home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 2000-03-24 | 33.2 KB | 1,095 lines |
- @rem = '--*-Perl-*--
- @echo off
- if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" goto WinNT
- perl -x -S "%0" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
- goto endofperl
- :WinNT
- perl -x -S "%0" %*
- if NOT "%COMSPEC%" == "%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe" goto endofperl
- if %errorlevel% == 9009 echo You do not have Perl in your PATH.
- if errorlevel 1 goto script_failed_so_exit_with_non_zero_val 2>nul
- goto endofperl
- @rem ';
- #!perl
- #line 15
- eval 'exec D:\p4-view\main\Apps\Gecko\MSI\data\ActivePerl\Perl\bin\perl.exe -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
- if $running_under_some_shell;
- use Config;
- use strict;
- use FileHandle;
- use File::Basename qw(&basename &dirname);
- use Cwd;
- use Getopt::Long;
- $Getopt::Long::bundling_override = 1;
- $Getopt::Long::passthrough = 0;
- $Getopt::Long::ignore_case = 0;
- my $pathsep = ($Config{'osname'} eq 'MSWin32')? "\\" : "/"; # MAJOR HACK. SHOULD
- # BE IN Config.pm
- my $options = {};
- my $_fh;
- unshift @ARGV, split ' ', $ENV{PERLCC_OPTS} if $ENV{PERLCC_OPTS};
- main();
- sub main
- {
- GetOptions
- (
- $options, "L:s",
- "I:s",
- "C:s",
- "o:s",
- "e:s",
- "regex:s",
- "verbose:s",
- "log:s",
- "argv:s",
- "b",
- "opt",
- "gen",
- "sav",
- "run",
- "prog",
- "mod"
- );
- my $key;
- local($") = "|";
- _usage() if (!_checkopts());
- push(@ARGV, _maketempfile()) if ($options->{'e'});
- _usage() if (!@ARGV);
- my $file;
- foreach $file (@ARGV)
- {
- _print("
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Compiling $file:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ", 36 );
- _doit($file);
- }
- }
- sub _doit
- {
- my ($file) = @_;
- my ($program_ext, $module_ext) = _getRegexps();
- my ($obj, $objfile, $so, $type, $backend, $gentype);
- $backend = $options->{'b'} ? 'Bytecode' : $options->{'opt'} ? 'CC' : 'C';
- $gentype = $options->{'b'} ? 'Bytecode' : 'C';
- if (
- (($file =~ m"@$program_ext") && ($file !~ m"@$module_ext"))
- || (defined($options->{'prog'}) || defined($options->{'run'}))
- )
- {
- $type = 'program';
- if ($options->{'b'})
- {
- $obj = $objfile = $options->{'o'} ? $options->{'o'} : "${file}c";
- }
- else
- {
- $objfile = $options->{'C'} ? $options->{'C'} : "$file.c";
- $obj = $options->{'o'} ? $options->{'o'}
- : _getExecutable( $file,$program_ext);
- }
- return() if (!$obj);
- }
- elsif (($file =~ m"@$module_ext") || ($options->{'mod'}))
- {
- $type = 'module';
- if ($options->{'b'})
- {
- $obj = $objfile = $options->{'o'} ? $options->{'o'} : "${file}c";
- }
- else
- {
- die "Shared objects are not supported on Win32 yet!!!!\n"
- if ($Config{'osname'} eq 'MSWin32');
- $objfile = $options->{'C'} ? $options->{'C'} : "$file.c";
- $obj = $options->{'o'} ? $options->{'o'}
- : _getExecutable($file, $module_ext);
- $so = "$obj.$Config{so}";
- }
- return() if (!$obj);
- }
- else
- {
- _error("noextension", $file, $program_ext, $module_ext);
- return();
- }
- if ($type eq 'program')
- {
- _print("Making $gentype($objfile) for $file!\n", 36 );
- my $errcode = _createCode($backend, $objfile, $file);
