home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- package PPM::SOAPServer;
- ###############################################################################
- # Required inclusions.
- ###############################################################################
- use strict; # Activate compile-time syntax checking
- use XML::Parser; # Needed for parsing XML documents
- use XML::RepositorySummary; # Needed for XML structure of repository
- ###############################################################################
- # Get our version number out of the CVS revision number.
- ###############################################################################
- use vars qw( $VERSION );
- $VERSION = do { my @r = q$Revision: 1.1 $ =~ /\d+/g; sprintf '%d.'.'%02d'x$#r, @r };
- ###############################################################################
- # Package-wide variables.
- ###############################################################################
- ###########################################################################
- # Specify the location of the XML file containing the listing of all of the
- # packages in the repository.
- ###########################################################################
- my $REPOSITORY_DATA = './package.lst';
- ###########################################################################
- # Pre-loaded copy of the repository information.
- ###########################################################################
- my $REPOSITORY_INFO = undef;
- ###############################################################################
- # Subroutine: new ()
- ###############################################################################
- # Instantiates a new PPM::SOAPServer object, returning a reference to the newly
- # created object to the caller. During instantiation, we also read in a full
- # copy of the information held within the repository so that we can run queries
- # against it later.
- ###############################################################################
- sub new ()
- {
- my $class = shift;
- my $self = {};
- bless $self, $class;
- ###########################################################################
- # Load up the information about the contents of the repository.
- ###########################################################################
- _loadRepository();
- ###########################################################################
- # All done, return a reference to the newly create object to the caller.
- ###########################################################################
- return $self;
- }
- ###############################################################################
- # Subroutine: handle_request ($hdrs, $body, $envelope)
- # Parameters: $hdrs - Listref of provided headers
- # $body - Hashref of body of response to send
- # $envelope - Reference to envelope maker to use to package up
- # the SOAP response
- ###############################################################################
- # Handles the complete request provided through the SOAP interface. This
- # method determines which method is to be invoked and calls off to that method
- # to generate the response which is to be returned to the caller. Once the
- # response has been generated, we stuff this back into the envelope so that it
- # can be returned via the SOAP server.
- ###############################################################################
- sub handle_request ($$$)
- {
- my ($self, $hdrs, $body, $envelope) = @_;
- ###########################################################################
- # Figure out which method to invoke, and whether or not we can actually
- # invoke that type of method on ourselves. If we can't invoke the
- # requested method, throw an error back.
- ###########################################################################
- my $fcn_name = $body->{'soap_typename'};
- my $function = $self->can( $fcn_name );
- if (!defined $function)
- {
- die "Method '$fcn_name' is not defined for this class.\n";
- }
- ###########################################################################
- # We now know that we actually can invoke the requested method on
- # ourselves. Call off to the method to get a hashref containing the return
- # value, stick that into the body, and then send a response back to the
- # client.
- ###########################################################################
- my $return;
- $return = $self->$function( $body );
- $body->{'return'} = $return;
- $envelope->set_body( undef, $fcn_name, 0, $body );
- }
- ###############################################################################
- # Subroutine: version ()
- ###############################################################################
- # Returns to the caller the version number of the SOAP server that is running.
- ###############################################################################
- sub version ()
- {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return { 'num_results' => 1, 'result_1' => $VERSION };
- }
- ###############################################################################
- # Subroutine: searchAbstract ($params)
- # Parameters: $params - Hashref of parameters to search with
- # Returns: $results - Hashref of results
- ###############################################################################
- # Searches against the 'ABSTRACT' field within the packages held in the
- # repository. Within the given parameters, a key of "search" should be
- # provided containing the term to search for (which can be a regex). If no
- # "search" key is provided, a complete list of all of the packages are returned
- # to the caller.
