home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 2000-03-15 | 38.9 KB | 1,484 lines |
- package Win32::Console;
- #######################################################################
- #
- # Win32::Console - Perl Module for Windows Clipboard Interaction
- # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- # Version: 0.03 (07 Apr 1997)
- # Version: 0.031 (24 Sep 1999) - fixed typo in GenerateCtrlEvent()
- #
- #######################################################################
- require Exporter; # to export the constants to the main:: space
- require DynaLoader; # to dynuhlode the module.
- @ISA= qw( Exporter DynaLoader );
- @EXPORT = qw(
- );
- #######################################################################
- # This AUTOLOAD is used to 'autoload' constants from the constant()
- # XS function. If a constant is not found then control is passed
- # to the AUTOLOAD in AutoLoader.
- #
- sub AUTOLOAD {
- my($constname);
- ($constname = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*:://;
- #reset $! to zero to reset any current errors.
- $!=0;
- my $val = constant($constname, @_ ? $_[0] : 0);
- if ($! != 0) {
- # if ($! =~ /Invalid/) {
- # $AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD = $AUTOLOAD;
- # goto &AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD;
- # } else {
- ($pack, $file, $line) = caller; undef $pack;
- die "Symbol Win32::Console::$constname not defined, used at $file line $line.";
- # }
- }
- eval "sub $AUTOLOAD { $val }";
- goto &$AUTOLOAD;
- }
- #######################################################################
- #
- $VERSION = "0.031";
- # %HandlerRoutineStack = ();
- # $HandlerRoutineRegistered = 0;
- #######################################################################
- #
- #======== (MAIN CONSTRUCTOR)
- sub new {
- #========
- my($class, $param1, $param2) = @_;
- my $self = {};
- if(defined($param1)
- and ($param1 == constant("STD_INPUT_HANDLE", 0)
- or $param1 == constant("STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE", 0)
- or $param1 == constant("STD_ERROR_HANDLE", 0))) {
- $self->{'handle'} = _GetStdHandle($param1);
- } else {
- $param1 = constant("GENERIC_READ", 0) | constant("GENERIC_WRITE", 0) unless $param1;
- $param2 = constant("FILE_SHARE_READ", 0) | constant("FILE_SHARE_WRITE", 0) unless $param2;
- $self->{'handle'} = _CreateConsoleScreenBuffer($param1, $param2,
- constant("CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER", 0));
- }
- bless $self, $class;
- return $self;
- }
- #============
- sub Display {
- #============
- my($self)=@_;
- return undef unless ref($self);
- return _SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer($self->{'handle'});
- }
- #===========
- sub Select {
- #===========
- ($self, $type) = @_;
- return undef unless ref($self);
- return _SetStdHandle($type, $self->{'handle'});
- }
- #==========
- sub Title {
- #==========
- my($self, $title) = @_;
- $title = $self unless ref($self);
- if(defined($title)) {
- return _SetConsoleTitle($title);
- } else {
- return _GetConsoleTitle();
- }
- }
- #==============
- sub WriteChar {
- #==============
- my($self, $text, $col, $row) = @_;
- return undef unless ref($self);
- return _WriteConsoleOutputCharacter($self->{'handle'},$text,$col,$row);
- }
- #=============
- sub ReadChar {
- #=============
- my($self, $size, $col, $row) = @_;
- return undef unless ref($self);
- my $buffer = (" " x $size);
- if(_ReadConsoleOutputCharacter($self->{'handle'}, $buffer, $size, $col, $row)) {
- return $buffer;
- } else {
- return undef;
- }
- }
- #==============
- sub WriteAttr {
- #==============
- my($self, $attr, $col, $row) = @_;
- return undef unless ref($self);
- return _WriteConsoleOutputAttribute($self->{'handle'}, $attr, $col, $row);
- }
- #=============
- sub ReadAttr {
- #=============
- my($self, $size, $col, $row) = @_;
- return undef unless ref($self);
- return _ReadConsoleOutputAttribute($self->{'handle'}, $size, $col, $row);
- }
- #==========
- sub Write {
- #==========
- my($self,$string) = @_;
- return undef unless ref($self);
- return _WriteConsole($self->{'handle'}, $string);
- }
- #=============
- sub ReadRect {
- #=============
- my($self, $left, $top, $right, $bottom) = @_;
- return undef unless ref($self);
- my $col = $right - $left + 1;
- my $row = $bottom - $top + 1;
- my $buffer = (" " x ($col*$row*4));
- if(_ReadConsoleOutput($self->{'handle'}, $buffer,
