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- package HTML::Element;
- # $Id: Element.pm,v 1.39 1998/03/26 20:30:13 aas Exp $
- =head1 NAME
- HTML::Element - Class for objects that represent HTML elements
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- require HTML::Element;
- $a = new HTML::Element 'a', href => 'http://www.oslonett.no/';
- $a->push_content("Oslonett AS");
- $tag = $a->tag;
- $tag = $a->starttag;
- $tag = $a->endtag;
- $ref = $a->attr('href');
- $links = $a->extract_links();
- print $a->as_HTML;
- Objects of the HTML::Element class can be used to represent elements
- of HTML. These objects have attributes and content. The content is an
- array of text segments and other HTML::Element objects. Thus a
- tree of HTML::Element objects as nodes can represent the syntax tree
- for a HTML document.
- The following methods are available:
- =over 4
- =cut
- use strict;
- use Carp ();
- use HTML::Entities ();
- use vars qw($VERSION
- %emptyElement %optionalEndTag %linkElements %boolean_attr
- );
- $VERSION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.39 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
- sub Version { $VERSION; }
- # Elements that does not have corresponding end tags (i.e. are empty)
- %emptyElement = map { $_ => 1 } qw(base link meta isindex
- img br hr wbr
- input area param
- );
- %optionalEndTag = map { $_ => 1 } qw(p li dt dd option); # th tr td);
- # Elements that might contain links and the name of the link attribute
- %linkElements =
- (
- body => 'background',
- base => 'href',
- a => 'href',
- img => [qw(src lowsrc usemap)], # lowsrc is a Netscape invention
- form => 'action',
- input => 'src',
- 'link' => 'href', # need quoting since link is a perl builtin
- frame => 'src',
- applet => 'codebase',
- area => 'href',
- );
- # These attributes are normally printed without showing the "='value'".
- # This representation works as long as no element has more than one
- # attribute like this.
- %boolean_attr = (
- area => 'nohref',
- dir => 'compact',
- dl => 'compact',
- hr => 'noshade',
- img => 'ismap',
- input => { checked => 1, readonly => 1, disabled => 1 },
- menu => 'compact',
- ol => 'compact',
- option => 'selected',
- 'select'=> 'multiple',
- td => 'nowrap',
- th => 'nowrap',
- ul => 'compact',
- );
- =item $h = HTML::Element->new('tag', 'attrname' => 'value',...)
- The object constructor. Takes a tag name as argument. Optionally,
- allows you to specify initial attributes at object creation time.
- =cut
- #
- # An HTML::Element is represented by blessed hash reference. Key-names
- # not starting with '_' are reserved for the SGML attributes of the element.
- # The following special keys are used:
- #
- # '_tag': The tag name
- # '_parent': A reference to the HTML::Element above (when forming a tree)
- # '_pos': The current position (a reference to a HTML::Element) is
- # where inserts will be placed (look at the insert_element method)
- #
- # Example: <img src="gisle.jpg" alt="Gisle's photo"> is represented like this:
- #
- # bless {
- # _tag => 'img',
- # src => 'gisle.jpg',
- # alt => "Gisle's photo",
- # }, HTML::Element;
- #
- sub new
- {
- my $class = shift;
- my $tag = shift;
- Carp::croak("No tag") unless defined $tag or length $tag;
- my $self = bless { _tag => lc $tag }, $class;
- my($attr, $val);
- while (($attr, $val) = splice(@_, 0, 2)) {
- $val = $attr unless defined $val;
- $self->{lc $attr} = $val;
- }
- if ($tag eq 'html') {
- $self->{'_pos'} = undef;
- }
- $self;
- }
- =item $h->tag()
- Returns (optionally sets) the tag name for the element. The tag is
- always converted to lower case.
- =cut
- sub tag
- {
- my $self = shift;
- if (@_) {
- $self->{'_tag'} = lc $_[0];
- } else {
- $self->{'_tag'};
- }
- }
- =item $h->starttag()
- Returns the complete start tag for the element. Including leading
- "<", trailing ">" and attributes.