- #
- # The return value provided from this method will be a reference to a hash
- # containing the result set. A key named "num_results" will be provided,
- # stating the number of results to be found in the result set. Each item in
- # the result set will be named "result_???" where '???' is the number of that
- # item in the result set. For example, a search returning two results would
- # return a reference to a hash with keys of 'num_results', 'result_1', and
- # 'result_2'.
- ###############################################################################
- sub searchAbstract
- {
- my ($self, $params) = @_;
- my $field = 'ABSTRACT';
- my $search = $params->{'search'};
- return $self->_search( $field, $search );
- }
- ###############################################################################
- # Subroutine: searchAuthor ($params)
- # Parameters: $params - Hashref of parameters to search with
- # Returns: $results - Hashref of results
- ###############################################################################
- # Searches against the 'AUTHOR' field within the packages held in the
- # repository. Within the given parameters, a key of "search" should be
- # provided containing the term to search for (which can be a regex). If no
- # "search" key is provided, a complete list of all of the packages are returned
- # to the caller.
- #
- # The return value provided from this method will be a reference to a hash
- # containing the result set. A key named "num_results" will be provided,
- # stating the number of results to be found in the result set. Each item in
- # the result set will be named "result_???" where '???' is the number of that
- # item in the result set. For example, a search returning two results would
- # returns a reference to a hash with keys of 'num_results', 'result_1', and
- # 'result_2'.
- ###############################################################################
- sub searchAuthor
- {
- my ($self, $params) = @_;
- my $field = 'AUTHOR';
- my $search = $params->{'search'};
- return $self->_search( $field, $search );
- }
- ###############################################################################
- # Subroutine: searchTitle ($params)
- # Parameters: $params - Hashref of parameters to search with
- # Returns: $results - Hashref of results
- ###############################################################################
- # Searches against the 'TITLE' field within the packages held in the
- # repository. Within the given parameters, a key of "search" should be
- # provided containing the term to search for (which can be a regex). If no
- # "search" key is provided, a complete list of all of the packages are returned
- # to the caller.
- #
- # The return value provided from this method will be a reference to a hash
- # containing the result set. A key named "num_results" will be provided,
- # stating the number of results to be found in the result set. Each item in
- # the result set will be named "result_???" where '???' is the number of that
- # item in the result set. For example, a search returning two results would
- # returns a reference to a hash with keys of 'num_results', 'result_1', and
- # 'result_2'.
- ###############################################################################
- sub searchTitle
- {
- my ($self, $params) = @_;
- my $field = 'TITLE';
- my $search = $params->{'search'};
- return $self->_search( $field, $search );
- }
- ###############################################################################
- # Subroutine: search ($params)
- # Parameters: $params - Hashref of parameters to search with
- # Returns: $results - Hashref of results
- ###############################################################################
- # Searches against _all_ of the fields within the packages held in the
- # repository. Within the given parameters, a key of "search" should be
- # provided containing the term to search for (which can be a regex). If no
- # "search" key is provided, a complete list of all of the packages are returned
- # to the caller.
- #
- # The return value provided from this method will be a reference to a hash
- # containing the result set. A key named "num_results" will be provided,
- # stating the number of results to be found in the result set. Each item in
- # the result set will be named "result_???" where '???' is the number of that
- # item in the result set. For example, a search returning two results would
- # returns a reference to a hash with keys of 'num_results', 'result_1', and
- # 'result_2'.
- ###############################################################################
- sub search
- {
- my ($self, $params) = @_;
- my $search = $params->{'search'};
- return $self->_search( undef, $search );
- }
- ###############################################################################
- # Subroutine: packages ()
- ###############################################################################
- # Generates a list of all of the packages currently available in the
- # repository.
- #
- # The return value provided from this method will be a reference to a hash
- # containing the result set. A key named "num_results" will be provided,
- # stating the number of results to be found in the result set. Each item in
- # the result set will be named "result_???" where '???' is the number of that
- # item in the result set. For example, a repository with two packages in it
- # would return a reference to a hash with keys of 'num_results', 'result_1',
- # and 'result_2'.
