<LI><A href="#About_this_document">About this document</A></LI>
<H1><A name="NAME">NAME</A></H1>
<P>ActivePerl-Winfaq - ActivePerl Frequently Asked Questions for Windows (FAQ)</P>
<P>ActivePerl Frequently Asked Questions for Windows (FAQ)</P>
<H2><A name="About_this_document">About this document</A></H2>
<P>This FAQ was originally assembled and maintained by Evangelo Prodromou. It has been revised and
updated by Brian Jepson of O'Reilly and Associates, and David Grove and David Dmytryshyn of
ActiveState. Revised (February, 1999) by Kevin Meltzer, Eric Smith, Henning Michael M°ller-Nielsen
of RTO, and Philip Martin. Revised (January, 2000) by David Sparks of ActiveState.</P>
<P>This FAQ will be updated over time. Be sure to check out <A href="http://www.ActiveState.com/ActivePerl/docs/Perl-Win32/perlwin32faq.html">http://www.ActiveState.com/ActivePerl/docs/Perl-Win32/perlwin32faq.html</A>
for the latest version of this and other FAQs.</P>
<P>This FAQ is in the public domain. If you use it, however, please ensure that you give credit to
the original authors.</P>
<P>Note that all code examples in this FAQ have been indented to be easy to read. If you
cut-and-paste an example to a real Perl script, remember to outdent the code again so that the
farthest-left column of code is in the first column. This can be crucial!</P>
<P>Interested in tautologies? Here's one for you: All the trademarks mentioned in this document are
the property of their respective owners.</P>
<P>The questions originally came from the perl-win32-users mailing list. Thanks to all the people on
that list who have supplied suggestions and criticisms as well as information.</P>
<P>Contents of this FAQ</P>
<A href="ActivePerl-Winfaq.html">ActivePerlfaq</A>: Overview of the ActivePerl FAQ (this document) (Updated: 11/3/2000)
<A href="../ActivePerl-faq1.html">ActivePerlfaq1</A>: Availability and Installation