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- package ExtUtils::Mksymlists;
- use 5.005_64;
- use strict qw[ subs refs ];
- # no strict 'vars'; # until filehandles are exempted
- use Carp;
- use Exporter;
- @ISA = 'Exporter';
- @EXPORT = '&Mksymlists';
- $VERSION = substr q$Revision: 1.17 $, 10;
- sub Mksymlists {
- my(%spec) = @_;
- my($osname) = $^O;
- croak("Insufficient information specified to Mksymlists")
- unless ( $spec{NAME} or
- ($spec{FILE} and ($spec{DL_FUNCS} or $spec{FUNCLIST})) );
- $spec{DL_VARS} = [] unless $spec{DL_VARS};
- ($spec{FILE} = $spec{NAME}) =~ s/.*::// unless $spec{FILE};
- $spec{FUNCLIST} = [] unless $spec{FUNCLIST};
- $spec{DL_FUNCS} = { $spec{NAME} => [] }
- unless ( ($spec{DL_FUNCS} and keys %{$spec{DL_FUNCS}}) or
- @{$spec{FUNCLIST}});
- if (defined $spec{DL_FUNCS}) {
- my($package);
- foreach $package (keys %{$spec{DL_FUNCS}}) {
- my($packprefix,$sym,$bootseen);
- ($packprefix = $package) =~ s/\W/_/g;
- foreach $sym (@{$spec{DL_FUNCS}->{$package}}) {
- if ($sym =~ /^boot_/) {
- push(@{$spec{FUNCLIST}},$sym);
- $bootseen++;
- }
- else { push(@{$spec{FUNCLIST}},"XS_${packprefix}_$sym"); }
- }
- push(@{$spec{FUNCLIST}},"boot_$packprefix") unless $bootseen;
- }
- }
- # We'll need this if we ever add any OS which uses mod2fname
- # not as pseudo-builtin.
- # require DynaLoader;
- if (defined &DynaLoader::mod2fname and not $spec{DLBASE}) {
- $spec{DLBASE} = DynaLoader::mod2fname([ split(/::/,$spec{NAME}) ]);
- }
- if ($osname eq 'aix') { _write_aix(\%spec); }
- elsif ($osname eq 'VMS') { _write_vms(\%spec) }
- elsif ($osname eq 'os2') { _write_os2(\%spec) }
- elsif ($osname eq 'MSWin32') { _write_win32(\%spec) }
- else { croak("Don't know how to create linker option file for $osname\n"); }
- }
- sub _write_aix {
- my($data) = @_;
- rename "$data->{FILE}.exp", "$data->{FILE}.exp_old";
- open(EXP,">$data->{FILE}.exp")
- or croak("Can't create $data->{FILE}.exp: $!\n");
- print EXP join("\n",@{$data->{DL_VARS}}, "\n") if @{$data->{DL_VARS}};
- print EXP join("\n",@{$data->{FUNCLIST}}, "\n") if @{$data->{FUNCLIST}};
- close EXP;
- }
- sub _write_os2 {
- my($data) = @_;
- require Config;
- my $threaded = ($Config::Config{archname} =~ /-thread/ ? " threaded" : "");
- if (not $data->{DLBASE}) {
- ($data->{DLBASE} = $data->{NAME}) =~ s/.*:://;
- $data->{DLBASE} = substr($data->{DLBASE},0,7) . '_';
- }
- my $distname = $data->{DISTNAME} || $data->{NAME};
- $distname = "Distribution $distname";
- my $comment = "Perl (v$Config::Config{version}$threaded) module $data->{NAME}";
- if ($data->{INSTALLDIRS} and $data->{INSTALLDIRS} eq 'perl') {
- $distname = 'perl5-porters@perl.org';
- $comment = "Core $comment";
- }
- rename "$data->{FILE}.def", "$data->{FILE}_def.old";
- open(DEF,">$data->{FILE}.def")
- or croak("Can't create $data->{FILE}.def: $!\n");
- print DEF "DESCRIPTION '\@#$distname:$data->{VERSION}#\@ $comment'\n";
- print DEF "EXPORTS\n ";
- print DEF join("\n ",@{$data->{DL_VARS}}, "\n") if @{$data->{DL_VARS}};
- print DEF join("\n ",@{$data->{FUNCLIST}}, "\n") if @{$data->{FUNCLIST}};
- if (%{$data->{IMPORTS}}) {
- print DEF "IMPORTS\n";
- my ($name, $exp);
- while (($name, $exp)= each %{$data->{IMPORTS}}) {
