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Text File | 2000-03-15 | 71.3 KB | 2,285 lines |
- # MM_VMS.pm
- # MakeMaker default methods for VMS
- # This package is inserted into @ISA of MakeMaker's MM before the
- # built-in ExtUtils::MM_Unix methods if MakeMaker.pm is run under VMS.
- #
- # Author: Charles Bailey bailey@newman.upenn.edu
- package ExtUtils::MM_VMS;
- use Carp qw( &carp );
- use Config;
- require Exporter;
- use VMS::Filespec;
- use File::Basename;
- use File::Spec;
- our($Revision, @ISA);
- $Revision = '5.56 (27-Apr-1999)';
- @ISA = qw( File::Spec );
- unshift @MM::ISA, 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS';
- Exporter::import('ExtUtils::MakeMaker', '$Verbose', '&neatvalue');
- =head1 NAME
- ExtUtils::MM_VMS - methods to override UN*X behaviour in ExtUtils::MakeMaker
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- use ExtUtils::MM_VMS; # Done internally by ExtUtils::MakeMaker if needed
- See ExtUtils::MM_Unix for a documentation of the methods provided
- there. This package overrides the implementation of these methods, not
- the semantics.
- =head2 Methods always loaded
- =over
- =item wraplist
- Converts a list into a string wrapped at approximately 80 columns.
- =cut
- sub wraplist {
- my($self) = shift;
- my($line,$hlen) = ('',0);
- my($word);
- foreach $word (@_) {
- # Perl bug -- seems to occasionally insert extra elements when
- # traversing array (scalar(@array) doesn't show them, but
- # foreach(@array) does) (5.00307)
- next unless $word =~ /\w/;
- $line .= ' ' if length($line);
- if ($hlen > 80) { $line .= "\\\n\t"; $hlen = 0; }
- $line .= $word;
- $hlen += length($word) + 2;
- }
- $line;
- }
- =item rootdir (override)
- Returns a string representing of the root directory.
- =cut
- sub rootdir {
- return '';
- }
- package ExtUtils::MM_VMS;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::ext;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::guess_name;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::find_perl;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::path;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::maybe_command;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::maybe_command_in_dirs;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::perl_script;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::file_name_is_absolute;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::replace_manpage_separator;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::init_others;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::constants;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::cflags;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::const_cccmd;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::pm_to_blib;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::tool_autosplit;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::tool_xsubpp;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::xsubpp_version;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::tools_other;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::dist;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::c_o;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::xs_c;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::xs_o;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::top_targets;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::dlsyms;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::dynamic_lib;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::dynamic_bs;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::static_lib;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::manifypods;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::processPL;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::installbin;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::subdir_x;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::clean;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::realclean;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::dist_basics;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::dist_core;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::dist_dir;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::dist_test;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::install;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::perldepend;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::makefile;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::test;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::test_via_harness;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::test_via_script;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::makeaperl;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::ext;
- sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::nicetext;
- #use SelfLoader;
- sub AUTOLOAD {
- my $code;
- if (defined fileno(DATA)) {
- my $fh = select DATA;
- my $o = $/; # For future reads from the file.
- $/ = "\n__END__\n";
- $code = <DATA>;
- $/ = $o;
- select $fh;
- close DATA;
- eval $code;
- if ($@) {
- $@ =~ s/ at .*\n//;
- Carp::croak $@;
- }
- } else {
- warn "AUTOLOAD called unexpectedly for $AUTOLOAD";
- }
- defined(&$AUTOLOAD) or die "Myloader inconsistency error";
- goto &$AUTOLOAD;
- }
- 1;
- #__DATA__
- # This isn't really an override. It's just here because ExtUtils::MM_VMS
- # appears in @MM::ISA before ExtUtils::Liblist, so if there isn't an ext()
- # in MM_VMS, then AUTOLOAD is called, and bad things happen. So, we just
- # mimic inheritance here and hand off to ExtUtils::Liblist.
- sub ext {
- ExtUtils::Liblist::ext(@_);
- }
- =back
- =head2 SelfLoaded methods
- Those methods which override default MM_Unix methods are marked
- "(override)", while methods unique to MM_VMS are marked "(specific)".
- For overridden methods, documentation is limited to an explanation
- of why this method overrides the MM_Unix method; see the ExtUtils::MM_Unix
- documentation for more details.
- =over
- =item guess_name (override)
- Try to determine name of extension being built. We begin with the name
- of the current directory. Since VMS filenames are case-insensitive,
- however, we look for a F<.pm> file whose name matches that of the current
- directory (presumably the 'main' F<.pm> file for this extension), and try
- to find a C<package> statement from which to obtain the Mixed::Case
- package name.
- =cut
- sub guess_name {
- my($self) = @_;
- my($defname,$defpm,@pm,%xs,$pm);
- local *PM;
- $defname = basename(fileify($ENV{'DEFAULT'}));
- $defname =~ s![\d\-_]*\.dir.*$!!; # Clip off .dir;1 suffix, and package version
- $defpm = $defname;
- # Fallback in case for some reason a user has copied the files for an
- # extension into a working directory whose name doesn't reflect the
- # extension's name. We'll use the name of a unique .pm file, or the
- # first .pm file with a matching .xs file.
- if (not -e "${defpm}.pm") {
- @pm = map { s/.pm$//; $_ } glob('*.pm');
- if (@pm == 1) { ($defpm = $pm[0]) =~ s/.pm$//; }
- elsif (@pm) {
- %xs = map { s/.xs$//; ($_,1) } glob('*.xs');
- if (%xs) { foreach $pm (@pm) { $defpm = $pm, last if exists $xs{$pm}; } }
- }
- }
- if (open(PM,"${defpm}.pm")){
- while (<PM>) {
- if (/^\s*package\s+([^;]+)/i) {
- $defname = $1;
- last;
- }
- }
- print STDOUT "Warning (non-fatal): Couldn't find package name in ${defpm}.pm;\n\t",
- "defaulting package name to $defname\n"
- if eof(PM);
- close PM;
- }
- else {
- print STDOUT "Warning (non-fatal): Couldn't find ${defpm}.pm;\n\t",
- "defaulting package name to $defname\n";
- }
- $defname =~ s#[\d.\-_]+$##;
- $defname;
- }
- =item find_perl (override)
- Use VMS file specification syntax and CLI commands to find and
- invoke Perl images.
