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- <TITLE>Rough Guide to Windows Script Host</TITLE>
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- <TD class="block" valign="MIDDLE" width="100%" bgcolor="#cccccc"><STRONG>
- <P class="block"> Rough Guide to Windows Script Host</P>
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- <A name="__index__"></A>
- <UL>
- <LI><A href="#introduction">Windows Script Host (WSH)</A>
- <UL>
- <LI><A href="#executing">Running a WSH File</A>
- <LI><A href="#objectmodel">The Object Model</A>
- <UL>
- <LI><A href="#wscript">The Windows Script Object</A>
- <LI><A href="#wshshell">The WshShell Object</A>
- <UL>
- <LI><A href="#shortcut">Creating Shortcuts</A>
- <LI><A href="#specialfolder">Special Folders</A>
- <LI><A href="#registry">working with The Registry</A>
- <LI><A href="#misc">Miscellanous</A>
- </UL>
- <LI><A href="#network">The WshNetwork Object</A>
- </UL>
- <LI><A href="#elementref">XML Element Referece</A>
- <UL>
- <LI><A href="#elemjob"><job></A>
- <LI><A href="#elemscr"><script></A>
- <LI><A href="#elemres"><resource></A>
- <LI><A href="#elemref"><reference></A>
- </UL>
- </UL>
- </LI>
- <LI><A href="#author and copyright">AUTHOR AND COPYRIGHT</A>
- </UL>
- <P><A name="introduction">
- <HR>
- <H1>Windows Script Host (ASP)</H1>
- Windows Script Host (WSH) is a scripting host for ActiveX Scripting Engines such as PerlScript. As a
- host, WSH enables you to use the scripting language from the command-line and from within the
- Windows desktop with the WSH features.<BR>
- <BR>
- </A><A name="executing">
- <H2>Running a WSH File</H2>
- In order to execute a WSH-file, use one of two executable files depending on your needs: WScript.exe
- for Windows desktop files and CScript.exe is for command-line scripts. You can set the behavior and
- appearance of these executed scripts by running the executable without providing a file; if so,
- WScript will display a properties page that you can modify, and CScript will show the available
- switches. At work, WSH enables you to use more than one scripting engine in the same file, include
- typelibraries, and run more than a single job from one file to name a few.<BR>
- <BR>
- </A><A name="objectmodel">
- <H2>The Object Model</H2>
- Implemented as an object-model, WSH provides a simple interface for its tasks. As you author, the
- WSH file uses XML as its markup for separating the elements. Let's look at a simple wSH file that
- prints "Hello World!".
- <UL>
- <CODE><Job ID="HelloWorld"><BR>
- <script language=PerlScript><BR>
- $WScript->Echo("Hello World!");<BR>
- </script><BR>
- </Job></CODE>
- </UL>
- The XML Job-elements encloses the ID of the Job that is run, and the script elements define
- PerlScript as the script language to use. You will experience different results depending if you
- execute this from the command-line or from the windows desktop. The first instance will print text
- to the screen, but the Windows desktop will pop up a messagebox with "Hello World!" Next,
- let's look at what the WScript object has to offer.<BR>
- <BR>
- </A><A name="wscript">
- <H2>The Windows Script Object</H2>
- The WScript object is a built-in object; therefore, you do not need to create a specific instance of
- it within your WSH. On the contrary, the object in place is used to create instances of most other
- objects exposed through the wSH programming interface.<BR>
- <BR>
- The <CODE>CreateObject</CODE> method will create an instance of a given object. In the following
- example, we'll see how an ADO Connection object is easily created within WSH.
- <UL>
- <CODE><Job ID="Test"><BR>
- <script language=PerlScript><BR>
- $conn=$WScript->CreateObject('ADODB.Connection');<BR>
- $conn->Open(<<EOF);<BR>
- Provider=SQLOLEDB;<BR>
- User ID=sa;<BR>
- Catalog=Northwind;<BR>
- <BR>
- if($conn->{State} == 1) {<BR>
- $WScript->Echo("Connection Successful!")<BR>
- }<BR>
- else {<BR>
- $WScript->Echo("Connection Failed ...");<BR>
- }<BR>
- </script><BR>
- </Job></CODE>
- </UL>
- In addition to the above, you can specify a second parameter in the call to <CODE>CreateObject</CODE>.
- This parameter contains a string which defines a prefix that you specify. By doing so, the object's
- outgoing interface is connected and any time an event is fired from the object, you can intercept it
- within the WSH file. For example, in the ADO connection object, there are a number of events.
