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Assembly Source File
1,093 lines
; >>> this is file LOADLINj.ASM
; LOADLIN v1.6 (C) 1994..1996 Hans Lermen (lermen@elserv.ffm.fgan.de)
; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
; Comments and bug reports are welcome and may be sent to:
; E-Mail: lermen@elserv.ffm.fgan.de
; SnailMail: Hans Lermen
; Am Muehlenweg 38
; D53424 REMAGEN-Unkelbach
check_VCPI_present proc near
push es
push ds
lea esp,[esp-4] ; local space
@@stack struc
@@handle dw ?
dw ?
@@ds dw ?
@@es dw ?
pushad_struc @@
@@stack ends
xor eax,eax ; check EMM_interrupt present
mov [esp].@@eax,eax
mov es,ax
mov es,word ptr es:[emm_int*4+2]
cmp Dword ptr es:[10+4],'0XXX'
jne @@ex
cmp dword ptr es:[10],'XMME'
je @@ok
cmp dword ptr es:[10],'QMME' ; this also works (as told by <J.S.Peatfield@damtp.cambridge.ac.uk>)
jne @@ex
mov ax,4000h ; check emm menager status
int emm_int
or ah,ah
jnz @@ex
mov ax,_GET_VERSION*256 ; get version
int emm_int
cmp ax,40h ; version must be greater 4.0
jb @@ex
mov bx,4
int emm_int
cmp ah,0
jnz @@ex
mov word ptr [esp].@@handle,dx ; save handle
mov ax,0DE00h ; check for VCPI present
int emm_int
cmp ah,0
jne short @@notok
mov byte ptr [esp].@@eax,1
mov dx,word ptr [esp].@@handle
int emm_int
lea esp,[esp+4] ; discar local space
pop ds
pop es
or ax,ax
check_VCPI_present endp
get_VCPI_interface proc near
push cs ;* buffer for server GDT entries
push offset gdtvcpi_code ;*
push cs ;* buffer for server page0
push offset page0 ;*
call get_protected_mode_interface
get_VCPI_interface endp
check_low_mem_mapping proc near
call get_VCPI_interface
xor edx,edx
lea si,page0
mov cx,(640/4)
and ax,0f000h
cmp eax,edx
jne @@ex_false
add edx,1000h
loop @@loop
mov ax,1
or ax,ax
xor ax,ax
jmp @@ex
check_low_mem_mapping endp
get_protected_mode_interface proc near
ARG server_pagebuffer:dword,server_selectors:dword = returnpop
push bp
mov bp,sp
push si
push di
push ds
push es
; convert pagebuffer to linear address
movzx eax,word ptr server_pagebuffer+2
movzx ebx,word ptr server_pagebuffer
shl eax,4
add eax,ebx
shr eax,4 ; make real mode address
push ds
mov es,ax ; ES = frame of server_pagebuf
xor di,di ; ES:DI = >buffer for page0-table<
lds si,server_selectors ; DS:DI = >3 GDT entries for VCPI
; calling VCPI server
mov ax,0DE01h
int emm_int
pop ds
; save VCPI server entry for protected mode
mov dword ptr server_vcpi_entry,ebx
; set the VCPI-Code selector
mov word ptr server_vcpi_entry+4,g_vcpi_code
pop es
pop ds
pop di
pop si
pop bp
ret returnpop
get_protected_mode_interface endp
try_biosintv proc near
mov ax,DOS_OPEN_FILE shl 8
lea dx,@@fname
jc @@ex_false
mov bx,ax
mov ax,4402h
mov cx,size intv_buf
lea dx,intv_buf
push ax
pop ax
jc @@ex_false
mov intv_size,ax
mov ax,1
or ax,ax
xor ax,ax
jmp @@ex
@@fname db '$BIOSINT',0
try_biosintv endp
try_realbios proc near
mov ax,DOS_OPEN_FILE shl 8
lea dx,@@fname_realbios
jc @@ex_false
mov bx,ax
lea dx,intv_buf
mov cx,realbios_end-intv_buf
push ax
pop ax
jc @@ex_false
cmp ax,realbios_end-intv_buf
jne @@ex_false
mov intv_size,ax
cmp cs:option_rx,1
je @@ex_true
; we now check the BIOS-revision to be sure
