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package Pod::WinHtml; use Pod::Functions; use Getopt::Long; # package for handling command-line parameters require Exporter; use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = 1.01; @ISA = Exporter; @EXPORT = qw(pod2html htmlify); use Cwd; use Carp; use locale; # make \w work right in non-ASCII lands use strict; use Config; =head1 NAME Pod::WinHtml - module to convert pod files to HTML Taken from Pod::Html to correct some things for Win32. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Pod::WinHtml; pod2html([options]); =head1 DESCRIPTION Converts files from pod format (see L<perlpod>) to HTML format. It can automatically generate indexes and cross-references, and it keeps a cache of things it knows how to cross-reference. =head1 ARGUMENTS Pod::Html takes the following arguments: =over 4 =item help --help Displays the usage message. =item htmlroot --htmlroot=name Sets the base URL for the HTML files. When cross-references are made, the HTML root is prepended to the URL. =item infile --infile=name Specify the pod file to convert. Input is taken from STDIN if no infile is specified. =item outfile --outfile=name Specify the HTML file to create. Output goes to STDOUT if no outfile is specified. =item podroot --podroot=name Specify the base directory for finding library pods. =item podpath --podpath=name:...:name Specify which subdirectories of the podroot contain pod files whose HTML converted forms can be linked-to in cross-references. =item libpods --libpods=name:...:name List of page names (eg, "perlfunc") which contain linkable C<=item>s. =item netscape --netscape Use Netscape HTML directives when applicable. =item nonetscape --nonetscape Do not use Netscape HTML directives (default). =item index --index Generate an index at the top of the HTML file (default behaviour). =item noindex --noindex Do not generate an index at the top of the HTML file. =item recurse --recurse Recurse into subdirectories specified in podpath (default behaviour). =item norecurse --norecurse Do not recurse into subdirectories specified in podpath. =item title --title=title Specify the title of the resulting HTML file. =item verbose --verbose Display progress messages. =item css --css=stylesheet Style sheet to use for the page. =back =head1 EXAMPLE pod2html("pod2html", "--podpath=lib:ext:pod:vms", "--podroot=/usr/src/perl", "--htmlroot=/perl/nmanual", "--libpods=perlfunc:perlguts:perlvar:perlrun:perlop", "--recurse", "--infile=foo.pod", "--outfile=/perl/nmanual/foo.html"); =head1 AUTHOR Tom Christiansen, E<lt>tchrist@perl.comE<gt>. Hacked for ActiveState Online Help by David Grove, E<lt>pete@activestate.comE<gt>. =head1 BUGS Has trouble with C<> etc in = commands. =head1 SEE ALSO L<perlpod> =head1 COPYRIGHT This program is distributed under the Artistic License. =cut my $dircache = "pod2html-dircache"; my $itemcache = "pod2html-itemcache"; my @begin_stack = (); # begin/end stack my @libpods = (); # files to search for links from C<> directives my $htmlroot = "/"; # http-server base directory from which all # relative paths in $podpath stem. my $htmlfile = ""; # write to stdout by default my $podfile = ""; # read from stdin by default my @podpath = (); # list of directories containing library pods. my $podroot = "."; # filesystem base directory from which all # relative paths in $podpath stem. my $css = ''; my $csslink = "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"file://$Config{prefix}/html/win32prk.css\" type=\"text/css\">"; $csslink =~ s{\\}{/}g; $csslink =~ s{(/.):}{$1|}; my $recurse = 1; # recurse on subdirectories in $podpath. my $verbose = 0; # not verbose by default my $doindex = 1; # non-zero if we should generate an index my $listlevel = 0; # current list depth my @listitem = (); # stack of HTML commands to use when a =item is # encountered. the top of the stack is the # current list. my @listdata = (); # similar to @listitem, but for the text after # an =item my @listend = (); # similar to @listitem, but the text to use to # end the list. my $ignore = 1; # whether or not to format text. we don't # format text until we hit our first pod # directive. my %items_named = (); # for the multiples of the same item in perlfunc my @items_seen = (); my $netscape = 0; # whether or not to use netscape directives. my $title; # title to give the pod(s) my $top = 1; # true if we are at the top of the doc. used # to prevent the first <HR> directive. my $paragraph; # which paragraph we're processing (used # for error messages) my %pages = (); # associative array used to find the location # of pages referenced by L<> links. my %sections = (); # sections within this page my %items = (); # associative array used to find the location # of =item directives referenced by C<> links my $Is83; # is dos with short filenames (8.3) sub init_globals { $dircache = "pod2html.dir"; $itemcache = "pod2html.itm"; @begin_stack = (); # begin/end stack @libpods = (); # files to search for links from C<> directives $htmlroot = "/"; # http-server base directory from which all # relative paths in $podpath stem. $htmlfile = ""; # write to stdout by default $podfile = ""; # read from stdin by default @podpath = (); # list of directories containing library pods. $podroot = "."; # filesystem base directory from which all # relative paths in $podpath stem. $recurse = 1; # recurse on subdirectories in $podpath. $verbose = 0; # not verbose by default $doindex = 1; # non-zero if we should generate an index $listlevel = 0; # current list depth @listitem = (); # stack of HTML commands to use when a =item is # encountered. the top of the stack is the # current list. @listdata = (); # similar to @listitem, but for the text after # an =item @listend = (); # similar to @listitem, but the text to use to # end the list. $ignore = 1; # whether or not to format text. we don't # format text until we hit our first pod # directive. @items_seen = (); %items_named = (); $netscape = 0; # whether or not to use netscape directives. $title = ''; # title to give the pod(s) $top = 1; # true if we are at the top of the doc. used # to prevent the first <HR> directive. $paragraph = ''; # which paragraph we're processing (used # for error messages) %sections = (); # sections within this page # These are not reinitialised here but are kept as a cache. # See get_cache and related cache management code. #%pages = (); # associative array used to find the location # of pages referenced by L<> links. #%items = (); # associative array used to find the location # of =item directives referenced by C<> links $Is83=$^O eq 'dos'; } sub pod2html { local(@ARGV) = @_; local($/); local $_; init_globals(); $Is83 = 0 if (defined (&Dos::UseLFN) && Dos::UseLFN()); # cache of %pages and %items from last time we ran pod2html #undef $opt_help if defined $opt_help; # parse the command-line parameters parse_command_line(); # Setup the stylsheet link if one was provided $csslink = qq(<link rel="stylesheet" href="$css" type="text/css">) if $css; # set some variables to their default values if necessary local *POD; unless (@ARGV && $ARGV[0]) { $podfile = "-" unless $podfile; # stdin open(POD, "<$podfile") || die "$0: cannot open $podfile file for input: $!\n"; } else { $podfile = $ARGV[0]; # XXX: might be more filenames *POD = *ARGV; } $htmlfile = "-" unless $htmlfile; # stdout $htmlroot = "" if $htmlroot eq "/"; # so we don't get a // # read the pod a paragraph at a time warn "Scanning for sections in input file(s)\n" if $verbose; $/ = ""; my @poddata = <POD>; close(POD); # scan the pod for =head[1-6] directives and build an index my $index = scan_headings(\%sections, @poddata); unless($index) { warn "No pod in $podfile\n" if $verbose; return; } # open the output file open(HTML, ">$htmlfile") || die "$0: cannot open $htmlfile file for output: $!\n"; # put a title in the HTML file if one wasn't specified if ($title eq '') { TITLE_SEARCH: { for (my $i = 0; $i < @poddata; $i++) { if ($poddata[$i] =~ /^=head1\s*NAME\b/m) { for my $para ( @poddata[$i, $i+1] ) { last TITLE_SEARCH if ($title) = $para =~ /(\S+\s+-+.*\S)/s; } } } } } if (!$title and $podfile =~ /\.pod$/) { # probably a split pod so take first =head[12] as title for (my $i = 0; $i < @poddata; $i++) { last if ($title) = $poddata[$i] =~ /^=head[12]\s*(.*)/; } warn "adopted '$title' as title for $podfile\n" if $verbose and $title; } if ($title) { $title =~ s/\s*\(.*\)//; } else { # warn "$0: no title for $podfile"; $podfile =~ /^(.*)(\.[^.\/]+)?$/; $title = ($podfile eq "-" ? 'No Title' : $1); warn "using $title" if $verbose; } print HTML <<END_OF_HEAD; <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>$title</TITLE> <LINK REV="made" HREF="mailto:$Config{perladmin}"> $csslink </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=\"FFFFFF\"> <!-- beginning of leaf header--> <TABLE border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100%> <TR> <TD valign=middle width=\"100%\" bgcolor=\"#cc0066\"> <font face=\"sans-serif\" size=\"+1\" color=\"#ff99cc\"> $title</font> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <p> </p> <!-- end of leaf content--> END_OF_HEAD # load/reload/validate/cache %pages and %items get_cache($dircache, $itemcache, \@podpath, $podroot, $recurse); # scan the pod for =item directives scan_items("", \%items, @poddata); # put an index at the top of the file. note, if $doindex is 0 we # still generate an index, but surround it with an html comment. # that way some other program can extract it if desired. $index =~ s/--+/-/g; print HTML "<!-- INDEX BEGIN -->\n"; print HTML "<!--\n" unless $doindex; print HTML $index; print HTML "-->\n" unless $doindex; print HTML "<!-- INDEX END -->\n\n"; print HTML "<HR>\n" if $doindex; # now convert this file warn "Converting input file\n" if $verbose; foreach my $i (0..$#poddata) { $_ = $poddata[$i]; $paragraph = $i+1; if (/^(=.