- $col, $row, 0, 0,
- $left, $top, $right, $bottom)) {
- return $buffer;
- } else {
- return undef;
- }
- }
- #==============
- sub WriteRect {
- #==============
- my($self, $buffer, $left, $top, $right, $bottom) = @_;
- return undef unless ref($self);
- my $col = $right - $left + 1;
- my $row = $bottom - $top + 1;
- return _WriteConsoleOutput($self->{'handle'}, $buffer,
- $col, $row, 0, 0,
- $left, $top, $right, $bottom);
- }
- #===========
- sub Scroll {
- #===========
- my($self, $left1, $top1, $right1, $bottom1,
- $col, $row, $char, $attr,
- $left2, $top2, $right2, $bottom2) = @_;
- return undef unless ref($self);
- return _ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer($self->{'handle'},
- $left1, $top1, $right1, $bottom1,
- $col, $row, $char, $attr,
- $left2, $top2, $right2, $bottom2);
- }
- #==============
- sub MaxWindow {
- #==============
- my($self, $flag) = @_;
- return undef unless ref($self);
- if(not defined($flag)) {
- my @info = _GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo($self->{'handle'});
- return $info[9], $info[10];
- } else {
- return _GetLargestConsoleWindowSize($self->{'handle'});
- }
- }
- #=========
- sub Info {
- #=========
- my($self) = @_;
- return undef unless ref($self);
- return _GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo($self->{'handle'});
- }
- #===========
- sub Window {
- #===========
- my($self, $flag, $left, $top, $right, $bottom) = @_;
- return undef unless ref($self);
- if(not defined($flag)) {
- my @info = _GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo($self->{'handle'});
- return $info[5], $info[6], $info[7], $info[8];
- } else {
- return _SetConsoleWindowInfo($self->{'handle'}, $flag, $left, $top, $right, $bottom);
- }
- }
- #==============
- sub GetEvents {
- #==============
- my $self="";
- ($self)=@_;
- return undef unless ref($self);
- return _GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents($self->{'handle'});
- }
- #==========
- sub Flush {
- #==========
- my($self) = @_;
- return undef unless ref($self);
- return _FlushConsoleInputBuffer($self->{'handle'});
- }
- #==============
- sub InputChar {
- #==============
- my($self, $number) = @_;
- return undef unless ref($self);
- $number = 1 unless defined($number);
- my $buffer = (" " x $number);
- if(_ReadConsole($self->{'handle'}, $buffer, $number) == $number) {
- return $buffer;
- } else {
- return undef;
- }
- }
- #==========
- sub Input {
- #==========
- my($self) = @_;
- return undef unless ref($self);
- return _ReadConsoleInput($self->{'handle'});
- }
- #==============
- sub PeekInput {
- #==============
- my($self) = @_;
- return undef unless ref($self);
- return _PeekConsoleInput($self->{'handle'});
- }
- #===============
- sub WriteInput {
- #===============
- my($self) = shift;
- return undef unless ref($self);
- return _WriteConsoleInput($self->{'handle'}, @_);
- }
- #=========
- sub Mode {
- #=========
- my($self, $mode) = @_;
- return undef unless ref($self);
- if(defined($mode)) {
- return _SetConsoleMode($self->{'handle'}, $mode);
- } else {
- return _GetConsoleMode($self->{'handle'});
- }
- }
- #========
- sub Cls {
- #========
- my($self, $attr) = @_;
- return undef unless ref($self);
- $attr = $main::ATTR_NORMAL unless defined($attr);
- my ($x, $y) = $self->Size();
- my($left, $top, $right ,$bottom) = $self->Window();
- my $vx = $right - $left;
- my $vy = $bottom - $top;
- $self->FillChar(" ", $x*$y, 0, 0);
- $self->FillAttr($attr, $x*$y, 0, 0);
- $self->Cursor(0, 0);
- $self->Window(1, 0, 0, $vx, $vy);
- }
- #=========
- sub Attr {
- #=========
- my($self, $attr) = @_;
- return undef unless ref($self);
- if(not defined($attr)) {
- return (_GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo($self->{'handle'}))[4];
- } else {
- return _SetConsoleTextAttribute($self->{'handle'}, $attr);
- }
- }
- #===========
- sub Cursor {
- #===========
- my($self, $col, $row, $size, $visi) = @_;
- return undef unless ref($self);
- my $curr_row = 0;
- my $curr_col = 0;
- my $curr_size = 0;
- my $curr_visi = 0;
- my $return = 0;
- my $discard = 0;
- if(defined($col)) {
- $row = -1 if not defined($row);
- if($col == -1 or $row == -1) {
- ($discard, $discard, $curr_col, $curr_row) = _GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo($self->{'handle'});
- $col=$curr_col if $col==-1;
- $row=$curr_row if $row==-1;
- }
- $return += _SetConsoleCursorPosition($self->{'handle'}, $col, $row);