- print DEF " $name=$exp\n";
- }
- }
- close DEF;
- }
- sub _write_win32 {
- my($data) = @_;
- require Config;
- if (not $data->{DLBASE}) {
- ($data->{DLBASE} = $data->{NAME}) =~ s/.*:://;
- $data->{DLBASE} = substr($data->{DLBASE},0,7) . '_';
- }
- rename "$data->{FILE}.def", "$data->{FILE}_def.old";
- open(DEF,">$data->{FILE}.def")
- or croak("Can't create $data->{FILE}.def: $!\n");
- # put library name in quotes (it could be a keyword, like 'Alias')
- if ($Config::Config{'cc'} !~ /^gcc/i) {
- print DEF "LIBRARY \"$data->{DLBASE}\"\n";
- }
- print DEF "EXPORTS\n ";
- my @syms;
- # Export public symbols both with and without underscores to
- # ensure compatibility between DLLs from different compilers
- # NOTE: DynaLoader itself only uses the names without underscores,
- # so this is only to cover the case when the extension DLL may be
- # linked to directly from C. GSAR 97-07-10
- if ($Config::Config{'cc'} =~ /^bcc/i) {
- for (@{$data->{DL_VARS}}, @{$data->{FUNCLIST}}) {
- push @syms, "_$_", "$_ = _$_";
- }
- }
- else {
- for (@{$data->{DL_VARS}}, @{$data->{FUNCLIST}}) {
- push @syms, "$_", "_$_ = $_";
- }
- }
- print DEF join("\n ",@syms, "\n") if @syms;
- if (%{$data->{IMPORTS}}) {
- print DEF "IMPORTS\n";
- my ($name, $exp);
- while (($name, $exp)= each %{$data->{IMPORTS}}) {
- print DEF " $name=$exp\n";
- }
- }
- close DEF;
- }
- sub _write_vms {
- my($data) = @_;
- require Config; # a reminder for once we do $^O
- require ExtUtils::XSSymSet;
- my($isvax) = $Config::Config{'archname'} =~ /VAX/i;
- my($set) = new ExtUtils::XSSymSet;
- my($sym);
- rename "$data->{FILE}.opt", "$data->{FILE}.opt_old";
- open(OPT,">$data->{FILE}.opt")
- or croak("Can't create $data->{FILE}.opt: $!\n");
- # Options file declaring universal symbols
- # Used when linking shareable image for dynamic extension,
- # or when linking PerlShr into which we've added this package
- # as a static extension
- # We don't do anything to preserve order, so we won't relax
- # the GSMATCH criteria for a dynamic extension
- print OPT "case_sensitive=yes\n"
- if $Config::Config{d_vms_case_sensitive_symbols};
- foreach $sym (@{$data->{FUNCLIST}}) {
- my $safe = $set->addsym($sym);
- if ($isvax) { print OPT "UNIVERSAL=$safe\n" }
- else { print OPT "SYMBOL_VECTOR=($safe=PROCEDURE)\n"; }
- }
- foreach $sym (@{$data->{DL_VARS}}) {
- my $safe = $set->addsym($sym);
- if ($isvax) { print OPT "UNIVERSAL=$safe\n" }
- else { print OPT "SYMBOL_VECTOR=($safe=DATA)\n"; }
- }
- close OPT;
- }
- 1;
- __END__
- =head1 NAME
- ExtUtils::Mksymlists - write linker options files for dynamic extension
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- use ExtUtils::Mksymlists;
- Mksymlists({ NAME => $name ,
- DL_VARS => [ $var1, $var2, $var3 ],
- DL_FUNCS => { $pkg1 => [ $func1, $func2 ],
- $pkg2 => [ $func3 ] });
- C<ExtUtils::Mksymlists> produces files used by the linker under some OSs
- during the creation of shared libraries for dynamic extensions. It is
- normally called from a MakeMaker-generated Makefile when the extension
- is built. The linker option file is generated by calling the function
- C<Mksymlists>, which is exported by default from C<ExtUtils::Mksymlists>.
