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- <TITLE>Active Server Pages</TITLE>
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- <P class="block"> Active Server Pages</P>
- </STRONG></TD>
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- <UL>
- <LI><A href="#introduction">Active Server Pages</A>
- <UL>
- <LI><A href="#thescriptdelimiters">The Script Delimiters</A></LI>
- <LI><A href="#thescriptinghost">The Scripting Host</A></LI>
- <LI><A href="#aquickexample">Creating An ASP Page</A></LI>
- </UL>
- <LI><A href="#asp_api">The ASP Interface</A>
- <UL>
- <LI><A href="#theaspobjects">The ASP Intrinsic Objects</A></LI>
- <UL>
- <LI><A href="#application">The Application Object</A></LI>
- <LI><A href="#asperror">The ASPError Object</A></LI>
- <LI><A href="#objectcontext">The ObjectContext Object</A></LI>
- <LI><A href="#request">The Request Object</A></LI>
- <LI><A href="#response">The Response Object</A></LI>
- <LI><A href="#server">The Server Object</A></LI>
- <LI><A href="#session">The Session Object</A></LI>
- </UL>
- </UL>
- <LI><A href="#aspsamples">Active Server Pages Samples</A>
- <UL>
- <LI><A href="#hw">Say "Hello World!"</A></LI>
- <LI><A href="#sv">Accessing HTTP Server Variables</A></LI>
- <LI><A href="#qs">Reading the QueryString</A></LI>
- <LI><A href="#wf">Interactive Web Forms</A></LI>
- <LI><A href="#dc">Database Connections (ADO and ASP)</A></LI>
- </UL>
- <LI><A href="#bindata">Variants and Binary Data</A>
- <UL>
- <LI><A href="#readblob">To Read And Display Binary Large Objects (ADO and ASP)</A></LI>
- </UL>
- <LI><A href="#appa">Appendix A</A>
- <UL>
- <LI><A href="#appasysdsn">How To Set Up A System DSN</A>
- <LI><A href="#appanosysdsn">Why Not To Use A System DSN</A>
- <LI><A href="#appaoledb">How To Use The Native OLE DB Provider</A>
- </UL>
- <LI><A href="#appb">Appendix B</A>
- <UL>
- <LI><A href="#appbbook">Book Resources</A>
- <LI><A href="#appbonline">Online Resources</A>
- </UL>
- <LI><A href="#author and copyright">AUTHOR AND COPYRIGHT</A></LI>
- </UL>
- <A name="introduction"></A>
- <HR>
- <H1>Active Server Pages (ASP)</H1>
- <P>Introduced in 1996, Active Server Pages (ASP) is an easy to learn server-side technology from
- Microsoft that has taken the web by storm. ASP is implemented as a set of objects with built-in
- features for fast and simple access to common services provided by the web-server for the Internet.
- As we will see, there are versatile reasons for using ASP as a server-side technology with
- ActivePerl.<BR>
- <BR>
- To begin, if you in general are unfamiliar with server-side technologies, let's start at the core by
- describing the need-to-know about ASP. ASP is a feature that installs with Microsoft's Internet
- Information Services (IIS) web-server. No special interaction or configuration is needed afterwards,
- and it should run out of the box just as easily as IIS. Fundamentally, a server-side technology such
- as ASP puts no requirements on the client or browser, and, as a result, no browser-compatibility
- issues will ever occur, no browser plug-ins have to be installed, and the client does not need a
- local installation of ActivePerl.<BR>
- <BR>
- Since there are no client requirements for ASP, it needs something on the server-side that tells it
- what to do with its features. A special implementation of a scripting language is therefore
- installed on the server and used in order to control and program ASP; PerlScript, which installs
- with ActivePerl, is suitable for the role as scripting language because it brings the power of Perl
- into the environment of ASP and there merges it with the services provided by ASP. There are only
- two things that you either may already know or will need to learn while using PerlScript:</P>
- <UL>
- <LI>The Active Server Pages Object Model
- <LI>How Perl Works with Objects
- </UL>
- <P>On the Internet, ASP serves documents of its own filetype as opposed to familiar document types
- like HTML documents. This is so that the ASP document can be processed on the server side before
- returned to the client's browser. An ASP document has the file extension .asp, and it provides both
- existing features derived from ASP and the ability to execute script commands within the document.
- The file extension is by the webserver recognized in a special way which results in the underlying
- technology executing script commands that are within the file and treat other markup such as HTML in
- a standard fashion. The source code of your saved file's PerlScript script commands will by default
- never be available to the user when choosing to view the document source in the browser, so any
- script that you write can not be copied. The reason for this is because everything is processed on
- the server side and what is returned to the browser is a standard format such as HTML.<BR>
- <BR>
- For a closure, it deserves to be repeated that if you are unfamiliar with object-oriented
- programming in Perl, it is strongly recommended that you sometime browse the Perl documentation on
- object-oriented programming to get a basic understanding of the aspects of an object and its origin.