- =cut
- sub find_perl {
- my($self, $ver, $names, $dirs, $trace) = @_;
- my($name,$dir,$vmsfile,@sdirs,@snames,@cand);
- my($inabs) = 0;
- # Check in relative directories first, so we pick up the current
- # version of Perl if we're running MakeMaker as part of the main build.
- @sdirs = sort { my($absa) = $self->file_name_is_absolute($a);
- my($absb) = $self->file_name_is_absolute($b);
- if ($absa && $absb) { return $a cmp $b }
- else { return $absa ? 1 : ($absb ? -1 : ($a cmp $b)); }
- } @$dirs;
- # Check miniperl before perl, and check names likely to contain
- # version numbers before "generic" names, so we pick up an
- # executable that's less likely to be from an old installation.
- @snames = sort { my($ba) = $a =~ m!([^:>\]/]+)$!; # basename
- my($bb) = $b =~ m!([^:>\]/]+)$!;
- my($ahasdir) = (length($a) - length($ba) > 0);
- my($bhasdir) = (length($b) - length($bb) > 0);
- if ($ahasdir and not $bhasdir) { return 1; }
- elsif ($bhasdir and not $ahasdir) { return -1; }
- else { $bb =~ /\d/ <=> $ba =~ /\d/
- or substr($ba,0,1) cmp substr($bb,0,1)
- or length($bb) <=> length($ba) } } @$names;
- # Image names containing Perl version use '_' instead of '.' under VMS
- foreach $name (@snames) { $name =~ s/\.(\d+)$/_$1/; }
- if ($trace >= 2){
- print "Looking for perl $ver by these names:\n";
- print "\t@snames,\n";
- print "in these dirs:\n";
- print "\t@sdirs\n";
- }
- foreach $dir (@sdirs){
- next unless defined $dir; # $self->{PERL_SRC} may be undefined
- $inabs++ if $self->file_name_is_absolute($dir);
- if ($inabs == 1) {
- # We've covered relative dirs; everything else is an absolute
- # dir (probably an installed location). First, we'll try potential
- # command names, to see whether we can avoid a long MCR expression.
- foreach $name (@snames) { push(@cand,$name) if $name =~ /^[\w\-\$]+$/; }
- $inabs++; # Should happen above in next $dir, but just in case . . .
- }
- foreach $name (@snames){
- if ($name !~ m![/:>\]]!) { push(@cand,$self->catfile($dir,$name)); }
- else { push(@cand,$self->fixpath($name,0)); }
- }
- }
- foreach $name (@cand) {
- print "Checking $name\n" if ($trace >= 2);
- # If it looks like a potential command, try it without the MCR
- if ($name =~ /^[\w\-\$]+$/ &&
- `$name -e "require $ver; print ""VER_OK\\n"""` =~ /VER_OK/) {
- print "Using PERL=$name\n" if $trace;
- return $name;
- }
- next unless $vmsfile = $self->maybe_command($name);
- $vmsfile =~ s/;[\d\-]*$//; # Clip off version number; we can use a newer version as well
- print "Executing $vmsfile\n" if ($trace >= 2);
- if (`MCR $vmsfile -e "require $ver; print ""VER_OK\\n"""` =~ /VER_OK/) {
- print "Using PERL=MCR $vmsfile\n" if $trace;
- return "MCR $vmsfile";
- }
- }
- print STDOUT "Unable to find a perl $ver (by these names: @$names, in these dirs: @$dirs)\n";
- 0; # false and not empty
- }
- =item path (override)
- Translate logical name DCL$PATH as a searchlist, rather than trying
- to C<split> string value of C<$ENV{'PATH'}>.
- =cut
- sub path {
- my(@dirs,$dir,$i);
- while ($dir = $ENV{'DCL$PATH;' . $i++}) { push(@dirs,$dir); }
- @dirs;
- }
- =item maybe_command (override)
- Follows VMS naming conventions for executable files.
- If the name passed in doesn't exactly match an executable file,
- appends F<.Exe> (or equivalent) to check for executable image, and F<.Com>
- to check for DCL procedure. If this fails, checks directories in DCL$PATH
- and finally F<Sys$System:> for an executable file having the name specified,
- with or without the F<.Exe>-equivalent suffix.
- =cut
- sub maybe_command {
- my($self,$file) = @_;
- return $file if -x $file && ! -d _;
- my(@dirs) = ('');
- my(@exts) = ('',$Config{'exe_ext'},'.exe','.com');
- my($dir,$ext);
- if ($file !~ m![/:>\]]!) {
- for (my $i = 0; defined $ENV{"DCL\$PATH;$i"}; $i++) {
- $dir = $ENV{"DCL\$PATH;$i"};
- $dir .= ':' unless $dir =~ m%[\]:]$%;
- push(@dirs,$dir);
- }
- push(@dirs,'Sys$System:');
- foreach $dir (@dirs) {
- my $sysfile = "$dir$file";
- foreach $ext (@exts) {
- return $file if -x "$sysfile$ext" && ! -d _;
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- =item maybe_command_in_dirs (override)
- Uses DCL argument quoting on test command line.
- =cut
- sub maybe_command_in_dirs { # $ver is optional argument if looking for perl
- my($self, $names, $dirs, $trace, $ver) = @_;
- my($name, $dir);
- foreach $dir (@$dirs){
- next unless defined $dir; # $self->{PERL_SRC} may be undefined
- foreach $name (@$names){
- my($abs,$tryabs);
- if ($self->file_name_is_absolute($name)) {
- $abs = $name;
- } else {
- $abs = $self->catfile($dir, $name);
- }
- print "Checking $abs for $name\n" if ($trace >= 2);
- next unless $tryabs = $self->maybe_command($abs);
- print "Substituting $tryabs instead of $abs\n"
- if ($trace >= 2 and $tryabs ne $abs);
- $abs = $tryabs;
- if (defined $ver) {
- print "Executing $abs\n" if ($trace >= 2);
- if (`$abs -e 'require $ver; print "VER_OK\n" ' 2>&1` =~ /VER_OK/) {
- print "Using $abs\n" if $trace;
- return $abs;
- }
- } else { # Do not look for perl
- return $abs;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- =item perl_script (override)
- If name passed in doesn't specify a readable file, appends F<.com> or
- F<.pl> and tries again, since it's customary to have file types on all files
- under VMS.