- =cut
- sub starttag
- {
- my $self = shift;
- my $name = $self->{'_tag'};
- my $tag = "<\U$name";
- for (sort keys %$self) {
- next if /^_/;
- my $val = $self->{$_};
- if ($_ eq $val &&
- exists($boolean_attr{$name}) &&
- (ref($boolean_attr{$name}) ? $boolean_attr{$name}{$_} :
- $boolean_attr{$name} eq $_)) {
- $tag .= " \U$_";
- } else {
- if ($val !~ /^\d+$/) {
- # count number of " compared to number of '
- if (($val =~ tr/\"/\"/) > ($val =~ tr/\'/\'/)) {
- # use single quotes around the attribute value
- HTML::Entities::encode_entities($val, "&'>");
- $val = qq('$val');
- } else {
- HTML::Entities::encode_entities($val, '&">');
- $val = qq{"$val"};
- }
- }
- $tag .= qq{ \U$_\E=$val};
- }
- }
- "$tag>";
- }
- =item $h->endtag()
- Returns the complete end tag. Includes leading "</" and the trailing
- ">".
- =cut
- sub endtag
- {
- "</\U$_[0]->{'_tag'}>";
- }
- =item $h->parent([$newparent])
- Returns (optionally sets) the parent for this element.
- =cut
- sub parent
- {
- my $self = shift;
- if (@_) {
- $self->{'_parent'} = $_[0];
- } else {
- $self->{'_parent'};
- }
- }
- =item $h->implicit([$bool])
- Returns (optionally sets) the implicit attribute. This attribute is
- used to indicate that the element was not originally present in the
- source, but was inserted in order to conform to HTML strucure.
- =cut
- sub implicit
- {
- shift->attr('_implicit', @_);
- }
- =item $h->is_inside('tag',...)
- Returns true if this tag is contained inside one of the specified tags.
- =cut
- sub is_inside
- {
- my $self = shift;
- my $p = $self;
- while (defined $p) {
- my $ptag = $p->{'_tag'};
- for (@_) {
- return 1 if $ptag eq $_;
- }
- $p = $p->{'_parent'};
- }
- 0;
- }
- =item $h->pos()
- Returns (and optionally sets) the current position. The position is a
- reference to a HTML::Element object that is part of the tree that has
- the current object as root. This restriction is not enforced when
- setting pos(), but unpredictable things will happen if this is not
- true.
- =cut
- sub pos
- {
- my $self = shift;
- my $pos = $self->{'_pos'};
- if (@_) {
- $self->{'_pos'} = $_[0];
- }
- return $pos if defined($pos);
- $self;
- }
- =item $h->attr('attr', [$value])
- Returns (and optionally sets) the value of some attribute.
- =cut
- sub attr
- {
- my $self = shift;
- my $attr = lc shift;
- my $old = $self->{$attr};
- if (@_) {
- $self->{$attr} = $_[0];
- }
- $old;
- }
- =item $h->content()
- Returns the content of this element. The content is represented as a
- reference to an array of text segments and references to other
- HTML::Element objects.
- =cut
- sub content
- {
- shift->{'_content'};
- }
- =item $h->is_empty()
- Returns true if there is no content.
- =cut
- sub is_empty
- {
- my $self = shift;
- !exists($self->{'_content'}) || !@{$self->{'_content'}};
- }
- =item $h->insert_element($element, $implicit)
- Inserts a new element at current position and updates pos() to point
- to the inserted element. Returns $element.
- =cut
- sub insert_element
- {
- my($self, $tag, $implicit) = @_;
- my $e;
- if (ref $tag) {
- $e = $tag;
- $tag = $e->tag;
- } else {
- $e = new HTML::Element $tag;
- }
- $e->{'_implicit'} = 1 if $implicit;
- my $pos = $self->{'_pos'};
- $pos = $self unless defined $pos;
- $pos->push_content($e);
- unless ($emptyElement{$tag}) {
- $self->{'_pos'} = $e;
- $pos = $e;
- }
- $pos;
- }
- =item $h->push_content($element_or_text,...)
- Adds to the content of the element. The content should be a text
- segment (scalar) or a reference to a HTML::Element object.
- =cut
- sub push_content
- {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->{'_content'} = [] unless exists $self->{'_content'};
- my $content = $self->{'_content'};
- for (@_) {
- if (ref $_) {
- $_->{'_parent'} = $self;
- push(@$content, $_);
- } else {
- # The current element is a text segment
- if (@$content && !ref $content->[-1]) {
- # last content element is also text segment
- $content->[-1] .= $_;
- } else {
- push(@$content, $_);
- }
- }
- }
- $self;
- }
- =item $h->delete_content()
- Clears the content.