- if(defined($size) and defined($visi)) {
- if($size == -1 or $visi == -1) {
- ($curr_size, $curr_visi) = _GetConsoleCursorInfo($self->{'handle'});
- $size = $curr_size if $size == -1;
- $visi = $curr_visi if $visi == -1;
- }
- $size = 1 if $size < 1;
- $size = 99 if $size > 99;
- $return += _SetConsoleCursorInfo($self->{'handle'}, $size, $visi);
- }
- return $return;
- } else {
- ($discard, $discard, $curr_col, $curr_row) = _GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo($self->{'handle'});
- ($curr_size, $curr_visi) = _GetConsoleCursorInfo($self->{'handle'});
- return ($curr_col, $curr_row, $curr_size, $curr_visi);
- }
- }
- #=========
- sub Size {
- #=========
- my($self, $col, $row) = @_;
- return undef unless ref($self);
- if(not defined($col)) {
- ($col, $row) = _GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo($self->{'handle'});
- return ($col, $row);
- } else {
- $row = -1 if not defined($row);
- if($col == -1 or $row == -1) {
- ($curr_col, $curr_row) = _GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo($self->{'handle'});
- $col=$curr_col if $col==-1;
- $row=$curr_row if $row==-1;
- }
- return _SetConsoleScreenBufferSize($self->{'handle'}, $col, $row);
- }
- }
- #=============
- sub FillAttr {
- #=============
- my($self, $attr, $number, $col, $row) = @_;
- return undef unless ref($self);
- $number = 1 unless $number;
- if(!defined($col) or !defined($row) or $col == -1 or $row == -1) {
- ($discard, $discard,
- $curr_col, $curr_row) = _GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo($self->{'handle'});
- $col = $curr_col if !defined($col) or $col == -1;
- $row = $curr_row if !defined($row) or $row == -1;
- }
- return _FillConsoleOutputAttribute($self->{'handle'}, $attr, $number, $col, $row);
- }
- #=============
- sub FillChar {
- #=============
- my($self, $char, $number, $col, $row) = @_;
- return undef unless ref($self);
- if(!defined($col) or !defined($row) or $col == -1 or $row == -1) {
- ($discard, $discard,
- $curr_col, $curr_row) = _GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo($self->{'handle'});
- $col = $curr_col if !defined($col) or $col == -1;
- $row = $curr_row if !defined($row) or $row == -1;
- }
- return _FillConsoleOutputCharacter($self->{'handle'}, $char, $number, $col, $row);
- }
- #============
- sub InputCP {
- #============
- my($self, $codepage) = @_;
- $codepage = $self if (defined($self) and ref($self) ne "Win32::Console");
- if(defined($codepage)) {
- return _SetConsoleCP($codepage);
- } else {
- return _GetConsoleCP();
- }
- }
- #=============
- sub OutputCP {
- #=============
- my($self, $codepage) = @_;
- $codepage = $self if (defined($self) and ref($self) ne "Win32::Console");
- if(defined($codepage)) {
- return _SetConsoleOutputCP($codepage);
- } else {
- return _GetConsoleOutputCP();
- }
- }
- #======================
- sub GenerateCtrlEvent {
- #======================
- my($self, $type, $pid) = @_;
- $type = constant("CTRL_C_EVENT", 0) unless defined($type);
- $pid = 0 unless defined($pid);
- return _GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent($type, $pid);
- }
- #===================
- #sub SetCtrlHandler {
- #===================
- # my($name, $add) = @_;
- # $add = 1 unless defined($add);
- # my @nor = keys(%HandlerRoutineStack);
- # if($add == 0) {
- # foreach $key (@nor) {
- # delete $HandlerRoutineStack{$key}, last if $HandlerRoutineStack{$key}==$name;
- # }
- # $HandlerRoutineRegistered--;
- # } else {
- # if($#nor == -1) {
- # my $r = _SetConsoleCtrlHandler();
- # if(!$r) {
- # print "WARNING: SetConsoleCtrlHandler failed...\n";
- # }
- # }
- # $HandlerRoutineRegistered++;
- # $HandlerRoutineStack{$HandlerRoutineRegistered} = $name;
- # }
- #}
- ########################################################################
- #
- #================
- #sub CtrlHandler {
- #================
- # my($ctrltype) = @_;
- # my $routine;
- # my $result = 0;
- # CALLEM: foreach $routine (sort { $b <=> $a } keys %HandlerRoutineStack) {
- # #print "CtrlHandler: calling $HandlerRoutineStack{$routine}($ctrltype)\n";
- # $result = &{"main::".$HandlerRoutineStack{$routine}}($ctrltype);
- # last CALLEM if $result;
- # }
- # return $result;
- #}
- #============ (MAIN DESTRUCTOR)
- sub DESTROY {
- #============
- my($self) = @_;
- _CloseHandle($self->{'handle'});
- }
- #######################################################################
- # dynamically load in the Console.pll module.