- Next up, let's look at how to embed PerlScript commands within an ASP document.<BR>
- <BR>
- <A name="thescriptdelimiters">
- <H2>The Script Delimiters</H2>
- To successfully execute the script commands within an ASP file, you must specify what scripting
- language ASP should use to interpret the script commands. You can do this within the .asp document
- by either setting a default scripting language in which all script commands within the
- script-delimiters <% and %> will be executed by the specified scripting language. Either you
- can apply that setting that within the Microsoft Management Console's IIS snap-in or you can use
- what ASP recognizes as a page command, which is indicated by the special directive @. The following
- example is for illustrational purposes only and it shows you how to set the default scripting
- language for the ASP file to PerlScript; as a result, all commands will be treated by the PerlScript
- engine; however, please note that no actual output or result is being displayed by the script, so if
- you run the code shown in the example below, you won't see an output although the code is being
- executed and interpreted.<BR>
- <PRE>
- <%@ Language=PerlScript %>
- <%
- for($i=0; $i<=10; $i++) {
- #
- # Your Perl code here
- #
- }
- %></PRE>
- <BR>
- In addition to page-commands, you can set the scripting language for a defined scope by using the <CODE><SCRIPT
- Language=PerlScript RUNAT=Server></CODE> and <CODE></SCRIPT></CODE> delimiters. This
- results in the scripting language only executing the code within the <script> elements
- regardless of what the default scripting language is set to for a language by the webserver or by an
- ASP page command for the current document.<BR>
- <BR>
- <PRE><SCRIPT Language=PerlScript RUNAT=Server>
- for($i=0; $i<=10; $i++) {
- #
- # Your Perl code here
- #
- }
- </A><A name="thescriptinghost">
- <H2>The Scripting Host</H2>
- When Active Server Pages acts as the scripting host for PerlScript, it is initalized as a host first
- when an ASP file on the web-server is requested by the way of a URL (such as http://www.domain.com/home.asp).
- The web-server locates the file, and the scripting host locates the script commands that are within
- the script delimiters. The chunks of code found within the delimiters are passed on to PerlScript,
- which creates a Perl interpreter that treats the code. Afterwards, it returns to the scripting host,
- which waits for the next incoming call. Certain rules apply to when you write code to interact with
- scripting hosts such as ASP, and let's look at one of those necessary things to know by illustrating
- it as a parallel to writing a command-line Perl script. When you began programming Perl, among the
- first things you probably learned was how to print text to the screen, and it is not unusual that
- such a script looks as follows.<BR>
- <BR>
- <UL>
- <CODE>print "Hello World";</CODE>
- </UL>
- As seen, the <CODE>"print()"</CODE>-function of Perl outputs the string "Hello
- World" to what is known as the Standard Output. PerlScript, too, will send any output to what
- it knows as Standard Output, and when executed within the ASP scripting host, the PerlScript engine
- will use the features of the host's object-model in order to reach the standard output. Essentially,
- the host provides a set of features, and you pick the scripting language in which you wish to write
- your application to interact with the host. In ASP, you need to know the host because it decides
- what method and what object you need to deploy of the host's in order to output a string. A
- scripting language would become extremely bloated if it had to keep track of all those things In
- contrast, the scripter needs to keep track of such features. :-) To send "Hello World" to
- the client's browser by using ASP, you call the "<CODE>Write()</CODE>"-method of the
- Response object as in the next example.<BR>
- <BR>
- <UL>
- <CODE>$Response->Write("Hello World");</CODE>
- </UL>
- In essence, it is of most importance that you know the object-model of the ASP scripting host within
- which you use PerlScript so that you know what object to call and how to get the best performance
- out of your application.</A><A name="aquickexample"></A>
- <H2>Creating An ASP Page</H2>
- When looking back, the little we've seen about ASP so far is that it contains a set of objects that
- you can use for your programming. It also requires a scripting language that is used to access these
- objects, and for that purpose, PerlScript can be used to execute Perl commands that are mixed and
- embedded within the HTML of your Active Server Pages document. Lastly, the ASP document has its own
- file extension .asp which is recognized by the web server as a document parsed for first script
- commands and then HTML tags.<BR>
- <BR>
- <UL>
- 1) Create a file named PerlScript.asp<BR>
- 2) Edit it and enter "<CODE><HTML> Hello World </HTML></CODE>"<BR>
- 3) Save the file where you can access it by a URL such as <I>http://localhost/</I>. On IIS, the
- following path is often valid <I><device>:\inetpub\wwwroot\</I> where <device> is a
- hard-disk such as C:\ or D:\<BR>
- 4) Run the file in your browser by entering the URL pointing to PerlScript.asp; for example, <I>http://localhost/PerlScript.asp</I>
- </UL>
- If it instead of finding the file reports an error such as "File Not Found," you need to
- open Windows Explorer and reassure yourself of that the file is saved with the .asp file-extension
- and in the correct physical location for being accessible by the browser. If the browser finds the
- file and "Hello World" is outputted, you can place a few script commands in the file and
- rest assured that ASP will execute everything as for which it was built. Edit the file so that is
- looks as follows.
