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- <TITLE>Net::hostent - by-name interface to Perl's built-in gethost* functions</TITLE>
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- <STRONG><P CLASS=block> Net::hostent - by-name interface to Perl's built-in gethost* functions</P></STRONG>
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- <A NAME="__index__"></A>
- <!-- INDEX BEGIN -->
- <UL>
- <LI><A HREF="#name">NAME</A></LI><LI><A HREF="#supportedplatforms">SUPPORTED PLATFORMS</A></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#synopsis">SYNOPSIS</A></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#description">DESCRIPTION</A></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#examples">EXAMPLES</A></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#note">NOTE</A></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#author">AUTHOR</A></LI>
- </UL>
- <!-- INDEX END -->
- <HR>
- <P>
- <H1><A NAME="name">NAME</A></H1>
- <P>Net::hostent - by-name interface to Perl's built-in gethost*() functions</P>
- <P>
- <HR>
- <H1><A NAME="supportedplatforms">SUPPORTED PLATFORMS</A></H1>
- <UL>
- <LI>Linux</LI>
- <LI>Solaris</LI>
- <LI>Windows</LI>
- </UL>
- <HR>
- <H1><A NAME="synopsis">SYNOPSIS</A></H1>
- <PRE>
- use Net::hostnet;</PRE>
- <P>
- <HR>
- <H1><A NAME="description">DESCRIPTION</A></H1>
- <P>This module's default exports override the core <A HREF="../../lib/Pod/perlfunc.html#item_gethostbyname"><CODE>gethostbyname()</CODE></A> and
- <A HREF="../../lib/Pod/perlfunc.html#item_gethostbyaddr"><CODE>gethostbyaddr()</CODE></A> functions, replacing them with versions that return
- ``Net::hostent'' objects. This object has methods that return the similarly
- named structure field name from the C's hostent structure from <EM>netdb.h</EM>;
- namely name, aliases, addrtype, length, and addr_list. The aliases and
- addr_list methods return array reference, the rest scalars. The addr
- method is equivalent to the zeroth element in the addr_list array
- reference.</P>
- <P>You may also import all the structure fields directly into your namespace
- as regular variables using the :FIELDS import tag. (Note that this still
- overrides your core functions.) Access these fields as variables named
- with a preceding <CODE>h_</CODE>. Thus, <CODE>$host_obj->name()</CODE> corresponds to
- $h_name if you import the fields. Array references are available as
- regular array variables, so for example <CODE>@{ $host_obj->aliases()
- }</CODE> would be simply @h_aliases.</P>
- <P>The <CODE>gethost()</CODE> function is a simple front-end that forwards a numeric
- argument to <A HREF="../../lib/Pod/perlfunc.html#item_gethostbyaddr"><CODE>gethostbyaddr()</CODE></A> by way of Socket::inet_aton, and the rest
- to gethostbyname().</P>
- <P>To access this functionality without the core overrides,
- pass the <A HREF="../../lib/Pod/perlfunc.html#item_use"><CODE>use</CODE></A> an empty import list, and then access
- function functions with their full qualified names.
- On the other hand, the built-ins are still available
- via the <CODE>CORE::</CODE> pseudo-package.</P>
- <P>
- <HR>
- <H1><A NAME="examples">EXAMPLES</A></H1>
- <PRE>
- use Net::hostent;
- use Socket;</PRE>
- <PRE>
- @ARGV = ('netscape.com') unless @ARGV;</PRE>
- <PRE>
- for $host ( @ARGV ) {</PRE>
- <PRE>
- unless ($h = gethost($host)) {
- warn "$0: no such host: $host\n";
- next;
- }</PRE>
- <PRE>
- printf "\n%s is %s%s\n",
- $host,
- lc($h->name) eq lc($host) ? "" : "*really* ",
- $h->name;</PRE>
- <PRE>
- print "\taliases are ", join(", ", @{$h->aliases}), "\n"
- if @{$h->aliases};</PRE>
- <PRE>
- if ( @{$h->addr_list} > 1 ) {
- my $i;
- for $addr ( @{$h->addr_list} ) {
- printf "\taddr #%d is [%s]\n", $i++, inet_ntoa($addr);
- }
- } else {
- printf "\taddress is [%s]\n", inet_ntoa($h->addr);
- }</PRE>
- <PRE>
- if ($h = gethostbyaddr($h->addr)) {
- if (lc($h->name) ne lc($host)) {
- printf "\tThat addr reverses to host %s!\n", $h->name;
- $host = $h->name;
- redo;
- }
- }
- }</PRE>
- <P>
- <HR>
- <H1><A NAME="note">NOTE</A></H1>
- <P>While this class is currently implemented using the Class::Struct
- module to build a struct-like class, you shouldn't rely upon this.</P>
- <P>
- <HR>
- <H1><A NAME="author">AUTHOR</A></H1>
- <P>Tom Christiansen</P>
- <STRONG><P CLASS=block> Net::hostent - by-name interface to Perl's built-in gethost* functions</P></STRONG>
- </TD></TR>
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