- #
- bootstrap Win32::Console;
- #######################################################################
- #
- $main::FG_BLACK = 0;
- $main::FG_BLUE = constant("FOREGROUND_BLUE",0);
- $main::FG_LIGHTBLUE = constant("FOREGROUND_BLUE",0)|
- $main::FG_RED = constant("FOREGROUND_RED",0);
- $main::FG_LIGHTRED = constant("FOREGROUND_RED",0)|
- $main::FG_GREEN = constant("FOREGROUND_GREEN",0);
- $main::FG_LIGHTGREEN = constant("FOREGROUND_GREEN",0)|
- $main::FG_MAGENTA = constant("FOREGROUND_RED",0)|
- constant("FOREGROUND_BLUE",0);
- $main::FG_LIGHTMAGENTA = constant("FOREGROUND_RED",0)|
- constant("FOREGROUND_BLUE",0)|
- $main::FG_CYAN = constant("FOREGROUND_GREEN",0)|
- constant("FOREGROUND_BLUE",0);
- $main::FG_LIGHTCYAN = constant("FOREGROUND_GREEN",0)|
- constant("FOREGROUND_BLUE",0)|
- $main::FG_BROWN = constant("FOREGROUND_RED",0)|
- constant("FOREGROUND_GREEN",0);
- $main::FG_YELLOW = constant("FOREGROUND_RED",0)|
- constant("FOREGROUND_GREEN",0)|
- $main::FG_GRAY = constant("FOREGROUND_RED",0)|
- constant("FOREGROUND_GREEN",0)|
- constant("FOREGROUND_BLUE",0);
- $main::FG_WHITE = constant("FOREGROUND_RED",0)|
- constant("FOREGROUND_GREEN",0)|
- constant("FOREGROUND_BLUE",0)|
- $main::BG_BLACK = 0;
- $main::BG_BLUE = constant("BACKGROUND_BLUE",0);
- $main::BG_LIGHTBLUE = constant("BACKGROUND_BLUE",0)|
- $main::BG_RED = constant("BACKGROUND_RED",0);
- $main::BG_LIGHTRED = constant("BACKGROUND_RED",0)|
- $main::BG_GREEN = constant("BACKGROUND_GREEN",0);
- $main::BG_LIGHTGREEN = constant("BACKGROUND_GREEN",0)|
- $main::BG_MAGENTA = constant("BACKGROUND_RED",0)|
- constant("BACKGROUND_BLUE",0);
- $main::BG_LIGHTMAGENTA = constant("BACKGROUND_RED",0)|
- constant("BACKGROUND_BLUE",0)|
- $main::BG_CYAN = constant("BACKGROUND_GREEN",0)|
- constant("BACKGROUND_BLUE",0);
- $main::BG_LIGHTCYAN = constant("BACKGROUND_GREEN",0)|
- constant("BACKGROUND_BLUE",0)|
- $main::BG_BROWN = constant("BACKGROUND_RED",0)|
- constant("BACKGROUND_GREEN",0);
- $main::BG_YELLOW = constant("BACKGROUND_RED",0)|
- constant("BACKGROUND_GREEN",0)|
- $main::BG_GRAY = constant("BACKGROUND_RED",0)|
- constant("BACKGROUND_GREEN",0)|
- constant("BACKGROUND_BLUE",0);
- $main::BG_WHITE = constant("BACKGROUND_RED",0)|
- constant("BACKGROUND_GREEN",0)|
- constant("BACKGROUND_BLUE",0)|
- $main::ATTR_NORMAL = $main::FG_GRAY|$main::BG_BLACK;
- $main::ATTR_INVERSE = $main::FG_BLACK|$main::BG_GRAY;
- undef unless $main::ATTR_NORMAL;
- undef unless $main::ATTR_INVERSE;
- undef unless $VERSION;
- @main::CONSOLE_COLORS = ();
- foreach $fg ($main::FG_BLACK, $main::FG_BLUE, $main::FG_GREEN, $main::FG_CYAN,
- $main::FG_RED, $main::FG_MAGENTA, $main::FG_BROWN, $main::FG_GRAY,
- $main::FG_WHITE) {
- foreach $bg ($main::BG_BLACK, $main::BG_BLUE, $main::BG_GREEN, $main::BG_CYAN,
- $main::BG_RED, $main::BG_MAGENTA, $main::BG_BROWN, $main::BG_GRAY,
- $main::BG_WHITE) {
- push(@main::CONSOLE_COLORS, $fg|$bg);
- }
- }
- undef $fg;
- undef $bg;
- # Preloaded methods go here.