- Sparing the details, <CODE>WillConnect</CODE> is called before a connection starts, and <CODE>Connectcomplete</CODE>
- is called after a connection has been started. They can be easily intercepted within the wSH file.
- <UL>
- <CODE><Job ID="Test"><BR>
- <script language=PerlScript><BR>
- $conn=$WScript->CreateObject('ADODB.Connection', 'MyWSH_');<BR>
- $conn->Open(<<EOF);<BR>
- Provider=SQLOLEDB;<BR>
- User ID=sa;<BR>
- Catalog=Northwind;<BR>
- <BR>
- if($conn->{State} == 1) {<BR>
- $WScript->Echo("Connection Successful!")<BR>
- }<BR>
- else {<BR>
- $WScript->Echo("Connection Failed ...");<BR>
- }<BR>
- <BR>
- sub MyWSH_ConnectComplete {<BR>
- $WScript->Echo("ConnectComplete was fired ... ");<BR>
- }<BR>
- <BR>
- sub MyWSH_WillConnect {<BR>
- $WScript->Echo("WillConnect was fired ... ");<BR>
- }<BR>
- </script><BR>
- </Job></CODE>
- </UL>
- For the same result as above, you can use the <CODE>ConnectObject</CODE>-method whose syntax is <CODE>$WScript->ConnectObject(Object,
- Prefix);</CODE>. The method <CODE>$WScript->DisconnectObject(Object);</CODE> will disconnect its
- event handling provided that the object is connected. Some other methods are as follows: <CODE>$Wscript->Echo(1,
- 2, 3, n);</CODE> Print text to the standard output defined by wSH. Separating the arguments cause
- only a space to separate the items in a desktop environment and a newline to separate the items in a
- command-line scenario.<BR>
- <BR>
- <CODE>$WScript->GetObject(Pathname [,ProgID], [Prefix]);</CODE> Retrieves an Automation object
- from a file or an object specified by the strProgID parameter.<BR>
- <BR>
- <CODE>$WScript->Quit([$int_errorcode]);</CODE> Quit and process and optionally provide an integer
- which represents an error code.<BR>
- <BR>
- <CODE>Sleep: $WScript->Sleep($int_milliseconds);</CODE> Places the script process into an
- inactive state for the number of milliseconds specified and then continues execution.<BR>
- <BR>
- And its properties are: <CODE>Application: $WScript->{Application};</CODE> Provides the IDispatch
- interface on the WScript object<BR>
- <BR>
- <CODE>Arguments: $WScript->{Arguments};</CODE> Returns a pointer to the WshArguments collection
- or identifies arguments for the shortcut to the collection.<BR>
- <BR>
- <CODE>Fullname: $WScript->{Fullname};</CODE> Returns a string containing the full path to the
- host executable file or shortcut object.<BR>
- <BR>
- <CODE>Name: $WScript->{Name};</CODE> Returns a string containing the friendly name of the WScript
- object.<BR>
- <BR>
- <CODE>Path: $WScript->{Path};</CODE> Provides a string containing the name of the directory where
- WScript.exe or CScript.exe resides.<BR>
- <BR>
- <CODE>ScriptFullname: $WScript->{Scriptfullname};</CODE> Provides the full path to the script
- currently being run.<BR>
- <BR>
- <CODE>ScriptName: $WScript->{Scriptname};</CODE> Provides the file name of the script currently
- being run.<BR>
- <BR>
- <CODE>StdError: $WScript->{StdError};</CODE> Exposes the write-only error output stream for the
- current script. Only applicable with CScript command-line WSH files.<BR>
- <BR>
- <CODE>StdIb: $WScript->{StdIn};</CODE> Exposes the read-only input stream for the current script.
- CScript only.<BR>
- <BR>
- <CODE>StdOut: $WScript->{StdOut};</CODE> Exposes the write-only output stream for the current
- script. CScript only.<BR>
- <BR>
- <CODE>Version: $WScript->{Version};</CODE> Returns the version of Microsoft Windows Script Host.<BR>
- <BR>
- On a final note, if you are using Cscript.exe and passing arguments to the file, you can read the
- arguments as follows:
- <UL>
- <CODE><Job ID="args"><BR>
- <script language=PerlScript><BR>
- $arg = $WScript->{Arguments};<BR>
- <BR>
- $countArgs = $arg->{Count};<BR>
- <BR>
- for($i=0; $i<$countArgs; $i++) {<BR>
- $WScript->Echo($arg->Item($i));<BR>
- }<BR>
- </script><BR>
- </job></CODE>
- </UL>
- </A><A name="wshshell">
- <H2>The WShShell Object</H2>
- The WshShell object must be instantiated by the WScript object.
