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606 lines
* pfdisk - Partition a Fixed DISK
* by Gordon W. Ross, Jan. 1990
* See the file "pfdisk.doc" for user instructions.
* This program uses a simple, line-oriented interpreter,
* designed for both interactive and non-interactive use.
* To facilitate non-interactive use, the output from the
* 'L' (list partitions) command is carefully arranged so it
* can be used directly as command input. Neat trick, eh?
char *versionString =
"# pfdisk version 1.2.1 by Gordon W. Ross Aug. 1990\nModified by S. Lubkin Oct. 1991\n";
/* These don't really matter. The user is asked to set them. */
#define DEFAULT_CYLS 306
#define PROMPT_STRING "pfdisk> "
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "sysdep.h"
#include "syscodes.h"
typedef unsigned char uchar;
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef unsigned long ulong;
struct part { /* An entry in the partition table */
uchar active; /* active flag (0x80 or 0) */
uchar b_head; /* begin head */
uchar b_sec; /* sector */
uchar b_cyl; /* cylinder */
uchar sysid; /* system id (see sysid.c) */
uchar e_head; /* end head */
uchar e_sec; /* end sector */
uchar e_cyl; /* end cylinder */
/* These two are just longs, but this way is machine independent. */
/* uchar lsBeg[4]; /* logical sectors, beginning Saul */
ulong lsBeg; /* logical sectors, beginning Saul */
/* uchar lsLen[4]; /* logical sectors, length Saul */
ulong lsLen; /* logical sectors, length Saul */
#define LOC_PT 0x1BE
#define LOC_NT 0x1AA /* Saul */
/* #define LOC_NT 0x180 Saul */
/* #define LOC_GWR 0x1A0 Saul */
#define LOC_GWR 0x1A9 /* Saul */
#define MAGIC_LOC 0x1FE
#define MAGIC_0 0x55
#define MAGIC_1 0xAA
#define MAX_LINE 80
#define NT_ENTRY_SIZE 5 /* Saul */
/* Note: Entry in "printf" command, should be manually changed, to
/* And header printf line should have blanks adjusted Saul */
char s[22]; /* For holding error string */
char buffer[SECSIZE]; /* The boot block buffer */
int bufmod=0; /* buffer modified... */
/* (zero means buffer is unmodified) */
int useNTable; /* boot sector uses name table */
/* device parameters (force someone to set them!) */
unsigned cyls = DEFAULT_CYLS;
unsigned heads = DEFAULT_HEADS;
unsigned sectors = DEFAULT_SECTORS;
char *devname; /* device name */
char cmdline[MAX_LINE];
char filename[80]; /* used by r/w commands */
char *prompt; /* null if no tty input */
/* Some of these strings are used in more than one place.
* For consistency, I put a newline on all of them.
char h_h[] = "? <enter> : Help summary\n";
char h_l[] = "L : List partition table\n";
char h_1[] = "1 id first last [name]: set partition 1\n";
char h_2[] = "2,3,4 ... (like 1) : set respective partition\n";
char h_a[] = "A n [m, ...] : Activate partition(s) n [m, ...]\n";
char h_g[] = "G cyls heads sectors : set disk Geometry\n";
char h_i[] = "I : list known ID numbers\n";
char h_r[] = "R [optional-file] : Read device (or specified file)\n";
char h_w[] = "W [optional-file] : Write device (or specified file)\n";
char h_q[] = "Q[!] : Quit (! means force)\n";
char * helpTable[] = {
h_h, h_l, h_1, h_2, h_a, h_g, h_i, h_r, h_w, h_q,
"# (All command letters have lower-case equivalents.)\n",
(char *) 0 }; /* This MUST have a zero as the last element */
char *BadArg="Error: bad argument: %s\n";
char *WarnNotSaved =
"Warning, modified partition table not saved.\n";
char ** p;
for (p = helpTable; *p; p++)
/* forward declarations */
void checkValidity();
char * setPartition();
char * makeActive();
char * setGeometry();
ulong chs2long();
char * nameID();
int printIDs();
int argc;
char *argv[];
char *cmdp; /* points to command word */
char *argp; /* points to command args */
/* check command line args (device name) */
if (argc != 2) {
usage(argv[0]); /* See s-sysname.c */
devname = argv[1];
/* Should we prompt? */