- =cut
- sub perl_script {
- my($self,$file) = @_;
- return $file if -r $file && ! -d _;
- return "$file.com" if -r "$file.com";
- return "$file.pl" if -r "$file.pl";
- return '';
- }
- =item file_name_is_absolute (override)
- Checks for VMS directory spec as well as Unix separators.
- =cut
- sub file_name_is_absolute {
- my($self,$file) = @_;
- # If it's a logical name, expand it.
- $file = $ENV{$file} while $file =~ /^[\w\$\-]+$/ and $ENV{$file};
- $file =~ m!^/! or $file =~ m![<\[][^.\-\]>]! or $file =~ /:[^<\[]/;
- }
- =item replace_manpage_separator
- Use as separator a character which is legal in a VMS-syntax file name.
- =cut
- sub replace_manpage_separator {
- my($self,$man) = @_;
- $man = unixify($man);
- $man =~ s#/+#__#g;
- $man;
- }
- =item init_others (override)
- Provide VMS-specific forms of various utility commands, then hand
- off to the default MM_Unix method.
- =cut
- sub init_others {
- my($self) = @_;
- $self->{NOOP} = 'Continue';
- $self->{FIRST_MAKEFILE} ||= 'Descrip.MMS';
- $self->{MAKE_APERL_FILE} ||= 'Makeaperl.MMS';
- $self->{MAKEFILE} ||= $self->{FIRST_MAKEFILE};
- $self->{NOECHO} ||= '@ ';
- $self->{RM_F} = '$(PERL) -e "foreach (@ARGV) { 1 while ( -d $_ ? rmdir $_ : unlink $_)}"';
- $self->{RM_RF} = '$(PERL) "-I$(PERL_LIB)" -e "use File::Path; @dirs = map(VMS::Filespec::unixify($_),@ARGV); rmtree(\@dirs,0,0)"';
- $self->{TOUCH} = '$(PERL) -e "$t=time; foreach (@ARGV) { -e $_ ? utime($t,$t,@ARGV) : (open(F,qq(>$_)),close F)}"';
- $self->{CHMOD} = '$(PERL) -e "chmod @ARGV"'; # expect Unix syntax from MakeMaker
- $self->{CP} = 'Copy/NoConfirm';
- $self->{MV} = 'Rename/NoConfirm';
- $self->{UMASK_NULL} = '! ';
- &ExtUtils::MM_Unix::init_others;
- }
- =item constants (override)
- Fixes up numerous file and directory macros to insure VMS syntax
- regardless of input syntax. Also adds a few VMS-specific macros
- and makes lists of files comma-separated.
- =cut
- sub constants {
- my($self) = @_;
- my(@m,$def,$macro);
- # Be kind about case for pollution
- for (@ARGV) { $_ = uc($_) if /POLLUTE/i; }
- if ($self->{DEFINE} ne '') {
- my(@terms) = split(/\s+/,$self->{DEFINE});
- my(@defs,@udefs);
- foreach $def (@terms) {
- next unless $def;
- my $targ = \@defs;
- if ($def =~ s/^-([DU])//) { # If it was a Unix-style definition
- if ($1 eq 'U') { $targ = \@udefs; }
- $def =~ s/='(.*)'$/=$1/; # then remove shell-protection ''
- $def =~ s/^'(.*)'$/$1/; # from entire term or argument
- }
- if ($def =~ /=/) {
- $def =~ s/"/""/g; # Protect existing " from DCL
- $def = qq["$def"]; # and quote to prevent parsing of =
- }
- push @$targ, $def;
- }
- $self->{DEFINE} = '';
- if (@defs) { $self->{DEFINE} = '/Define=(' . join(',',@defs) . ')'; }
- if (@udefs) { $self->{DEFINE} .= '/Undef=(' . join(',',@udefs) . ')'; }
- }
- if ($self->{OBJECT} =~ /\s/) {
- $self->{OBJECT} =~ s/(\\)?\n+\s+/ /g;
- $self->{OBJECT} = $self->wraplist(map($self->fixpath($_,0),split(/,?\s+/,$self->{OBJECT})));
- }
- $self->{LDFROM} = $self->wraplist(map($self->fixpath($_,0),split(/,?\s+/,$self->{LDFROM})));
- # Fix up directory specs
- $self->{ROOTEXT} = $self->{ROOTEXT} ? $self->fixpath($self->{ROOTEXT},1)
- : '[]';
- foreach $macro ( qw [
- next unless defined $self->{$macro};
- $self->{$macro} = $self->fixpath($self->{$macro},1);
- }
- $self->{PERL_VMS} = $self->catdir($self->{PERL_SRC},q(VMS))
- if ($self->{PERL_SRC});
- # Fix up file specs
- next unless defined $self->{$macro};
- $self->{$macro} = $self->fixpath($self->{$macro},0);
- }
- foreach $macro (qw/
- / ) {
- next unless defined $self->{$macro};
- push @m, "$macro = $self->{$macro}\n";
- }
- push @m, q[
- MAKEMAKER = ],$self->catfile($self->{PERL_LIB},'ExtUtils','MakeMaker.pm'),qq[
- MM_VERSION = $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION
- MM_REVISION = $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Revision
- MM_VMS_REVISION = $ExtUtils::MM_VMS::Revision
- # FULLEXT = Pathname for extension directory (eg DBD/Oracle).
- # BASEEXT = Basename part of FULLEXT. May be just equal FULLEXT.
- # PARENT_NAME = NAME without BASEEXT and no trailing :: (eg Foo::Bar)
- # DLBASE = Basename part of dynamic library. May be just equal BASEEXT.
