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package HTML::TreeBuilder;
=head1 NAME
HTML::TreeBuilder - Parser that builds a HTML syntax tree
$h = new HTML::TreeBuilder;
print $h->as_HTML; # or any other HTML::Element method
This is a parser that builds (and actually itself is) a HTML syntax tree.
Objects of this class inherit the methods of both C<HTML::Parser> and
C<HTML::Element>. After parsing has taken place it can be regarded as
the syntax tree itself.
The following method all control how parsing takes place. You can set
the attributes by passing a TRUE or FALSE value as argument.
=over 4
=item $p->implicit_tags
Setting this attribute to true will instruct the parser to try to
deduce implicit elements and implicit end tags. If it is false you
get a parse tree that just reflects the text as it stands. Might be
useful for quick & dirty parsing. Default is true.
Implicit elements have the implicit() attribute set.
=item $p->ignore_unknown
This attribute controls whether unknown tags should be represented as
elements in the parse tree. Default is true.
=item $p->ignore_text
Do not represent the text content of elements. This saves space if
all you want is to examine the structure of the document. Default is
=item $p->warn
Call warn() with an appropriate message for syntax errors. Default is
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<HTML::Parser>, L<HTML::Element>
Copyright 1995-1998 Gisle Aas. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 AUTHOR
Gisle Aas <aas@sn.no>
use HTML::Entities ();
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION
%isHeadElement %isBodyElement %isPhraseMarkup
%isList %isTableElement %isFormElement
require HTML::Element;
require HTML::Parser;
@ISA = qw(HTML::Element HTML::Parser);
$VERSION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 2.6 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
# Elements that should only be present in the header
%isHeadElement = map { $_ => 1 } qw(title base link meta isindex script);
# Elements that should only be present in the body
%isBodyElement = map { $_ => 1 } qw(h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6
p div pre address blockquote
xmp listing
a img br hr
ol ul dir menu li
dl dt dd
cite code em kbd samp strong var dfn strike
b i u tt small big
table tr td th caption
form input select option textarea
map area
applet param
isindex script
# Also known are some Netscape extentions elements
qw(wbr nobr center blink font basefont);
# The following elements must be directly contained in some other
# element than body.
%isPhraseMarkup = map { $_ => 1 } qw(cite code em kbd samp strong var b i u tt
a img br hr
wbr nobr center blink
small big font basefont
%isList = map { $_ => 1 } qw(ul ol dir menu);
%isTableElement = map { $_ => 1 } qw(tr td th caption);
%isFormElement = map { $_ => 1 } qw(input select option textarea);
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $self = HTML::Element->new('html'); # Initialize HTML::Element part
$self->{'_buf'} = ''; # The HTML::Parser part of us needs this
# Initialize parser settings
$self->{'_implicit_tags'} = 1;
$self->{'_ignore_unknown'} = 1;
$self->{'_ignore_text'} = 0;
$self->{'_warn'} = 0;
# Parse attributes passed in as arguments
my %attr = @_;
for (keys %attr) {
$self->{"_$_"} = $attr{$_};
# rebless to our class
bless $self, $class;
sub _elem
my($self, $elem, $val) = @_;
my $old = $self->{$elem};
$self->{$elem} = $val if defined $val;
return $old;
sub implicit_tags { shift->_elem('_implicit_tags', @_); }
sub ignore_unknown { shift->_elem('_ignore_unknown', @_); }
sub ignore_text { shift->_elem('_ignore_text', @_); }
sub warn { shift->_elem('_warn', @_); }
sub warning
my $self = shift;
CORE::warn("HTML::Parse: $_[0]\n") if $self->{'_warn'};
sub start
my($self, $tag, $attr) = @_;
my $pos = $self->{'_pos'};
$pos = $self unless defined $pos;