- (_print( "ERROR: In generating code for $file!\n", -1), return())
- if ($errcode);
- _print("Compiling C($obj) for $file!\n", 36 ) if (!$options->{'gen'} &&
- !$options->{'b'});
- $errcode = _compileCode($file, $objfile, $obj)
- if (!$options->{'gen'} &&
- !$options->{'b'});
- if ($errcode)
- {
- _print( "ERROR: In compiling code for $objfile !\n", -1);
- my $ofile = File::Basename::basename($objfile);
- $ofile =~ s"\.c$"\.o"s;
- _removeCode("$ofile");
- return()
- }
- _runCode($objfile) if ($options->{'run'} && $options->{'b'});
- _runCode($obj) if ($options->{'run'} && !$options->{'b'});
- _removeCode($objfile) if (($options->{'b'} &&
- ($options->{'e'} && !$options->{'o'})) ||
- (!$options->{'b'} &&
- (!$options->{'sav'} ||
- ($options->{'e'} && !$options->{'C'}))));
- _removeCode($file) if ($options->{'e'});
- _removeCode($obj) if (!$options->{'b'} &&
- (($options->{'e'} &&
- !$options->{'sav'} && !$options->{'o'}) ||
- ($options->{'run'} && !$options->{'sav'})));
- }
- else
- {
- _print( "Making $gentype($objfile) for $file!\n", 36 );
- my $errcode = _createCode($backend, $objfile, $file, $obj);
- (_print( "ERROR: In generating code for $file!\n", -1), return())
- if ($errcode);
- _print( "Compiling C($so) for $file!\n", 36 ) if (!$options->{'gen'} &&
- !$options->{'b'});
- $errcode =
- _compileCode($file, $objfile, $obj, $so ) if (!$options->{'gen'} &&
- !$options->{'b'});
- (_print( "ERROR: In compiling code for $objfile!\n", -1), return())
- if ($errcode);
- }
- }
- sub _getExecutable
- {
- my ($sourceprog, $ext) = @_;
- my ($obj);
- if (defined($options->{'regex'}))
- {
- eval("(\$obj = \$sourceprog) =~ $options->{'regex'}");
- return(0) if (_error('badeval', $@));
- return(0) if (_error('equal', $obj, $sourceprog));
- }
- elsif (defined ($options->{'ext'}))
- {
- ($obj = $sourceprog) =~ s"@$ext"$options->{ext}"g;
- return(0) if (_error('equal', $obj, $sourceprog));
- }
- elsif (defined ($options->{'run'}))
- {
- $obj = "perlc$$";
- }
- else
- {
- ($obj = $sourceprog) =~ s"@$ext""g;
- return(0) if (_error('equal', $obj, $sourceprog));
- }
- return($obj);
- }
- sub _createCode
- {
- my ( $backend, $generated_file, $file, $final_output ) = @_;
- my $return;
- my $output_switch = "o";
- my $max_line_len = '';
- local($") = " -I";
- if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' && $backend =~ /^CC?$/ && $Config{cc} =~ /^cl/i) {
- $max_line_len = '-l2000,';
- }
- if ($backend eq "Bytecode")
- {
- require ByteLoader;
- open(GENFILE, "> $generated_file") || die "Can't open $generated_file: $!";
- binmode GENFILE;
- print GENFILE "#!$^X\n" if @_ == 3;
- print GENFILE "use ByteLoader $ByteLoader::VERSION;\n";
- close(GENFILE);
- $output_switch ="a";
- }
- if (@_ == 3) # compiling a program
- {
- chmod $generated_file, 0777 & ~umask if $backend eq "Bytecode";
- my $null=File::Spec->devnull;
- _print( "$^X -I@INC -MB::Stash -c $file\n", 36);
- my @stash=`$^X -I@INC -MB::Stash -c $file 2>$null`;
- my $stash=$stash[-1];
- chomp $stash;
- _print( "$^X -I@INC -MO=$backend,$max_line_len$stash $file\n", 36);
- $return = _run("$^X -I@INC -MO=$backend,$max_line_len$stash,-$output_switch$generated_file $file", 9);
- $return;
- }
- else # compiling a shared object
- {
- _print(