- ###############################################################################
- sub packages ()
- {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $results;
- my $counter = 0;
- my $root = $REPOSITORY_INFO;
- ###########################################################################
- # Iterate through all of the packages within the repository, adding all of
- # the names of the packages to our result set.
- ###########################################################################
- foreach my $pkg (@{$root->{'Kids'}})
- {
- if (exists $pkg->{'NAME'})
- {
- $counter ++;
- my $key = 'result_' . $counter;
- $results->{$key}{'NAME'} = $pkg->{'NAME'};
- }
- }
- ###########################################################################
- # All done, add in the total number of items in the result set and return
- # it to the caller.
- ###########################################################################
- $results->{'num_results'} = $counter;
- return $results;
- }
- ###############################################################################
- # Subroutine: fetch_ppd ($params)
- ###############################################################################
- # Fetches the PPD from our package list for a specific package. The parameters
- # provided should include a key named 'package', which is the name of the
- # package for which we wish to fetch the PPD for. This method returns to the
- # caller a hash reference containing the matching results. A key named
- # "num_results" will be present stating the number of matching results (either
- # 0 or 1). If a PPD has been found for the requested package, a key of
- # "result_1" will also be present, whose value will be the full contents of the
- # PPD file (in XML format) as a scalar value.
- ###############################################################################
- sub fetch_ppd ($)
- {
- my ($self, $params) = @_;
- my $package = $params->{'package'};
- ###########################################################################
- # Iterate through the package list to find the one we're looking for.
- ###########################################################################
- my $root = $REPOSITORY_INFO;
- foreach my $pkg (@{$root->{'Kids'}})
- {
- if (exists $pkg->{'NAME'})
- {
- if ($pkg->{'NAME'} eq $package)
- {
- my $ppd = $self->_xml_escape( $pkg->as_text() );
- return { 'num_results' => 1,
- 'result_1' => $ppd };
- }
- }
- }
- ###########################################################################
- # Didn't find the PPD that we were looking for, return an empty result set.
- ###########################################################################
- return { 'num_results' => 0 };
- }
- ###############################################################################
- # Subroutine: fetch_summary ()
- ###############################################################################
- # Fetches a summary of the entire contents of the repository. This method
- # returns to the caller a reference to a hash containing the following keys:
- # 'num_results', 'result_1'. The value of the 'result_1' key is the full
- # contents of the repository summary file (in XML format) as a scalar value.
- ###############################################################################
- sub fetch_summary ()
- {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $root = $REPOSITORY_INFO;
- my $content = $self->_xml_escape( $root->as_text() );
- return { 'num_results' => 1, 'result_1' => $content };
- }
- ###############################################################################
- # Subroutine: _xml_escape ($val)
- # Parameters: $val - Value to escape
- # Returns: $escaped - Escaped version of '$val'
- ###############################################################################
- # INTERNAL METHOD. Cheap little function to escape out most of the things in
- # the value we're passing back so that its at least "clean". This should
- # really be using some sort of XML::Entities module to do the conversion,
- # though; I've just hacked this together because these are the things that I
- # encountered.
- ###############################################################################
- sub _xml_escape ($)
- {
- my ($self, $val) = @_;
- $val =~ s/&/&/go;
- $val =~ s/</</go;
- $val =~ s/>/>/go;
- return $val;
- }
- ###############################################################################
- # Subroutine: _search ($field, $search)
- # Parameters: $field - Field within package description to search
- # $search - Term to search for
- # Returns: $results - Hashref of results
- ###############################################################################
- # INTERNAL METHOD. Does a general search against the fields present for a
- # package within the repository, searching for a specific term (which could be
- # a regex). If no '$field' value is provided, this method searches through
- # _all_ of the fields present for a given package. If no '$search' value is
- # provided, '.*' is deemed to be the matching regex (everything).