; that we have the right file
push es
mov ax,0ffffh
mov es,ax
mov eax,dword ptr es:[biosdate-reset_jmpop]
cmp eax,dword ptr cs:biosdate
jne @@ex_wrong_bios
mov eax,dword ptr es:[(biosdate-reset_jmpop)+4]
cmp eax,dword ptr cs:biosdate+4
jne @@ex_wrong_bios
; we check the real_bios_magic
cmp cs:real_bios_magic,0a5a5h
jne @@ex_wrong_bios
mov ax,1
pop es
or ax,ax
mov intv_size,0
xor ax,ax
jmp @@ex
pop es
mov wrong_realbios,1
call force_error_verbose
jmp @@ex_false
@@fname_realbios db REALBIOS_FILE,0
try_realbios endp
get_default_bios_intvectors proc near
cmp option_ja,0
jnz @@first_javier
cmp option_realbios,0
jnz @@first_realbios
call try_biosintv
jnz @@ex
call try_realbios
call try_realbios
jnz @@ex
call try_biosintv
jmp @@ex
mov intv_size,0
jmp @@ex
get_default_bios_intvectors endp
pmode_return_esp dd ? ; used to return from real-mode-switch
real_IDTR dw 03ffh ;needed to load real intvector after switch
dd 0
pmode_task proc near
; We come here in protected mode via VCPI-CALL
; have only to set up all things to switch back to 386-realmode
; We follow the INTEL recomended procedure to do this
; (80386 Programmer's Reference Manual, Chapter 14.5)
CLI ; just to be sure
; 1. We know, that paging is enabled,
; that linear addresses have identical mapping
; so we can clear the PG bit
mov eax,CR0
and eax,07fffffffh
mov CR0,eax ; paging is off
xor eax,eax
mov CR3,eax ; clear out paging cache
; 2. We must transfer control to segment with 64K limit
; we ARE on such a segment, no need to do it here
; 3. Load segment registers SS,DS,ES,FS,GS with a selector
; that points to a descriptor containing the the values:
; limit 64k = 0FFFFh
; byte granularity
; Expand up
; writable
; present
; We have that descriptor, its our gdt_data.
mov ax,g_data
mov ss,ax
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov fs,ax
mov gs,ax
; 4. Disable Interrrupts
; ( we did that above )
; 5. Clear the PE bit in CR0
mov eax,CR0
and al,0feh
mov CR0,eax ; we are go back to realmode
; 6. Flush the instruction queue and load CS with approritate value
;jmp far ptr @@here
db 0EAh
dw @@here
reloc_hseg_1 dw High_Seg_
@@here label far
; 7. Use LIDT instruction to load the base and limits of the
; real-mode interrupt vector table
lidt fword ptr cs:real_IDTR
; 8. Enable interrupts (we are doing this later)
; 9. Load segment register
mov ax,High_Seg_
reloc_hseg_2 equ word ptr ($-2)
mov ss,ax
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov fs,ax
mov gs,ax
mov esp,pmode_return_esp
; now we are in "real" real-mode
call restore_bios_default_vectors
pmode_task endp
iodelay macro
jmp short $+2
jmp short $+2
get_mem_from_CMOS proc near
push bx
mov al,18h
out [070h],al
dec al
mov bl,al
in al,[071h]
mov ah,al
mov al,bl
out [070h],al
in al,[071h] ; extended mem read from CMOS
pop bx
get_mem_from_CMOS endp
restore_bios_default_vectors proc near
push_ es,ds,ax,cx,si,di
xor di,di
mov es,di
cmp cs:have_to_intercept_setup,0
jz @@p2
; No REALBIOS or device driver
cmp word ptr cs:intv_buf+(4*15h+2),0
jne @@ex ; Only once
mov eax,dword ptr es:[4*15h]
mov dword ptr cs:intv_buf+(4*15h),eax
call get_mem_from_CMOS