- "$^X -I@INC -MO=$backend,$max_line_len-m$final_output $file\n", 36);
- $return =
- _run("$^X -I@INC -MO=$backend,$max_line_len-m$final_output,-$output_switch$generated_file $file ", 9);
- $return;
- }
- }
- sub _compileCode
- {
- my ($sourceprog, $generated_cfile, $output_executable, $shared_object) = @_;
- my @return;
- if (@_ == 3) # just compiling a program
- {
- $return[0] =
- _ccharness('static', $sourceprog, "-o", $output_executable,
- $generated_cfile);
- $return[0];
- }
- else
- {
- my $object_file = $generated_cfile;
- $object_file =~ s"\.c$"$Config{_o}";
- $return[0] = _ccharness('compile', $sourceprog, "-c", $generated_cfile);
- $return[1] = _ccharness
- (
- 'dynamic',
- $sourceprog, "-o",
- $shared_object, $object_file
- );
- return(1) if (grep ($_, @return));
- return(0);
- }
- }
- sub _runCode
- {
- my ($executable) = @_;
- _print("$executable $options->{'argv'}\n", 36);
- _run("$executable $options->{'argv'}", -1 );
- }
- sub _removeCode
- {
- my ($file) = @_;
- unlink($file) if (-e $file);
- }
- sub _ccharness
- {
- my $type = shift;
- my (@args) = @_;
- local($") = " ";
- my $sourceprog = shift(@args);
- my ($libdir, $incdir);
- my $L = '-L';
- $L = '-libpath:' if $^O eq 'MSWin32' && $Config{cc} =~ /^cl/i;
- if (-d "$Config{installarchlib}/CORE")
- {
- $libdir = "$L$Config{installarchlib}/CORE";
- $incdir = "-I$Config{installarchlib}/CORE";
- }
- else
- {
- $libdir = "$L.. $L.";
- $incdir = "-I.. -I.";
- }
- $libdir .= " $L$options->{L}" if (defined($options->{L}));
- $incdir .= " -I$options->{L}" if (defined($options->{L}));
- my $linkargs = '';
- my $dynaloader = '';
- my $optimize = '';
- my $flags = '';
- if (!grep(/^-[cS]$/, @args))
- {
- my $lperl = $^O eq 'os2' ? '-llibperl'
- : $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? "$Config{archlibexp}\\CORE\\$Config{libperl}"
- : '-lperl';
- ($lperl = $Config{libperl}) =~ s/lib(.*)\Q$Config{_a}\E/-l$1/
- if($^O eq 'cygwin');
- $optimize = $Config{'optimize'} =~ /-O\d/ ? '' : $Config{'optimize'};
- $flags = $type eq 'dynamic' ? $Config{lddlflags} : $Config{ldflags};
- $linkargs = "$flags $libdir $lperl @Config{libs}";
- $linkargs = "/link $linkargs" if $^O eq 'MSWin32' && $Config{cc} =~ /^cl/i;
- }
- my $libs = _getSharedObjects($sourceprog);
- @$libs = grep { !(/DynaLoader\.a$/ && ($dynaloader = $_)) } @$libs
- if($^O eq 'cygwin');
- my $args = "@args";
- if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' && $Config{cc} =~ /^bcc/i) {
- # BC++ cmd line syntax does not allow space between -[oexz...] and arg
- $args =~ s/(^|\s+)-([oe])\s+/$1-$2/g;
- }
- my $ccflags = $Config{ccflags};
- $ccflags .= ' -DUSEIMPORTLIB' if $^O eq 'cygwin';
- my $cccmd = "$Config{cc} $ccflags $optimize $incdir "
- ."$args $dynaloader $linkargs @$libs";
- _print ("$cccmd\n", 36);
- _run("$cccmd", 18 );
- }
- sub _getSharedObjects
- {
- my ($sourceprog) = @_;
- my ($tmpfile, $incfile);
- my (@sharedobjects, @libraries);
- local($") = " -I";
- my ($tmpprog);
- ($tmpprog = $sourceprog) =~ s"(.*)[\\/](.*)"$2";
- my $tempdir= File::Spec->tmpdir;
- $tmpfile = "$tempdir/$tmpprog.tst";
- $incfile = "$tempdir/$tmpprog.val";
- my $fd = new FileHandle("> $tmpfile") || die "Couldn't open $tmpfile!\n";
- my $fd2 =