my $ptag = $pos->{'_tag'};
my $e = HTML::Element->new($tag, %$attr);
if (!$self->{'_implicit_tags'}) {
# do nothing
} elsif ($isBodyElement{$tag}) {
# Ensure that we are within <body>
if ($pos->is_inside('head')) {
$pos = $self->insert_element('body', 1);
$ptag = $pos->tag;
} elsif (!$pos->is_inside('body')) {
$pos = $self->insert_element('body', 1);
$ptag = $pos->tag;
# Handle implicit endings and insert based on <tag> and position
if ($tag eq 'p' || $tag =~ /^h[1-6]/ || $tag eq 'form') {
# Can't have <p>, <h#> or <form> inside these
$self->end([qw(p h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 pre textarea)], 'li');
} elsif ($tag =~ /^[oud]l$/) {
# Can't have lists inside <h#>
if ($ptag =~ /^h[1-6]/) {
$pos = $self->insert_element('p', 1);
$ptag = 'p';
} elsif ($tag eq 'li') {
# Fix <li> outside list
$self->end('li', keys %isList);
$ptag = $self->pos->tag;
$pos = $self->insert_element('ul', 1) unless $isList{$ptag};
} elsif ($tag eq 'dt' || $tag eq 'dd') {
$self->end(['dt', 'dd'], 'dl');
$ptag = $self->pos->tag;
# Fix <dt> or <dd> outside <dl>
$pos = $self->insert_element('dl', 1) unless $ptag eq 'dl';
} elsif ($isFormElement{$tag}) {
return unless $pos->is_inside('form');
if ($tag eq 'option') {
# return unless $ptag eq 'select';
$ptag = $self->pos->tag;
$pos = $self->insert_element('select', 1)
unless $ptag eq 'select';
} elsif ($isTableElement{$tag}) {
$self->end($tag, 'table');
$pos = $self->insert_element('table', 1)
if !$pos->is_inside('table');
} elsif ($isPhraseMarkup{$tag}) {
if ($ptag eq 'body') {
$pos = $self->insert_element('p', 1);
} elsif ($isHeadElement{$tag}) {
if ($pos->is_inside('body')) {
$self->warning("Header element <$tag> in body");
} elsif (!$pos->is_inside('head')) {
$pos = $self->insert_element('head', 1);
} elsif ($tag eq 'html') {
if ($ptag eq 'html' && $pos->is_empty()) {
# migrate attributes to origial HTML element
for (keys %$attr) {
$self->attr($_, $attr->{$_});
} else {
$self->warning("Skipping nested <html> element");
} elsif ($tag eq 'head') {
if ($ptag ne 'html' && $pos->is_empty()) {
$self->warning("Skipping nested <head> element");
} elsif ($tag eq 'body') {
if ($pos->is_inside('head')) {
} elsif ($ptag ne 'html') {
$self->warning("Skipping nested <body> element");
} else {
# unknown tag
if ($self->{'_ignore_unknown'}) {
$self->warning("Skipping unknown tag $tag");
sub end
my($self, $tag, @stop) = @_;
# End the specified tag, but don't move above any of the @stop tags.
# The tag can also be a reference to an array. Terminate the first
# tag found.
my $p = $self->{'_pos'};
$p = $self unless defined($p);
if (ref $tag) {
while (defined $p) {
my $ptag = $p->{'_tag'};
for (@$tag) {
last PARENT if $ptag eq $_;
for (@stop) {
return if $ptag eq $_;
$p = $p->{'_parent'};
} else {
while (defined $p) {
my $ptag = $p->{'_tag'};
last if $ptag eq $tag;
for (@stop) {
return if $ptag eq $_;
$p = $p->{'_parent'};
# Move position if the specified tag was found
$self->{'_pos'} = $p->{'_parent'} if defined $p;
sub text
my $self = shift;
my $pos = $self->{'_pos'};
my $ignore_text = $self->{'_ignore_text'};
$pos = $self unless defined($pos);
my $text = shift;
return unless length $text;
HTML::Entities::decode($text) unless $ignore_text;
if ($pos->is_inside(qw(pre xmp listing))) {
return if $ignore_text;
} else {
# return unless $text =~ /\S/; # This is sometimes wrong
my $ptag = $pos->{'_tag'};
if (!$self->{'_implicit_tags'} || $text !~ /\S/) {
# don't change anything
} elsif ($ptag eq 'head') {
$self->insert_element('body', 1);
$pos = $self->insert_element('p', 1);
} elsif ($ptag eq 'html') {
$self->insert_element('body', 1);
$pos = $self->insert_element('p', 1);
} elsif ($ptag eq 'body' ||
# $ptag eq 'li' ||
# $ptag eq 'dd' ||
$ptag eq 'form') {
$pos = $self->insert_element('p', 1);
return if $ignore_text;
$text =~ s/\s+/ /g; # canoncial space