*)/s) { # is it a pod directive? $ignore = 0; $_ = $1; if (/^=begin\s+(\S+)\s*(.*)/si) {# =begin process_begin($1, $2); } elsif (/^=end\s+(\S+)\s*(.*)/si) {# =end process_end($1, $2); } elsif (/^=cut/) { # =cut process_cut(); } elsif (/^=pod/) { # =pod process_pod(); } else { next if @begin_stack && $begin_stack[-1] ne 'html'; if (/^=(head[1-6])\s+(.*\S)/s) { # =head[1-6] heading process_head($1, $2); } elsif (/^=item\s*(.*\S)/sm) { # =item text process_item($1); } elsif (/^=over\s*(.*)/) { # =over N process_over(); } elsif (/^=back/) { # =back process_back(); } elsif (/^=for\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)/si) {# =for process_for($1,$2); } else { /^=(\S*)\s*/; warn "$0: $podfile: unknown pod directive '$1' in " . "paragraph $paragraph. ignoring.\n"; } } $top = 0; } else { next if $ignore; next if @begin_stack && $begin_stack[-1] ne 'html'; my $text = $_; process_text(\$text, 1); print HTML "<P>\n$text</P>\n"; } } # finish off any pending directives finish_list(); print HTML <<"END_OF_TAIL"; <!-- beginning of leaf footer--> <p> </p> <TABLE border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100%> <TR> <TD valign=middle bgcolor=\"#cc0066\"> <font face=\"sans-serif\" size=\"+1\" color=\"#ff99cc\"> $title</font> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <!-- end of leaf footer--> </BODY> </HTML> END_OF_TAIL # close the html file close(HTML); warn "Finished\n" if $verbose; } ############################################################################## my $usage; # see below sub usage { my $podfile = shift; warn "$0: $podfile: @_\n" if @_; die $usage; } $usage =<<END_OF_USAGE; Usage: $0 --help --htmlroot=<name> --infile=<name> --outfile=<name> --podpath=<name>:...:<name> --podroot=<name> --libpods=<name>:...:<name> --recurse --verbose --index --netscape --norecurse --noindex --flush - flushes the item and directory caches. --help - prints this message. --htmlroot - http-server base directory from which all relative paths in podpath stem (default is /). --index - generate an index at the top of the resulting html (default). --infile - filename for the pod to convert (input taken from stdin by default). --libpods - colon-separated list of pages to search for =item pod directives in as targets of C<> and implicit links (empty by default). note, these are not filenames, but rather page names like those that appear in L<> links. --netscape - will use netscape html directives when applicable. --nonetscape - will not use netscape directives (default). --outfile - filename for the resulting html file (output sent to stdout by default). --podpath - colon-separated list of directories containing library pods. empty by default. --podroot - filesystem base directory from which all relative paths in podpath stem (default is .). --noindex - don't generate an index at the top of the resulting html. --norecurse - don't recurse on those subdirectories listed in podpath. --recurse - recurse on those subdirectories listed in podpath (default behavior). --title - title that will appear in resulting html file. --verbose - self-explanatory END_OF_USAGE sub parse_command_line { my ($opt_flush,$opt_help,$opt_htmlroot,$opt_index,$opt_infile,$opt_libpods,$opt_netscape,$opt_outfile,$opt_podpath,$opt_podroot,$opt_norecurse,$opt_recurse,$opt_title,$opt_verbose,$opt_css,$opt_embedcss); my $result = GetOptions( 'flush' => \$opt_flush, 'help' => \$opt_help, 'htmlroot=s' => \$opt_htmlroot, 'index!' => \$opt_index, 'infile=s' => \$opt_infile, 'libpods=s' => \$opt_libpods, 'netscape!' => \$opt_netscape, 'outfile=s' => \$opt_outfile, 'podpath=s' => \$opt_podpath, 'podroot=s' => \$opt_podroot, 'norecurse' => \$opt_norecurse, 'recurse!' => \$opt_recurse, 'title=s' => \$opt_title, 'verbose' => \$opt_verbose, 'css=s' => \$opt_css ); usage("-", "invalid parameters") if not $result; usage("-") if defined $opt_help; # see if the user asked for help $opt_help = ""; # just to make -w shut-up. $podfile = $opt_infile if defined $opt_infile; $htmlfile = $opt_outfile if defined $opt_outfile; @podpath = split(":", $opt_podpath) if defined $opt_podpath; @libpods = split(":", $opt_libpods) if defined $opt_libpods; warn "Flushing item and directory caches\n" if $opt_verbose && defined $opt_flush; unlink($dircache, $itemcache) if defined $opt_flush; $htmlroot = $opt_htmlroot if defined $opt_htmlroot; $podroot = $opt_podroot if defined $opt_podroot; $doindex = $opt_index if defined $opt_index; $recurse = $opt_recurse if defined $opt_recurse; $title = $opt_title if defined $opt_title; $verbose = defined $opt_verbose ? 