- new FileHandle("$sourceprog") || die "Couldn't open $sourceprog!\n";
- print $fd <<"EOF";
- use FileHandle;
- my \$fh3 = new FileHandle("> $incfile")
- || die "Couldn't open $incfile\\n";
- my \$key;
- foreach \$key (keys(\%INC)) { print \$fh3 "\$key:\$INC{\$key}\\n"; }
- close(\$fh3);
- exit();
- print $fd ( <$fd2> );
- close($fd);
- _print("$^X -I@INC $tmpfile\n", 36);
- _run("$^X -I@INC $tmpfile", 9 );
- $fd = new FileHandle ("$incfile");
- my @lines = <$fd>;
- unlink($tmpfile);
- unlink($incfile);
- my $line;
- my $autolib;
- my @return;
- foreach $line (@lines)
- {
- chomp($line);
- my ($modname, $modpath) = split(':', $line);
- my ($dir, $file) = ($modpath=~ m"(.*)[\\/]($modname)");
- if ($autolib = _lookforAuto($dir, $file)) { push(@return, $autolib); }
- }
- return(\@return);
- }
- sub _maketempfile
- {
- my $return;
- # if ($Config{'osname'} eq 'MSWin32')
- # { $return = "C:\\TEMP\\comp$$.p"; }
- # else
- # { $return = "/tmp/comp$$.p"; }
- $return = "comp$$.p";
- my $fd = new FileHandle( "> $return") || die "Couldn't open $return!\n";
- print $fd $options->{'e'};
- close($fd);
- return($return);
- }
- sub _lookforAuto
- {
- my ($dir, $file) = @_;
- my ($relabs, $relshared);
- my ($prefix);
- my $return;
- my $sharedextension = $^O =~ /MSWin32|cygwin|os2/i
- ? $Config{_a} : ".$Config{so}";
- ($prefix = $file) =~ s"(.*)\.pm"$1";
- my ($tmp, $modname) = ($prefix =~ m"(?:(.*)[\\/]){0,1}(.*)"s);
- $relshared = "$pathsep$prefix$pathsep$modname$sharedextension";
- $relabs = "$pathsep$prefix$pathsep$modname$Config{_a}";
- # HACK . WHY DOES _a HAVE A '.'
- # AND so HAVE NONE??
- my @searchpaths = map("$_${pathsep}auto", @INC);
- my $path;
- foreach $path (@searchpaths)
- {
- if (-e ($return = "$path$relshared")) { return($return); }
- if (-e ($return = "$path$relabs")) { return($return); }
- }
- return(undef);
- }
- sub _getRegexps # make the appropriate regexps for making executables,
- { # shared libs
- my ($program_ext, $module_ext) = ([],[]);
- @$program_ext = ($ENV{PERL_SCRIPT_EXT})? split(':', $ENV{PERL_SCRIPT_EXT}) :
- ('.p$', '.pl$', '.bat$');
- @$module_ext = ($ENV{PERL_MODULE_EXT})? split(':', $ENV{PERL_MODULE_EXT}) :
- ('.pm$');
- _mungeRegexp( $program_ext );
- _mungeRegexp( $module_ext );
- return($program_ext, $module_ext);
- }
- sub _mungeRegexp
- {
- my ($regexp) = @_;
- grep(s:(^|[^\\])\.:$1\x00\\.:g, @$regexp);
- grep(s:(^|[^\x00])\\\.:$1\.:g, @$regexp);
- grep(s:\x00::g, @$regexp);
- }
- sub _error
- {
- my ($type, @args) = @_;
- if ($type eq 'equal')
- {
- if ($args[0] eq $args[1])
- {
- _print ("ERROR: The object file '$args[0]' does not generate a legitimate executable file! Skipping!\n", -1);
- return(1);
- }
- }
- elsif ($type eq 'badeval')
- {
- if ($args[0])
- {
- _print ("ERROR: $args[0]\n", -1);
- return(1);
- }
- }
- elsif ($type eq 'noextension')
- {
- my $progext = join(',', @{$args[1]});
- my $modext = join(',', @{$args[2]});
- $progext =~ s"\\""g;
- $modext =~ s"\\""g;
- $progext =~ s"\$""g;
- $modext =~ s"\$""g;
- _print
- (
- "
- ERROR: '$args[0]' does not have a proper extension! Proper extensions are:
- PROGRAM: $progext
- SHARED OBJECT: $modext
- Use the '-prog' flag to force your files to be interpreted as programs.