- <UL>
- <CODE><%@Language=PerlScript%><BR>
- <HTML><BR>
- <TITLE> PerlScript Test </TITLE><BR>
- <%<BR>
- for($i=0; $i<=10; $i+=2) {
- <UL>
- $Response->Write("<FONT SIZE=$i COLOR=#000000>");<BR>
- $Response->Write("Hello World! </FONT> <BR>");
- </UL>
- }<BR>
- %><BR>
- </HTML><BR>
- </CODE>
- </UL>
- The script shown is used only to output HTML and text. Essentially, the Response object's "<CODE>Write()</CODE>"-method
- sends the HTML and variable value of <CODE>$i</CODE> to the browser. However, <CODE>$i</CODE> is a
- part of the HTML Font element, so the result is that the font size is increased by 2 for each time
- "Hello World" is sent to the client's browser. You could also write the script this way:<BR>
- <BR>
- <TITLE> PerlScript Example </TITLE>
- <script language=perlscript runat=server>
- for($i=0; $i<=10; $i+=2) {</PRE>
- <UL>
- <PRE>$Response->Write("<FONT SIZE=$i COLOR=#000000>");
- $Response->Write("Hello World! </FONT> <BR>");</PRE>
- </UL>
- <PRE>}
- </script>
- </HTML>
- </PRE>
- A closure to this example, there is a shorthand for writing <CODE>$Response->Write($variable)</CODE>,
- and it is not available when already within script delimiters; however, to easily mix variables with
- HTML you can automatically call the mentioned method by <CODE><%=$variable%></CODE> where the
- equal-sign automatically translates into <CODE>$Response->Write()</CODE>. For example:<BR>
- <BR>
- <TITLE> PerlScript Example </TITLE>
- <% @Language=PerlScript %>
- <% for($i=0; $i<=10; $i+=2) {
- %>
- <FONT SIZE=<%=$i%> COLOR=#000000>
- Hello World!
- </FONT>
- <BR>
- <% } >%
- </HTML>
- </PRE>
- <P><A name="asp_api"></A>
- <HR>
- <H1>The ASP Programming Interface</H1>
- <P>Providing an interface to common tasks for a web programmer, ASP simplifies web-programming by
- making the simple tasks even easier. The features of ASP are implemented and exposed as objects,
- and, in addition, a scripting language is enabled to not only use those features of the ASP host,
- the language can certainly use its own features, too.<BR>
- <BR>
- <A name="theaspobjects"></A>
- <H2>The ASP Intrinsic Objects</H2>
- In object-oriented programming as we know it, the programmer is required to create an instance of
- the object she wishes to use. The ASP objects, on the other hand, are "intrinsic", which
- means that they are already instantiated and available to your scripting language engine. No
- pre-work at all is associated with these objects and you can access them at any time. Now, each
- object encapsulate a set of very specific services and provides shorthand access to common tasks for
- the web developer such as reading the data submitted from a web-form, reading and writing cookies,
- redirecting the client's browser, and also extended functionality such as the ability to identify
- each user as a unique client and associate private server-side variables with her. Before diving
- into the syntax, these are the objects as of ASP 3.0:<BR>
- <BR>
- <A name="#application"></A>
- <H3>Application</H3>
- The Application Object an object that is a place-holder for global variables stored on the server
- side. A global variable in this sense is a variable that is global to what is known as the IIS
- application. The IIS application defines the physical space of a webserver such as the range on the
- hard disk for the URL http://members.someperlsite.com/. A webserver can have more than one IIS
- application, but there is only one ASP application object per IIS application. Confused? Hang on a
- minute. The Application object, like the Session object, has what is called a collection. The
- collection contains variables created by you. Whenever you want to create a variable, the variable
- must be put on the contents collection, and the following is one way of doing it.
- <UL>
- <CODE># Set an application variable<BR>
- #<BR>
- $Application->Contents->SetProperty('Item', 'myName', 'Tobias');</CODE>
- </UL>
- The contents collection can store scalar variables, arrays, or objects that somehow are associated
- with all users; for example, a visitor counter or a connection-string used to connect to a database
- through the Microsoft universal ADO application-programming interface. The variable can be accessed
- easily, too.