- #
- # The return value provided from this method will be a reference to a hash
- # containing the result set. A key named "num_results" will be provided,
- # stating the number of results to be found in the result set. Each item in
- # the result set will be named "result_???" where '???' is the number of that
- # item in the result set. For example, a search returning two results would
- # returns a reference to a hash with keys of 'num_results', 'result_1', and
- # 'result_2'.
- ###############################################################################
- sub _search ($$)
- {
- my ($self, $field, $search) = @_;
- my $results;
- my $counter = 0;
- ###########################################################################
- # If we weren't given field/search values, use defaults instead.
- ###########################################################################
- $field = '.*' if ((!defined $field) || ($field eq ''));
- $search = '.*' if ((!defined $search) || ($search eq ''));
- ###########################################################################
- # Get a handle to the root of the repositories XML information so that we
- # can search against it.
- ###########################################################################
- my $root = $REPOSITORY_INFO;
- # UNFINISHED -> Should facilitate "what if no packages in the repository?"
- ###########################################################################
- # Iterate through all of the packages within the repository...
- ###########################################################################
- PKG:
- foreach my $pkg (@{$root->{'Kids'}})
- {
- foreach my $pkgfield (@{$pkg->{'Kids'}})
- {
- ###################################################################
- # Skip this field if its not the field type we're searching.
- ###################################################################
- my $type = ref($pkgfield);
- $type =~ s/.*:://go;
- next PKGFIELD if ($type eq 'Characters');
- next PKGFIELD if ($type !~ /$field/i);
- # UNFINISHED -> Doing a 'content()' on 'IMPLEMENTATION' elements blows up.
- # Cause of problem should be identified and fixed prior to final
- # release.
- next PKGFIELD if ($type eq 'IMPLEMENTATION');
- ###################################################################
- # Skip this field if the content doesn't match the search term.
- ###################################################################
- my $val = $pkgfield->content();
- next PKGFIELD if ($val !~ /$search/);
- ###################################################################
- # Add this package to the result set and go onto the next package.
- ###################################################################
- $counter ++;
- $results->{ "result_$counter" } = $self->_pkginfo( $pkg );
- next PKG;
- }
- }
- ###########################################################################
- # Add in the total number of results into the information we're returning,
- # and return the info to the caller.
- ###########################################################################
- $results->{ 'num_results' } = $counter;
- return $results;
- }
- ###############################################################################
- # Subroutine: _pkginfo ($package)
- # Parameters: $package - Hashref of XML package information
- # Returns: $pkginfo - Hashref of pertinent package info
- ###############################################################################
- # INTERNAL METHOD. Takes the XML object representation of a package and turns
- # it into a single hash reference containing only select portions of the
- # package information. This hash reference is then returned to the caller.
- ###############################################################################
- sub _pkginfo ($)
- {
- my ($self, $package) = @_;
- my $pkginfo;
- ###########################################################################
- # Add in the name and version number of the package.
- ###########################################################################
- $pkginfo->{'NAME'} = $package->{'NAME'};
- $pkginfo->{'VERSION'} = $package->{'VERSION'};
- ###########################################################################
- # Iterate through the various fields in the package, adding their
- # information into the package info we're going to return.
- ###########################################################################
- foreach my $field (@{$package->{'Kids'}})
- {
- my $type = ref($field);
- $type =~ s/.*:://go;
- $pkginfo->{'TITLE'} = $field->content() if ($type eq 'TITLE');
- $pkginfo->{'ABSTRACT'} = $field->content() if ($type eq 'ABSTRACT');
- $pkginfo->{'AUTHOR'} = $field->content() if ($type eq 'AUTHOR');
- }
- ###########################################################################
- # All done, return the hashref to the caller.
- ###########################################################################
- return $pkginfo;
- }
- ###############################################################################
- # Subroutine: _loadRepository ()
- ###############################################################################
- # INTERNAL METHOD. Loads up information about the contents of the repository,
- # stuffing them into the global namespace. If the repository has already been
- # loaded, this method simply returns without doing anything. NOTE, that this
- # method is _NOT_ an instance method; it's a package method.
