--htmlroot - http-server base directory from which all relative paths
in podpath stem (default is /).
--index - generate an index at the top of the resulting html
--infile - filename for the pod to convert (input taken from stdin
by default).
--libpods - colon-separated list of pages to search for =item pod
directives in as targets of C<> and implicit links (empty
by default). note, these are not filenames, but rather
page names like those that appear in L<> links.
--netscape - will use netscape html directives when applicable.
--nonetscape - will not use netscape directives (default).
--outfile - filename for the resulting html file (output sent to
stdout by default).
--podpath - colon-separated list of directories containing library
pods. empty by default.
--podroot - filesystem base directory from which all relative paths
in podpath stem (default is .).
--noindex - don't generate an index at the top of the resulting html.
--norecurse - don't recurse on those subdirectories listed in podpath.
--recurse - recurse on those subdirectories listed in podpath
(default behavior).
--title - title that will appear in resulting html file.
--verbose - self-explanatory
sub parse_command_line {
my ($opt_flush,$opt_help,$opt_htmlroot,$opt_index,$opt_infile,$opt_libpods,$opt_netscape,$opt_outfile,$opt_podpath,$opt_podroot,$opt_norecurse,$opt_recurse,$opt_title,$opt_verbose,$opt_css,$opt_embedcss);
my $result = GetOptions(
'flush' => \$opt_flush,
'help' => \$opt_help,
'htmlroot=s' => \$opt_htmlroot,
'index!' => \$opt_index,
'infile=s' => \$opt_infile,
'libpods=s' => \$opt_libpods,
'netscape!' => \$opt_netscape,
'outfile=s' => \$opt_outfile,
'podpath=s' => \$opt_podpath,
'podroot=s' => \$opt_podroot,
'norecurse' => \$opt_norecurse,
'recurse!' => \$opt_recurse,
'title=s' => \$opt_title,
'verbose' => \$opt_verbose,
'css=s' => \$opt_css
usage("-", "invalid parameters") if not $result;
usage("-") if defined $opt_help; # see if the user asked for help
$opt_help = ""; # just to make -w shut-up.
$podfile = $opt_infile if defined $opt_infile;
$htmlfile = $opt_outfile if defined $opt_outfile;
@podpath = split(":", $opt_podpath) if defined $opt_podpath;
@libpods = split(":", $opt_libpods) if defined $opt_libpods;
warn "Flushing item and directory caches\n"
if $opt_verbose && defined $opt_flush;
unlink($dircache, $itemcache) if defined $opt_flush;
$htmlroot = $opt_htmlroot if defined $opt_htmlroot;
$podroot = $opt_podroot if defined $opt_podroot;
$doindex = $opt_index if defined $opt_index;
$recurse = $opt_recurse if defined $opt_recurse;
$title = $opt_title if defined $opt_title;
$verbose = defined $opt_verbose ? 1 : 0;
$netscape = $opt_netscape if defined $opt_netscape;