prompt = (isatty(fileno(stdin))) ? PROMPT_STRING : (char *) 0;
/* Print version name. */
fputs(versionString, stderr);
/* get disk parameters */
/* Get the boot block. */
if (getBBlk(devname, buffer) < 0)
fprintf(stderr,"%s: read failed\n", devname);
if (prompt) fprintf(stderr,"For help, enter: '?'\n");
/* Read and process commands a line at a time. */
while (1) {
if (prompt) fputs(prompt,stdout);
if (! fgets(cmdline, MAX_LINE, stdin)) break;
/* Find beginning of command word */
cmdp = cmdline;
while (isspace(*cmdp)) cmdp++;
/* find beginning of args */
argp = cmdp;
while (*argp && !isspace(*argp)) argp++;
while (isspace(*argp) || *argp=='=') argp++;
switch (*cmdp) {
case '\0': /* blank line */
case '#': /* line comment */
case '?': case 'h': case 'H':
case '1': /* set partition entry */
case '2': case '3': case '4':
argp = setPartition(cmdp, argp);
if (argp) { /* arg list error */
bufmod = 1;
case 'a': case 'A': /* activate partition */
argp = makeActive(argp);
if (argp) {
bufmod = 1;
case 'g': case 'G': /* set disk parameters (Geometry) */
argp = setGeometry(argp);
if (argp) { /* arg list error */
case 'i': case 'I': /* List known ID numbers */
case 'l': case 'L': /* List the partition table */
case 'q': case 'Q': /* Quit */
if (bufmod && (cmdp[1] != '!')) {
fprintf(stderr,"\007%s%s\n", WarnNotSaved,
"Use 'wq' or 'q!' (enter ? for help).");
case 'r': case 'R': /* read from device or file */
if (sscanf(argp,"%80s",filename) == 1) {
/* Arg specified, read from filename */
if (getFile(filename, buffer, SECSIZE) < 0)
fprintf(stderr,"%s: read failed\n", filename);
bufmod = 1;
} else {
/* No arg, use device. */
if (getBBlk(devname, buffer) < 0)
fprintf(stderr,"%s: read failed\n", devname);
bufmod = 0;
case 'w': case 'W': /* Write to file or device */
if (sscanf(argp,"%80s",filename) == 1) {
/* Arg specified, write to filename */
if (putFile(filename, buffer, SECSIZE) < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: write failed\n", filename);
} else { /* No arg, use device. */
if (putBBlk(devname, buffer) < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: write failed\n", devname);
bufmod = 0;
if (cmdp[1] == 'q' || cmdp[1] == 'Q') exit(0);
fprintf(stderr,"'%c': unrecognized. Enter '?' for help.\n", *cmdp);
} /* switch */
} /* while */
if (bufmod) fprintf(stderr, WarnNotSaved);
} /* main */
/* Check for valid boot block (magic number in last two bytes).
* Also, check for presence of partition name table.
void checkValidity()
/* Check the magic number. */
if ((buffer[MAGIC_LOC] & 0xFF) != MAGIC_0 ||
(buffer[MAGIC_LOC+1] & 0xFF) != MAGIC_1 ) {
/* The boot sector is not valid -- Fix it. */
buffer[MAGIC_LOC] = MAGIC_0;
buffer[MAGIC_LOC+1] = MAGIC_1;
bufmod = 1;
"\n\tWarning: The boot sector has an invalid magic number.\n\
\tThe magic number has been fixed, but the other contents\n\
\tare probably garbage. Initialize using the command:\n\
\t\tR boot-program-file (i.e. bootmenu.bin)\n\
\tthen set each partition entry if necessary.\n");
/* Does it use a name table (for a boot menu)?
* My boot program does, and can be identified by
* finding my name in a particular (unused) area.
useNTable = ( buffer[LOC_GWR] == (char)0x3A ); /* Saul */
/* useNTable = !strcmp(&buffer[LOC_GWR], "Gordon W. Ross"); Saul */
char * setPartition(cmdp,argp) /* return string on error */
char *cmdp,*argp;
struct part *pp; /* partition entry */
char * np; /* name table pointer */
char tmpname[20];
char * newname = tmpname; /* name field */
int index; /* partition index (0..3) */
uint id; /* ID code (see syscodes.c) */
uint first,last; /* user supplied cylinders */
uint c,h,s; /* working cyl,head,sect, */
int i; /* returned by sscanf */
ulong lsbeg, lslen; /* logical begin, length */
/* Value check the index */
index = *cmdp - '1';
if (index < 0 || index > 3)
pp = (struct part *) &buffer[LOC_PT + index * 16];