- <UL>
- <CODE>$WshShell = $WScript->CreateObject("WScript.Shell")</CODE>
- </UL>
- An interesting method of the WshShell object is the ability to activate an application window and
- putting it in focus. This is done by calling AppActivate either with the title in the title bar of
- the running application window as a parameter or by using the task ID as a parameter.
- <UL>
- <CODE><Job Id="WshShell"><BR>
- <script language=PerlScript><BR>
- $WshShell = $WScript->CreateObject("WScript.Shell");<BR>
- $WshShell->Run("notepad");<BR>
- $WshShell->AppActivate("Untitled - Notepad");<BR>
- <BR>
- my($message) = "Hello from PerlScript!\n";<BR>
- <BR>
- for($i=0; $i<length($message); $i++) {<BR>
- $char = substr($message, $i, 1);<BR>
- $WScript->Sleep(100);<BR>
- $WshShell->SendKeys($char);<BR>
- }<BR>
- </script><BR>
- </job></CODE>
- </UL>
- The <CODE>SendKeys</CODE>-method simply sends keystrokes to the active windows. The <CODE>Run</CODE>
- method is a little more flexible.
- <UL>
- <CODE>$WshShell->Run(Command, [WindowStyle], [WaitOnReturn]);</CODE>
- </UL>
- The WindowStyle can be an integer between 0 through 10, and WaitOnReturn is a boolean value or 1
- (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE). FALSE is the default value it means that an immeditate return to script
- execution contrary to waiting for the process to end is preferable. It also returns an error code of
- zero while TRUE returns any error code generated by the active application.</A><A name="shortcut">
- <H3>Creating Shortcuts</H3>
- In addition, you can create shortcuts. Either you create a dekstop shortcut or a URL shortcul. The
- method call <CODE>CreateShortcut($path_or_url)</CODE> returns an object reference to a <CODE>WshShortcut</CODE>-object.
- Keep in mind that a dekstop shortcut has tbe extension .lnk and an URL shortcul has the file
- extension .url. In the latter case, a WshURLShortcut object is returned.<BR>
- <BR>
- With the WshShortcut-object, one method exists, so it is mainly properties regarding the shortcut
- that you need to set. The <CODE>Description</CODE>-property contains a string describing the
- shortcut, <CODE>Fullname</CODE> returns the full path to the host executable, <CODE>Hotkey</CODE>
- allows for combinations such as "ALT+CTRL+X" as hotkeys for shortcuts on the Windows
- dekstop or windows startmenu, <CODE>IconLocation</CODE> is a property that you set to "Path,
- index" to provide the Icon location of the shortcut. In addition, use the <CODE>TargetPath</CODE>-property
- to set the path to the executable file pointed to by the shortcut, <CODE>WindowStyle</CODE> can be
- set to either 1, 3, or 7 for the shortcut object, and <CODE>WorkingDirectory</CODE> defines the
- directory in which the shortcut should start. If you are shortcutting a URL, you have only the <CODE>Fullname</CODE>
- and <CODE>TargetPath</CODE> properties where the latter one is a URL. All shortcut objects are final
- when you call the <CODE>Save</CODE> method.</A><A name="specialfolder">
- <H3>Special Folders</H3>
- The WshShell object can also return a WshSpecialFolders object which contains paths to shell folders
- such as the desktop, start menu, and personal documents.