- ###############################################################################
- sub _loadRepository ()
- {
- ###########################################################################
- # If the repository has already been loaded, don't bother to do anything.
- ###########################################################################
- return if (defined $REPOSITORY_INFO);
- ###########################################################################
- # Create a new XML parser to read in the repository summary
- ###########################################################################
- my $parser = new XML::Parser( 'Style' => 'Objects',
- 'Pkg' => 'XML::RepositorySummary' );
- ###########################################################################
- # Read in the entire repository.
- ###########################################################################
- my $rc = $parser->parsefile( $REPOSITORY_DATA );
- $REPOSITORY_INFO = $rc->[0];
- }
- 1;
- __END__;
- ###############################################################################
- # POD Documentation
- ###############################################################################
- =head1 NAME
- PPM::SOAPServer - SOAP server for PPM repository
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- use SOAP::Transport::HTTP::CGI;
- my $safe_classes = {
- 'PPM::SOAPServer' => undef,
- };
- SOAP::Transport::HTTP::CGI->handler( $safe_classes );
- C<PPM::SOAPServer> is a module that provides an implementation of a SOAP
- server to hold the PPM repository. Note that it is not required that you
- actually instantiate a copy of the server object yourself; the SOAP modules
- will take care of this for you when they instantiate the SOAP server. All of
- the 'search*' methods that are provided by this module are made available
- through the SOAP interface and can be accessed through a SOAP client.
- =head1 METHODS
- =over 4
- =item new ()
- Instantiates a new PPM::SOAPServer object, returning a reference to the
- newly created object to the caller. During instantiation, we also read in a
- full copy of the information held within the repository so that we can run
- queries against it later.
- =item handle_request ($hdrs, $body, $envelope)
- Handles the complete request provided through the SOAP interface. This
- method determines which method is to be invoked and calls off to that
- method to generate the response which is to be returned to the caller. Once
- the response has been generated, we stuff this back into the envelope so
- that it can be returned via the SOAP server.
- =item version ()
- Returns to the caller the version number of the SOAP server that is
- running.
- =item searchAbstract ($params)
- Searches against the 'C<ABSTRACT>' field within the packages held in the
- repository. Within the given parameters, a key of "search" should be
- provided containing the term to search for (which can be a regex). If no
- "search" key is provided, a complete list of all of the packages are
- returned to the caller.
- The return value provided from this method will be a reference to a hash
- containing the result set. A key named "num_results" will be provided,
- stating the number of results to be found in the result set. Each item in
- the result set will be named "result_???" where 'C<???>' is the number of
- that item in the result set. For example, a search returning two results
- would return a reference to a hash with keys of 'C<num_results>',
- 'C<result_1>', and 'C<result_2>'.
- =item searchAuthor ($params)
- Searches against the 'C<AUTHOR>' field within the packages held in the
- repository. Within the given parameters, a key of "search" should be
- provided containing the term to search for (which can be a regex). If no
- "search" key is provided, a complete list of all of the packages are
- returned to the caller.
- The return value provided from this method will be a reference to a hash
- containing the result set. A key named "num_results" will be provided,
- stating the number of results to be found in the result set. Each item in
- the result set will be named "result_???" where 'C<???>' is the number of
- that item in the result set. For example, a search returning two results
- would returns a reference to a hash with keys of 'C<num_results>',
- 'C<result_1>', and 'C<result_2>'.
- =item searchTitle ($params)
- Searches against the 'C<TITLE>' field within the packages held in the
- repository. Within the given parameters, a key of "search" should be
- provided containing the term to search for (which can be a regex). If no
- "search" key is provided, a complete list of all of the packages are
- returned to the caller.
