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- =head1 NAME
- perlmodinstall - Installing CPAN Modules
- You can think of a module as the fundamental unit of reusable Perl
- code; See L<perlmod> for details. Whenever anyone creates a chunk
- of Perl code that they think will be useful to the world, they
- register as a Perl developer at
- http://www.perl.com/CPAN/modules/04pause.html so that they can then
- upload their code to CPAN. CPAN is the Comprehensive Perl Archive
- Network and can be accessed at http://www.perl.com/CPAN/, or searched
- via http://cpan.perl.com/ and
- http://theory.uwinnipeg.ca/mod_perl/cpan-search.pl .
- This documentation is for people who want to download CPAN modules
- and install them on their own computer.
- =head2 PREAMBLE
- You have a file ending in F<.tar.gz> (or, less often, F<.zip>).
- You know there's a tasty module inside. You must now take four
- steps:
- =over 5
- =item B<DECOMPRESS> the file
- =item B<UNPACK> the file into a directory
- =item B<BUILD> the module (sometimes unnecessary)
- =item B<INSTALL> the module.
- =back
- Here's how to perform each step for each operating system. This is
- I<not> a substitute for reading the README and INSTALL files that
- might have come with your module!
- Also note that these instructions are tailored for installing the
- module into your system's repository of Perl modules. But you can
- install modules into any directory you wish. For instance, where I
- say C<perl Makefile.PL>, you can substitute C<perl
- Makefile.PL PREFIX=/my/perl_directory> to install the modules
- into C</my/perl_directory>. Then you can use the modules
- from your Perl programs with C<use lib
- "/my/perl_directory/lib/site_perl"> or sometimes just C<use
- "/my/perl_directory">.
- =over 4
- =item *
- B<If you're on Unix,>
- You can use Andreas Koenig's CPAN module
- (which comes standard with Perl, or can itself be downloaded
- from http://www.perl.com/CPAN/modules/by-module/CPAN)
- to automate the following steps, from DECOMPRESS through INSTALL.
- Decompress the file with C<gzip -d yourmodule.tar.gz>
- You can get gzip from ftp://prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu.
- Or, you can combine this step with the next to save disk space:
- gzip -dc yourmodule.tar.gz | tar -xof -
- Unpack the result with C<tar -xof yourmodule.tar>
- Go into the newly-created directory and type:
- perl Makefile.PL
- make
- make test
- While still in that directory, type:
- make install
- Make sure you have appropriate permissions to install the module
- in your Perl 5 library directory. Often, you'll need to be root.
- Perl maintains a record of all module installations. To look at
- this list, simply type:
- perldoc perllocal
- That's all you need to do on Unix systems with dynamic linking.
- Most Unix systems have dynamic linking--if yours doesn't, or if for
- another reason you have a statically-linked perl, I<and> the
- module requires compilation, you'll need to build a new Perl binary
- that includes the module. Again, you'll probably need to be root.
- =item *
- B<If you're running Windows 95 or NT with the ActiveState port of Perl>
- You can use the shareware B<Winzip> program ( http://www.winzip.com ) to
- decompress and unpack modules.
- If you used WinZip, this was already done for you.
- Does the module require compilation (i.e. does it have files
- that end in .xs, .c, .h, .y, .cc, .cxx, or .C)? If it does, you're on
- your own. You can try compiling it yourself if you have a C compiler.
- If you're successful, consider uploading the resulting binary to
- CPAN for others to use. If it doesn't, go to INSTALL.
- Copy the module into your Perl's I<lib> directory. That'll be one
- of the directories you see when you type
- perl -e 'print "@INC"'
- =item *
- B<If you're running Windows 95 or NT with the core Windows distribution of Perl,>
- When you download the module, make sure it ends in either
- F<.tar.gz> or F<.zip>. Windows browsers sometimes
- download C<.tar.gz> files as C<_tar.tar>, because
- early versions of Windows prohibited more than one dot in a filename.
- You can use the shareware B<WinZip> program ( http://www.winzip.com ) to
- decompress and unpack modules.