mov cs:real_bios_int15,ax
jmp @@p1
mov cx,cs:intv_size
shr cx,2
jcxz @@ex
; we now reset the intvector to bios-defaults
push cs
pop ds
cmp cx,(size intv_buf)/4 ; have we REALBIOS
jna @@1 ; no
; yes
; restoring BIOSdata also
mov cx,(dummy_dos_data-intv_buf)/4
lea si,intv_buf
rep movsd
cmp cs:intv_size,(size intv_buf) ; have we REALBIOS
jna @@8 ; no
; yes, restoring BIOSscratch also
mov di,09FC0h
mov es,di
xor di,di
lea si,bios_scratch
mov cx,(size bios_scratch)/4
rep movsd
; now reprogram the PICs (8259A)
; (may be redirected by VCPI-client)
mov al,11h ; enter programming mode
out [20h],al ; master
out [0A0h],al ; slave
mov al,8 ; IRQ0..7 --> INT8..F
out [21h],al ; master
mov al,70h ; IRQ8..F --> INT70..77
out [0A1h],al ; slave
mov al,4 ; master bit
out [21h],al ; master
mov al,2 ; slave bit
out [0A1h],al ; slave
mov al,1 ; 8086 mode
out [21h],al ; master
out [0A1h],al ; slave
mov al,cs:slaveIMR
out [0A1h],al ; slave
mov al,cs:masterIMR
out [21h],al ; master
@@p1: ; we hook on the INT15
xor ax,ax
mov es,ax
mov word ptr es:[4*15h],offset our_int15
mov word ptr es:[4*15h+2],cs
; now we must reinit the video controler
; to the values just set in the BIOS-data
; we do it by calling the appropriate INT 10h
mov ax,3003h ; al = color mode
and ah,byte ptr cs:bios_data+10h ; get EQUIPPEMENT-flags
cmp ah,30h
jne @@6
mov al,7 ; al = mono mode
xor ah,ah
INT 10h
push ds
pop es
mov cs:intv_size,0 ; avoid second call
pop_ es,ds,ax,cx,si,di
restore_bios_default_vectors endp
our_int15 proc near
; interrupt 15 hook, in case of realbios
cmp ah,88h
je @@we_do_it
jmp dword ptr cs:intv_buf+(4*15H)
mov ax,cs:real_bios_int15
;;;test mov ax,0c00h*4
our_int15 endp
switch_to_protected_mode_and_return_in_386realmode proc near
; NOTE: must have called get_VCPI_interface before this
; returns with interrpts disabled
; all registers preserved, all segment registers = "High_Seg"
cmp cs:have_to_force_realmode,0
jnz @@goon
mov cs:have_to_force_realmode,0
mov pmode_return_esp,esp
lea ax,pmode_task
movzx eax,ax
mov dword ptr protected_mode_target,eax
mov word ptr protected_mode_target+4,g_code
movzx esi,High_Seg
shl esi,4
lea si,our_CR3[si]
mov ax,0DE0Ch
int emm_int ; jumps to protected mode
; does NOT return here
; "pmode_task" does return directly to our caller
switch_to_protected_mode_and_return_in_386realmode endp
; input:
; ES:DI pointer to string
; AL = terminating character
; output:
; AX= length of string, not counting terminating character
; all other registers preserved
strlen proc near
push_ di,cx
xor cx,cx
dec cx
repne scasb
mov ax,di
dec ax
pop_ di,cx
sub ax,di
strlen endp
get_kernel_version proc near
; Input:
; Output:
; EAX= converted verion number as:
; 1.2.3 (root:pipapo) #4 ... ---> EAX= 01020304h
; 1.2.3 ---> EAX= 01020300h
; all other registers preserved
xor eax,eax
cmp have_to_intercept_setup,2
jne @@ex
cmp setup_header_version,0105h
jb @@ex
cmp kernel_version,0
jz @@ex
push_ esi,edx
mov si,kernel_version
lea si,setup_prog[si]
call value_of
mov edx,eax
call value_of
ror eax,8
shld edx,eax,8
call value_of
ror eax,8
shld edx,eax,8
xor eax,eax
cmp byte ptr [si-1],0 ; end of string ?
