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- <TITLE>HTML::HeadParser - Parse <HEAD> section of a HTML document</TITLE>
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- <STRONG><P CLASS=block> HTML::HeadParser - Parse <HEAD> section of a HTML document</P></STRONG>
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- <A NAME="__index__"></A>
- <!-- INDEX BEGIN -->
- <UL>
- <LI><A HREF="#name">NAME</A></LI><LI><A HREF="#supportedplatforms">SUPPORTED PLATFORMS</A></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#synopsis">SYNOPSIS</A></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#description">DESCRIPTION</A></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#methods">METHODS</A></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#example">EXAMPLE</A></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#see also">SEE ALSO</A></LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#copyright">COPYRIGHT</A></LI>
- </UL>
- <!-- INDEX END -->
- <HR>
- <P>
- <H1><A NAME="name">NAME</A></H1>
- <P>HTML::HeadParser - Parse <HEAD> section of a HTML document</P>
- <P>
- <HR>
- <H1><A NAME="supportedplatforms">SUPPORTED PLATFORMS</A></H1>
- <UL>
- <LI>Linux</LI>
- <LI>Solaris</LI>
- <LI>Windows</LI>
- </UL>
- <HR>
- <H1><A NAME="synopsis">SYNOPSIS</A></H1>
- <PRE>
- require HTML::HeadParser;
- $p = HTML::HeadParser->new;
- $p->parse($text) and print "not finished";</PRE>
- <PRE>
- $p->header('Title') # to access <title>....</title>
- $p->header('Content-Base') # to access <base href="<A HREF="http://..."">http://..."</A>;>
- $p->header('Foo') # to access <meta http-equiv="Foo" content="..."></PRE>
- <P>
- <HR>
- <H1><A NAME="description">DESCRIPTION</A></H1>
- <P>The <EM>HTML::HeadParser</EM> is a specialized (and lightweight)
- <EM>HTML::Parser</EM> that will only parse the <HEAD>...</HEAD>
- section of an HTML document. The <A HREF="#item_parse"><CODE>parse()</CODE></A> method
- will return a FALSE value as soon as some <BODY> element or body
- text are found, and should not be called again after this.</P>
- <P>The <EM>HTML::HeadParser</EM> keeps a reference to a header object, and the
- parser will update this header object as the various elements of the
- <HEAD> section of the HTML document are recognized. The following
- header fields are affected:</P>
- <DL>
- <DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_Content%2DBase%3A">Content-Base:</A></STRONG><BR>
- <DD>
- The <EM>Content-Base</EM> header is initialized from the <base
- href=``...''> element.
- <P></P>
- <DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_Title%3A">Title:</A></STRONG><BR>
- <DD>
- The <EM>Title</EM> header is initialized from the <title>...</title>
- element.
- <P></P>
- <DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_Isindex%3A">Isindex:</A></STRONG><BR>
- <DD>
- The <EM>Isindex</EM> header will be added if there is a <isindex>
- element in the <head>. The header value is initialized from the
- <EM>prompt</EM> attribute if it is present. If not <EM>prompt</EM> attribute is
- given it will have '?' as the value.
- <P></P>
- <DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_X%2DMeta%2DFoo%3A">X-Meta-Foo:</A></STRONG><BR>
- <DD>
- All <meta> elements will initialize headers with the prefix
- ``<CODE>X-Meta-</CODE>'' on the name. If the <meta> element contains a
- <CODE>http-equiv</CODE> attribute, then it will be honored as the header name.
- <P></P></DL>
- <P>
- <HR>
- <H1><A NAME="methods">METHODS</A></H1>
- <P>The following methods (in addition to those provided by the
- superclass) are available:</P>
- <DL>
- <DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_new">$hp = HTML::HeadParser->new( [$header] )</A></STRONG><BR>
- <DD>
- The object constructor. The optional $header argument should be a
- reference to an object that implement the <A HREF="#item_header"><CODE>header()</CODE></A> and <CODE>push_header()</CODE>
- methods as defined by the <EM>HTTP::Headers</EM> class. Normally it will be
- of some class that isa or delegates to the <EM>HTTP::Headers</EM> class.
- <P>If no $header is given <EM>HTML::HeadParser</EM> will create an
- <EM>HTTP::Header</EM> object by itself (initially empty).</P>
- <P></P>
- <DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_parse">$hp->parse( $text )</A></STRONG><BR>
- <DD>
- Parses some HTML text (see HTML::Parser-><A HREF="#item_parse"><CODE>parse())</CODE></A> but will return
- FALSE as soon as parsing should end.
- <P></P>
- <DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_header">$hp->header;</A></STRONG><BR>
- <DD>
- Returns a reference to the header object.
- <P></P>
- <DT><STRONG>$hp->header( $key )</STRONG><BR>
- <DD>
- Returns a header value. It is just a shorter way to write
- <A HREF="#item_header"><CODE>$hp->header->header($key)</CODE></A>.
- <P></P></DL>
- <P>
- <HR>
- <H1><A NAME="example">EXAMPLE</A></H1>
- <PRE>
- $h = HTTP::Headers->new;
- $p = HTML::HeadParser->new($h);
- $p->parse(<<EOT);
- <title>Stupid example</title>
- <base href="<A HREF="http://www.sn.no/libwww-perl/"">http://www.sn.no/libwww-perl/"</A>;>
- Normal text starts here.
- undef $p;
- print $h->title; # should print "Stupid example"</PRE>
- <P>
- <HR>
- <H1><A NAME="see also">SEE ALSO</A></H1>
- <P><A HREF="../../../site/lib/HTML/Parser.html">the HTML::Parser manpage</A>, <A HREF="../../../site/lib/HTTP/Headers.html">the HTTP::Headers manpage</A></P>
- <P>The <EM>HTTP::Headers</EM> class is distributed as part of the <EM>libwww-perl</EM>
- package.</P>
- <P>
- <HR>
- <H1><A NAME="copyright">COPYRIGHT</A></H1>
- <P>Copyright 1996-1998 Gisle Aas. All rights reserved.</P>
- <P>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.</P>
- <STRONG><P CLASS=block> HTML::HeadParser - Parse <HEAD> section of a HTML document</P></STRONG>
- </TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- </BODY>
- </HTML>