- =cut
- sub delete_content
- {
- my $self = shift;
- for (@{$self->{'_content'}}) {
- $_->delete if ref $_;
- }
- delete $self->{'_content'};
- $self;
- }
- =item $h->delete()
- Frees memory associated with the element and all children. This is
- needed because perl's reference counting does not work since we use
- circular references.
- =cut
- #'
- sub delete
- {
- $_[0]->delete_content;
- delete $_[0]->{'_parent'};
- delete $_[0]->{'_pos'};
- $_[0] = undef;
- }
- =item $h->traverse(\&callback, [$ignoretext])
- Traverse the element and all of its children. For each node visited, the
- callback routine is called with the node, a startflag and the depth as
- arguments. If the $ignoretext parameter is true, then the callback
- will not be called for text content. The flag is 1 when we enter a
- node and 0 when we leave the node.
- If the returned value from the callback is false then we will not
- traverse the children.
- =cut
- sub traverse
- {
- my($self, $callback, $ignoretext, $depth) = @_;
- $depth ||= 0;
- if (&$callback($self, 1, $depth)) {
- for (@{$self->{'_content'}}) {
- if (ref $_) {
- $_->traverse($callback, $ignoretext, $depth+1);
- } else {
- &$callback($_, 1, $depth+1) unless $ignoretext;
- }
- }
- &$callback($self, 0, $depth) unless $emptyElement{$self->{'_tag'}};
- }
- $self;
- }
- =item $h->extract_links([@wantedTypes])
- Returns links found by traversing the element and all of its children.
- The return value is a reference to an array. Each element of the
- array is an array with 2 values; the link value and a reference to the
- corresponding element.
- You might specify that you just want to extract some types of links.
- For instance if you only want to extract <a href="..."> and <img
- src="..."> links you might code it like this:
- for (@{ $e->extract_links(qw(a img)) }) {
- ($link, $linkelem) = @$_;
- ...
- }
- =cut
- sub extract_links
- {
- my $self = shift;
- my %wantType; @wantType{map { lc $_ } @_} = (1) x @_;
- my $wantType = scalar(@_);
- my @links;
- $self->traverse(
- sub {
- my($self, $start, $depth) = @_;
- return 1 unless $start;
- my $tag = $self->{'_tag'};
- return 1 if $wantType && !$wantType{$tag};
- my $attr = $linkElements{$tag};
- return 1 unless defined $attr;
- $attr = [$attr] unless ref $attr;
- for (@$attr) {
- my $val = $self->attr($_);
- push(@links, [$val, $self]) if defined $val;
- }
- 1;
- }, 'ignoretext');
- \@links;
- }
- =item $h->dump()
- Prints the element and all its children to STDOUT. Mainly useful for
- debugging. The structure of the document is shown by indentation (no
- end tags).
- =cut
- sub dump
- {
- my $self = shift;
- my $depth = shift || 0;
- print STDERR " " x $depth;
- print STDERR $self->starttag, "\n";
- for (@{$self->{'_content'}}) {
- if (ref $_) {
- $_->dump($depth+1);
- } else {
- print STDERR " " x ($depth + 1);
- print STDERR qq{"$_"\n};
- }
- }
- }
- =item $h->as_HTML()
- Returns a string (the HTML document) that represents the element and
- its children.
- =cut
- sub as_HTML
- {
- my $self = shift;
- my @html = ();
- $self->traverse(
- sub {
- my($node, $start, $depth) = @_;
- if (ref $node) {
- my $tag = $node->tag;
- if ($start) {
- push(@html, $node->starttag);
- } elsif (not ($emptyElement{$tag} or $optionalEndTag{$tag})) {
- push(@html, $node->endtag);
- }
- } else {
- # simple text content
- HTML::Entities::encode_entities($node, "<>&");
- push(@html, $node);
- }
- }
- );
- join('', @html, "\n");
- }
- sub format
- {
- my($self, $formatter) = @_;
- unless (defined $formatter) {
- require HTML::FormatText;
- $formatter = new HTML::FormatText;
- }
- $formatter->format($self);
- }
- 1;
- __END__
- =back
- =head1 BUGS
- If you want to free the memory assosiated with a tree built of
- HTML::Element nodes then you will have to delete it explicitly. The
- reason for this is that perl currently has no proper garbage
- collector, but depends on reference counts in the objects. This
- scheme fails because the parse tree contains circular references
- (parents have references to their children and children have a
- reference to their parent).
- =head1 SEE ALSO
- L<HTML::AsSubs>
- =head1 COPYRIGHT
- Copyright 1995-1998 Gisle Aas.
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
- =cut