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- // Edit your logcontrol file
- {
- if ( Args() == [ "get_menuentry" ] )
- return [ "logcontrol",
- $[
- `menuentry : "YaST2/Logcontrol",
- `arguments : [ ],
- `widget : `RichText(UI(_("This module configures, which log entries YaST2 should create and which not"))),
- `codefragment : nil
- ]
- ];
- UI(``{
- // Generic buttons
- define OKButton() `PushButton(`id(`ok), `opt(`default, `hstretch), _("&Ok"));
- define CancelButton() `PushButton(`id(`cancel), `opt(`hstretch), _("&Cancel"));
- // Construct a selectionbox containing all notified components.
- define BuildSelectionBox(list logcon) ``
- `SelectionBox(`id(`comp), _("Component"), maplist(`entry, logcon, ``select(entry, 0)));
- // Build the main dialog
- define OpenMainDialog(list logcon) ``{
- list logcon_sorted = sort(`x, `y, logcon, ``(select(x, 0) <= select(y,0)));
- OpenDialog( `HBox(
- BuildSelectionBox(logcon_sorted),
- `Bottom(`VBox(`PushButton(`id(`add), `opt(`hstretch), _("&Add")),
- `PushButton(`id(`remove), `opt(`hstretch), _("&Remove")),
- `PushButton(`id(`edit), `opt(`hstretch), _("&Edit")),
- OKButton(),
- CancelButton()
- ))));
- };
- // Ask user for componentname
- define AskComponentName() ``{
- OpenDialog(`HBox( `TextEntry(`id(`name), "Enter name of component", ""),
- `Bottom(OKButton())));
- string|void ret = nil;
- while (true) {
- any input = UserInput();
- if (input == `ok) {
- string name = QueryWidget(`id(`name), `Value);
- if (name != "") {
- ret = name;
- break;
- }
- }
- else if (input == `cancel) break;
- }
- CloseDialog();
- return ret;
- };
- // Edit one entry
- define EditEntry(list entry) ``{
- list levelnames = [
- _("Debug messages"),
- _("Normal messages"),
- _("Warnings"),
- _("Errors"),
- _("Security messages"),
- _("Internal errors") ];
- string name = select(entry, 0);
- list enabling = select(entry, 1);
- term checkfield = `VBox();
- integer level = 0;
- while (level < size(levelnames))
- {
- boolean checked = size(enabling) <= level || select(enabling, level);
- checkfield = add(checkfield,
- `Left(`CheckBox(`id(level), "" + level + ": " + _("Show ")
- + select(levelnames, level), checked)));
- level = level + 1;
- }
- OpenDialog(`VBox(
- `Label(_("Properties for ") + name),
- checkfield,
- `HBox(
- OKButton(),
- CancelButton())));
- if (UserInput() == `ok) {
- enabling = [];
- integer level = 0;
- while (level < size(levelnames)) {
- enabling = add(enabling, QueryWidget(`id(level), `Value));
- level = level + 1;
- }
- }
- CloseDialog();
- return [ name, enabling ];
- };
- // Macro that shows and handles the dialog
- define EditLogcontrol(list logcon) ``{
- list old_logcon = logcon;
- OpenMainDialog(logcon);
- do {
- any ret = UserInput();
- if (ret == `cancel) {
- logcon = old_logcon;
- break;
- }
- else if (ret == `add)
- {
- string|void name = AskComponentName();
- if (is(name, string)) {
- logcon = add(logcon, [ name, [ false ]]);
- CloseDialog();
- OpenMainDialog(logcon);
- }
- }
- else if (ret == `remove)
- {
- string|void id = QueryWidget(`id(`comp), `CurrentItem);
- if (is(id, string)) {
- logcon = filter(`entry, logcon, ``(select(entry, 0) != id));
- CloseDialog();
- OpenMainDialog(logcon);
- }
- }
- else if (ret == `edit)
- {
- string|void id = QueryWidget(`id(`comp), `CurrentItem);
- if (is(id, string)) {
- list entry = find(`entry, logcon, ``(select(entry, 0) == id));
- entry = EditEntry(entry);
- logcon = add(filter(`entry, logcon, ``(select(entry, 0) != id)),
- entry);
- }
- }
- else if (ret == `ok)
- {
- break;
- }
- } while (true);
- CloseDialog();
- return logcon;
- };
- });
- // Main entry
- any logcon = ReadY2("logconf.ycp");
- if (logcon == nil) logcon = [];
- logcon = UI(`EditLogcontrol(logcon));
- return WriteY2("logconf.ycp", logcon);
- }