- ];
- for $tmp (qw/
- / ) {
- next unless defined $self->{$tmp};
- push @m, "$tmp = ",$self->fixpath($self->{$tmp},0),"\n";
- }
- for $tmp (qw/
- / ) {
- next unless defined $self->{$tmp};
- push @m, "$tmp = $self->{$tmp}\n";
- }
- for $tmp (qw/ XS MAN1PODS MAN3PODS PM /) {
- next unless defined $self->{$tmp};
- my(%tmp,$key);
- for $key (keys %{$self->{$tmp}}) {
- $tmp{$self->fixpath($key,0)} = $self->fixpath($self->{$tmp}{$key},0);
- }
- $self->{$tmp} = \%tmp;
- }
- for $tmp (qw/ C O_FILES H /) {
- next unless defined $self->{$tmp};
- my(@tmp,$val);
- for $val (@{$self->{$tmp}}) {
- push(@tmp,$self->fixpath($val,0));
- }
- $self->{$tmp} = \@tmp;
- }
- push @m,'
- # Handy lists of source code files:
- XS_FILES = ',$self->wraplist(sort keys %{$self->{XS}}),'
- C_FILES = ',$self->wraplist(@{$self->{C}}),'
- O_FILES = ',$self->wraplist(@{$self->{O_FILES}} ),'
- H_FILES = ',$self->wraplist(@{$self->{H}}),'
- MAN1PODS = ',$self->wraplist(sort keys %{$self->{MAN1PODS}}),'
- MAN3PODS = ',$self->wraplist(sort keys %{$self->{MAN3PODS}}),'
- ';
- for $tmp (qw/
- /) {
- next unless defined $self->{$tmp};
- push @m, "$tmp = $self->{$tmp}\n";
- }
- push @m,"
- .SUFFIXES : \$(OBJ_EXT) .c .cpp .cxx .xs
- # Here is the Config.pm that we are using/depend on
- CONFIGDEP = \$(PERL_ARCHLIB)Config.pm, \$(PERL_INC)config.h \$(VERSION_FROM)
- # Where to put things:
- ";
- if ($self->has_link_code()) {
- push @m,'
- ';
- } else {
- my $shr = $Config{'dbgprefix'} . 'PERLSHR';
- push @m,'
- PERL_ARCHIVE = ',($ENV{$shr} ? $ENV{$shr} : "Sys\$Share:$shr.$Config{'dlext'}"),'
- ';
- }
- $self->{TO_INST_PM} = [ sort keys %{$self->{PM}} ];
- $self->{PM_TO_BLIB} = [ %{$self->{PM}} ];
- push @m,'
- TO_INST_PM = ',$self->wraplist(@{$self->{TO_INST_PM}}),'
- PM_TO_BLIB = ',$self->wraplist(@{$self->{PM_TO_BLIB}}),'
- ';
- join('',@m);
- }
- =item cflags (override)
- Bypass shell script and produce qualifiers for CC directly (but warn
- user if a shell script for this extension exists). Fold multiple
- /Defines into one, since some C compilers pay attention to only one
- instance of this qualifier on the command line.
- =cut
- sub cflags {
- my($self,$libperl) = @_;
- my($quals) = $self->{CCFLAGS} || $Config{'ccflags'};
- my($definestr,$undefstr,$flagoptstr) = ('','','');
- my($incstr) = '/Include=($(PERL_INC)';
- my($name,$sys,@m);
- ( $name = $self->{NAME} . "_cflags" ) =~ s/:/_/g ;
- print STDOUT "Unix shell script ".$Config{"$self->{'BASEEXT'}_cflags"}.
- " required to modify CC command for $self->{'BASEEXT'}\n"
- if ($Config{$name});
- if ($quals =~ / -[DIUOg]/) {
- while ($quals =~ / -([Og])(\d*)\b/) {
- my($type,$lvl) = ($1,$2);
- $quals =~ s/ -$type$lvl\b\s*//;
- if ($type eq 'g') { $flagoptstr = '/NoOptimize'; }
- else { $flagoptstr = '/Optimize' . (defined($lvl) ? "=$lvl" : ''); }
- }
- while ($quals =~ / -([DIU])(\S+)/) {
- my($type,$def) = ($1,$2);
- $quals =~ s/ -$type$def\s*//;
- $def =~ s/"/""/g;
- if ($type eq 'D') { $definestr .= qq["$def",]; }
- elsif ($type eq 'I') { $incstr .= ',' . $self->fixpath($def,1); }
- else { $undefstr .= qq["$def",]; }
- }
- }
- if (length $quals and $quals !~ m!/!) {
- warn "MM_VMS: Ignoring unrecognized CCFLAGS elements \"$quals\"\n";
- $quals = '';
- }
- $definestr .= q["PERL_POLLUTE",] if $self->{POLLUTE};
- if (length $definestr) { chop($definestr); $quals .= "/Define=($definestr)"; }
- if (length $undefstr) { chop($undefstr); $quals .= "/Undef=($undefstr)"; }
- # Deal with $self->{DEFINE} here since some C compilers pay attention
- # to only one /Define clause on command line, so we have to
- # conflate the ones from $Config{'ccflags'} and $self->{DEFINE}
- # ($self->{DEFINE} has already been VMSified in constants() above)
- if ($self->{DEFINE}) { $quals .= $self->{DEFINE}; }
- for $type (qw(Def Undef)) {
- my(@terms);
- while ($quals =~ m:/${type}i?n?e?=([^/]+):ig) {
- my $term = $1;
- $term =~ s:^\((.+)\)$:$1:;
- push @terms, $term;
- }
- if ($type eq 'Def') {
- push @terms, qw[ $(DEFINE_VERSION) $(XS_DEFINE_VERSION) ];
- }
- if (@terms) {
- $quals =~ s:/${type}i?n?e?=[^/]+::ig;
- $quals .= "/${type}ine=(" . join(',',@terms) . ')';
- }
- }
- $libperl or $libperl = $self->{LIBPERL_A} || "libperl.olb";
- # Likewise with $self->{INC} and /Include
- if ($self->{'INC'}) {
- my(@includes) = split(/\s+/,$self->{INC});
- foreach (@includes) {
- s/^-I//;
- $incstr .= ','.$self->fixpath($_,1);
- }
- }
- $quals .= "$incstr)";
- # $quals =~ s/,,/,/g; $quals =~ s/\(,/(/g;
- $self->{CCFLAGS} = $quals;
- $self->{OPTIMIZE} ||= $flagoptstr || $Config{'optimize'};
- if ($self->{OPTIMIZE} !~ m!/!) {
- if ($self->{OPTIMIZE} =~ m!-g!) { $self->{OPTIMIZE} = '/Debug/NoOptimize' }
- elsif ($self->{OPTIMIZE} =~ /-O(\d*)/) {
- $self->{OPTIMIZE} = '/Optimize' . (defined($1) ? "=$1" : '');
- }
- else {
- warn "MM_VMS: Can't parse OPTIMIZE \"$self->{OPTIMIZE}\"; using default\n" if length $self->{OPTIMIZE};
- $self->{OPTIMIZE} = '/Optimize';
- }
- }
- return $self->{CFLAGS} = qq{
- CCFLAGS = $self->{CCFLAGS}
- };
- }
- =item const_cccmd (override)
- Adds directives to point C preprocessor to the right place when
- handling #include E<lt>sys/foo.hE<gt> directives. Also constructs CC
- command line a bit differently than MM_Unix method.