- <UL>
- <CODE># Access an application variable<BR>
- #<BR>
- $Application->Contents->Item('myName');</CODE>
- </UL>
- <BR>
- <BR>
- However, when you're comfortable within the Microsoft Management Console and can set and define your
- own IIS applications, you will notice that there is only one ASP Application object per IIS
- Applcation and the variables placed in the Contents colleciton are only available within that IIS
- application and no other. If it's a bit confusing, it's guaranteed to have cleared out after playing
- around with this for a while. It's the most abstract part about ASP if you are not used to defining
- IIS applications. On the downside, Personal Web Server does not enable you to define more than one
- IIS application.<A name="#asperror"></A>
- <H3>ASPError</H3>
- The ASPError object is the only new object that shipped with ASP 3.0. It contains detailed
- information about an error which occured during the processing of an ASP page. Unless told otherwise
- by the administrator, ASP 3.0 redirects the client to a page named 500-100.asp when an error occurs,
- and in that page, the ASPError object is deployed to show detailed descriptions about the error. You
- can with PerlScript easily also extend the use the 500-100.asp page to perform custom tasks such as
- emailing you a formatted page of the contents of the ASPError object on an arror or writing it to a
- special log. Some of its useful properties include: SourceCode for returning the source code of the
- part of a script that generated the error, Category for tracking down the categoru of the error to
- ASP, scripting language, or an object, File for the name of the file processed when error was
- generated, and Description to return a description of the error; however, please note that ASPError
- objects are only returned by the Server object's GetLastError method.
- <UL>
- <CODE><BR>
- # Return the ASPError object<BR>
- #<BR>
- $ASPError = $Server->GetLastError();<BR>
- <BR>
- # Output the error's description<BR>
- #<BR>
- $Response->Write( $ASPError->{Description} );</CODE>
- </UL>
- <BR>
- <BR>
- <A name="#objectcontext">
- <H3>ObjectContext</H3>
- The ObjectContext object is used for a page that is run as a transaction. This object enables you to
- commit or abort a transaction, which is an important functionality for deployed business
- applications. Its only methods are SetAbort() and SetComplete(). They are used to commit or abort
- the transaction. Before this can be used, your page must include a <CODE>@TRANSACTION</CODE> page
- command in the page, whereas you are enabled only to define @ once per file; however, you can use
- multiple directives within the @ such as <CODE><%@directiveA=something directiveB=somethingelse%></CODE>.
- If you use PerlScript a lot, you are better off setting it as the default language in the Microsoft
- Management Console. Setting the default language in the MMC is unfortunately not an option for
- Personal Web Server. PWS is good for practicing a scripting language and ASP, but it is not good for
- tailormaking your webservice in terms of IIS applications and other tasks that are administrative.
- For example, it does not have the Microsoft Management Console. What PWS mainly does is to allow you
- to publish and develop Active Server Pages within reson while it hides the administrative tasks.<BR>
- <BR>
- </A><A name="#request">
- <H3>Request</H3>
- For good reason, the Request object is a widely used object. It contains a collection of information
- such as form-data or cookies gathered from the client. With this object you can gather the contents
- submitted from any type of web-form, read server variables or the contents of a digital client
- certificate. You can also read binary data such as an uploaded file by first determining the number
- of bytes sent with the <CODE>TotalBytes</CODE>-property and then read it with the <CODE>BinaryRead($bytes_to_read)</CODE>
- method.
- <UL>
- <CODE><BR>
- # Get the number of total bytes in the request<BR>
- #<BR>
- $bytes_to_read = $Request->{TotalBytes};<BR>
- <BR>
- # Read and return a variant array of type VT_U1<BR>
- #<BR>
- $read_bytes=$Request->BinaryRead( $bytes_to_read );</CODE>
- </UL>
- In the Request object, collections that you can read includes <CODE>ClientCertificate</CODE> for
- digital certificated, <CODE>Cookies</CODE> for cookies sent with the HTTP request, <CODE>Form</CODE>
- for data posted by a web form using the POST method, <CODE>QueryString</CODE> for data passed with
- the QueryString or GET method from a web form, and <CODE>ServerVariables</CODE> for HTTP environment
- variables such as the server software or the users browser.
- <UL>
- <CODE># Let's see what's in the ALL_HTTP variable<BR>
- #<BR>
- $Response->Write( $Request->ServerVariables('ALL_HTTP')->Item() );</CODE>
- </UL>
- </A><A name="#response">
- <H3>Response</H3>
- The Response Object is responsible for sending data from the client to the server. For example, you
- can print strings such as HTML or scalar variables, and you can also print binary data such as
- images, set cookies, control cache, character sets, and content-types, plus send the client status
- headers, append datato the log, set PICS labels, and see if the client is still connected. A cookie
- can contain the attributed Domain, Expires, HasKeys, Path, and Secure, and you first declare a
- cookie before setting these attributes.
