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- <TITLE>Win32::OLE::Const - Extract constant definitions from TypeLib</TITLE>
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- <STRONG><P CLASS=block> Win32::OLE::Const - Extract constant definitions from TypeLib</P></STRONG>
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- <A NAME="__index__"></A>
- <!-- INDEX BEGIN -->
- <UL>
- <LI><A HREF="#name">NAME</A></LI><LI><A HREF="#supportedplatforms">SUPPORTED PLATFORMS</A></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#synopsis">SYNOPSIS</A></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#description">DESCRIPTION</A></LI>
- <UL>
- <LI><A HREF="#functions/methods">Functions/Methods</A></LI>
- </UL>
- <LI><A HREF="#examples">EXAMPLES</A></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#authors/copyright">AUTHORS/COPYRIGHT</A></LI>
- </UL>
- <!-- INDEX END -->
- <HR>
- <P>
- <H1><A NAME="name">NAME</A></H1>
- <P>Win32::OLE::Const - Extract constant definitions from TypeLib</P>
- <P>
- <HR>
- <H1><A NAME="supportedplatforms">SUPPORTED PLATFORMS</A></H1>
- <UL>
- <LI>Windows</LI>
- </UL>
- <HR>
- <H1><A NAME="synopsis">SYNOPSIS</A></H1>
- <PRE>
- use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft Excel';
- printf "xlMarkerStyleDot = %d\n", xlMarkerStyleDot;</PRE>
- <PRE>
- my $wd = Win32::OLE::Const->Load("Microsoft Word 8\\.0 Object Library");
- foreach my $key (keys %$wd) {
- printf "$key = %s\n", $wd->{$key};
- }</PRE>
- <P>
- <HR>
- <H1><A NAME="description">DESCRIPTION</A></H1>
- <P>This modules makes all constants from a registered OLE type library
- available to the Perl program. The constant definitions can be
- imported as functions, providing compile time name checking.
- Alternatively the constants can be returned in a hash reference
- which avoids defining lots of functions of unknown names.</P>
- <P>
- <H2><A NAME="functions/methods">Functions/Methods</A></H2>
- <DL>
- <DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_use_Win32%3A%3AOLE%3A%3AConst">use Win32::OLE::Const</A></STRONG><BR>
- <DD>
- The <A HREF="../../../../lib/Pod/perlfunc.html#item_use"><CODE>use</CODE></A> statement can be used to directly import the constant names
- and values into the users namespace.
- <PRE>
- <P>The TYPELIB argument specifies a regular expression for searching
- through the registry for the type library. Note that this argument is
- implicitly prefixed with <CODE>^</CODE> to speed up matches in the most common
- cases. Use a typelib name like ``.*Excel'' to match anywhere within the
- description. TYPELIB is the only required argument.</P>
- <P>The MAJOR and MINOR arguments specify the requested version of
- the type specification. If the MAJOR argument is used then only
- typelibs with exactly this major version number will be matched. The
- MINOR argument however specifies the minimum acceptable minor version.
- MINOR is ignored if MAJOR is undefined.</P>
- <P>If the LANGUAGE argument is used then only typelibs with exactly this
- language id will be matched.</P>
- <P>The module will select the typelib with the highest version number
- satisfying the request. If no language id is specified then a the default
- language (0) will be preferred over the others.</P>
- <P>Note that only constants with valid Perl variable names will be exported,
- i.e. names matching this regexp: <CODE>/^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/</CODE>.</P>
- <P></P>
- <DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_Load">Win32::OLE::Const->Load</A></STRONG><BR>
- <DD>
- The Win32::OLE::Const->Load method returns a reference to a hash of
- constant definitions.
- <PRE>
- my $const = Win32::OLE::Const->Load(TYPELIB,MAJOR,MINOR,LANGUAGE);</PRE>
- <P>The parameters are the same as for the <A HREF="../../../../lib/Pod/perlfunc.html#item_use"><CODE>use</CODE></A> case.</P>
- <P>This method is generally preferrable when the typelib uses a non-english
- language and the constant names contain locale specific characters not
- allowed in Perl variable names.</P>
- <P>Another advantage is that all available constants can now be enumerated.</P>
- <P>The load method also accepts an OLE object as a parameter. In this case
- the OLE object is queried about its containing type library and no registry
- search is done at all. Interestingly this seems to be slower.</P>
- <P></P></DL>
- <P>
- <HR>
- <H1><A NAME="examples">EXAMPLES</A></H1>
- <P>The first example imports all Excel constants names into the main namespace
- and prints the value of xlMarkerStyleDot (-4118).</P>
- <PRE>
- use Win32::OLE::Const ('Microsoft Excel 8.0 Object Library');
- print "xlMarkerStyleDot = %d\n", xlMarkerStyleDot;</PRE>
- <P>The second example returns all Word constants in a hash ref.</P>
- <PRE>
- use Win32::OLE::Const;
- my $wd = Win32::OLE::Const->Load("Microsoft Word 8.0 Object Library");
- foreach my $key (keys %$wd) {
- printf "$key = %s\n", $wd->{$key};
- }
- printf "wdGreen = %s\n", $wd->{wdGreen};</PRE>
- <P>The last example uses an OLE object to specify the type library:</P>
- <PRE>
- use Win32::OLE;
- use Win32::OLE::Const;
- my $Excel = Win32::OLE->new('Excel.Application', 'Quit');
- my $xl = Win32::OLE::Const->Load($Excel);</PRE>
- <P>
- <HR>
- <H1><A NAME="authors/copyright">AUTHORS/COPYRIGHT</A></H1>
- <P>This module is part of the Win32::OLE distribution.</P>
- <STRONG><P CLASS=block> Win32::OLE::Const - Extract constant definitions from TypeLib</P></STRONG>
- </TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
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