je @@ex_
test ax,ax
jz @@ex_
cmp al,'#'
jne @@loop
call value_of
ror eax,8
shld edx,eax,8
mov eax,edx
pop_ esi,edx
get_kernel_version endp
writechar proc near
push_ eax,edx
push eax
mov byte ptr [esp+1],'$'
mov dx,sp
call print
add sp,4
pop_ eax,edx
writechar endp
writestring proc near
test al,al
jz @@ex
call writechar
loop @@1
writestring endp
writehexdigit proc near
push eax
and al,0fh
add al,'0'
cmp al,'9'
jna @@m1
add al,'A'-('9'+1)
call writechar
pop eax
writehexdigit endp
writehexbyte proc near
push eax
ror eax,4
call writehexdigit
rol eax,4
call writehexdigit
pop eax
writehexbyte endp
writehexword proc near
push eax
ror eax,8
call writehexbyte
rol eax,8
call writehexbyte
pop eax
writehexword endp
writehexdword proc near
push eax
ror eax,16
call writehexword
rol eax,16
call writehexword
pop eax
writehexdword endp
force_error_verbose proc near
mov option_v,1
mov option_t,1
mov option_t_forced,1
force_error_verbose endp
get_effective_physmem proc near
; input: none
; output: EAX = number of total physical RAM in bytes
; (may be set by mem= param)
cmp end_of_physmem,0
jz @@continue
mov eax,end_of_physmem
mov ah,88h
cmp intv_size,15h*4
jnb @@sim_int15
cmp have_to_intercept_setup,0
jz @@sim_int15_1
call get_mem_from_CMOS
jmp @@1
; we take int 15 as is, result may be wrong
; but Linux takes this as memory
int 15h
jmp @@1
cmp wrong_realbios,0
jne @@sim_int15_1
cmp cs:real_bios_magic,0a5a5h ; have we a saved value
jne @@sim_int15_2 ; no
mov ax,cs:real_bios_int15 ; yes
jmp @@1
; we take int 15 routine as saved by BIOSINTV
; hopefully this gets better result
push cs
push offset @@1
push dword ptr intv_buf+(15h*4)
movzx eax,ax
shl eax,10 ; now have extended mem in bytes
add eax,100000h ; we add we 1Meg of conventional mem
get_effective_physmem endp
print_verbose proc near
push_ ds,es
@@print macro tx
lea dx,tx
call print
@@cr macro
call print_crlf
@@prints macro tx,count
mov cx,count
lea si,tx
call writestring
@@hexw macro v
mov ax,v
call writehexword
@@print @@t1
@@prints image_name,<size image_name>
cmp have_to_intercept_setup,2
jne @@m1
cmp setup_header_version,0105h
jb @@m1
cmp kernel_version,0
jz @@m1
@@print @@t1_
mov dx,kernel_version
add dx,offset setup_prog
call print
@@print @@t2
@@hexw kernel_size
cmp have_big_kernel,0
jz @@m1_1
@@print @@t2_big
jmp @@m1_2
@@print @@t2_
@@hexw new_setup_size
cmp setup_version,0201h
jb @@m1_5
test loadflags,CAN_USE_HEAP
jz @@m1_5
@@print @@t2_heap
mov ax,heap_end_ptr
sub ax,new_setup_size
@@hexw ax
@@print @@v1
@@hexw vga_mode
@@print @@c2
lea di,command_line
xor ax,ax
call strlen
push ax
call writehexword
@@print @@c1
pop cx