- <UL>
- <CODE># Ask the client's browser if it wants a cookie<BR>
- #<BR>
- $Response->Cookies->SetProperty(
- <UL>
- <UL>
- <UL>
- <UL>
- <UL>
- <UL>
- 'Item',<BR>
- 'someCookie',<BR>
- 'Hi! This is a cookie!'<BR>
- );
- </UL>
- </UL>
- </UL>
- </UL>
- </UL>
- </UL>
- <BR>
- <BR>
- # ==================================================<BR>
- # Let's set some attributes of the cookie!<BR>
- # ==================================================<BR>
- <BR>
- # This is the domain that can read the cookie; to specify it further,<BR>
- # use the Path-attribute to define a more complete URL<BR>
- #<BR>
- $Response->Cookies('someCookie')->{Domain} = 'somesite.com';<BR>
- <BR>
- # The expiration date for the cookie<BR>
- #<BR>
- $Response->Cookies('someCookie')->{Expires} = 'January 1, 1999';<BR>
- <BR>
- # Not a secure cookie; 1 defines it as secure<BR>
- #<BR>
- $Response->Cookies('someCookie')->{Secure} = 0;</CODE>
- </UL>
- <BR>
- <BR>
- </A><A name="#server">
- <H3>Server</H3>
- The Server object provides certain server-side functions. Its only property is <CODE>Timeout</CODE>
- which defines for how many seconds a script should try executing before returning an error. This
- setting can also be set in the Microsoft Management Console. In terms of methods, you can create
- instances of COM objects in your page, encoding HTML and URL's, mapping the physical path to a file
- by providing its URL, execute other .asp files, and seamlessly transfer the client to a new page
- while maintaining the state of the current ASP objects, which means that any form data that was
- gathered can be transferred between pages.
- <UL>
- <CODE># Open the file in the virtual path /scripts/forum.asp/<BR>
- #<BR>
- open( FILE, $Server->MapPath('/scripts/forum.asp') );</CODE>
- </UL>
- You can use <CODE>CreateObject('ProgID')</CODE> to return a valid COM object to the Active Server
- Page. For example, to instantiate an ADO object, you'd do the following:
- <UL>
- <CODE># Create an ADO Connection object<BR>
- #<BR>
- $ADOConnObj = $Server->CreateObject('ADODB.Connection');</CODE>
- </UL>
- When using strings, <CODE>HTMLEncode($string)</CODE> encodes charaters such as greater than and less
- than into its valid character represenation within an HTML page. This prevents, for example, users
- to post HTML to a chatroom or messageboard. The <CODE>URLEncode($string)</CODE>-method encodes a
- string for valid represenation as a URL. New in IIS 5, you can <CODE>Execute('/scripts/page.asp')</CODE>
- ASP scripts in other files, and to transfer the user without losing the state of the Request
- object's existing variables such as the contents of the Form-collection you can use the
- Transfer-method.
- <UL>
- <CODE># Transfer the user to a different page<BR>
- #<BR>
- $Server->Transfer('/step2.asp');</CODE>
- </UL>
- Worth noting about the transfer method is that it takes place on the server side. There is never a
- request sent to the users browser telling the browser to redirect, thus a roundtrip is spared.<BR>
- <BR>
- </A><A name="#session"></A>
- <H3>Session</H3>
- The Session object enables you to associate variables with each unique client and keep the variables
- stored until she leaves the domain. It has the same abilities as the Application object, but with
- the important difference that these variables will only be available to the single user and the
- script engine. Ideal for applications such as shopping carts. The syntax is the same as the
- Application object in terms of adding entities to the Contents collection. In addition, you can set
- the <CODE>Timeout</CODE>-property to the number of minutes that you wish the Session to last before
- it is ended or you can deliberately end the Session by calling the <CODE>Abandon</CODE>-method and
- then redirect to a new page. The redirection is very important! Other properties that you can use is
- <CODE>CodePage</CODE> which is used for Symbol Mapping, <CODE>LCID</CODE> for the locale identifier,
- and <CODE>SessionID</CODE> which uniquely identifies the client.<BR>
- <BR>
- For both the Session and Application object, the Contents collections contain a <CODE>Remove()</CODE>
- and <CODE>RemoveAll()</CODE> method. <CODE>Remove()</CODE> takes either an index or a keyname for
- the variable in the Collection to remove, and <CODE>RemoveAll()</CODE> removes all variables stored
- in the collection. In example, consider that you have stores a property called "myName" in
- the Session s Contents collection, you would remove it as follows:
- <UL>
- <CODE>$Session->Contents->Remove('myName');</CODE>
- </UL>
- Earlier than IIS 5, <CODE>Remove()</CODE> and <CODE>RemoveAll()</CODE> are not available, so you
- will have to use the Perl built-in function <CODE>undef()</CODE>,.