- The return value provided from this method will be a reference to a hash
- containing the result set. A key named "num_results" will be provided,
- stating the number of results to be found in the result set. Each item in
- the result set will be named "result_???" where 'C<???>' is the number of
- that item in the result set. For example, a search returning two results
- would returns a reference to a hash with keys of 'C<num_results>',
- 'C<result_1>', and 'C<result_2>'.
- =item search ($params)
- Searches against _all_ of the fields within the packages held in the
- repository. Within the given parameters, a key of "search" should be
- provided containing the term to search for (which can be a regex). If no
- "search" key is provided, a complete list of all of the packages are
- returned to the caller.
- The return value provided from this method will be a reference to a hash
- containing the result set. A key named "num_results" will be provided,
- stating the number of results to be found in the result set. Each item in
- the result set will be named "result_???" where 'C<???>' is the number of
- that item in the result set. For example, a search returning two results
- would returns a reference to a hash with keys of 'C<num_results>',
- 'C<result_1>', and 'C<result_2>'.
- =item packages ()
- Generates a list of all of the packages currently available in the
- repository.
- The return value provided from this method will be a reference to a hash
- containing the result set. A key named "num_results" will be provided,
- stating the number of results to be found in the result set. Each item in
- the result set will be named "result_???" where 'C<???>' is the number of
- that item in the result set. For example, a repository with two packages in
- it would return a reference to a hash with keys of 'C<num_results>',
- 'C<result_1>', and 'C<result_2>'.
- =item fetch_ppd ($params)
- Fetches the PPD from our package list for a specific package. The
- parameters provided should include a key named 'C<package>', which is the
- name of the package for which we wish to fetch the PPD for. This method
- returns to the caller a hash reference containing the matching results. A
- key named "num_results" will be present stating the number of matching
- results (either 0 or 1). If a PPD has been found for the requested package,
- a key of "result_1" will also be present, whose value will be the full
- contents of the PPD file (in XML format) as a scalar value.
- =item fetch_summary ()
- Fetches a summary of the entire contents of the repository. This method
- returns to the caller a reference to a hash containing the following keys:
- 'C<num_results>', 'C<result_1>'. The value of the 'C<result_1>' key is the
- full contents of the repository summary file (in XML format) as a scalar
- value.
- =item _xml_escape ($val)
- B<INTERNAL METHOD.> Cheap little function to escape out most of the things
- in the value we're passing back so that its at least "clean". This should
- really be using some sort of XML::Entities module to do the conversion,
- though; I've just hacked this together because these are the things that I
- encountered.
- =item _search ($field, $search)
- B<INTERNAL METHOD.> Does a general search against the fields present for a
- package within the repository, searching for a specific term (which could
- be a regex). If no 'C<$field>' value is provided, this method searches
- through _all_ of the fields present for a given package. If no 'C<$search>'
- value is provided, 'C<.*>' is deemed to be the matching regex (everything).
- The return value provided from this method will be a reference to a hash
- containing the result set. A key named "num_results" will be provided,
- stating the number of results to be found in the result set. Each item in
- the result set will be named "result_???" where 'C<???>' is the number of
- that item in the result set. For example, a search returning two results
- would returns a reference to a hash with keys of 'C<num_results>',
- 'C<result_1>', and 'C<result_2>'.
- =item _pkginfo ($package)
- B<INTERNAL METHOD.> Takes the XML object representation of a package and
- turns it into a single hash reference containing only select portions of
- the package information. This hash reference is then returned to the
- caller.
- =item _loadRepository ()
- B<INTERNAL METHOD.> Loads up information about the contents of the
- repository, stuffing them into the global namespace. If the repository has
- already been loaded, this method simply returns without doing anything.
- NOTE, that this method is _NOT_ an instance method; it's a package method.
- =back
- =head1 AUTHOR
- Graham TerMarsch (gtermars@home.com)
- =head1 SEE ALSO
- L<PPM::SOAPClient>,
- L<SOAP>.
- =cut