- =cut
- sub const_cccmd {
- my($self,$libperl) = @_;
- my(@m);
- return $self->{CONST_CCCMD} if $self->{CONST_CCCMD};
- return '' unless $self->needs_linking();
- if ($Config{'vms_cc_type'} eq 'gcc') {
- push @m,'
- ',$self->{NOECHO},'If F$TrnLnm("Sys").eqs."" Then Define/NoLog SYS GNU_CC_Include:[VMS]';
- }
- elsif ($Config{'vms_cc_type'} eq 'vaxc') {
- push @m,'
- ',$self->{NOECHO},'If F$TrnLnm("Sys").eqs."" .and. F$TrnLnm("VAXC$Include").eqs."" Then Define/NoLog SYS Sys$Library
- ',$self->{NOECHO},'If F$TrnLnm("Sys").eqs."" .and. F$TrnLnm("VAXC$Include").nes."" Then Define/NoLog SYS VAXC$Include';
- }
- else {
- push @m,'
- ',$self->{NOECHO},'If F$TrnLnm("Sys").eqs."" .and. F$TrnLnm("DECC$System_Include").eqs."" Then Define/NoLog SYS ',
- ($Config{'arch'} eq 'VMS_AXP' ? 'Sys$Library' : 'DECC$Library_Include'),'
- ',$self->{NOECHO},'If F$TrnLnm("Sys").eqs."" .and. F$TrnLnm("DECC$System_Include").nes."" Then Define/NoLog SYS DECC$System_Include';
- }
- push(@m, "\n\nCCCMD = $Config{'cc'} \$(CCFLAGS)\$(OPTIMIZE)\n");
- $self->{CONST_CCCMD} = join('',@m);
- }
- =item pm_to_blib (override)
- DCL I<still> accepts a maximum of 255 characters on a command
- line, so we write the (potentially) long list of file names
- to a temp file, then persuade Perl to read it instead of the
- command line to find args.
- =cut
- sub pm_to_blib {
- my($self) = @_;
- my($line,$from,$to,@m);
- my($autodir) = $self->catdir('$(INST_LIB)','auto');
- my(@files) = @{$self->{PM_TO_BLIB}};
- push @m, q{
- # Dummy target to match Unix target name; we use pm_to_blib.ts as
- # timestamp file to avoid repeated invocations under VMS
- pm_to_blib : pm_to_blib.ts
- # As always, keep under DCL's 255-char limit
- pm_to_blib.ts : $(TO_INST_PM)
- $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print '},shift(@files),q{ },shift(@files),q{'" >.MM_tmp
- };
- $line = ''; # avoid uninitialized var warning
- while ($from = shift(@files),$to = shift(@files)) {
- $line .= " $from $to";
- if (length($line) > 128) {
- push(@m,"\t\$(NOECHO) \$(PERL) -e \"print '$line'\" >>.MM_tmp\n");
- $line = '';
- }
- }
- push(@m,"\t\$(NOECHO) \$(PERL) -e \"print '$line'\" >>.MM_tmp\n") if $line;
- push(@m,q[ $(PERL) "-I$(PERL_LIB)" "-MExtUtils::Install" -e "pm_to_blib({split(' ',<STDIN>)},'].$autodir.q[')" <.MM_tmp]);
- push(@m,qq[
- \$(NOECHO) Delete/NoLog/NoConfirm .MM_tmp;
- \$(NOECHO) \$(TOUCH) pm_to_blib.ts
- ]);
- join('',@m);
- }
- =item tool_autosplit (override)
- Use VMS-style quoting on command line.
- =cut
- sub tool_autosplit{
- my($self, %attribs) = @_;
- my($asl) = "";
- $asl = "\$AutoSplit::Maxlen=$attribs{MAXLEN};" if $attribs{MAXLEN};
- q{
- # Usage: $(AUTOSPLITFILE) FileToSplit AutoDirToSplitInto
- AUTOSPLITFILE = $(PERL) "-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(PERL_LIB)" -e "use AutoSplit;}.$asl.q{ AutoSplit::autosplit($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1], 0, 1, 1) ;"
- };
- }
- =item tool_sxubpp (override)
- Use VMS-style quoting on xsubpp command line.
- =cut
- sub tool_xsubpp {
- my($self) = @_;
- return '' unless $self->needs_linking;
- my($xsdir) = $self->catdir($self->{PERL_LIB},'ExtUtils');
- # drop back to old location if xsubpp is not in new location yet
- $xsdir = $self->catdir($self->{PERL_SRC},'ext') unless (-f $self->catfile($xsdir,'xsubpp'));
- my(@tmdeps) = '$(XSUBPPDIR)typemap';
- if( $self->{TYPEMAPS} ){
- my $typemap;
- foreach $typemap (@{$self->{TYPEMAPS}}){
- if( ! -f $typemap ){
- warn "Typemap $typemap not found.\n";
- }
- else{
- push(@tmdeps, $self->fixpath($typemap,0));
- }
- }
- }
- push(@tmdeps, "typemap") if -f "typemap";
- my(@tmargs) = map("-typemap $_", @tmdeps);
- if( exists $self->{XSOPT} ){
- unshift( @tmargs, $self->{XSOPT} );
- }
- my $xsubpp_version = $self->xsubpp_version($self->catfile($xsdir,'xsubpp'));
- # What are the correct thresholds for version 1 && 2 Paul?
- if ( $xsubpp_version > 1.923 ){
- $self->{XSPROTOARG} = '' unless defined $self->{XSPROTOARG};
- } else {
- if (defined $self->{XSPROTOARG} && $self->{XSPROTOARG} =~ /\-prototypes/) {
- print STDOUT qq{Warning: This extension wants to pass the switch "-prototypes" to xsubpp.
- Your version of xsubpp is $xsubpp_version and cannot handle this.
- Please upgrade to a more recent version of xsubpp.
- };
- } else {
- $self->{XSPROTOARG} = "";
- }
- }
- "
- XSUBPPDIR = $xsdir
- XSUBPP = \$(PERL) \"-I\$(PERL_ARCHLIB)\" \"-I\$(PERL_LIB)\" \$(XSUBPPDIR)xsubpp
- XSUBPPDEPS = @tmdeps
- XSUBPPARGS = @tmargs
- ";
- }
- =item xsubpp_version (override)
- Test xsubpp exit status according to VMS rules ($sts & 1 ==E<gt> good)
- rather than Unix rules ($sts == 0 ==E<gt> good).