- <P><A name="aspsamples">
- <HR>
- <H1>The Active Server Pages Samples</H1>
- The following examples are taken from the \eg\aspsamples\ directory, which will be installed on your
- machine if you installed the example files with ActivePerl. In addition to these examples, there are
- useful and advanced examples in the \eg\aspsamples\ directory.<BR>
- </A><A name="hw">
- <H2>Say "Hello World!"</H2>
- <B>File Location: [\eg\aspsamples\hello.asp]</B><BR>
- <BR>
- In this example, a for-loop is used to print a series of "Hello World!" strings of
- increasing font-size. Notice the <CODE><%=$i%></CODE> call, which is shorthand for writing
- $Response->write($i).<BR>
- <UL>
- <CODE><BR>
- <%<BR>
- for ($i = 3; $i < 8; $i++) {<BR>
- %><BR>
- <font size=<%= $i %>><BR>
- "Hello World!"<BR>
- </font><BR>
- <BR><BR>
- <%<BR>
- }<BR>
- %></CODE>
- </UL>
- <BR>
- <BR>
- </A><A name="sv">
- <H2>Accessing HTTP Server Variables</H2>
- <B>File Location: [\eg\aspsamples\srvvar.asp]</B><BR>
- <BR>
- The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) variables that are sent with each request can be retrieved
- from the Request object. You need to specify that you want the server variables, and then call a
- method named "Item" in order to return the value.
- <UL>
- <CODE><%= $Request->ServerVariables('SERVER_SOFTWARE')->Item() %></CODE>
- </UL>
- <BR>
- </A><A name="qs">
- <H2>Reading the QueryString</H2>
- <B>File Location: [\eg\aspsamples\qstring.asp]</B><BR>
- <BR>
- The QueryString can be either manufactured by handcoding it, or it is automatically generated for
- form-fields if you use a HTML form that uses the GET method for submitting its data. The following
- is one way you can use it.
- <UL>
- <CODE><BR>
- <A HREF="<%=$Request->ServerVariables('PATH_INFO')->item()%>?Size=Medium&Color=Yellow"><BR>
- This link will demonstrate the Request object's QueryString collection.<BR>
- </A><BR>
- <BR>
- The current value of Size is<BR>
- <%= $Request->QueryString('Size')->item() %><BR>
- <BR>
- <BR><BR>
- <BR>
- The current value of Color is<BR>
- <%= $Request->QueryString('Color')->item() %></CODE>
- </UL>
- <BR>
- </A><A name="wf">
- <H2>Interactive Web Forms</H2>
- <B>[\eg\aspsamples\wform.asp]</B><BR>
- <BR>
- In this example, the POST method is used to submit a form. The Request object gathers data by
- calling the Form-element by its name in <CODE>$Request->Form('name')->Item()</CODE> instead of
- in <CODE>$Request->QueryString('name')->Item()</CODE> as it is passed when the method is GET.<BR>
- <BR>
- Once fetched, the "<CODE>$Server->HTMLEncode()</CODE>"-method is called to correctly
- translate HTML tags into proper encoding so that no HTML tags can be submitted.<BR>
- <PRE>
- <%
- my($name) = $Request->Form('Yourname')->Item();
- $name = $Server->HTMLEncode($name);
- %>
- <%
- if($name eq 'Enter Your name here') {
- $Response->Write("Please type your name in the box below and then press the button");
- }
- else {
- $Response->Write("Hello $name");
- }
- %>
- <FORM ACTION="wform.asp" METHOD="POST">
- <INPUT TYPE="Textfield" NAME="Yourname" MAXLENGTH="30" VALUE="Enter Your Name Here">
- </FORM>
- <BR>
- <BR>
- </A><A name="dc">
- <H2>Database Connections (ADO and ASP)</H2>
- <B>[\eg\aspsamples\ado1.asp]</B><BR>
- <BR>
- This database example requires the ActiveX Data Objects from the Microsoft Data Access Components,
- available at </A><A href="http://www.microsoft.com/data/">http://www.microsoft.com/data/</A>.<BR>
- <BR>
- <PRE>
- <%
- # Create an instance of the ADO Connection object
- #
- $Conn = $Server->CreateObject("ADODB.Connection");
- # Open a system DSN
- #
- $Conn->Open( "ADOSamples" );
- # Execute an SQL Query
- #
- $RS = $Conn->Execute( "SELECT * FROM Orders" );
- # Read a property to get the number of columns
- # present in the Recordset returned from the
- # query.
- #
- $count = $RS->Fields->{Count};
- # Print out the names of each column
- #
- for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++ ) {
- $Response->Write( $RS->Fields($i)->Name );
- $Response->Write("<BR>");
- };
- # Loop the Recordset until there are no more records
- #
- while ( ! $RS->{EOF} ) {
- for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++ ) {
- $Response->Write(" ");
- $Response->Write($RS->Fields($i)->{Value});
- $Response->Write("<BR>");
- };
- # Move to the next record
- #
- $RS->MoveNext();
- };
- # Close the Recordset
- #
- $RS->Close();
- $Conn->Close();
- %></PRE>
- <BR>
- As an important note, the ActiveX Data Objects is an easy-to-use and easy-to-learn set of objects
- that provides universal data access. Regardless of what language you use ADO from within, the
- application-level programming interface of ADO remains the same.<BR>
- <BR>
- Moreover, not only can you access relational databases such as MS Access, SQL Server, or Oracle with
- these components, you can access non-relational data such as video, filesystems, and email systems
- -- all from one single interface. It is the post-ODBC industry standard for accessing data stores,
- and a fast and powerful way to get your databases out on the Internet.