1 : 0; $netscape = $opt_netscape if defined $opt_netscape; $css = $opt_css if defined $opt_css; } my $saved_cache_key; sub get_cache { my($dircache, $itemcache, $podpath, $podroot, $recurse) = @_; my @cache_key_args = @_; # A first-level cache: # Don't bother reading the cache files if they still apply # and haven't changed since we last read them. my $this_cache_key = cache_key(@cache_key_args); return if $saved_cache_key and $this_cache_key eq $saved_cache_key; # load the cache of %pages and %items if possible. $tests will be # non-zero if successful. my $tests = 0; if (-f $dircache && -f $itemcache) { warn "scanning for item cache\n" if $verbose; $tests = load_cache($dircache, $itemcache, $podpath, $podroot); } # if we didn't succeed in loading the cache then we must (re)build # %pages and %items. if (!$tests) { warn "scanning directories in pod-path\n" if $verbose; scan_podpath($podroot, $recurse, 0); } $saved_cache_key = cache_key(@cache_key_args); } sub cache_key { my($dircache, $itemcache, $podpath, $podroot, $recurse) = @_; return join('!', $dircache, $itemcache, $recurse, @$podpath, $podroot, stat($dircache), stat($itemcache)); } # # load_cache - tries to find if the caches stored in $dircache and $itemcache # are valid caches of %pages and %items. if they are valid then it loads # them and returns a non-zero value. # sub load_cache { my($dircache, $itemcache, $podpath, $podroot) = @_; my($tests); local $_; $tests = 0; open(CACHE, "<$itemcache") || die "$0: error opening $itemcache for reading: $!\n"; $/ = "\n"; # is it the same podpath? $_ = <CACHE>; chomp($_); $tests++ if (join(":", @$podpath) eq $_); # is it the same podroot? $_ = <CACHE>; chomp($_); $tests++ if ($podroot eq $_); # load the cache if its good if ($tests != 2) { close(CACHE); return 0; } warn "loading item cache\n" if $verbose; while (<CACHE>) { /(.*?) (.*)$/; $items{$1} = $2; } close(CACHE); warn "scanning for directory cache\n" if $verbose; open(CACHE, "<$dircache") || die "$0: error opening $dircache for reading: $!\n"; $/ = "\n"; $tests = 0; # is it the same podpath? $_ = <CACHE>; chomp($_); $tests++ if (join(":", @$podpath) eq $_); # is it the same podroot? $_ = <CACHE>; chomp($_); $tests++ if ($podroot eq $_); # load the cache if its good if ($tests != 2) { close(CACHE); return 0; } warn "loading directory cache\n" if $verbose; while (<CACHE>) { /(.*?) (.*)$/; $pages{$1} = $2; } close(CACHE); return 1; } # # scan_podpath - scans the directories specified in @podpath for directories, # .pod files, and .pm files. it also scans the pod files specified in # @libpods for =item directives. # sub scan_podpath { my($podroot, $recurse, $append) = @_; my($pwd, $dir); my($libpod, $dirname, $pod, @files, @poddata); unless($append) { %items = (); %pages = (); } # scan each directory listed in @podpath $pwd = getcwd(); chdir($podroot) || die "$0: error changing to directory $podroot: $!\n"; foreach $dir (@podpath) { scan_dir($dir, $recurse); } # scan the pods listed in @libpods for =item directives foreach $libpod (@libpods) { # if the page isn't defined then we won't know where to find it # on the system. next unless defined $pages{$libpod} && $pages{$libpod}; # if there is a directory then use the .pod and .pm files within it. if ($pages{$libpod} =~ /([^:]*[^(\.pod|\.pm)]):/) { # find all the .pod and .pm files within the directory $dirname = $1; opendir(DIR, $dirname) || die "$0: error opening directory $dirname: $!\n"; @files = grep(/(\.pod|\.pm)$/ && ! -d $_, readdir(DIR)); closedir(DIR); # scan each .pod and .pm file for =item directives foreach $pod (@files) { open(POD, "<$dirname/$pod") || die "$0: error opening $dirname/$pod for input: $!\n"; @poddata = <POD>; close(POD); scan_items("$dirname/$pod", @poddata); } # use the names of files as =item directives too. foreach $pod (@files) { $pod =~ /^(.*)(\.pod|\.pm)$/; $items{$1} = "$dirname/$1.html" if $1; } } elsif ($pages{$libpod} =~ /([^:]*\.pod):/ || $pages{$libpod} =~ /([^:]*\.pm):/) { # scan the .pod or .pm file for =item directives $pod = $1; open(POD, "<$pod") || die "$0: error opening $pod for input: $!\n"; @poddata = <POD>; close(POD); scan_items("$pod", @poddata); } else { warn "$0: shouldn't be here (line ".__LINE__."\n"; } } @poddata = (); # clean-up a bit chdir($pwd) || die "$0: error changing to directory $pwd: $!\n"; # cache the item list for later use warn "caching items for later use\n" if $verbose; open(CACHE, ">$itemcache") || die "$0: error open $itemcache for writing: $!\n"; print CACHE join(":", @podpath) . "\n$podroot\n"; foreach my $key (keys %items) { print CACHE "$key $items{$key}\n"; } close(CACHE); # cache the directory list for later use warn "caching directories for later use\n" if $verbose; open(CACHE, ">$dircache") || die "$0: error open $dircache for writing: $!\n"; print CACHE join(":", @podpath) . "\n$podroot\n"; foreach my $key (keys %pages) { print CACHE "$key $pages{$key}\n"; } close(CACHE); } # # scan_dir - scans the directory specified in $dir for subdirectories, .pod # files, and .pm files. notes those that it finds. this information will # be used later in order to figure out where the pages specified in L<> # links are on the filesystem. # sub scan_dir { my($dir, $recurse) = @_; my($t, @subdirs, @pods, $pod, $dirname, @dirs); local $_; @subdirs = (); @pods = (); opendir(DIR, $dir) || die "$0: error opening directory $dir: $!