- Use the '-mod' flag to force your files to be interpreted as modules.
- ", -1
- );
- return(1);
- }
- return(0);
- }
- sub _checkopts
- {
- my @errors;
- local($") = "\n";
- if ($options->{'log'})
- {
- $_fh = new FileHandle(">> $options->{'log'}") || push(@errors, "ERROR: Couldn't open $options->{'log'}\n");
- }
- if ($options->{'b'} && $options->{'c'})
- {
- push(@errors,
- "ERROR: The '-b' and '-c' options are incompatible. The '-c' option specifies
- a name for the intermediate C code but '-b' generates byte code
- directly.\n");
- }
- if ($options->{'b'} && ($options->{'sav'} || $options->{'gen'}))
- {
- push(@errors,
- "ERROR: The '-sav' and '-gen' options are incompatible with the '-b' option.
- They ask for intermediate C code to be saved by '-b' generates byte
- code directly.\n");
- }
- if (($options->{'c'}) && (@ARGV > 1) && ($options->{'sav'} ))
- {
- push(@errors,
- "ERROR: The '-sav' and '-C' options are incompatible when you have more than
- one input file! ('-C' explicitly names resulting C code, '-sav' saves it,
- and hence, with more than one file, the c code will be overwritten for
- each file that you compile)\n");
- }
- if (($options->{'o'}) && (@ARGV > 1))
- {
- push(@errors,
- "ERROR: The '-o' option is incompatible when you have more than one input
- file! (-o explicitly names the resulting file, hence, with more than
- one file the names clash)\n");
- }
- if ($options->{'e'} && ($options->{'sav'} || $options->{'gen'}) &&
- !$options->{'C'})
- {
- push(@errors,
- "ERROR: You need to specify where you are going to save the resulting
- C code when using '-sav' and '-e'. Use '-C'.\n");
- }
- if (($options->{'regex'} || $options->{'run'} || $options->{'o'})
- && $options->{'gen'})
- {
- push(@errors,
- "ERROR: The options '-regex', '-run', and '-o' are incompatible with '-gen'.
- '-gen' says to stop at C generation, and the other three modify the
- compilation and/or running process!\n");
- }
- if ($options->{'run'} && $options->{'mod'})
- {
- push(@errors,
- "ERROR: Can't run modules that you are compiling! '-run' and '-mod' are
- incompatible!\n");
- }
- if ($options->{'e'} && @ARGV)
- {
- push (@errors,
- "ERROR: The option '-e' needs to be all by itself without any other
- file arguments!\n");
- }
- if ($options->{'e'} && !($options->{'o'} || $options->{'run'}))
- {
- $options->{'run'} = 1;
- }
- if (!defined($options->{'verbose'}))
- {
- $options->{'verbose'} = ($options->{'log'})? 64 : 7;
- }
- my $verbose_error;
- if ($options->{'verbose'} =~ m"[^tagfcd]" &&
- !( $options->{'verbose'} eq '0' ||
- ($options->{'verbose'} < 64 && $options->{'verbose'} > 0)))
- {
- $verbose_error = 1;
- push(@errors,
- "ERROR: Illegal verbosity level. Needs to have either the letters
- 't','a','g','f','c', or 'd' in it or be between 0 and 63, inclusive.\n");
- }
- $options->{'verbose'} = ($options->{'verbose'} =~ m"[tagfcd]")?