- #Currently Autoloading is not implemented in Perl for win32
- # Autoload methods go after __END__, and are processed by the autosplit program.
- 1;
- __END__
- =head1 NAME
- Win32::Console - Win32 Console and Character Mode Functions
- This module implements the Win32 console and character mode
- functions. They give you full control on the console input and output,
- including: support of off-screen console buffers (eg. multiple screen
- pages)
- =over
- =item *
- reading and writing of characters, attributes and whole portions of
- the screen
- =item *
- complete processing of keyboard and mouse events
- =item *
- some very funny additional features :)
- =back
- Those functions should also make possible a port of the Unix's curses
- library; if there is anyone interested (and/or willing to contribute)
- to this project, e-mail me. Thank you.
- =head1 REFERENCE
- =head2 Methods
- =over
- =item Alloc
- Allocates a new console for the process. Returns C<undef> on errors, a
- nonzero value on success. A process cannot be associated with more
- than one console, so this method will fail if there is already an
- allocated console. Use Free to detach the process from the console,
- and then call Alloc to create a new console. See also: C<Free>
- Example:
- $CONSOLE->Alloc();
- =item Attr [attr]
- Gets or sets the current console attribute. This attribute is used by
- the Write method.
- Example:
- $attr = $CONSOLE->Attr();
- =item Close
- Closes a shortcut object. Note that it is not "strictly" required to
- close the objects you created, since the Win32::Shortcut objects are
- automatically closed when the program ends (or when you elsehow
- destroy such an object).
- Example:
- $LINK->Close();
- =item Cls [attr]
- Clear the console, with the specified I<attr> if given, or using
- ATTR_NORMAL otherwise.
- Example:
- $CONSOLE->Cls();
- =item Cursor [x, y, size, visible]
- Gets or sets cursor position and appearance. Returns C<undef> on
- errors, or a 4-element list containing: I<x>, I<y>, I<size>,
- I<visible>. I<x> and I<y> are the current cursor position; ...
- Example:
- ($x, $y, $size, $visible) = $CONSOLE->Cursor();
- # Get position only
- ($x, $y) = $CONSOLE->Cursor();
- $CONSOLE->Cursor(40, 13, 50, 1);
- # Set position only
- $CONSOLE->Cursor(40, 13);
- # Set size and visibility without affecting position
- $CONSOLE->Cursor(-1, -1, 50, 1);
- =item Display
- Displays the specified console on the screen. Returns C<undef> on errors,
- a nonzero value on success.
- Example:
- $CONSOLE->Display();
- =item FillAttr [attribute, number, col, row]
- Fills the specified number of consecutive attributes, beginning at
- I<col>, I<row>, with the value specified in I<attribute>. Returns the
- number of attributes filled, or C<undef> on errors. See also:
- C<FillChar>.
- Example:
- $CONSOLE->FillAttr($FG_BLACK | $BG_BLACK, 80*25, 0, 0);
- =item FillChar char, number, col, row
- Fills the specified number of consecutive characters, beginning at
- I<col>, I<row>, with the character specified in I<char>. Returns the
- number of characters filled, or C<undef> on errors. See also:
- C<FillAttr>.
- Example:
- $CONSOLE->FillChar("X", 80*25, 0, 0);
- =item Flush
- Flushes the console input buffer. All the events in the buffer are
- discarded. Returns C<undef> on errors, a nonzero value on success.
- Example:
- $CONSOLE->Flush();
- =item Free
- Detaches the process from the console. Returns C<undef> on errors, a
- nonzero value on success. See also: C<Alloc>.
- Example:
- $CONSOLE->Free();
- =item GenerateCtrlEvent [type, processgroup]
- Sends a break signal of the specified I<type> to the specified
- I<processgroup>. I<type> can be one of the following constants:
- they signal, respectively, the pressing of Control + Break and of
- Control + C; if not specified, it defaults to CTRL_C_EVENT.