- <P><A name="bindata"></A>
- <HR>
- <H1>Variants and Binary Data</H1>
- <P>At times, you will be working with binary data that is passed to PerlScript from a COM object or
- passed from PerlScript to a COM object. In Windows Script, the data comes in a data type called a
- Variant. The Variant resembles of Perl's scalar variables because it was designed for holding most
- types of data. And most of the time, Perl is able to determine what type of Variant that is being
- returned to it from a COM object; however, with binary data, it sometimes becomes necessary to
- define what the variant is exactly for a type, so the "<CODE>Win32::OLE::Variant</CODE>"-module
- provides functionality for this conversion and much more. For example, if you have a GIF image
- stored in the variable <CODE>$image</CODE>, and you want to output it to the screen by using the
- Response object's "<CODE>BinaryWrite()</CODE>"-method, you must convert it to a VT_UI1
- variant before it is passed to the "<CODE>BinaryWrite()</CODE>"-method simply because a
- VT_UI1 variant is expected by the method.<BR>
- <PRE>use Win32::OLE::Variant;
- # Tell the browser a GIF image is on its way
- #
- $Response->{ContentType} = "image/GIF";
- # Send the GIF as a VT_UI1 Variant
- #
- $Response->BinaryWrite(Win32::OLE->Variant(VT_UI1, $image));
- </PRE>
- An issue of needing to convert to the accurate type of Variant occurs most of the time when working
- with binary data; two concrete examples are binary large objects (BLOBs) returned from SQL Server
- and binary data being output through the ASP Response object's "<CODE>BinaryWrite()</CODE>"-method.
- The "<CODE>BinaryWrite()</CODE>"-method expects a Variant of the type VT_UI1, and that is
- the same type which is returned when reading a BLOB from SQL Server. However, as the variant is
- returned to PerlScript, it converts it into the type of scalar that most resembles the variant, and
- although that is an accurate conversion for use in Perl, you will need to convert data if it's used
- in a VT_UI1 context.
- <P><A name="readblob"></A>
- <HR>
- <H1>To Read And Display Binary Large Objects (ADO and ASP)</H1>
- <P>The following example will demonstrate how ADO can be used to read a Binary Large Object from SQL
- Server, and how ASP is used to output the BLOB as an image.
- <PRE><%@Language=PerlScript%> <%
- use Win32::OLE::Variant;
- # One note, 40 as bytes to read per GetChunk()-call is not
- # a good number to choose for a real application. I emphasize
- # _not_. Instead, whatever you choose depends much on your
- # system and the power of it; however, 4000 is a much more
- # realistic real-world number compared to 32.
- #
- my($blob_size, $read_size, $bytes_to_read) = (0, 0, 32);
- # Let's create the Connection object used to establish the connection
- #
- $conn = $Server->CreateObject('ADODB.Connection');
- # Open a connection using the SQL Server OLE DB Provider
- #
- $conn->Open(<<EOF);
- Provider=SQLOLEDB;
- Persist Security Info=False;
- User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=pubs
- # Execute the query which returns the BLOB from our database
- #
- $rs = $conn->Execute("SELECT logo FROM pub_info WHERE pub_id='0736'");
- # Get the size of the BLOB
- #
- $blob_size = $rs->FieldS('logo')->{ActualSize};
- # And here's the routine for reading in the blob. Alternatively you can
- # make a control statement that says if the $blob_size is less than
- # 4096, it should just swallow it in one chunk, but the routine below
- # is good to have handy
- #
- while($read_size < $blob_size) {</PRE>
- <UL>
- <PRE>$buffer .= $rs->Fields('logo')->GetChunk($bytes_to_read);
- $read_size += $bytes_to_read;
- if($read_size+$bytes_to_read > $ blob_size) {</PRE>
- <UL>
- <PRE>$bytes_to_read = $blob_size - $read_size;</PRE>
- </UL>
- <PRE>}</PRE>
- </UL>
- <PRE>}
- # Make a VT_UI1 variant of the retrieved Chunks
- #
- $image = new Win32::OLE::Variant(VT_UI1, $buffer);
- # Tell the browser that the content coming is an image of the type GIF
- #
- $Response->{ContentType}="image/gif";
- # Do a binarywrite of the VT_UI1 variant image
- #
- $Response->BinaryWrite($image);
- %></PRE>
- <P><A name="appa">
- <HR>
- <H1>Appendix A</H1>
- </A><A name="appasysdsn">
- <H2>How To Set Up A System DSN</H2>
- <P>The System Data Source Name is information stored in the Windows-registry. The information is
- used by your application to connect to a database. To create a SystemDSN you must have a database
- ready to be used by your application and know the path to the database.When the information above is
- gathered you open "32 Bit ODBC" from the control-panel andclick on the "SystemDSN"-tab.