\n"; while (defined($_ = readdir(DIR))) { if (-d "$dir/$_" && $_ ne "." && $_ ne "..") { # directory $pages{$_} = "" unless defined $pages{$_}; $pages{$_} .= "$dir/$_:"; push(@subdirs, $_); } elsif (/\.pod$/) { # .pod s/\.pod$//; $pages{$_} = "" unless defined $pages{$_}; $pages{$_} .= "$dir/$_.pod:"; push(@pods, "$dir/$_.pod"); } elsif (/\.pm$/) { # .pm s/\.pm$//; $pages{$_} = "" unless defined $pages{$_}; $pages{$_} .= "$dir/$_.pm:"; push(@pods, "$dir/$_.pm"); } } closedir(DIR); # recurse on the subdirectories if necessary if ($recurse) { foreach my $subdir (@subdirs) { scan_dir("$dir/$subdir", $recurse); } } } # # scan_headings - scan a pod file for head[1-6] tags, note the tags, and # build an index. # sub scan_headings { my($sections, @data) = @_; my($tag, $which_head, $title, $listdepth, $index); # here we need local $ignore = 0; # unfortunately, we can't have it, because $ignore is lexical $ignore = 0; $listdepth = 0; $index = ""; # scan for =head directives, note their name, and build an index # pointing to each of them. foreach my $line (@data) { if ($line =~ /^=(head)([1-6])\s+(.*)/) { ($tag,$which_head, $title) = ($1,$2,$3); chomp($title); $$sections{htmlify(0,$title)} = 1; while ($which_head != $listdepth) { if ($which_head > $listdepth) { $index .= "\n" . ("\t" x $listdepth) . "<UL>\n"; $listdepth++; } elsif ($which_head < $listdepth) { $listdepth--; $index .= "\n" . ("\t" x $listdepth) . "</UL>\n"; } } # DTG *** Added </LI> after the </A> to close the list item $index .= "\n" . ("\t" x $listdepth) . "<LI>" . "<A HREF=\"#" . htmlify(0,$title) . "\">" . html_escape(process_text(\$title, 0)) . "</A></LI>"; } } # finish off the lists while ($listdepth--) { $index .= "\n" . ("\t" x $listdepth) . "</UL>\n"; } # get rid of bogus lists $index =~ s,\t*<UL>\s*</UL>\n,,g; $ignore = 1; # restore old value; return $index; } # # scan_items - scans the pod specified by $pod for =item directives. we # will use this information later on in resolving C<> links. # sub scan_items { my($pod, @poddata) = @_; my($i, $item); local $_; $pod =~ s/\.pod$//; $pod .= ".html" if $pod; foreach $i (0..$#poddata) { $_ = $poddata[$i]; # remove any formatting instructions s,[A-Z]<([^<>]*)>,$1,g; # figure out what kind of item it is and get the first word of # it's name. if (/^=item\s+(\w*)\s*.*$/s) { if ($1 eq "*") { # bullet list /\A=item\s+\*\s*(.*?)\s*\Z/s; $item = $1; } elsif ($1 =~ /^\d+/) { # numbered list /\A=item\s+\d+\.?(.*?)\s*\Z/s; $item = $1; } else { # /\A=item\s+(.*?)\s*\Z/s; /\A=item\s+(\w*)/s; $item = $1; } $items{$item} = "$pod" if $item; } } } # # process_head - convert a pod head[1-6] tag and convert it to HTML format. # sub process_head { my($tag, $heading) = @_; my $firstword; # figure out the level of the =head $tag =~ /head([1-6])/; my $level = $1; # can't have a heading full of spaces and speechmarks and so on $firstword = $heading; $firstword =~ s/\s*(\w+)\s.*/$1/; #print HTML "<P>\n" unless $listlevel; print HTML "<HR>\n" unless $listlevel || $top; print HTML "<H$level>"; # unless $listlevel; #print HTML "<H$level>" unless $listlevel; my $convert = $heading; process_text(\$convert, 0); $convert = html_escape($convert); print HTML '<A NAME="' . htmlify(0,$heading) . "\">$convert</A>"; print HTML "</H$level>"; # unless $listlevel; print HTML "\n"; } # # process_item - convert a pod item tag and convert it to HTML format. # sub process_item { my $text = $_[0]; my($i, $quote, $name); my $need_preamble = 0; my $this_entry; # lots of documents start a list without doing an =over. this is # bad! but, the proper thing to do seems to be to just assume # they did do an =over. so warn them once and then continue. warn "$0: $podfile: unexpected =item directive in paragraph $paragraph. ignoring.\n" unless $listlevel; process_over() unless $listlevel; return unless $listlevel; # remove formatting instructions from the text 1 while $text =~ s/[A-Z]<([^<>]*)>/$1/g; pre_escape(\$text); $need_preamble = $items_seen[$listlevel]++ == 0; # check if this is the first =item after an =over $i = $listlevel - 1; my $need_new = $listlevel >= @listitem; if ($text =~ /\A\*/) { # bullet if ($need_preamble) { push(@listend, "</UL>"); print HTML "<UL>\n"; } print HTML '<LI>'; if ($text =~ /\A\*\s*(.+)\Z/s) { print HTML '<STRONG>'; if ($items_named{$1}++) { print HTML html_escape($1); } else { my $name = 'item_' . htmlify(1,$1); print HTML qq(<A NAME="$name">), html_escape($1), '</A>'; } print HTML '</STRONG>'; } } elsif ($text =~ /\A[\d#]+/) { # numbered list if ($need_preamble) { push(@listend, "</OL>"); print HTML "<OL>\n"; } print HTML '<LI>'; if ($text =~ /\A\d+\.?\s*(.