@@prints command_line,cx
@@print @@t21
mov eax,load_buffer_size
call writehexdword
movzx bx,high_mem_access
shl bx,1
mov dx,@@hmtable[bx]
call print
@@print @@t21_
mov ax,maximum_setup_sects*512
call writehexword
cmp have_relocated_setup,0
jz @@mmt22
@@print @@t21_oc
cmp high_mem_access,0
jz @@mmt23
@@print @@t22low
mov eax,heap_end
sub eax,heap_ptr
call writehexdword
@@print @@t22low2
@@print @@t22
call get_effective_physmem
call writehexdword
@@print @@t5
lea dx,@@real_
cmp cpu_type,cpu_386GE
je @@3
lea dx,@@real_p
ja @@3
lea dx,@@v86
call print
cmp wrong_realbios,0
je @@3__
@@print @@t6_
lea dx,@@t6__
jmp @@3_1
cmp intv_size,0
jz @@3_1_
lea dx,@@t6
cmp intv_size,(size intv_buf) ; have we REALBIOS
jna @@3_
lea dx,@@t6_
call print
lea dx,@@no
cmp intv_size,0
jz @@3_1
lea dx,@@yes
call print
@@print @@t7
lea dx,@@no
cmp have_to_intercept_setup,1
jb @@3_2
lea dx,@@setup_
je @@3_2
lea dx,@@setup
call print
mov ax,setup_version
call writehexword
jmp @@3_2_1
call print
@@print @@s
mov bx,cpu_check_status
mov dx,@@stable[bx]
call print
@@print @@cc2
lea di,comline+1
xor ax,ax
call strlen
push ax
call writehexword
@@print @@cc1
pop cx
@@prints comline+1,cx
@@print @@started
lea dx,@@rundos
cmp can_exit_to_dos,0
jnz @@4_1
lea dx,@@runshell
call print
cmp cannot_load_because_of_windows,0
jz @@5
@@print @@sw
cmp cpu_type,cpu_386GE_real_paging
jne @@6
@@print @@w1
movzx eax,kernel_size
shl eax,4
cmp eax,load_buffer_size
jb @@7
@@print @@w2
cmp new_setup_size,maximum_setup_sects*512
jna @@8
@@print @@w3
cmp option_force,0
jz @@8_1
@@print @@w4
pop_ ds,es
@@t1 db 13,10,'Your current LINUX kernel boot configuration is:'
db 13,10,' image file: $'
@@t1_ db 13,10,' kernel version $'
@@t2 db 13,10,' kernel size: 0x$'
@@t2_ db '0 setup size: 0x$'
@@t2_big db '0 (high loaded) setup size: 0x$'
@@t2_heap db ', heap: 0x$'
IF 0
@@t3 db 13,10,' ram disk size: 0x$'
@@t4 db 13,10,' root device: 0x$'
@@tro db ' read only$'
@@trw db ' read/write$'
@@v1 db 13,10,' VGA mode: 0x$'
@@c2 db 13,10,' command line (size 0x$'
@@c1 db '):'
db 13,10,' $'
@@t21 db 13,10,'Your current DOS/CPU configuration is:'
db 13,10,' load buffer size: 0x$'
@@hmtable dw @@lowtx,@@vcpitx,@@int15tx,@@xmstx
@@lowtx db ' $'
@@vcpitx db ' VCPI$'
@@int15tx db ' EXT $'
@@xmstx db ' XMS $'
@@t21_ db ', setup buffer size: 0x$'
@@t21_oc db ' (reloc setup)$'
@@t22low db 13,10,' lowmem buffer: 0x$'
@@t22low2 db ' (part of load buffer)$'
@@t22 db 13,10,' total memory: 0x$'
@@t5 db 13,10,' CPU is in $'
@@t6 db ', BIOSINTV.SYS: $'
@@t6_ db ', REALBIOS: $'
@@t6__ db 'YES, but ROM-BIOS-DATE differs, must rerun REALBIOS.EXE$'