- <UL>
- <CODE><Job Id="SpecialFolder"><BR>
- <script language=PerlScript><BR>
- $WshShell = $WScript->CreateObject("WScript.Shell");<BR>
- $numFolders = $WshShell->SpecialFolders->{Count};<BR>
- $title = "PerlScript & WSH Example";<BR>
- $style = 1;<BR>
- <BR>
- for($i=0; $i<$numFolders; $i++) {<BR>
- $ok_or_cancel = $WshShell->Popup(<BR>
- $WshShell->SpecialFolders($i),<BR>
- undef,<BR>
- $title,<BR>
- $style);<BR>
- <BR>
- exit if ($ok_or_cancel == 2);<BR>
- }<BR>
- <BR>
- </script><BR>
- </job></CODE>
- </UL>
- </A><A name="registry">
- <H3>Working With the Registry</H3>
- The WshShell object provides functionality for working with the registry. The three methods for this
- are: <CODE>RegRead</CODE>, <CODE>RegWrite</CODE>, and <CODE>RegDelete</CODE>. Simply provide either
- method with a string such as the short form HKCU\ScriptEngine\Val or longer variant
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ScrtipeEngine\Val. Notice that a key is returned if the last character is a
- backslash, and a value is returned if no backslash is at the end. The RegRead method supports the
- following data types
- <UL>
- </UL>
- RegWrite requires a few extra parameters:
- <UL>
- <CODE>$WshShell->RegWrite(Name, Value [,Type]);</CODE>
- </UL>
- The name is a fully qualified string such as HKCU\ScriptEngine\Val where the same rules apply for
- key and value as previously mentioned. The Type-parameter is optional, but if used, it must be one
- of the following data types:
- <UL>
- </UL>
- </A><A name="misc">
- <H3>Miscellanous</H3>
- Expands the requested environment variable from the running process:
- <UL>
- <CODE>$WshShell->ExpandEnvironmentStrings($string);</CODE>
- </UL>
- In addition, log an event in the NT event log or WSH.log (Windows 9x) file using:
- <UL>
- <CODE>$WshShell->LogEvent(Type, Message [,Target]);</CODE>
- </UL>
- Target is the name of the system on NT, thus only applicable on NT. The Type of event is either
- <UL>
- <LI>1 (ERROR)
- </UL>
- This method returns a boolean value indicating success or failure. Another method is Popup, which
- sends a Windows messagebox up on the screen.
- <UL>
- <CODE>$retval = $WshShell->Popup(Text, [SecondsWait], [Title], [Type]);</CODE>
- </UL>
- The method allows you to define the text to pop up, alternatively seconds to wait before closing
- window, the title of the window, and lastly the type of buttons available in the window. They can
- be:
- <UL>
- <LI>0 (Ok)
- <LI>1 (Ok and Cancel)
- <LI>2 (Abort, Retry, and Ignore)
- <LI>3 (Yes, No, and Cancel)
- <LI>4 (Yes and No)
- <LI>5 (Retry and Cancel)
- </UL>
- The value that you choose can also be combined with an icon:
- <UL>
- <LI>16 (Stop Mark)
- <LI>32 (Question Mark)
- <LI>48 (Exclamation Mark)
- <LI>64 (Information Mark)
- </UL>
- The return values returned to <CODE>$retval</CODE> indicates which button was pressed. The value
- will be one of the following:
- <UL>
- <LI>1 (OK)
- <LI>2 (Cancel)
- <LI>3 (Abort)
- <LI>4 (Retry)
- <LI>5 (Ignore)
- <LI>6 (Yes)
- <LI>7 (No)
- </UL>
- </A><A name="network">
- <H2>The WshNetwork Object</H2>
- The WshNetwork object exposes some network functionality. To begin:
- <UL>
- <CODE>$WshNetwork->AddPrinterConnection($LocalName, $RemoteName[,$UpdateProfile][,$User][,$Password]);</CODE>
- </UL>
- User and password are parameters two parameters with given meaning. Localname and Remotename is the
- name of the printer resource. Set UpdateProfile to TRUE for storing this mapping in the user
- profile. Next, AddWindowsPrinterConnection() adds a printer just as you would add one using the
- control panel. On Windows NT/2000 the only parameter you need to call this method with is the path
- to the printer while windows 9x requires you to specify the driver to use, and optionally specify
- which port to which it is connected. In the last event, the syntax is:
- <UL>
- <CODE>$WshNetwork->AddWindowsPrinterConnection($PrinterPath, $DriverName[,$Port])</CODE>
- </UL>
- As easily as adding a printer, you can remove a printer. Simply do <CODE>$WshNetwork->RemovePrinterConnection($Name,
- [$Force], [$UpdateProfile]);</CODE> If you set $Force to TRUE (1), it will remove the connection
- regardless if it is being used, and setting $UpdateProfile to true will remove any user profile
- mapping.<BR>
- <BR>
- If you're happy with your printers, you can set one of the printer as your default printer by a
- quick call:
- <UL>
- <CODE>$WshNetwork->SetDefaultPrinter($PrinterName);</CODE>
- </UL>