- =cut
- sub xsubpp_version
- {
- my($self,$xsubpp) = @_;
- my ($version) ;
- return '' unless $self->needs_linking;
- # try to figure out the version number of the xsubpp on the system
- # first try the -v flag, introduced in 1.921 & 2.000a2
- my $command = "$self->{PERL} \"-I$self->{PERL_LIB}\" $xsubpp -v";
- print "Running: $command\n" if $Verbose;
- $version = `$command` ;
- if ($?) {
- use vmsish 'status';
- warn "Running '$command' exits with status $?";
- }
- chop $version ;
- return $1 if $version =~ /^xsubpp version (.*)/ ;
- # nope, then try something else
- my $counter = '000';
- my ($file) = 'temp' ;
- $counter++ while -e "$file$counter"; # don't overwrite anything
- $file .= $counter;
- local(*F);
- open(F, ">$file") or die "Cannot open file '$file': $!\n" ;
- print F <<EOM ;
- MODULE = fred PACKAGE = fred
- int
- fred(a)
- int a;
- close F ;
- $command = "$self->{PERL} $xsubpp $file";
- print "Running: $command\n" if $Verbose;
- my $text = `$command` ;
- if ($?) {
- use vmsish 'status';
- warn "Running '$command' exits with status $?";
- }
- unlink $file ;
- # gets 1.2 -> 1.92 and 2.000a1
- return $1 if $text =~ /automatically by xsubpp version ([\S]+)\s*/ ;
- # it is either 1.0 or 1.1
- return 1.1 if $text =~ /^Warning: ignored semicolon/ ;
- # none of the above, so 1.0
- return "1.0" ;
- }
- =item tools_other (override)
- Adds a few MM[SK] macros, and shortens some the installatin commands,
- in order to stay under DCL's 255-character limit. Also changes
- EQUALIZE_TIMESTAMP to set revision date of target file to one second
- later than source file, since MMK interprets precisely equal revision
- dates for a source and target file as a sign that the target needs
- to be updated.
- =cut
- sub tools_other {
- my($self) = @_;
- qq!
- # Assumes \$(MMS) invokes MMS or MMK
- # (It is assumed in some cases later that the default makefile name
- # (Descrip.MMS for MM[SK]) is used.)
- USEMAKEFILE = /Descrip=
- USEMACROS = /Macro=(
- MAKEFILE = Descrip.MMS
- SHELL = Posix
- TOUCH = $self->{TOUCH}
- CHMOD = $self->{CHMOD}
- CP = $self->{CP}
- MV = $self->{MV}
- RM_F = $self->{RM_F}
- RM_RF = $self->{RM_RF}
- SAY = Write Sys\$Output
- NOOP = $self->{NOOP}
- NOECHO = $self->{NOECHO}
- MKPATH = Create/Directory
- EQUALIZE_TIMESTAMP = \$(PERL) -we "open F,qq{>\$ARGV[1]};close F;utime(0,(stat(\$ARGV[0]))[9]+1,\$ARGV[1])"
- !. ($self->{PARENT} ? '' :
- qq!WARN_IF_OLD_PACKLIST = \$(PERL) -e "if (-f \$ARGV[0]){print qq[WARNING: Old package found (\$ARGV[0]); please check for collisions\\n]}"
- MOD_INSTALL = \$(PERL) "-I\$(PERL_LIB)" "-MExtUtils::Install" -e "install({split(' ',<STDIN>)},1);"
- DOC_INSTALL = \$(PERL) -e "\@ARGV=split(/\\|/,<STDIN>);print '=head2 ',scalar(localtime),': C<',shift,qq[>\\n\\n=over 4\\n\\n];while(\$key=shift && \$val=shift){print qq[=item *\\n\\nC<\$key: \$val>\\n\\n];}print qq[=back\\n\\n]"
- UNINSTALL = \$(PERL) "-I\$(PERL_LIB)" "-MExtUtils::Install" -e "uninstall(\$ARGV[0],1,1);"
- !);
- }
- =item dist (override)
- Provide VMSish defaults for some values, then hand off to
- default MM_Unix method.
- =cut
- sub dist {
- my($self, %attribs) = @_;
- $attribs{VERSION} ||= $self->{VERSION_SYM};
- $attribs{NAME} ||= $self->{DISTNAME};
- $attribs{ZIPFLAGS} ||= '-Vu';
- $attribs{COMPRESS} ||= 'gzip';
- $attribs{SUFFIX} ||= '-gz';
- $attribs{SHAR} ||= 'vms_share';
- $attribs{DIST_DEFAULT} ||= 'zipdist';
- # Sanitize these for use in $(DISTVNAME) filespec
- $attribs{VERSION} =~ s/[^\w\$]/_/g;
- $attribs{NAME} =~ s/[^\w\$]/_/g;
- return ExtUtils::MM_Unix::dist($self,%attribs);
- }
- =item c_o (override)
- Use VMS syntax on command line. In particular, $(DEFINE) and
- $(PERL_INC) have been pulled into $(CCCMD). Also use MM[SK] macros.
- =cut
- sub c_o {
- my($self) = @_;
- return '' unless $self->needs_linking();
- '
- .c$(OBJ_EXT) :
- .cpp$(OBJ_EXT) :
- .cxx$(OBJ_EXT) :
- ';
- }
- =item xs_c (override)
- Use MM[SK] macros.
- =cut
- sub xs_c {
- my($self) = @_;
- return '' unless $self->needs_linking();
- '
- .xs.c :
- ';
- }
- =item xs_o (override)
- Use MM[SK] macros, and VMS command line for C compiler.
- =cut
- sub xs_o { # many makes are too dumb to use xs_c then c_o
- my($self) = @_;
- return '' unless $self->needs_linking();
- '
- .xs$(OBJ_EXT) :
- ';
- }
- =item top_targets (override)
- Use VMS quoting on command line for Version_check.
