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- <TITLE>Test - provides a simple framework for writing test scripts</TITLE>
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- <STRONG><P CLASS=block> Test - provides a simple framework for writing test scripts</P></STRONG>
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- <A NAME="__index__"></A>
- <!-- INDEX BEGIN -->
- <UL>
- <LI><A HREF="#name">NAME</A></LI><LI><A HREF="#supportedplatforms">SUPPORTED PLATFORMS</A></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#synopsis">SYNOPSIS</A></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#description">DESCRIPTION</A></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#test types">TEST TYPES</A></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#return value">RETURN VALUE</A></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#onfail">ONFAIL</A></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#see also">SEE ALSO</A></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#author">AUTHOR</A></LI>
- </UL>
- <!-- INDEX END -->
- <HR>
- <P>
- <H1><A NAME="name">NAME</A></H1>
- <PRE>
- Test - provides a simple framework for writing test scripts</PRE>
- <P>
- <HR>
- <H1><A NAME="supportedplatforms">SUPPORTED PLATFORMS</A></H1>
- <UL>
- <LI>Linux</LI>
- <LI>Solaris</LI>
- <LI>Windows</LI>
- </UL>
- <HR>
- <H1><A NAME="synopsis">SYNOPSIS</A></H1>
- <PRE>
- use strict;
- use Test;</PRE>
- <PRE>
- # use a BEGIN block so we print our plan before MyModule is loaded
- BEGIN { plan tests => 14, todo => [3,4] }</PRE>
- <PRE>
- # load your module...
- use MyModule;</PRE>
- <PRE>
- ok(0); # failure
- ok(1); # success</PRE>
- <PRE>
- ok(0); # ok, expected failure (see todo list, above)
- ok(1); # surprise success!</PRE>
- <PRE>
- ok(0,1); # failure: '0' ne '1'
- ok('broke','fixed'); # failure: 'broke' ne 'fixed'
- ok('fixed','fixed'); # success: 'fixed' eq 'fixed'
- ok('fixed',qr/x/); # success: 'fixed' =~ qr/x/</PRE>
- <PRE>
- ok(sub { 1+1 }, 2); # success: '2' eq '2'
- ok(sub { 1+1 }, 3); # failure: '2' ne '3'
- ok(0, int(rand(2)); # (just kidding :-)</PRE>
- <PRE>
- my @list = (0,0);
- ok @list, 3, "\@list=".join(',',@list); #extra diagnostics
- ok 'segmentation fault', '/(?i)success/'; #regex match</PRE>
- <PRE>
- skip($feature_is_missing, ...); #do platform specific test</PRE>
- <P>
- <HR>
- <H1><A NAME="description">DESCRIPTION</A></H1>
- <P><A HREF="../lib/Test/Harness.html">the Test::Harness manpage</A> expects to see particular output when it executes
- tests. This module aims to make writing proper test scripts just a
- little bit easier (and less error prone :-).</P>
- <P>
- <HR>
- <H1><A NAME="test types">TEST TYPES</A></H1>
- <UL>
- These tests are expected to succeed. If they don't something's
- screwed up!
- <P></P>
- Skip is for tests that might or might not be possible to run depending
- on the availability of platform specific features. The first argument
- should evaluate to true (think ``yes, please skip'') if the required
- feature is not available. After the first argument, skip works
- exactly the same way as do normal tests.
- <P></P>
- TODO tests are designed for maintaining an <STRONG>executable TODO list</STRONG>.
- These tests are expected NOT to succeed. If a TODO test does succeed,
- the feature in question should not be on the TODO list, now should it?
- <P>Packages should NOT be released with succeeding TODO tests. As soon
- as a TODO test starts working, it should be promoted to a normal test
- and the newly working feature should be documented in the release
- notes or change log.</P>
- <P></P></UL>
- <P>
- <HR>
- <H1><A NAME="return value">RETURN VALUE</A></H1>
- <P>Both <CODE>ok</CODE> and <CODE>skip</CODE> return true if their test succeeds and false
- otherwise in a scalar context.</P>
- <P>
- <HR>
- <H1><A NAME="onfail">ONFAIL</A></H1>
- <PRE>
- BEGIN { plan test => 4, onfail => sub { warn "CALL 911!" } }</PRE>
- <P>While test failures should be enough, extra diagnostics can be
- triggered at the end of a test run. <CODE>onfail</CODE> is passed an array ref
- of hash refs that describe each test failure. Each hash will contain
- at least the following fields: <A HREF="../lib/Pod/perlfunc.html#item_package"><CODE>package</CODE></A>, <CODE>repetition</CODE>, and
- <CODE>result</CODE>. (The file, line, and test number are not included because
- their correspondence to a particular test is tenuous.) If the test
- had an expected value or a diagnostic string, these will also be
- included.</P>
- <P>The <STRONG>optional</STRONG> <CODE>onfail</CODE> hook might be used simply to print out the
- version of your package and/or how to report problems. It might also
- be used to generate extremely sophisticated diagnostics for a
- particularly bizarre test failure. However it's not a panacea. Core
- dumps or other unrecoverable errors prevent the <CODE>onfail</CODE> hook from
- running. (It is run inside an <CODE>END</CODE> block.) Besides, <CODE>onfail</CODE> is
- probably over-kill in most cases. (Your test code should be simpler
- than the code it is testing, yes?)</P>
- <P>
- <HR>
- <H1><A NAME="see also">SEE ALSO</A></H1>
- <P><A HREF="../lib/Test/Harness.html">the Test::Harness manpage</A> and, perhaps, test coverage analysis tools.</P>
- <P>
- <HR>
- <H1><A NAME="author">AUTHOR</A></H1>
- <P>Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Joshua Nathaniel Pritikin. All rights reserved.</P>
- <P>This package is free software and is provided ``as is'' without express
- or implied warranty. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified
- under the terms of the Perl Artistic License (see
- <A HREF="http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html)">http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html)</A></P>
- <STRONG><P CLASS=block> Test - provides a simple framework for writing test scripts</P></STRONG>
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