- To return a collection of all your printers, call:
- <UL>
- <CODE>$Printers = $WshNetwork->EnumPrinterConnections();</CODE>
- </UL>
- Then use the Count-property to retrieve the number of items in the $Printers collection object.<BR>
- <BR>
- When you want to map a drive to a network share, you can use the MapNetworkDrive method. <CODE>$WshNetwork->MapNetworkDrive($LocalName,
- $RemoteName, [$UpdateProfile], [$User], [$Password]);</CODE> For example:
- <UL>
- <CODE>$WshNetwork->MapNetworkDrive('C:\', '\\MyComputerServer\\ShareHere);</CODE>
- </UL>
- Remove a network drive using the now familiar syntax <CODE>$WshNetwork->RemoveNetworkDrive($Name,
- [$Force], [$UpdateProfile])</CODE> or enumerate the network drives as:
- <UL>
- <CODE>$Drives = $WshNetwork->EnumNetworkDrive();</CODE>
- </UL>
- <BR>
- <BR>
- The three properties of the network object are ComputerName, UserName, and UserDomain.</A><A name="elementref">
- <H2>XML Element Reference</H2>
- Like Windows Script Components, the Windows Script Host has a set of XML elements that can be
- deployed. For a basic understanding of how they are used, please refer to the section about Windows
- Script Components.</A><A name="elemjob">
- <H3>The Job Element</H3>
- The Job element is used to define the beginning and the end of the components. It encapsulates all
- other tags. Would your WSH file contain more than one job, encapsulate them within a <PACKAGE>
- element. When declaring jobs, the ID attribute is optional. Syntax:
- <UL>
- <CODE><Job [id=JobID]></CODE>
- </UL>
- For example:
- <UL>
- <PRE><CODE><package> </CODE></PRE>
- <CODE>
- <UL>
- <PRE><Job id="PrintOutput">
- </Job> </PRE>
- </UL>
- <UL>
- <PRE><Job id="ReadInput">
- </Job> </PRE>
- </UL>
- <PRE></package></CODE></PRE>
- </UL>
- <BR>
- <BR>
- You can also set a boolean value of true (1) or false (0) for error checking or debugging by using
- the additional tag <CODE><? job error="true" debug="true" ?></CODE><BR>
- <BR>
- </A>
- <PRE><A name="elemscr"> </A></PRE>
- <A name="elemscr">
- <H3>The Script Element</H3>
- The script element lets you define the scripting language to use, and then with its closing-tag
- functions as delimiters for the script code. Syntax:
- <UL>
- <CODE><script language="languageName"> code </script></CODE>
- </UL>
- For example.
- <UL>
- <CODE><BR>
- <?XML version="1.0"?><BR>
- <job><BR>
- ...<BR>
- <script language="PerlScriptt"><BR>
- <![CDATA[<BR>
- sub ReturnValue {<BR>
- #<BR>
- # Perl code here<BR>
- #<BR>
- }<BR>
- ]]><BR>
- </script><BR>
- </job></CODE>
- </UL>
- <BR>
- <BR>
- </A><A name="elemres">
- <H3>The Resource Element</H3>
- The resource element is a placeholder for strings or numeric data that should be separate from the
- script commands yet may be used within the script. Syntax:
- <PRE><resource id="resourceID">
- text or number to represent resource goes here
- </resource></PRE>
- You use the <CODE>getResource(resourceID)</CODE> to retrieve the contents of the resource specified
- in the resourceID parameter.<BR>
- <BR>
- </A>
- <PRE><A name="elemref"></A> </PRE>
- <H3>The Reference Element</H3>
- You can import external type libraries by using the reference element. By importing a type library,
- you will be able to naturally access the constants that belongs to it, too. Syntax:
- <PRE><reference
- [object="progID"|guid="typelibGUID"] [version="versionNo"]
- />
- </PRE>
- <HR>
- <H1><A name="author and copyright">AUTHOR AND COPYRIGHT</A></H1>
- <P>Written document copyright (c) 2000 Tobias Martinsson. All rights reserved.</P>
- <P>When included as part of the Standard Version of Perl, or as part of its complete documentation
- whether printed or otherwise, this work may be distributed only under the terms of Perl's Artistic
- License. Any distribution of this file or derivatives thereof <EM>outside</EM> of that package
- require that special arrangements be made with copyright holder.</P>
- <P>Irrespective of its distribution, all code examples in this file are hereby placed into the
- public domain. You are permitted and encouraged to use this code in your own programs for fun or for
- profit as you see fit. A simple comment in the code giving credit would be courteous but is not
- required.</P>
- <P>Windows Script Host is copyright (c) 1991-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.</P>
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- <TD class="block" valign="MIDDLE" width="100%" bgcolor="#cccccc"><STRONG>
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