- =cut
- sub top_targets {
- my($self) = shift;
- my(@m);
- push @m, '
- all :: pure_all manifypods
- pure_all :: config pm_to_blib subdirs linkext
- subdirs :: $(MYEXTLIB)
- config :: $(MAKEFILE) $(INST_LIBDIR).exists
- config :: $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR).exists
- config :: $(INST_AUTODIR).exists
- ';
- push @m, $self->dir_target(qw[$(INST_AUTODIR) $(INST_LIBDIR) $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)]);
- if (%{$self->{MAN1PODS}}) {
- push @m, q[
- config :: $(INST_MAN1DIR).exists
- ];
- push @m, $self->dir_target(qw[$(INST_MAN1DIR)]);
- }
- if (%{$self->{MAN3PODS}}) {
- push @m, q[
- config :: $(INST_MAN3DIR).exists
- ];
- push @m, $self->dir_target(qw[$(INST_MAN3DIR)]);
- }
- push @m, '
- $(O_FILES) : $(H_FILES)
- ' if @{$self->{O_FILES} || []} && @{$self->{H} || []};
- push @m, q{
- help :
- perldoc ExtUtils::MakeMaker
- };
- push @m, q{
- Version_check :
- "-MExtUtils::MakeMaker=Version_check" -e "&Version_check('$(MM_VERSION)')"
- };
- join('',@m);
- }
- =item dlsyms (override)
- Create VMS linker options files specifying universal symbols for this
- extension's shareable image, and listing other shareable images or
- libraries to which it should be linked.
- =cut
- sub dlsyms {
- my($self,%attribs) = @_;
- return '' unless $self->needs_linking();
- my($funcs) = $attribs{DL_FUNCS} || $self->{DL_FUNCS} || {};
- my($vars) = $attribs{DL_VARS} || $self->{DL_VARS} || [];
- my($funclist) = $attribs{FUNCLIST} || $self->{FUNCLIST} || [];
- my(@m);
- unless ($self->{SKIPHASH}{'dynamic'}) {
- push(@m,'
- dynamic :: $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)$(BASEEXT).opt
- ');
- }
- push(@m,'
- static :: $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)$(BASEEXT).opt
- ') unless $self->{SKIPHASH}{'static'};
- push @m,'
- $(BASEEXT).opt : Makefile.PL
- $(PERL) "-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(PERL_LIB)" -e "use ExtUtils::Mksymlists;" -
- ',qq[-e "Mksymlists('NAME' => '$self->{NAME}', 'DL_FUNCS' => ],
- neatvalue($funcs),q[, 'DL_VARS' => ],neatvalue($vars),
- q[, 'FUNCLIST' => ],neatvalue($funclist),qq[)"\n];
- push @m, ' $(PERL) -e "print ""$(INST_STATIC)/Include=';
- if ($self->{OBJECT} =~ /\bBASEEXT\b/ or
- $self->{OBJECT} =~ /\b$self->{BASEEXT}\b/i) {
- push @m, ($Config{d_vms_case_sensitive_symbols}
- ? uc($self->{BASEEXT}) :'$(BASEEXT)');
- }
- else { # We don't have a "main" object file, so pull 'em all in
- # Upcase module names if linker is being case-sensitive
- my($upcase) = $Config{d_vms_case_sensitive_symbols};
- my(@omods) = map { s/\.[^.]*$//; # Trim off file type
- s[\$\(\w+_EXT\)][]; # even as a macro
- s/.*[:>\/\]]//; # Trim off dir spec
- $upcase ? uc($_) : $_;
- } split ' ', $self->eliminate_macros($self->{OBJECT});
- my($tmp,@lines,$elt) = '';
- my $tmp = shift @omods;
- foreach $elt (@omods) {
- $tmp .= ",$elt";
- if (length($tmp) > 80) { push @lines, $tmp; $tmp = ''; }
- }
- push @lines, $tmp;
- push @m, '(', join( qq[, -\\n\\t"";" >>\$(MMS\$TARGET)\n\t\$(PERL) -e "print ""], @lines),')';
- }
- push @m, '\n$(INST_STATIC)/Library\n"";" >>$(MMS$TARGET)',"\n";
- if (length $self->{LDLOADLIBS}) {
- my($lib); my($line) = '';
- foreach $lib (split ' ', $self->{LDLOADLIBS}) {
- $lib =~ s%\$%\\\$%g; # Escape '$' in VMS filespecs
- if (length($line) + length($lib) > 160) {
- push @m, "\t\$(PERL) -e \"print qq{$line}\" >>\$(MMS\$TARGET)\n";
- $line = $lib . '\n';
- }
- else { $line .= $lib . '\n'; }
- }
- push @m, "\t\$(PERL) -e \"print qq{$line}\" >>\$(MMS\$TARGET)\n" if $line;
- }
- join('',@m);
- }
- =item dynamic_lib (override)
- Use VMS Link command.
- =cut
- sub dynamic_lib {
- my($self, %attribs) = @_;
- return '' unless $self->needs_linking(); #might be because of a subdir
- return '' unless $self->has_link_code();
- my($otherldflags) = $attribs{OTHERLDFLAGS} || "";
- my($inst_dynamic_dep) = $attribs{INST_DYNAMIC_DEP} || "";
- my $shr = $Config{'dbgprefix'} . 'PerlShr';
- my(@m);
- push @m,"
- OTHERLDFLAGS = $otherldflags
- INST_DYNAMIC_DEP = $inst_dynamic_dep
- ";
- push @m, '
- If F$TrnLNm("',$shr,'").eqs."" Then Define/NoLog/User ',"$shr Sys\$Share:$shr.$Config{'dlext'}",'
- Link $(LDFLAGS) /Shareable=$(MMS$TARGET)$(OTHERLDFLAGS) $(BASEEXT).opt/Option,$(PERL_INC)perlshr_attr.opt/Option
- ';
- push @m, $self->dir_target('$(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)');
- join('',@m);
- }
- =item dynamic_bs (override)
- Use VMS-style quoting on Mkbootstrap command line.
- =cut
- sub dynamic_bs {
- my($self, %attribs) = @_;
- return '
- ' unless $self->has_link_code();
- '
- BOOTSTRAP = '."$self->{BASEEXT}.bs".'
- # As MakeMaker mkbootstrap might not write a file (if none is required)
- # we use touch to prevent make continually trying to remake it.
- # The DynaLoader only reads a non-empty file.
- $(BOOTSTRAP) : $(MAKEFILE) '."$self->{BOOTDEP}".' $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR).exists
- $(NOECHO) $(SAY) "Running mkbootstrap for $(NAME) ($(BSLOADLIBS))"
- -e "use ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap; Mkbootstrap(\'$(BASEEXT)\',\'$(BSLOADLIBS)\');"
- ';
- }
- =item static_lib (override)
- Use VMS commands to manipulate object library.