+)\Z/s) { print HTML '<STRONG>'; if ($items_named{$1}++) { print HTML html_escape($1); } else { my $name = 'item_' . htmlify(0,$1); print HTML qq(<A NAME="$name">), html_escape($1), '</A>'; } print HTML '</STRONG>'; } } else { # all others if ($need_preamble) { push(@listend, '</DL>'); print HTML "<DL>\n"; } print HTML '<DT>'; if ($text =~ /(\S+)/) { print HTML '<STRONG>'; if ($items_named{$1}++) { print HTML html_escape($text); } else { my $name = 'item_' . htmlify(1,$text); print HTML qq(<A NAME="$name">), html_escape($text), '</A>'; } print HTML '</STRONG>'; } print HTML '<DD>'; } print HTML "\n"; } # # process_over - process a pod over tag and start a corresponding HTML # list. # sub process_over { # start a new list $listlevel++; } # # process_back - process a pod back tag and convert it to HTML format. # sub process_back { warn "$0: $podfile: unexpected =back directive in paragraph $paragraph. ignoring.\n" unless $listlevel; return unless $listlevel; # close off the list. note, I check to see if $listend[$listlevel] is # defined because an =item directive may have never appeared and thus # $listend[$listlevel] may have never been initialized. $listlevel--; print HTML $listend[$listlevel] if defined $listend[$listlevel]; print HTML "\n"; # don't need the corresponding perl code anymore pop(@listitem); pop(@listdata); pop(@listend); pop(@items_seen); } # # process_cut - process a pod cut tag, thus stop ignoring pod directives. # sub process_cut { $ignore = 1; } # # process_pod - process a pod pod tag, thus ignore pod directives until we see a # corresponding cut. # sub process_pod { # no need to set $ignore to 0 cause the main loop did it } # # process_for - process a =for pod tag. if it's for html, split # it out verbatim, if illustration, center it, otherwise ignore it. # sub process_for { my($whom, $text) = @_; if ( $whom =~ /^(pod2)?html$/i) { print HTML $text; } elsif ($whom =~ /^illustration$/i) { 1 while chomp $text; for my $ext (qw[.png .gif .jpeg .jpg .tga .pcl .bmp]) { $text .= $ext, last if -r "$text$ext"; } print HTML qq{<p align = "center"><img src = "$text" alt = "$text illustration"></p>}; } } # # process_begin - process a =begin pod tag. this pushes # whom we're beginning on the begin stack. if there's a # begin stack, we only print if it us. # sub process_begin { my($whom, $text) = @_; $whom = lc($whom); push (@begin_stack, $whom); if ( $whom =~ /^(pod2)?html$/) { print HTML $text if $text; } } # # process_end - process a =end pod tag. pop the # begin stack. die if we're mismatched. # sub process_end { my($whom, $text) = @_; $whom = lc($whom); if ($begin_stack[-1] ne $whom ) { die "$0: $podfile: Unmatched begin/end at chunk $paragraph\n" } pop @begin_stack; } # # process_text - handles plaintext that appears in the input pod file. # there may be pod commands embedded within the text so those must be # converted to html commands. # sub process_text { my($text, $escapeQuotes) = @_; my($result, $rest, $s1, $s2, $s3, $s4, $match, $bf); my($podcommand, $params, $tag, $quote); return if $ignore; $quote = 0; # status of double-quote conversion $result = ""; $rest = $$text; if ($rest =~ /^\s+/) { # preformatted text, no pod directives $rest =~ s/\n+\Z//; $rest =~ s#.*# my $line = $&; 1 while $line =~ s/\t+/' ' x (length($&) * 8 - length($`) % 8)/e; $line; #eg; $rest =~ s/&/&/g; $rest =~ s/</</g; $rest =~ s/>/>/g; $rest =~ s/"/"/g; # try and create links for all occurrences of perl.* within # the preformatted text. $rest =~ s{ (\s*)(perl\w+) }{ if (defined $pages{$2}) { # is a link qq($1<A HREF="$htmlroot/$pages{$2}">$2</A>); } elsif (defined $pages{dosify($2)}) { # is a link qq($1<A HREF="$htmlroot/$pages{dosify($2)}">$2</A>); } else { "$1$2"; } }xeg; $rest =~ s/(<A HREF=)([^>:]*:)?([^>:]*)\.pod:([^>:]*:)?/$1$3.html/g; my $urls = '(' . join ('|', qw{ http telnet mailto news gopher file wais ftp } ) . ')'; my $ltrs = '\w'; my $gunk = '/#~:.?+=&%@!\-'; my $punc = '.:?\-'; my $any = "${ltrs}${gunk}${punc}"; $rest =~ s{ \b # start at word boundary ( # begin $1 { $urls : # need resource and a colon [$any] +? # followed by on or more # of any valid character, but # be conservative and take only # what you need to.... ) # end $1 } (?= # look-ahead non-consumptive assertion [$punc]* # either 0 or more puntuation [^$any] # followed by a non-url char | # or else $ # then end of the string ) }{<A HREF="$1">$1</A>}igox; $result = "<PRE>" # text should be as it is (verbatim) . "$rest\n" . "</PRE>\n"; } else { # formatted text # parse through the string, stopping each time we find a # pod-escape. once the string has been throughly processed # we can output it. while (length $rest) { # check to see if there are any possible pod directives in # the remaining part of the text. if ($rest =~ m/[BCEIFLSZ]</) { warn "\$rest\t= $rest\n" unless $rest =~ /\A ([^<]*?) ([BCEIFLSZ]?) < (.*)\Z/xs; $s1 = $1; # pure text $s2 = $2; # the type of pod-escape that follows $s3 = '<'; # '<' $s4 = $3; # the rest of the string } else { $s1 = $rest; $s2 = ""; $s3 = ""; $s4 = ""; } if ($s3 eq '<' && $s2) { # a pod-escape $result .