- It takes one argument, a list of key-value pairs, in which the following
- keys are recognized:
- =over
- =item DLBASE
- This item specifies the name by which the linker knows the
- extension, which may be different from the name of the
- extension itself (for instance, some linkers add an '_' to the
- name of the extension). If it is not specified, it is derived
- from the NAME attribute. It is presently used only by OS2 and Win32.
- =item DL_FUNCS
- This is identical to the DL_FUNCS attribute available via MakeMaker,
- from which it is usually taken. Its value is a reference to an
- associative array, in which each key is the name of a package, and
- each value is an a reference to an array of function names which
- should be exported by the extension. For instance, one might say
- C<DL_FUNCS =E<gt> { Homer::Iliad =E<gt> [ qw(trojans greeks) ],
- Homer::Odyssey =E<gt> [ qw(travellers family suitors) ] }>. The
- function names should be identical to those in the XSUB code;
- C<Mksymlists> will alter the names written to the linker option
- file to match the changes made by F<xsubpp>. In addition, if
- none of the functions in a list begin with the string B<boot_>,
- C<Mksymlists> will add a bootstrap function for that package,
- just as xsubpp does. (If a B<boot_E<lt>pkgE<gt>> function is
- present in the list, it is passed through unchanged.) If
- DL_FUNCS is not specified, it defaults to the bootstrap
- function for the extension specified in NAME.
- =item DL_VARS
- This is identical to the DL_VARS attribute available via MakeMaker,
- and, like DL_FUNCS, it is usually specified via MakeMaker. Its
- value is a reference to an array of variable names which should
- be exported by the extension.
- =item FILE
- This key can be used to specify the name of the linker option file
- (minus the OS-specific extension), if for some reason you do not
- want to use the default value, which is the last word of the NAME
- attribute (I<e.g.> for C<Tk::Canvas>, FILE defaults to C<Canvas>).
- =item FUNCLIST
- This provides an alternate means to specify function names to be
- exported from the extension. Its value is a reference to an
- array of function names to be exported by the extension. These
- names are passed through unaltered to the linker options file.
- Specifying a value for the FUNCLIST attribute suppresses automatic
- generation of the bootstrap function for the package. To still create
- the bootstrap name you have to specify the package name in the
- DL_FUNCS hash:
- Mksymlists({ NAME => $name ,
- FUNCLIST => [ $func1, $func2 ],
- DL_FUNCS => { $pkg => [] } });
- =item IMPORTS
- This attribute is used to specify names to be imported into the
- extension. It is currently only used by OS/2 and Win32.
- =item NAME
- This gives the name of the extension (I<e.g.> C<Tk::Canvas>) for which
- the linker option file will be produced.
- =back
- When calling C<Mksymlists>, one should always specify the NAME
- attribute. In most cases, this is all that's necessary. In
- the case of unusual extensions, however, the other attributes
- can be used to provide additional information to the linker.
- =head1 AUTHOR
- Charles Bailey I<E<lt>bailey@newman.upenn.eduE<gt>>
- =head1 REVISION
- Last revised 14-Feb-1996, for Perl 5.002.