- I<processgroup> is the pid of a process sharing the same console. If
- omitted, it defaults to 0 (the current process), which is also the
- only meaningful value that you can pass to this function. Returns
- C<undef> on errors, a nonzero value on success.
- Example:
- # break this script now
- $CONSOLE->GenerateCtrlEvent();
- =item GetEvents
- Returns the number of unread input events in the console's input
- buffer, or C<undef> on errors. See also: C<Input>, C<InputChar>,
- C<PeekInput>, C<WriteInput>.
- Example:
- $events = $CONSOLE->GetEvents();
- =item Info
- Returns an array of informations about the console (or C<undef> on
- errors), which contains:
- =over
- =item *
- columns (X size) of the console buffer.
- =item *
- rows (Y size) of the console buffer.
- =item *
- current column (X position) of the cursor.
- =item *
- current row (Y position) of the cursor.
- =item *
- current attribute used for C<Write>.
- =item *
- left column (X of the starting point) of the current console window.
- =item *
- top row (Y of the starting point) of the current console window.
- =item *
- right column (X of the final point) of the current console window.
- =item *
- bottom row (Y of the final point) of the current console window.
- =item *
- maximum number of columns for the console window, given the current
- buffer size, font and the screen size.
- =item *
- maximum number of rows for the console window, given the current
- buffer size, font and the screen size.
- =back
- See also: C<Attr>, C<Cursor>, C<Size>, C<Window>, C<MaxWindow>.
- Example:
- @info = $CONSOLE->Info();
- print "Cursor at $info[3], $info[4].\n";
- =item Input
- Reads an event from the input buffer. Returns a list of values, which
- depending on the event's nature are:
- =over
- =item keyboard event
- The list will contain:
- =over
- =item *
- event type: 1 for keyboard
- =item *
- key down: TRUE if the key is being pressed, FALSE if the key is being released
- =item *
- repeat count: the number of times the key is being held down
- =item *
- virtual keycode: the virtual key code of the key
- =item *
- virtual scancode: the virtual scan code of the key
- =item *
- char: the ASCII code of the character (if the key is a character key, 0 otherwise)
- =item *
- control key state: the state of the control keys (SHIFTs, CTRLs, ALTs, etc.)
- =back
- =item mouse event
- The list will contain:
- =over
- =item *
- event type: 2 for mouse
- =item *
- mouse pos. X: X coordinate (column) of the mouse location
- =item *
- mouse pos. Y: Y coordinate (row) of the mouse location
- =item *
- button state: the mouse button(s) which are pressed
- =item *
- control key state: the state of the control keys (SHIFTs, CTRLs, ALTs, etc.)
- =item *
- event flags: the type of the mouse event
- =back
- =back
- This method will return C<undef> on errors. Note that the events
- returned are depending on the input C<Mode> of the console; for example,
- mouse events are not intercepted unless ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT is
- specified. See also: C<GetEvents>, C<InputChar>, C<Mode>,
- C<PeekInput>, C<WriteInput>.
- Example:
- @event = $CONSOLE->Input();
- =item InputChar number
- Reads and returns I<number> characters from the console input buffer,
- or C<undef> on errors. See also: C<Input>, C<Mode>.
- Example:
- $key = $CONSOLE->InputChar(1);
- =item InputCP [codepage]
- Gets or sets the input code page used by the console. Note that this
- doesn't apply to a console object, but to the standard input
- console. This attribute is used by the Write method. See also:
- C<OutputCP>.
- Example:
- $codepage = $CONSOLE->InputCP();
- $CONSOLE->InputCP(437);
- # you may want to use the non-instanciated form to avoid confuzion :)
- $codepage = Win32::Console::InputCP();
- Win32::Console::InputCP(437);
- =item MaxWindow
- Returns the size of the largest possible console window, based on the
- current font and the size of the display. The result is C<undef> on
- errors, otherwise a 2-element list containing col, row.
- Example:
- ($maxCol, $maxRow) = $CONSOLE->MaxWindow();
- =item Mode [flags]
- Gets or sets the input or output mode of a console. I<flags> can be a
- combination of the following constants:
- For more informations on the meaning of those flags, please refer to
- the L<"Microsoft's Documentation">.
- Example:
- $mode = $CONSOLE->Mode();
- =item MouseButtons
- Returns the number of the buttons on your mouse, or C<undef> on errors.