= ($escapeQuotes ? process_puretext($s1, \$quote) : $s1); $podcommand = "$s2<"; $rest = $s4; # find the matching '>' $match = 1; $bf = 0; while ($match && !$bf) { $bf = 1; if ($rest =~ /\A([^<>]*[BCEIFLSZ]<)(.*)\Z/s) { $bf = 0; $match++; $podcommand .= $1; $rest = $2; } elsif ($rest =~ /\A([^>]*>)(.*)\Z/s) { $bf = 0; $match--; $podcommand .= $1; $rest = $2; } } if ($match != 0) { warn <<WARN; $0: $podfile: cannot find matching > for $s2 in paragraph $paragraph. WARN $result .= substr $podcommand, 0, 2; $rest = substr($podcommand, 2) . $rest; next; } # pull out the parameters to the pod-escape $podcommand =~ /^([BCFEILSZ]?)<(.*)>$/s; $tag = $1; $params = $2; # process the text within the pod-escape so that any escapes # which must occur do. process_text(\$params, 0) unless $tag eq 'L'; $s1 = $params; if (!$tag || $tag eq " ") { # <> : no tag $s1 = "<$params>"; } elsif ($tag eq "L") { # L<> : link $s1 = process_L($params); } elsif ($tag eq "I" || # I<> : italicize text $tag eq "B" || # B<> : bold text $tag eq "F") { # F<> : file specification $s1 = process_BFI($tag, $params); } elsif ($tag eq "C") { # C<> : literal code $s1 = process_C($params, 1); } elsif ($tag eq "E") { # E<> : escape $s1 = process_E($params); } elsif ($tag eq "Z") { # Z<> : zero-width character $s1 = process_Z($params); } elsif ($tag eq "S") { # S<> : non-breaking space $s1 = process_S($params); } elsif ($tag eq "X") { # S<> : non-breaking space $s1 = process_X($params); } else { warn "$0: $podfile: unhandled tag '$tag' in paragraph $paragraph\n"; } $result .= "$s1"; } else { # for pure text we must deal with implicit links and # double-quotes among other things. $result .= ($escapeQuotes ? process_puretext("$s1$s2$s3", \$quote) : "$s1$s2$s3"); $rest = $s4; } } } $$text = $result; } sub html_escape { my $rest = $_[0]; $rest =~ s/&/&/g; $rest =~ s/</</g; $rest =~ s/>/>/g; $rest =~ s/"/"/g; return $rest; } # # process_puretext - process pure text (without pod-escapes) converting # double-quotes and handling implicit C<> links. # sub process_puretext { my($text, $quote) = @_; my(@words, $result, $rest, $lead, $trail); # convert double-quotes to single-quotes $text =~ s/\A([^"]*)"/$1''/s if $$quote; while ($text =~ s/\A([^"]*)["]([^"]*)["]/$1``$2''/sg) {} $$quote = ($text =~ m/"/ ? 1 : 0); $text =~ s/\A([^"]*)"/$1``/s if $$quote; # keep track of leading and trailing white-space $lead = ($text =~ /\A(\s*)/s ? $1 : ""); $trail = ($text =~ /(\s*)\Z/s ? $1 : ""); # collapse all white space into a single space $text =~ s/\s+/ /g; @words = split(" ", $text); # process each word individually foreach my $word (@words) { # see if we can infer a link if ($word =~ /^\w+\(/) { # has parenthesis so should have been a C<> ref $word = process_C($word); # $word =~ /^[^()]*]\(/; # if (defined $items{$1} && $items{$1}) { # $word = "\n<CODE><A HREF=\"$htmlroot/$items{$1}#item_" # . htmlify(0,$word) # . "\">$word</A></CODE>"; # } elsif (defined $items{$word} && $items{$word}) { # $word = "\n<CODE><A HREF=\"$htmlroot/$items{$word}#item_" # . htmlify(0,$word) # . "\">$word</A></CODE>"; # } else { # $word = "\n<CODE><A HREF=\"#item_" # . htmlify(0,$word) # . "\">$word</A></CODE>"; # } } elsif ($word =~ /^[\$\@%&*]+\w+$/) { # perl variables, should be a C<> ref $word = process_C($word, 1); } elsif ($word =~ m,^\w+://\w,) { # looks like a URL $word = qq(<A HREF="$word">$word</A>); } elsif ($word =~ /[\w.-]+\@[\w-]+\.\w/) { # looks like an e-mail address my ($w1, $w2, $w3) = ("", $word, ""); ($w1, $w2, $w3) = ("(", $1, ")$2") if $word =~ /^\((.*?)\)(,?)/; ($w1, $w2, $w3) = ("<", $1, ">$2") if $word =~ /^<(.*?)>(,?)/; $word = qq($w1<A HREF="mailto:$w2">$w2</A>$w3); } elsif ($word !~ /[a-z]/ && $word =~ /[A-Z]/) { # all uppercase? $word = html_escape($word) if $word =~ /["&<>]/; $word = "\n<FONT SIZE=-1>$word</FONT>" if $netscape; } else { $word = html_escape($word) if $word =~ /["&<>]/; } } # build a new string based upon our conversion $result = ""; $rest = join(" ", @words); while (length($rest) > 75) { if ( $rest =~ m/^(.{0,75})\s(.*?)$/o || $rest =~ m/^(\S*)\s(.*?)$/o) { $result .= "$1\n"; $rest = $2; } else { $result .= "$rest\n"; $rest = ""; } } $result .= $rest if $rest; # restore the leading and trailing white-space $result = "$lead$result$trail"; return $result; } # # pre_escape - convert & in text to $amp; # sub pre_escape { my($str) = @_; $$str =~ s,&,&,g; } # # dosify - convert filenames to 8.3 # sub dosify { my($str) = @_; if ($Is83) { $str = lc $str; $str =~ s/(\.\w+)/substr ($1,0,4)/ge; $str =~ s/(\w+)/substr ($1,0,8)/ge; } return $str; } # # process_L - convert a pod L<> directive to a corresponding HTML link. # most of the links made are inferred rather than known about directly # (i.e it's not known whether the =head\d section exists in the target file, # or whether a .pod file exists in the case of split files). however, the # guessing usually works. # # Unlike the other directives, this should be called with an unprocessed # string, else tags in the link won't be matched. # sub process_L { my($str) = @_; my($s1, $s2, $linktext, $page, $page83, $section, $link); # work strings $str =~ s/\n/ /g; # undo word-wrapped tags $s1 = $str; for ($s1) { # LREF: a la HREF L<show this text|man/section> $linktext = $1 if s:^([^|]+)\|::; # make sure sections start with a / s,^",/",g; s,^,/,g if (!m,/, && / /); # check if there's a section specified if (m,^(.