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- package FileHandle;
- use 5.005_64;
- use strict;
- $VERSION = "2.00";
- require IO::File;
- @ISA = qw(IO::File);
- @EXPORT_OK = qw(
- pipe
- autoflush
- output_field_separator
- output_record_separator
- input_record_separator
- input_line_number
- format_page_number
- format_lines_per_page
- format_lines_left
- format_name
- format_top_name
- format_line_break_characters
- format_formfeed
- print
- printf
- getline
- getlines
- );
- #
- # Everything we're willing to export, we must first import.
- #
- import IO::Handle grep { !defined(&$_) } @EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK;
- #
- # Some people call "FileHandle::function", so all the functions
- # that were in the old FileHandle class must be imported, too.
- #
- {
- no strict 'refs';
- my %import = (
- 'IO::Handle' =>
- [qw(DESTROY new_from_fd fdopen close fileno getc ungetc gets
- eof flush error clearerr setbuf setvbuf _open_mode_string)],
- 'IO::Seekable' =>
- [qw(seek tell getpos setpos)],
- 'IO::File' =>
- [qw(new new_tmpfile open)]
- );
- for my $pkg (keys %import) {
- for my $func (@{$import{$pkg}}) {
- my $c = *{"${pkg}::$func"}{CODE}
- or die "${pkg}::$func missing";
- *$func = $c;
- }
- }
- }
- #
- # Specialized importer for Fcntl magic.
- #
- sub import {
- my $pkg = shift;
- my $callpkg = caller;
- require Exporter;
- Exporter::export($pkg, $callpkg, @_);
- #
- # If the Fcntl extension is available,
- # export its constants.
- #
- eval {
- require Fcntl;
- Exporter::export('Fcntl', $callpkg);
- };
- }
- ################################################
- # This is the only exported function we define;
- # the rest come from other classes.
- #
- sub pipe {
- my $r = new IO::Handle;
- my $w = new IO::Handle;
- CORE::pipe($r, $w) or return undef;
- ($r, $w);
- }
- # Rebless standard file handles
- bless *STDIN{IO}, "FileHandle" if ref *STDIN{IO} eq "IO::Handle";
- bless *STDOUT{IO}, "FileHandle" if ref *STDOUT{IO} eq "IO::Handle";
- bless *STDERR{IO}, "FileHandle" if ref *STDERR{IO} eq "IO::Handle";
- 1;
- __END__
- =head1 NAME
- FileHandle - supply object methods for filehandles
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- use FileHandle;
- $fh = new FileHandle;
- if ($fh->open("< file")) {
- print <$fh>;
- $fh->close;
- }
- $fh = new FileHandle "> FOO";
- if (defined $fh) {
- print $fh "bar\n";
- $fh->close;
- }
- $fh = new FileHandle "file", "r";
- if (defined $fh) {
- print <$fh>;
- undef $fh; # automatically closes the file
- }
- $fh = new FileHandle "file", O_WRONLY|O_APPEND;
- if (defined $fh) {
- print $fh "corge\n";
- undef $fh; # automatically closes the file
- }
- $pos = $fh->getpos;
- $fh->setpos($pos);
- $fh->setvbuf($buffer_var, _IOLBF, 1024);
- ($readfh, $writefh) = FileHandle::pipe;
- autoflush STDOUT 1;
- NOTE: This class is now a front-end to the IO::* classes.
- C<FileHandle::new> creates a C<FileHandle>, which is a reference to a
- newly created symbol (see the C<Symbol> package). If it receives any
- parameters, they are passed to C<FileHandle::open>; if the open fails,
- the C<FileHandle> object is destroyed. Otherwise, it is returned to
- the caller.
- C<FileHandle::new_from_fd> creates a C<FileHandle> like C<new> does.
- It requires two parameters, which are passed to C<FileHandle::fdopen>;
- if the fdopen fails, the C<FileHandle> object is destroyed.
- Otherwise, it is returned to the caller.
- C<FileHandle::open> accepts one parameter or two. With one parameter,
- it is just a front end for the built-in C<open> function. With two
- parameters, the first parameter is a filename that may include
- whitespace or other special characters, and the second parameter is
- the open mode, optionally followed by a file permission value.
- If C<FileHandle::open> receives a Perl mode string (">", "+<", etc.)
- or a POSIX fopen() mode string ("w", "r+", etc.), it uses the basic
- Perl C<open> operator.
- If C<FileHandle::open> is given a numeric mode, it passes that mode
- and the optional permissions value to the Perl C<sysopen> operator.
- For convenience, C<FileHandle::import> tries to import the O_XXX
- constants from the Fcntl module. If dynamic loading is not available,
- this may fail, but the rest of FileHandle will still work.
- C<FileHandle::fdopen> is like C<open> except that its first parameter
- is not a filename but rather a file handle name, a FileHandle object,
- or a file descriptor number.
- If the C functions fgetpos() and fsetpos() are available, then
- C<FileHandle::getpos> returns an opaque value that represents the
- current position of the FileHandle, and C<FileHandle::setpos> uses
- that value to return to a previously visited position.
- If the C function setvbuf() is available, then C<FileHandle::setvbuf>
- sets the buffering policy for the FileHandle. The calling sequence
- for the Perl function is the same as its C counterpart, including the
- macros C<_IOFBF>, C<_IOLBF>, and C<_IONBF>, except that the buffer
- parameter specifies a scalar variable to use as a buffer. WARNING: A
- variable used as a buffer by C<FileHandle::setvbuf> must not be
- modified in any way until the FileHandle is closed or until
- C<FileHandle::setvbuf> is called again, or memory corruption may
- result!
- See L<perlfunc> for complete descriptions of each of the following
- supported C<FileHandle> methods, which are just front ends for the
- corresponding built-in functions:
- close
- fileno
- getc
- gets
- eof
- clearerr
- seek
- tell
- See L<perlvar> for complete descriptions of each of the following
- supported C<FileHandle> methods:
- autoflush
- output_field_separator
- output_record_separator
- input_record_separator
- input_line_number
- format_page_number
- format_lines_per_page
- format_lines_left
- format_name
- format_top_name
- format_line_break_characters
- format_formfeed
- Furthermore, for doing normal I/O you might need these:
- =over
- =item $fh->print
- See L<perlfunc/print>.
- =item $fh->printf
- See L<perlfunc/printf>.
- =item $fh->getline
- This works like <$fh> described in L<perlop/"I/O Operators">
- except that it's more readable and can be safely called in an
- array context but still returns just one line.
- =item $fh->getlines
- This works like <$fh> when called in an array context to
- read all the remaining lines in a file, except that it's more readable.
- It will also croak() if accidentally called in a scalar context.
- =back
- There are many other functions available since FileHandle is descended
- from IO::File, IO::Seekable, and IO::Handle. Please see those
- respective pages for documentation on more functions.
- =head1 SEE ALSO
- The B<IO> extension,
- L<perlfunc>,
- L<perlop/"I/O Operators">.
- =cut