@@t7 db 13,10,' SetupIntercept: $'
@@yes db 'YES$'
@@no db 'NO$'
@@v86 db 'V86 mode$'
@@real_ db 'REAL mode$'
@@real_p db 'undocumented REAL PAGING mode, trying any way$'
@@setup_ db 'YES, patching setup code$'
@@setup db 'YES, legal intercept, setup header version $'
@@s db 13,10,' stat$'
@@s8 db '4: VCPI_present, physmap=logmap, all OK for switch to realmode$'
@@s6 db '3: VCPI_present, but physmap != logmap (check aborted)$'
@@s4 db '2: cpu_V86, but no VCPI available (check aborted)$'
@@s2 db '1: cpu in real 386 mode, no need to backswitch$'
@@s0 db '0: cpu < 386$'
@@stable dw @@s0,@@s2,@@s4,@@s6,@@s8
@@cc2 db 13,10,' input params (size 0x$'
@@cc1 db '):'
db 13,10,' $'
@@started db 13,10,' LOADLIN started from $'
@@rundos db 'DOS-prompt',13,10,'$'
@@runshell db 'CONFIG.SYS (shell= ...)',13,10,'$'
@@sw db ' You are running under MS-WINDOWS or Windows 95',13,10,'$'
@@w1 db 'WARNING:',13,10
db ' Your CPU is in realmode, but PAGING is enabled !',13,10
db ' This is possible, but neither documented nor supported by INTEL.',13,10
db " May be your motherboard's BIOS is mapping shadow ram this way,",13,10
db ' or you are using one of those old and strange EMM managers,',13,10
db ' but probably this is an indication of a not exactly compatible',13,10
db ' 486 clone. If you are not using one of the older EMM-managers',13,10
db ' you better should use the -clone switch to work around.',13,10,'$'
@@w2 db 'WARNING: Not enough free memory (load buffer size)$',13,10
@@w3 db 'WARNING: The setup buffer of LOADLIN is too small (must recompile)$',13,10
@@w4 db 'WARNING: Option -f set, CPU-Check bypassed !$',13,10
push_ ds,es
jmp @@verbose_stat
print_verbose endp
close_debug_file proc near
cmp debug_file_handle,0
jz @@ex
push_ ax,bx
mov bx,debug_file_handle
mov debug_file_handle,0
pop_ ax,bx
close_debug_file endp
wait_and_reset_dsk proc near
push_ ds,es,fs,gs
cmp cs:option_dskreset,0
jz @@wait
mov ax,0
mov dl,80h ; reset the whole disk system
int 13h
cmp cs:option_wait,0
jnz @@wait
mov cs:option_wait,9 ; wait at least 1/2 a second
cmp cs:option_wait,0
jz @@ex
mov ax,40h
mov ds,ax
movzx eax,cs:option_wait
add eax,dword ptr ds:[6ch]
cmp eax,dword ptr ds:[6ch]
ja @@loop
pop_ ds,es,fs,gs
wait_and_reset_dsk endp
logo_tx label byte
db 'LOADLIN v',LOADLIN_VERSION,' (C) 1994..1996 Hans Lermen <lermen@elserv.ffm.fgan.de>',13,10,'$'
comspec_tx db 'comspec',0
windows_tx db 'windir',0
err_uppermem_tx db 'Not enough free memory between 90000h and 9ffffh,',13,10
db 'may be you have some zombie programs, try to reboot.',13,10
db "If this doesn't help, try to find out what driver occupies this space."