np = &buffer[LOC_NT + index * NT_ENTRY_SIZE]; /* Saul */
/* np = &buffer[LOC_NT + index * 8]; Saul */
/* Read System ID */
if ((i=sscanf(argp,"%d%d%d%s", &id, &first, &last, newname)) < 1)
/* If ID==0, just clear out the entry and return. */
if (id == 0) {
strncpy( (char *) pp, "", 16);
if (useNTable) strncpy( np, "", NT_ENTRY_SIZE); /* Saul */
/* if (useNTable) strncpy( np, "", 8); Saul */
return((char *)0);
/* Read first and last cylinder */
if (i < 3)
return("first last (missing)");
/* Reasonable start,end cylinder numbers? */
if (first > last) return("first > last");
if (first > 1023) return("first > 1023");
if (last >= cyls) return("last >= cyls");
/* Get (optional) system name. */
if (i == 3) { /* no name given, use default */
newname = nameID(id);
else useNTable = 1;
/* Set the ID and name. */
pp->sysid = id;
if (useNTable) {
strncpy(np, newname, NT_ENTRY_SIZE); /* Saul */
/* strncpy(np, newname, 8); Saul */
/* strcpy(&buffer[LOC_GWR], "Gordon W. Ross"); Saul */
buffer[LOC_GWR] = (char)0x3A; /* Saul */
/* set beginning c,h,s */
c = first;
/* if c == 0, head == 1 (reserve track 0) */
h = (first) ? 0 : 1;
s = 1;
pp->b_cyl = c & 0xFF;
pp->b_head = h;
pp->b_sec = s | ((c >> 2) & 0xC0);
/* Set the logical sector begin field */
lsbeg = lslen = chs2long(c,h,s); /* using lslen as temp. */
/* pp->lsBeg[0] = lslen & 0xff; lslen >>= 8;
pp->lsBeg[1] = lslen & 0xff; lslen >>= 8;
pp->lsBeg[2] = lslen & 0xff; lslen >>= 8;
pp->lsBeg[3] = lslen & 0xff; lslen >>= 8; Saul */
pp->lsBeg = lslen; /* Saul */
/* set ending c,h,s (last may be larger than 1023) */
c = (last>1023) ? 1023 : last; /* limit c to 1023 */
h = heads - 1; s = sectors;
pp->e_cyl = c & 0xFF;
pp->e_head = h;
pp->e_sec = s | ((c >> 2) & 0xC0);
/* Set the logical sector length field (using REAL end cylinder) */
lslen = chs2long(last,h,s) + 1 - lsbeg;
/* pp->lsLen[0] = lslen & 0xff; lslen >>= 8;
pp->lsLen[1] = lslen & 0xff; lslen >>= 8;
pp->lsLen[2] = lslen & 0xff; lslen >>= 8;
pp->lsLen[3] = lslen & 0xff; lslen >>= 8; Saul */
pp->lsLen = lslen; /* Saul */
return((char *)0); /* success */
} /* setPartition() */
char * makeActive(argp) /* return error string or zero */
char *argp;
struct part *pp; /* partition entry */
int i,act1,act2,act3,act4,act5; /* which one becomes active */
if ((i=sscanf(argp,"%d%d%d%d%d", &act1, &act2, &act3, &act4, &act5)) < 1)
return("missing partition number");
if ( i > 4)
return("at most four partition numbers");
act1--; /* make it zero-origin */
act2--; /* make it zero-origin */
act3--; /* make it zero-origin */
act4--; /* make it zero-origin */
i=0; pp = (struct part *) &buffer[LOC_PT];
while (i<4) {
if (pp->sysid == 0 && (i == act1|| i == act2 || i == act3 || i == act4)) {
sprintf(s, "partition %d empty", i+1);
i++; pp++;
i=0; pp -= 4;
while (i<4) {
if (i == act1|| i == act2 || i == act3 || i == act4)
pp->active = 0x80;
pp->active = 0;
i++; pp++;
return((char *)0);
char * setGeometry(argp) /* return string on error */
char *argp;
int c,h,s;
if (sscanf(argp,"%d%d%d", &c, &h, &s) < 3)
if (c<1) return("cyls");
if (h<1) return("heads");
if (s<1) return("sectors");
cyls=c; heads=h; sectors=s;
return((char *)0);
listPTable() /* print out partition table */
struct part * pp; /* partition table entry */
char *name;
int i; /* partition number */
/* int numActive=0; /* active partition [1-4], 0==none */
char Active[20]; /* active partitions [1-4], 0==none */
uint pbc,pbh,pbs; /* physical beginning c,h,s */
uint pec,peh,pes; /* physical ending c,h,s */
uint lbc,lbh,lbs; /* logical beginning c,h,s */
uint lec,leh,les; /* logical ending c,h,s */
ulong lsbeg,lslen; /* logical sectors: begin, length */
strcpy(Active, "active:");
printf("# Partition table on device: %s\n", devname);
printf("geometry %d %d %d (cyls heads sectors)\n",
cyls, heads, sectors);
/* printf("# ID First(cyl) Last(cyl) Name "); Saul */