- Or, you can use InfoZip's C<unzip> utility (
- http://www.cdrom.com/pub/infozip/ ) to uncompress C<.zip> files; type
- C<unzip yourmodule.zip> in your shell.
- Or, if you have a working C<tar> and C<gzip>, you can
- type
- gzip -cd yourmodule.tar.gz | tar xvf -
- in the shell to decompress C<yourmodule.tar.gz>. This will
- UNPACK your module as well.
- The methods in DECOMPRESS will have done this for you.
- Go into the newly-created directory and type:
- perl Makefile.PL
- dmake
- dmake test
- Depending on your perl configuration, C<dmake> might not be
- available. You might have to substitute whatever C<perl
- -V:make> says. (Usually, that will be C<nmake> or
- C<make>.)
- While still in that directory, type:
- dmake install
- =item *
- B<If you're using a Macintosh,>
- In general, all Macintosh decompression utilities mentioned here
- can be found in the Info-Mac Hyperarchive
- ( http://hyperarchive.lcs.mit.edu/HyperArchive.html ).
- Specificly the "Commpress & Translate" listing
- ( http://hyperarchive.lcs.mit.edu/HyperArchive/Abstracts/cmp/HyperArchive.html ).
- You can either use the shareware B<StuffIt Expander> program
- ( http://www.aladdinsys.com/expander/ )
- in combination with I<DropStuff with Expander Enhancer>
- ( http://www.aladdinsys.com/dropstuff/ )
- or the freeware B<MacGzip> program (
- http://persephone.cps.unizar.es/general/gente/spd/gzip/gzip.html ).
- If you're using DropStuff or Stuffit, you can just extract the tar
- archive. Otherwise, you can use the freeware B<suntar> or I<Tar> (
- http://hyperarchive.lcs.mit.edu/HyperArchive/Archive/cmp/ ).
- Does the module require compilation?
- 1. If it does,
- Overview: You need MPW and a combination of new and old CodeWarrior
- compilers for MPW and libraries. Makefiles created for building under
- MPW use Metrowerks compilers. It's most likely possible to build
- without other compilers, but it has not been done successfully, to our
- knowledge. Read the documentation in I<MacPerl: Power and Ease> (
- http://www.ptf.com/macperl/ ) on porting/building extensions, or find
- an existing precompiled binary, or hire someone to build it for you.
- Or, ask someone on the mac-perl mailing list (mac-perl@iis.ee.ethz.ch)
- to build it for you. To subscribe to the mac-perl mailing list, send
- mail to mac-perl-request@iis.ee.ethz.ch.
- 2. If the module doesn't require compilation, go to INSTALL.
- Make sure the newlines for the modules are in Mac format, not Unix format.
- If they are not then you might have decompressed them incorrectly. Check
- your decompression and unpacking utilities settings to make sure they are
- translating text files properly.
- As a last resort, you can use the perl one-liner:
- perl -i.bak -pe 's/(?:\015)?\012/\015/g' <filenames>
- on the source files.
- Move the files manually into the correct folders.
- Move the files to their final destination: This will
- most likely be in C<$ENV{MACPERL}site_lib:> (i.e.,
- C<HD:MacPerl folder:site_lib:>). You can add new paths to
- the default C<@INC> in the Preferences menu item in the
- MacPerl application (C<$ENV{MACPERL}site_lib:> is added
- automagically). Create whatever directory structures are required
- (i.e., for C<Some::Module>, create
- C<$ENV{MACPERL}site_lib:Some:> and put
- C<Module.pm> in that directory).
- Run the following script (or something like it):
- #!perl -w
- use AutoSplit;
- my $dir = "${MACPERL}site_perl";
- autosplit("$dir:Some:Module.pm", "$dir:auto", 0, 1, 1);
- Eventually there should be a way to automate the installation process; some
- solutions exist, but none are ready for the general public yet.
- =item *
- B<If you're on the DJGPP port of DOS,>
- djtarx ( ftp://ftp.simtel.net/pub/simtelnet/gnu/djgpp/v2/ )
- will both uncompress and unpack.