- Example:
- print "Your mouse has ", $CONSOLE->MouseButtons(), " buttons.\n";
- =item new Win32::Console standard_handle
- =item new Win32::Console [accessmode, sharemode]
- Creates a new console object. The first form creates a handle to a
- standard channel, I<standard_handle> can be one of the following:
- The second form, instead, creates a console screen buffer in memory,
- which you can access for reading and writing as a normal console, and
- then redirect on the standard output (the screen) with C<Display>. In
- this case, you can specify one or both of the following values for
- I<accessmode>:
- which are the permissions you will have on the created buffer, and one
- or both of the following values for I<sharemode>:
- which affect the way the console can be shared. If you don't specify
- any of those parameters, all 4 flags will be used.
- Example:
- $STDOUT = new Win32::Console(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
- $STDERR = new Win32::Console(STD_ERROR_HANDLE);
- $STDIN = new Win32::Console(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
- $BUFFER = new Win32::Console();
- =item OutputCP [codepage]
- Gets or sets the output code page used by the console. Note that this
- doesn't apply to a console object, but to the standard output console.
- See also: C<InputCP>.
- Example:
- $codepage = $CONSOLE->OutputCP();
- $CONSOLE->OutputCP(437);
- # you may want to use the non-instanciated form to avoid confuzion :)
- $codepage = Win32::Console::OutputCP();
- Win32::Console::OutputCP(437);
- =item PeekInput
- Does exactly the same as C<Input>, except that the event read is not
- removed from the input buffer. See also: C<GetEvents>, C<Input>,
- C<InputChar>, C<Mode>, C<WriteInput>.
- Example:
- @event = $CONSOLE->PeekInput();
- =item ReadAttr [number, col, row]
- Reads the specified I<number> of consecutive attributes, beginning at
- I<col>, I<row>, from the console. Returns the attributes read (a
- variable containing one character for each attribute), or C<undef> on
- errors. You can then pass the returned variable to C<WriteAttr> to
- restore the saved attributes on screen. See also: C<ReadChar>,
- C<ReadRect>.
- Example:
- $colors = $CONSOLE->ReadAttr(80*25, 0, 0);
- =item ReadChar [number, col, row]
- Reads the specified I<number> of consecutive characters, beginning at
- I<col>, I<row>, from the console. Returns a string containing the
- characters read, or C<undef> on errors. You can then pass the
- returned variable to C<WriteChar> to restore the saved characters on
- screen. See also: C<ReadAttr>, C<ReadRect>.
- Example:
- $chars = $CONSOLE->ReadChar(80*25, 0, 0);
- =item ReadRect left, top, right, bottom
- Reads the content (characters and attributes) of the rectangle
- specified by I<left>, I<top>, I<right>, I<bottom> from the console.
- Returns a string containing the rectangle read, or C<undef> on errors.
- You can then pass the returned variable to C<WriteRect> to restore the
- saved rectangle on screen (or on another console). See also:
- C<ReadAttr>, C<ReadChar>.
- Example:
- $rect = $CONSOLE->ReadRect(0, 0, 80, 25);
- =item Scroll left, top, right, bottom, col, row, char, attr,
- [cleft, ctop, cright, cbottom]
- Moves a block of data in a console buffer; the block is identified by
- I<left>, I<top>, I<right>, I<bottom>, while I<row>, I<col> identify
- the new location of the block. The cells left empty as a result of
- the move are filled with the character I<char> and attribute I<attr>.
- Optionally you can specify a clipping region with I<cleft>, I<ctop>,
- I<cright>, I<cbottom>, so that the content of the console outside this
- rectangle are unchanged. Returns C<undef> on errors, a nonzero value
- on success.
- Example:
- # scrolls the screen 10 lines down, filling with black spaces
- $CONSOLE->Scroll(0, 0, 80, 25, 0, 10, " ", $FG_BLACK | $BG_BLACK);
- =item Select standard_handle
- Redirects a standard handle to the specified console.
- I<standard_handle> can have one of the following values:
- Returns C<undef> on errors, a nonzero value on success.
- Example:
- =item Size [col, row]
- Gets or sets the console buffer size.
- Example:
- ($x, $y) = $CONSOLE->Size();
- $CONSOLE->Size(80, 25);
- =item Title [title]
- Gets or sets the title bar the string of the current console window.
- Example:
- $title = $CONSOLE->Title();
- $CONSOLE->Title("This is a title");
- =item Window [flag, left, top, right, bottom]
- Gets or sets the current console window size. If called without
- arguments, returns a 4-element list containing the current window
- coordinates in the form of I<left>, I<top>, I<right>, I<bottom>. To
- set the window size, you have to specify an additional I<flag>
- parameter: if it is 0 (zero), coordinates are considered relative to
- the current coordinates; if it is non-zero, coordinates are absolute.