printf("# ID First(cyl) Last(cyl) Name "); /* Saul */
printf("# start, length (sectors)\n");
for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
pp = (struct part *) &buffer[LOC_PT + i * 16];
if (pp->active) {
char s[3];
sprintf(s, " %d", i+1);
if (pp->active != 0x80)
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Partition %d is active, with the illegal activity byte %d.\nCorrect with the \"A\" command.\n", i+1, pp->active);
/* if(numActive)
fprintf(stderr,"Error: multiple active partitions.\n");
else numActive = i+1; */
/* physical beginning c,h,s */
pbc = pp->b_cyl & 0xff | (pp->b_sec << 2) & 0x300;
pbh = pp->b_head;
pbs = pp->b_sec & 0x3F;
/* physical ending c,h,s */
pec = pp->e_cyl & 0xff | (pp->e_sec << 2) & 0x300;
peh = pp->e_head;
pes = pp->e_sec & 0x3F;
/* compute logical beginning (c,h,s) */
/* lsbeg = ((((((pp->lsBeg[3] ) << 8 )
| pp->lsBeg[2] ) << 8 )
| pp->lsBeg[1] ) << 8 )
| pp->lsBeg[0] ; Saul */
lsbeg = pp->lsBeg; /* Saul */
long2chs(lsbeg, &lbc, &lbh, &lbs);
/* compute logical ending (c,h,s) */
/* lslen = ((((((pp->lsLen[3]) << 8 )
| pp->lsLen[2]) << 8 )
| pp->lsLen[1]) << 8 )
| pp->lsLen[0] ; Saul */
lslen = pp->lsLen; /* Saul*/
/* keep beginning <= end ... */
if (lslen > 0) long2chs(lsbeg+lslen-1, &lec, &leh, &les);
else long2chs(lsbeg, &lec, &leh, &les);
if (useNTable)
name = &buffer[LOC_NT + i * NT_ENTRY_SIZE ]; /* Saul */
/* name = &buffer[LOC_NT + i * 8]; Saul */
name = nameID((uint) pp->sysid);
/* show physical begin, logical end (works for cyl>1023) */
/* # ID First(cyl) Last(cyl) Name... # ... */
/* printf("%d %3d %4d %4d %-8.8s # %ld, %ld\n", Saul */
printf("%d %3d %4d %4d %-5.5s # %ld, %ld\n", /* Saul */
i+1, pp->sysid, pbc, lec, name, lsbeg, lslen );
/* That's all, for an empty partition. */
if (pp->sysid == 0) continue;
* Now do some consistency checks...
/* Same physical / logical beginning? */
if (pbc != lbc || pbh != lbh || pbs != lbs ) {
printf("# note: first(%d): ", i+1);
printf("phys=(%d,%d,%d) ", pbc, pbh, pbs);
printf("logical=(%d,%d,%d)\n",lbc, lbh, lbs);
/* Same physical / logical ending? */
if (pec != lec || peh != leh || pes != les ) {
printf("# note: last(%d): ", i+1);
printf("phys=(%d,%d,%d) ", pec, peh, pes);
printf("logical=(%d,%d,%d)\n",lec, leh, les);
/* Beginning on cylinder boundary? */
if (pbc == 0) { /* exception: start on head 1 */
if (pbh != 1 || pbs != 1) {
printf("# note: first(%i): ", i+1);
printf("phys=(%d,%d,%d) ", pbc, pbh, pbs);
printf("should be (%d,1,1)\n", pbc);
} else { /* not on cyl 0 */
if (pbh != 0 || pbs != 1) {
printf("# note: first(%i): ", i+1);
printf("phys=(%d,%d,%d) ", pbc, pbh, pbs);
printf("should be (%d,0,1)\n", pbc);
/* Ending on cylinder boundary? */
if (peh != (heads-1) || pes != sectors) {
printf("# note: last(%i): ", i+1);
printf("phys=(%d,%d,%d) ", pec, peh, pes);
printf("should be (%d,%d,%d)\n",
pec, heads-1, sectors);
} /* for */
if ( !Active[7] ) /* No active partitions */
strcat(Active, " 0 (none)");
strcat(Active, "\n");
/* printf("active: %d %s\n", numActive,
(numActive) ? "" : "(none)"); */
} /* listPTable() */
ulong chs2long(c,h,s)
uint c,h,s;
ulong l;
if (s<1) s=1;
l = c; l *= heads;
l += h; l *= sectors;
l += (s - 1);
long2chs(ls, c, h, s) /* convert logical sec-num to c,h,s */
ulong ls; /* Logical Sector number */
uint *c,*h,*s; /* cyl, head, sector */
int spc = heads * sectors;
*c = ls / spc;
ls = ls % spc;
*h = ls / sectors;
*s = ls % sectors + 1; /* sectors count from 1 */
char * nameID(n)
unsigned int n;
struct intString *is;
is = sysCodes;
while (is->i) {
if (is->i == n) return(is->s);
if (!n) return(is->s);
int printIDs() /* print the known system IDs */
struct intString * is = sysCodes;
/* This might need to do more processing eventually, i.e.
* if (prompt) { ... do more processing ... }
printf("_ID_\t__Name__ ____Description____\n");
while (is->i) {
printf("%3d\t%s\n", is->i, is->s);