- ($options->{'verbose'} =~ m"d") * 32 +
- ($options->{'verbose'} =~ m"c") * 16 +
- ($options->{'verbose'} =~ m"f") * 8 +
- ($options->{'verbose'} =~ m"t") * 4 +
- ($options->{'verbose'} =~ m"a") * 2 +
- ($options->{'verbose'} =~ m"g") * 1
- : $options->{'verbose'};
- if (!$verbose_error && ( $options->{'log'} &&
- !(
- ($options->{'verbose'} & 8) ||
- ($options->{'verbose'} & 16) ||
- ($options->{'verbose'} & 32 )
- )
- )
- )
- {
- push(@errors,
- "ERROR: The verbosity level '$options->{'verbose'}' does not output anything
- to a logfile, and you specified '-log'!\n");
- } # }
- if (!$verbose_error && ( !$options->{'log'} &&
- (
- ($options->{'verbose'} & 8) ||
- ($options->{'verbose'} & 16) ||
- ($options->{'verbose'} & 32) ||
- ($options->{'verbose'} & 64)
- )
- )
- )
- {
- push(@errors,
- "ERROR: The verbosity level '$options->{'verbose'}' requires that you also
- specify a logfile via '-log'\n");
- } # }
- (_print( "\n". join("\n", @errors), -1), return(0)) if (@errors);
- return(1);
- }
- sub _print
- {
- my ($text, $flag ) = @_;
- my $logflag = int($flag/8) * 8;
- my $regflag = $flag % 8;
- if ($flag == -1 || ($flag & $options->{'verbose'}))
- {
- my $dolog = ((($logflag & $options->{'verbose'}) || $flag == -1)
- && $options->{'log'});
- my $doreg = (($regflag & $options->{'verbose'}) || $flag == -1);
- if ($doreg) { print( STDERR $text ); }
- if ($dolog) { print $_fh $text; }
- }
- }
- sub _run
- {
- my ($command, $flag) = @_;
- my $logflag = ($flag != -1)? int($flag/8) * 8 : 0;
- my $regflag = $flag % 8;
- if ($flag == -1 || ($flag & $options->{'verbose'}))
- {
- my $dolog = ($logflag & $options->{'verbose'} && $options->{'log'});
- my $doreg = (($regflag & $options->{'verbose'}) || $flag == -1);
- if ($doreg && !$dolog)
- {
- print _interruptrun("$command");
- }
- elsif ($doreg && $dolog)
- {
- my $text = _interruptrun($command);
- print $_fh $text;
- print STDERR $text;
- }
- else
- {
- my $text = _interruptrun($command);
- print $_fh $text;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- _interruptrun($command);
- }
- return($?);
- }
- sub _interruptrun
- {
- my ($command) = @_;
- my $pid = open (FD, "$command |");
- local($SIG{HUP}) = sub {
- # kill 9, $pid + 1;
- # HACK... 2>&1 doesn't propogate
- # kill, comment out for quick and dirty
- # process killing of child.
- kill 9, $pid;
- exit();
- };
- local($SIG{INT}) = sub {
- # kill 9, $pid + 1;
- # HACK... 2>&1 doesn't propogate
- # kill, comment out for quick and dirty
- # process killing of child.
- kill 9, $pid;
- exit();
- };
- my $needalarm =
- $Config{'osname'} ne 'MSWin32' && $command =~ m"^perlc");
- my $text;
- eval
- {
- local($SIG{ALRM}) = sub { die "INFINITE LOOP"; };
- alarm($ENV{'PERLCC_TIMEOUT'}) if ($needalarm);
- $text = join('', <FD>);
- alarm(0) if ($needalarm);
- };
- if ($@)
- {
- eval { kill 'HUP', $pid; };
- _print("SYSTEM TIMEOUT (infinite loop?)\n", 36);
- }
- close(FD);
- return($text);
- }
- sub _usage
- {
- _print
- (
- <<"EOF"
- Usage: $0 <file_list>
- WARNING: The whole compiler suite ('perlcc' included) is considered VERY
- experimental. Use for production purposes is strongly discouraged.
- Flags with arguments
- -L < extra library dirs for installation (form of 'dir1:dir2') >
- -I < extra include dirs for installation (form of 'dir1:dir2') >
- -C < explicit name of resulting C code >
- -o < explicit name of resulting executable >
- -e < to compile 'one liners'. Need executable name (-o) or '-run'>
- -regex < rename regex, -regex 's/\.p/\.exe/' compiles a.p to a.exe >
- -verbose < verbose level < 1-63, or following letters 'gatfcd' >
- -argv < arguments for the executables to be run via '-run' or '-e' >
- Boolean flags
- -b ( to generate byte code )
- -opt ( to generated optimised C code. May not work in some cases. )
- -gen ( to just generate the C code. Implies '-sav' )
- -sav ( to save intermediate C code, (and executables with '-run'))
- -run ( to run the compiled program on the fly, as were interpreted.)