newline_tx db 13,10,'$'
enter_commandline_tx db 'Please enter name of kernel image file followed by optional ',13,10
db 'command line parameters for Linux (e.g. root=XXXX)',13,10
db 'or @file ( file = param file ) or "empty string" to abort:',13,10,'$'
abort_tx db 'LOADLIN aborted by user',13,10,'$'
err_file_notfound_tx db 'Image file not found,',13,10,'$'
enter_file_tx db 'enter file name of Image:',13,10,'$'
err_wrong_file_tx db 'not an Image file,',13,10,'$'
err_wrong_setup_tx db 'Your current configuration needs interception of "setup.S,"',13,10
db 'but the setup-code in your Image file is *very* old (or wrong)',13,10
db 'Please use BIOSINTV/REALBIOS or try an other Image file',13,10,'$'
err_setup_too_long_tx db 'Ooops..., size of "setup.S" has become too long for LOADLIN,',13,10
db 'please E-mail this condition to lermen@elserv.ffm.fgan.de !',13,10,'$'
err_kernel_to_big_tx db 'not enough memory below 90000h to load kernel',13,10,'$'
err_io_tx db 'IO Error during load',13,10,'$'
insert_floppy_tx db 'Insert floppy disk for loading into RAMDISK',13,10,'$'
err_cpu_v86_tx db 13,10,'CPU is in V86-mode (may be WINDOWS, EMM386, QEMM, 386MAX, ...)',13,10
db 'You need pure 386/486 real mode or a VCPI server to boot Linux',13,10
db 'VCPI is supported by most EMS drivers (if EMS is enabled),',13,10
db "but never under WINDOWS-3.1 or WINDOWS'95.",13,10
db "(However, real DOS-Mode of WINDOWS'95 can have EMS driver with VCPI)",13,10
db 'If loading via VCPI you also MUST have:',13,10
db ' 1. An interceptable setup-code (see MANUAL.TXT)',13,10
db ' 2. Identical Physical-to-Virtual mapping for the first 640 Kbytes',13,10,'$'
err_wrong_cpu_tx db 'You need a 386 CPU at minimum, but you haven''t !',13,10,'$'
err_comfile_tx db 'error on reading command line response file',13,10,'$'
option_t_terminate_tx db 13,10,'Option -t set, Linux not loaded',13,10,'$'
option_t_forced_tx db 13,10,'ERROR detected, Linux not loaded',13,10,'$'
err_in_config_sys_tx db 13,10,'LOADLIN holding in idle loop (You must reboot)',13,10,'$'
usage_tx db 13,10
db 'USAGE:',13,10
db ' LOADLIN @params',13,10
db ' LOADLIN [zimage_file] [options] [boot_params]',13,10
db ' without any params, LOADLIN displays this help message.',13,10
db ' @params:',13,10
db ' params is a DOS file containing all other options',13,10
db ' zimage_file:',13,10
db ' DOS file name of compressed Linux kernel image',13,10
db ' options:',13,10
db ' -v verbose, show information on params and configuration',13,10
db ' -t test mode, do all but starting Linux, also sets -v',13,10
db ' -d file debug mode, same as -t, but duplicates output to "file"',13,10
db " -clone ( Please read MANUAL.TXT before using this switch! )",13,10
db " -n no translation for root=/dev/...",13,10
db " -txmode switch to textmode 80x25 on startup",13,10
db " -noheap disable use of setup heap",13,10
db " -wait=nn after loading wait nn (DOS)ticks before booting Linux",13,10
db " -dskreset after loading reset all disks before booting Linux",13,10
db ' boot_params:',13,10
db ' root=xxx filesystem to be mounted by Linux as "/"',13,10
db ' (string passed unchanged to the kernel)',13,10
db ' xxx = hex number (e.g. root=201 for /dev/fd1)',13,10
db ' = /dev/mmmn (e.g. root=/dev/hda2)',13,10
db ' mmm = fd,hda,hdb,sda,sdb...',13,10
db ' n = 1..10.. decimal',13,10
db ' ro mount "/" readonly',13,10
db ' rw mount "/" read/write',13,10
db ' initrd=x (for kernels > 1.3.72) load file x into /dev/ram. If FS in x',13,10
db ' contains /linuxrc, execute it, and then remount to root=xxx.',13,10
db ' If root=/dev/ram, just load, bypass execution of /linuxrc',13,10,13,10
db ' for more boot params see PARAMS.TXT or Paul Gortmakers HOWTO:',13,10
db ' http://sunsite.unc.edu/mdw/HOWTO/BootPrompt-HOWTO.html',13,10
db ' http://rsphy1.anu.edu/~gpg109/BootPrompt-HOWTO.html',13,10
empty_tx db '$'