- See above.
- Go into the newly-created directory and type:
- perl Makefile.PL
- make
- make test
- You will need the packages mentioned in F<README.dos>
- in the Perl distribution.
- While still in that directory, type:
- make install
- You will need the packages mentioned in F<README.dos> in the Perl distribution.
- =item *
- B<If you're on OS/2,>
- Get the EMX development suite and gzip/tar, from either Hobbes (
- http://hobbes.nmsu.edu ) or Leo ( http://www.leo.org ), and then follow
- the instructions for Unix.
- =item *
- B<If you're on VMS,>
- When downloading from CPAN, save your file with a F<.tgz>
- extension instead of F<.tar.gz>. All other periods in the
- filename should be replaced with underscores. For example,
- C<Your-Module-1.33.tar.gz> should be downloaded as
- C<Your-Module-1_33.tgz>.
- Type
- gzip -d Your-Module.tgz
- or, for zipped modules, type
- unzip Your-Module.zip
- Executables for gzip, zip, and VMStar ( Alphas:
- http://www.openvms.digital.com/freeware/000TOOLS/ALPHA/ and Vaxen:
- http://www.openvms.digital.com/freeware/000TOOLS/VAX/ ).
- gzip and tar
- are also available at ftp://ftp.digital.com/pub/VMS.
- Note that GNU's gzip/gunzip is not the same as Info-ZIP's zip/unzip
- package. The former is a simple compression tool; the latter permits
- creation of multi-file archives.
- If you're using VMStar:
- VMStar xf Your-Module.tar
- Or, if you're fond of VMS command syntax:
- tar/extract/verbose Your_Module.tar
- Make sure you have MMS (from Digital) or the freeware MMK ( available from MadGoat at http://www.madgoat.com ). Then type this to create the
- DESCRIP.MMS for the module:
- perl Makefile.PL
- Now you're ready to build:
- mms
- mms test
- Substitute C<mmk> for C<mms> above if you're using MMK.
- Type
- mms install
- Substitute C<mmk> for C<mms> above if you're using MMK.
- =item *
- B<If you're on MVS>,
- Introduce the F<.tar.gz> file into an HFS as binary; don't translate from
- Decompress the file with C<gzip -d yourmodule.tar.gz>
- You can get gzip from
- http://www.s390.ibm.com/products/oe/bpxqp1.html.
- Unpack the result with
- pax -o to=IBM-1047,from=ISO8859-1 -r < yourmodule.tar
- The BUILD and INSTALL steps are identical to those for Unix. Some
- modules generate Makefiles that work better with GNU make, which is
- available from http://www.mks.com/s390/gnu/index.htm.
- =back
- =head1 HEY
- If you have any suggested changes for this page, let me know. Please
- don't send me mail asking for help on how to install your modules.
- There are too many modules, and too few Orwants, for me to be able to
- answer or even acknowledge all your questions. Contact the module
- author instead, or post to comp.lang.perl.modules, or ask someone
- familiar with Perl on your operating system.
- =head1 AUTHOR
- Jon Orwant
- orwant@tpj.com
- The Perl Journal, http://tpj.com
- with invaluable help from Brandon Allbery, Charles Bailey, Graham
- Barr, Dominic Dunlop, Jarkko Hietaniemi, Ben Holzman, Tom Horsley,
- Nick Ing-Simmons, Tuomas J. Lukka, Laszlo Molnar, Chris Nandor, Alan
- Olsen, Peter Prymmer, Gurusamy Sarathy, Christoph Spalinger, Dan
- Sugalski, Larry Virden, and Ilya Zakharevich.
- July 22, 1998
- =head1 COPYRIGHT
- Copyright (C) 1998 Jon Orwant. All Rights Reserved.
- Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
- documentation provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
- preserved on all copies.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
- documentation under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also
- that they are marked clearly as modified versions, that the authors'
- names and title are unchanged (though subtitles and additional
- authors' names may be added), and that the entire resulting derived
- work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical
- to this one.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
- documentation into another language, under the above conditions for
- modified versions.