*?)/"?(.*?)"?$,) { # yes ($page, $section) = ($1, $2); } else { # no ($page, $section) = ($str, ""); } # check if we know that this is a section in this page if (!defined $pages{$page} && defined $sections{$page}) { $section = $page; $page = ""; } } $page83=dosify($page); $page=$page83 if (defined $pages{$page83}); if ($page eq "") { $link = "#" . htmlify(0,$section); $linktext = $section unless defined($linktext); } elsif ( $page =~ /::/ ) { $linktext = ($section ? "$section" : "$page"); $page =~ s,::,/,g; $link = "$htmlroot/$page.html"; $link .= "#" . htmlify(0,$section) if ($section); } elsif (!defined $pages{$page}) { # warn "$0: $podfile: cannot resolve L<$str> in paragraph $paragraph: no such page '$page'\n"; $link = ""; $linktext = $page unless defined($linktext); } else { $linktext = ($section ? "$section" : "the $page manpage") unless defined($linktext); $section = htmlify(0,$section) if $section ne ""; # if there is a directory by the name of the page, then assume that an # appropriate section will exist in the subdirectory if ($section ne "" && $pages{$page} =~ /([^:]*[^(\.pod|\.pm)]):/) { $link = "$htmlroot/$1/$section.html"; # since there is no directory by the name of the page, the section will # have to exist within a .html of the same name. thus, make sure there # is a .pod or .pm that might become that .html } else { $section = "#$section"; # check if there is a .pod with the page name if ($pages{$page} =~ /([^:]*)\.pod:/) { $link = "$htmlroot/$1.html$section"; } elsif ($pages{$page} =~ /([^:]*)\.pm:/) { $link = "$htmlroot/$1.html$section"; } else { warn "$0: $podfile: cannot resolve L$str in paragraph $paragraph: ". "no .pod or .pm found\n"; $link = ""; $linktext = $section unless defined($linktext); } } } process_text(\$linktext, 0); if ($link) { $s1 = "<A HREF=\"$link\">$linktext</A>"; } else { $s1 = "<EM>$linktext</EM>"; } return $s1; } # # process_BFI - process any of the B<>, F<>, or I<> pod-escapes and # convert them to corresponding HTML directives. # sub process_BFI { my($tag, $str) = @_; my($s1); # work string my(%repltext) = ( 'B' => 'STRONG', 'F' => 'EM', 'I' => 'EM'); # extract the modified text and convert to HTML $s1 = "<$repltext{$tag}>$str</$repltext{$tag}>"; return $s1; } # # process_C - process the C<> pod-escape. # sub process_C { my($str, $doref) = @_; my($s1, $s2); $s1 = $str; $s1 =~ s/\([^()]*\)//g; # delete parentheses $s2 = $s1; $s1 =~ s/\W//g; # delete bogus characters $str = html_escape($str); # if there was a pod file that we found earlier with an appropriate # =item directive, then create a link to that page. if ($doref && defined $items{$s1}) { $s1 = ($items{$s1} ? "<A HREF=\"$htmlroot/$items{$s1}#item_" . htmlify(0,$s2) . "\">$str</A>" : "<A HREF=\"#item_" . htmlify(0,$s2) . "\">$str</A>"); $s1 =~ s,(perl\w+/(\S+)\.html)#item_\2\b,$1,; confess "s1 has space: $s1" if $s1 =~ /HREF="[^"]*\s[^"]*"/; } else { $s1 = "<CODE>$str</CODE>"; # warn "$0: $podfile: cannot resolve C<$str> in paragraph $paragraph\n" if $verbose } return $s1; } # # process_E - process the E<> pod directive which seems to escape a character. # sub process_E { my($str) = @_; for ($str) { s,([^/].*),\&$1\;,g; } return $str; } # # process_Z - process the Z<> pod directive which really just amounts to # ignoring it. this allows someone to start a paragraph with an = # sub process_Z { my($str) = @_; # there is no equivalent in HTML for this so just ignore it. $str = ""; return $str; } # # process_S - process the S<> pod directive which means to convert all # spaces in the string to non-breaking spaces (in HTML-eze). # sub process_S { my($str) = @_; # convert all spaces in the text to non-breaking spaces in HTML. $str =~ s/ / /g; return $str; } # # process_X - this is supposed to make an index entry. we'll just # ignore it. # sub process_X { return ''; } # # finish_list - finish off any pending HTML lists. this should be called # after the entire pod file has been read and converted. # sub finish_list { while ($listlevel > 0) { print HTML "</DL>\n"; $listlevel--; } } # # htmlify - converts a pod section specification to a suitable section # specification for HTML. if first arg is 1, only takes 1st word. # sub htmlify { my($compact, $heading) = @_; if ($compact) { $heading =~ /^(\w+)/; $heading = $1; } # $heading = lc($heading); $heading =~ s/[^\w\s]/_/g; $heading =~ s/(\s+)/ /g; $heading =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/s; $heading =~ s/ /_/g; $heading =~ s/\A(.{32}).*\Z/$1/s; $heading =~ s/\s+\Z//; $heading =~ s/_{2,}/_/g; return $heading; } BEGIN { } 1;