- -prog ( to indicate that the files on command line are programs )
- -mod ( to indicate that the files on command line are modules )
- , -1
- );
- exit(255);
- }
- __END__
- =head1 NAME
- perlcc - frontend for perl compiler
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- %prompt perlcc a.p # compiles into executable 'a'
- %prompt perlcc A.pm # compile into 'A.so'
- %prompt perlcc a.p -o execute # compiles 'a.p' into 'execute'.
- %prompt perlcc a.p -o execute -run # compiles 'a.p' into execute, runs on
- # the fly
- %prompt perlcc a.p -o execute -run -argv 'arg1 arg2 arg3'
- # compiles into execute, runs with
- # arg1 arg2 arg3 as @ARGV
- %prompt perlcc a.p b.p c.p -regex 's/\.p/\.exe'
- # compiles into 'a.exe','b.exe','c.exe'.
- %prompt perlcc a.p -log compilelog # compiles into 'a', saves compilation
- # info into compilelog, as well
- # as mirroring to screen
- %prompt perlcc a.p -log compilelog -verbose cdf
- # compiles into 'a', saves compilation
- # info into compilelog, being silent
- # on screen.
- %prompt perlcc a.p -C a.c -gen # generates C code (into a.c) and
- # stops without compile.
- %prompt perlcc a.p -L ../lib a.c
- # Compiles with the perl libraries
- # inside ../lib included.
- 'perlcc' is the frontend into the perl compiler. Typing 'perlcc a.p'
- compiles the code inside a.p into a standalone executable, and
- perlcc A.pm will compile into a shared object, A.so, suitable for inclusion
- into a perl program via "use A".
- There are quite a few flags to perlcc which help with such issues as compiling
- programs in bulk, testing compiled programs for compatibility with the
- interpreter, and controlling.
- =head1 OPTIONS
- =over 4
- =item -L < library_directories >
- Adds directories in B<library_directories> to the compilation command.
- =item -I < include_directories >
- Adds directories inside B<include_directories> to the compilation command.
- =item -C < c_code_name >
- Explicitly gives the name B<c_code_name> to the generated file containing
- the C code which is to be compiled. Can only be used if compiling one file
- on the command line.
- =item -o < executable_name >
- Explicitly gives the name B<executable_name> to the executable which is to be
- compiled. Can only be used if compiling one file on the command line.
- =item -e < perl_line_to_execute>
- Compiles 'one liners', in the same way that B<perl -e> runs text strings at
- the command line. Default is to have the 'one liner' be compiled, and run all
- in one go (see B<-run>); giving the B<-o> flag saves the resultant executable,
- rather than throwing it away. Use '-argv' to pass arguments to the executable
- created.
- =item -b
- Generates bytecode instead of C code.
- =item -opt
- Uses the optimized C backend (C<B::CC>)rather than the simple C backend
- (C<B::C>). Beware that the optimized C backend creates very large
- switch structures and structure initializations. Many C compilers
- find it a challenge to compile the resulting output in finite amounts
- of time. Many Perl features such as C<goto LABEL> are also not
- supported by the optimized C backend. The simple C backend should
- work in more instances, but can only offer modest speed increases.
- =item -regex <rename_regex>
- Gives a rule B<rename_regex> - which is a legal perl regular expression - to
- create executable file names.
- =item -verbose <verbose_level>
- Show exactly what steps perlcc is taking to compile your code. You can
- change the verbosity level B<verbose_level> much in the same way that
- the C<-D> switch changes perl's debugging level, by giving either a
- number which is the sum of bits you want or a list of letters
- representing what you wish to see. Here are the verbosity levels so
- far :
- Bit 1(g): Code Generation Errors to STDERR
- Bit 2(a): Compilation Errors to STDERR
- Bit 4(t): Descriptive text to STDERR
- Bit 8(f): Code Generation Errors to file (B<-log> flag needed)
- Bit 16(c): Compilation Errors to file (B<-log> flag needed)
- Bit 32(d): Descriptive text to file (B<-log> flag needed)
- If the B<-log> tag is given, the default verbose level is 63 (ie: mirroring
- all of perlcc's output to both the screen and to a log file). If no B<-log>
- tag is given, then the default verbose level is 7 (ie: outputting all of
- perlcc's output to STDERR).