- Example:
- ($left, $top, $right, $bottom) = $CONSOLE->Window();
- $CONSOLE->Window(1, 0, 0, 80, 50);
- =item Write string
- Writes I<string> on the console, using the current attribute, that you
- can set with C<Attr>, and advancing the cursor as needed. This isn't
- so different from Perl's "print" statement. Returns the number of
- characters written or C<undef> on errors. See also: C<WriteAttr>,
- C<WriteChar>, C<WriteRect>.
- Example:
- $CONSOLE->Write("Hello, world!");
- =item WriteAttr attrs, col, row
- Writes the attributes in the string I<attrs>, beginning at I<col>,
- I<row>, without affecting the characters that are on screen. The
- string attrs can be the result of a C<ReadAttr> function, or you can
- build your own attribute string; in this case, keep in mind that every
- attribute is treated as a character, not a number (see example).
- Returns the number of attributes written or C<undef> on errors. See
- also: C<Write>, C<WriteChar>, C<WriteRect>.
- Example:
- $CONSOLE->WriteAttr($attrs, 0, 0);
- # note the use of chr()...
- $attrs = chr($FG_BLACK | $BG_WHITE) x 80;
- $CONSOLE->WriteAttr($attrs, 0, 0);
- =item WriteChar chars, col, row
- Writes the characters in the string I<attr>, beginning at I<col>, I<row>,
- without affecting the attributes that are on screen. The string I<chars>
- can be the result of a C<ReadChar> function, or a normal string. Returns
- the number of characters written or C<undef> on errors. See also:
- C<Write>, C<WriteAttr>, C<WriteRect>.
- Example:
- $CONSOLE->WriteChar("Hello, worlds!", 0, 0);
- =item WriteInput (event)
- Pushes data in the console input buffer. I<(event)> is a list of values,
- for more information see C<Input>. The string chars can be the result of
- a C<ReadChar> function, or a normal string. Returns the number of
- characters written or C<undef> on errors. See also: C<Write>,
- C<WriteAttr>, C<WriteRect>.
- Example:
- $CONSOLE->WriteInput(@event);
- =item WriteRect rect, left, top, right, bottom
- Writes a rectangle of characters and attributes (contained in I<rect>)
- on the console at the coordinates specified by I<left>, I<top>,
- I<right>, I<bottom>. I<rect> can be the result of a C<ReadRect>
- function. Returns C<undef> on errors, otherwise a 4-element list
- containing the coordinates of the affected rectangle, in the format
- I<left>, I<top>, I<right>, I<bottom>. See also: C<Write>,
- C<WriteAttr>, C<WriteChar>.
- Example:
- $CONSOLE->WriteRect($rect, 0, 0, 80, 25);
- =back
- =head2 Constants
- The following constants are exported in the main namespace of your
- script using Win32::Console:
- Additionally, the following variables can be used:
- ATTR_NORMAL is set to gray foreground on black background (DOS's
- standard colors).
- =head2 Microsoft's Documentation
- Documentation for the Win32 Console and Character mode Functions can
- be found on Microsoft's site at this URL:
- http://www.microsoft.com/msdn/sdk/platforms/doc/sdk/win32/sys/src/conchar.htm
- A reference of the available functions is at:
- http://www.microsoft.com/msdn/sdk/platforms/doc/sdk/win32/sys/src/conchar_34.htm
- =over
- =item * 0.031 (24 Sep 1999)
- =over
- =item *
- Fixed typo in GenerateCtrlEvent().
- =item *
- Converted and added pod documentation (from Jan Dubois <jand@activestate.com>).
- =back
- =item * 0.03 (07 Apr 1997)
- =over
- =item *
- Added "GenerateCtrlEvent" method.
- =item *
- The PLL file now comes in 2 versions, one for Perl version 5.001
- (build 110) and one for Perl version 5.003 (build 300 and higher,
- EXCEPT 304).
- =item *
- added an installation program that will automatically copy the right
- version in the right place.
- =back
- =item * 0.01 (09 Feb 1997)
- =over
- =item *
- First public release.
- =back
- =back
- =head1 AUTHOR
- Aldo Calpini <a.calpini@romagiubileo.it>
- =head1 CREDITS
- Thanks to: Jesse Dougherty, Dave Roth, ActiveWare, and the
- Perl-Win32-Users community.
- This program is FREE; you can redistribute, modify, disassemble, or
- even reverse engineer this software at your will. Keep in mind,
- however, that NOTHING IS GUARANTEED to work and everything you do is
- AT YOUR OWN RISK - I will not take responsibility for any damage, loss
- of money and/or health that may arise from the use of this program!
- This is distributed under the terms of Larry Wall's Artistic License.