave ],
- symbols[Group2]=[ NoSymbol, degree ]
- };
- key <AD12> {
- type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
- symbols[Group1]=[ ccedilla, Ccedilla, asciitilde ],
- symbols[Group2]=[ asciitilde, macron ]
- };
- key <AC10> {
- type[Group1]="THREE_LEVEL",
- symbols[Group1]= [ semicolon, colon, degree ],
- symbols[Group2]= [ acute, doubleacute ]
- };
- key <AC11> { [ egrave, Egrave ],
- [ NoSymbol, caron ] };
- key <BKSL> { [ agrave, Agrave ],
- [ NoSymbol, breve ] };
- };