- NOTE: Because of buffering concerns, you CANNOT shadow the output of '-run' to
- both a file, and to the screen! Suggestions are welcome on how to overcome this
- difficulty, but for now it simply does not work properly, and hence will only go
- to the screen.
- =item -log <logname>
- Opens, for append, a logfile to save some or all of the text for a given
- compile command. No rewrite version is available, so this needs to be done
- manually.
- =item -argv <arguments>
- In combination with C<-run> or C<-e>, tells perlcc to run the resulting
- executable with the string B<arguments> as @ARGV.
- =item -sav
- Tells perl to save the intermediate C code. Usually, this C code is the name
- of the perl code, plus '.c'; 'perlcode.p' gets generated in 'perlcode.p.c',
- for example. If used with the C<-e> operator, you need to tell perlcc where to
- save resulting executables.
- =item -gen
- Tells perlcc to only create the intermediate C code, and not compile the
- results. Does an implicit B<-sav>, saving the C code rather than deleting it.
- =item -run
- Immediately run the perl code that has been generated. NOTE: IF YOU GIVE THE
- =item -prog
- Indicate that the programs at the command line are programs, and should be
- compiled as such. B<perlcc> will automatically determine files to be
- programs if they have B<.p>, B<.pl>, B<.bat> extensions.
- =item -mod
- Indicate that the programs at the command line are modules, and should be
- compiled as such. B<perlcc> will automatically determine files to be
- modules if they have the extension B<.pm>.
- =back
- Most of the work of B<perlcc> is done at the command line. However, you can
- change the heuristic which determines what is a module and what is a program.
- As indicated above, B<perlcc> assumes that the extensions:
- .p$, .pl$, and .bat$
- indicate a perl program, and:
- .pm$
- indicate a library, for the purposes of creating executables. And furthermore,
- by default, these extensions will be replaced (and dropped) in the process of
- creating an executable.
- To change the extensions which are programs, and which are modules, set the
- environmental variables:
- These two environmental variables take colon-separated, legal perl regular
- expressions, and are used by perlcc to decide which objects are which.
- For example:
- setenv PERL_SCRIPT_EXT '.prl$:.perl$'
- prompt% perlcc sample.perl
- will compile the script 'sample.perl' into the executable 'sample', and
- setenv PERL_MODULE_EXT '.perlmod$:.perlmodule$'
- prompt% perlcc sample.perlmod
- will compile the module 'sample.perlmod' into the shared object
- 'sample.so'
- NOTE: the '.' in the regular expressions for PERL_SCRIPT_EXT and PERL_MODULE_EXT
- is a literal '.', and not a wild-card. To get a true wild-card, you need to
- backslash the '.'; as in:
- setenv PERL_SCRIPT_EXT '\.\.\.\.\.'
- which would have the effect of compiling ANYTHING (except what is in
- PERL_MODULE_EXT) into an executable with 5 less characters in its name.
- The PERLCC_OPTS environment variable can be set to the default flags
- that must be used by the compiler.
- The PERLCC_TIMEOUT environment variable can be set to the number of
- seconds to wait for the backends before giving up. This is sometimes
- necessary to avoid some compilers taking forever to compile the
- generated output. May not work on Windows and similar platforms.
- =head1 FILES
- 'perlcc' uses a temporary file when you use the B<-e> option to evaluate
- text and compile it. This temporary file is 'perlc$$.p'. The temporary C code is
- perlc$$.p.c, and the temporary executable is perlc$$.
- When you use '-run' and don't save your executable, the temporary executable is
- perlc$$
- =head1 BUGS
- The whole compiler suite (C<perlcc> included) should be considered very
- experimental. Use for production purposes is strongly discouraged.
- perlcc currently cannot compile shared objects on Win32. This should be fixed
- in future.
- Bugs in the various compiler backends still exist, and are perhaps too
- numerous to list here.
- =cut
- __END__
- :endofperl