- Choose to "Add" a new SystemDSN and select the driver foryour database. Enter the
- "Data Source Name" that you will call on the database by fromyour application, then click
- on the "Select"-button and browse to your database-file.Okay everything, then close the
- program. You'll now be able to call on your databaseby the Data Source Name you entered for it as
- follows:
- <UL>
- <CODE>$Conn = $Server->CreateObject("ADODB.Connection");<BR>
- $Conn->Open("Name");</CODE>
- </UL>
- </A><A name="appanosysdsn"></A>
- <H2>Why Not To Use A System DSN</H2>
- <P>With the ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), the layer that connectes to a database is called the OLE DB
- layer. It is the very closest to the physical database, and directly connecting to OLE DB is ADO.
- Most databases will have what is called an OLE DB Provider, and if you have worked with ODBC, the
- OLE DB provider is OLE DB's equivalent of the ODBC driver. In ADO, ideally you should connect via
- ADO directly to OLE DB and from OLE DB directly to the physical database or other data store. A
- System DSN is for ODBC data sources and it causes OLE DB to wrap an ODBC driver within itself, which
- adds an overhead and reduces performance.<A name="appaoledb"></A>
- <H2>How To Use The Native OLE DB Provider</H2>
- <P>There are a number of things you can do to get the native provider set up. When you have it set
- up, you simply replace the name of the system DSN with the string that has been produced in order to
- connect to the data store using the native OLE DB provider. First, try to create an Universal Data
- Link file by doing the following:
- <UL>
- 1) Create a file named connectionstring.udl<BR>
- 2) Right-click on it<BR>
- 3) Choose Properties<BR>
- 4) Choose the OLE DB Provider to use<BR>
- 5) Define what source to connect to and possibly a username and password<BR>
- 6) Click "Test Connection"<BR>
- 7) Open the file in "Notepad"<BR>
- 8) Highlight the connectionstring and press CTRL+C to copy it into memory<BR>
- 9) Paste it into your ADO application by pressing CTRL+V
- </UL>
- If you are not lucky enough to have .udl, locate a friend who has it or dig around for the
- connectionstrings. It is more than feasible that there are texts on it available on the Internet,
- too. To give an example, this is what a typical connectionstring looks like for an Access database:
- <UL>
- <CODE>Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;<BR>
- User ID=Somebody;<BR>
- Data Source=c:\\access.mdb;<BR>
- Persist Security Info=False</CODE>
- </UL>
- And here's one for SQL Server:
- <UL>
- <CODE>Provider=SQLOLEDB;<BR>
- Persist Security Info=False;<BR>
- User ID=sa;<BR>
- Initial Catalog=Northwind</CODE>
- </UL>
- <P><A name="appb">
- <HR>
- <H1>Appendix B</H1>
- </A><A name="appbbook">
- <H2>Books Resources</H2>
- <P>
- <UL>
- <CODE>ActivePerl with ASP and ADO:<BR>
- by Tobias Martinsson<BR>
- ISBN 0471383147<BR>
- URL: http://www.wiley.com/compbooks/</CODE>
- </UL>
- </A><A name="appbonline"></A>
- <H2>Online Resources</H2>
- <P>
- <UL>
- <LI><A href="http://www.microsoft.com/data/">Microsoft Data Access Components</A>; MDAC includes
- ADO, OLE DB, and every component needed for getting your databases out on the Internet.
- <LI>Windows 95 users will have to download the NT Option Pack from <A href="http://www.microsoft.com/">Microsoft</A>
- and install Personal Web Server which ships with it. Win 98 already has it on its CD.
- <LI>The <A href="http://www.asplists.com/asplists/aspperlscript.asp">ASP PerlScript</A>
- mailinglist is pretty much where the most questions and answers on PerlScript and ASP circulate.
- <LI><A href="http://www.deja.com/~perlscript/">PerlScript Community</A> is a Deja community for
- users who want to find users that PerlScript.
- <LI><A href="http://www.fastnetltd.ndirect.co.uk/Perl/perl-win32-asp.html">The Perl-Win32-ASP FAQ.</A>
- Maintained by Matthew Sergeant.</LI>
- </UL>
- <P>
- <HR>
- <H1><A name="author and copyright">AUTHOR AND COPYRIGHT</A></H1>
- <P>Copyright (c) 2000 Tobias Martinsson. All Rights Reserved.</P>
- <P>When included as part of the Standard Version of Perl, or as part of its complete documentation
- whether printed or otherwise, this work may be distributed only under the terms of Perl's Artistic
- License. Any distribution of this file or derivatives thereof <EM>outside</EM> of that package
- require that special arrangements be made with copyright holder.</P>
- <P>Irrespective of its distribution, all code examples in this file are hereby placed into the
- public domain. You are permitted and encouraged to use this code in your own programs for fun or for
- profit as you see fit. A simple comment in the code giving credit would be courteous but is not
- required.</P>
- <P>Active Server Pages is copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.</P>
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