- =cut
- sub static_lib {
- my($self) = @_;
- return '' unless $self->needs_linking();
- return '
- ' unless ($self->{OBJECT} or @{$self->{C} || []} or $self->{MYEXTLIB});
- my(@m,$lib);
- push @m,'
- # Rely on suffix rule for update action
- ';
- # If this extension has it's own library (eg SDBM_File)
- # then copy that to $(INST_STATIC) and add $(OBJECT) into it.
- push(@m, "\t",'$(CP) $(MYEXTLIB) $(MMS$TARGET)',"\n") if $self->{MYEXTLIB};
- push(@m,"\t",'If F$Search("$(MMS$TARGET)").eqs."" Then Library/Object/Create $(MMS$TARGET)',"\n");
- # if there was a library to copy, then we can't use MMS$SOURCE_LIST,
- # 'cause it's a library and you can't stick them in other libraries.
- # In that case, we use $OBJECT instead and hope for the best
- if ($self->{MYEXTLIB}) {
- push(@m,"\t",'Library/Object/Replace $(MMS$TARGET) $(OBJECT)',"\n");
- } else {
- push(@m,"\t",'Library/Object/Replace $(MMS$TARGET) $(MMS$SOURCE_LIST)',"\n");
- }
- push @m, "\t\$(NOECHO) \$(PERL) -e 1 >\$(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)extralibs.ld\n";
- foreach $lib (split ' ', $self->{EXTRALIBS}) {
- push(@m,"\t",'$(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print qq{',$lib,'\n}" >>$(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)extralibs.ld',"\n");
- }
- push @m, $self->dir_target('$(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)');
- join('',@m);
- }
- =item manifypods (override)
- Use VMS-style quoting on command line, and VMS logical name
- to specify fallback location at build time if we can't find pod2man.
- =cut
- sub manifypods {
- my($self, %attribs) = @_;
- return "\nmanifypods :\n\t\$(NOECHO) \$(NOOP)\n" unless %{$self->{MAN3PODS}} or %{$self->{MAN1PODS}};
- my($dist);
- my($pod2man_exe);
- if (defined $self->{PERL_SRC}) {
- $pod2man_exe = $self->catfile($self->{PERL_SRC},'pod','pod2man');
- } else {
- $pod2man_exe = $self->catfile($Config{scriptdirexp},'pod2man');
- }
- if (not ($pod2man_exe = $self->perl_script($pod2man_exe))) {
- # No pod2man but some MAN3PODS to be installed
- print <<END;
- Warning: I could not locate your pod2man program. As a last choice,
- I will look for the file to which the logical name POD2MAN
- points when MMK is invoked.
- $pod2man_exe = "pod2man";
- }
- my(@m);
- push @m,
- qq[POD2MAN_EXE = $pod2man_exe\n],
- q[POD2MAN = $(PERL) -we "%m=@ARGV;for (keys %m){" -
- -e "system(""MCR $^X $(POD2MAN_EXE) $_ >$m{$_}"");}"
- ];
- push @m, "\nmanifypods : \$(MAN1PODS) \$(MAN3PODS)\n";
- if (%{$self->{MAN1PODS}} || %{$self->{MAN3PODS}}) {
- my($pod);
- foreach $pod (sort keys %{$self->{MAN1PODS}}) {
- push @m, qq[\t\@- If F\$Search("\$(POD2MAN_EXE)").nes."" Then \$(POD2MAN) ];
- push @m, "$pod $self->{MAN1PODS}{$pod}\n";
- }
- foreach $pod (sort keys %{$self->{MAN3PODS}}) {
- push @m, qq[\t\@- If F\$Search("\$(POD2MAN_EXE)").nes."" Then \$(POD2MAN) ];
- push @m, "$pod $self->{MAN3PODS}{$pod}\n";
- }
- }
- join('', @m);
- }
- =item processPL (override)
- Use VMS-style quoting on command line.
- =cut
- sub processPL {
- my($self) = @_;
- return "" unless $self->{PL_FILES};
- my(@m, $plfile);
- foreach $plfile (sort keys %{$self->{PL_FILES}}) {
- my $list = ref($self->{PL_FILES}->{$plfile})
- ? $self->{PL_FILES}->{$plfile}
- : [$self->{PL_FILES}->{$plfile}];
- foreach $target (@$list) {
- my $vmsplfile = vmsify($plfile);
- my $vmsfile = vmsify($target);
- push @m, "
- all :: $vmsfile
- \$(NOECHO) \$(NOOP)
- $vmsfile :: $vmsplfile
- ",' $(PERL) "-I$(INST_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(INST_LIB)" "-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(PERL_LIB)" '," $vmsplfile $vmsfile
- ";
- }
- }
- join "", @m;
- }
- =item installbin (override)
- Stay under DCL's 255 character command line limit once again by
- splitting potentially long list of files across multiple lines
- in C<realclean> target.
- =cut
- sub installbin {
- my($self) = @_;
- return '' unless $self->{EXE_FILES} && ref $self->{EXE_FILES} eq "ARRAY";
- return '' unless @{$self->{EXE_FILES}};
- my(@m, $from, $to, %fromto, @to, $line);
- my(@exefiles) = map { vmsify($_) } @{$self->{EXE_FILES}};
- for $from (@exefiles) {
- my($path) = '$(INST_SCRIPT)' . basename($from);
- local($_) = $path; # backward compatibility
- $to = $self->libscan($path);
- print "libscan($from) => '$to'\n" if ($Verbose >=2);
- $fromto{$from} = vmsify($to);
- }
- @to = values %fromto;
- push @m, "
- EXE_FILES = @exefiles
- all :: @to
- \$(NOECHO) \$(NOOP)
- realclean ::
- ";
- $line = ''; #avoid unitialized var warning
- foreach $to (@to) {
- if (length($line) + length($to) > 80) {
- push @m, "\t\$(RM_F) $line\n";
- $line = $to;
- }
- else { $line .= " $to"; }
- }
- push @m, "\t\$(RM_F) $line\n\n" if $line;
- while (($from,$to) = each %fromto) {
- last unless defined $from;
- my $todir;
- if ($to =~ m#[/>:\]]#) { $todir = dirname($to); }
- else { ($todir = $to) =~ s/[^\)]+$//; }
- $todir = $self->fixpath($todir,1);
- push @m, "
- $to : $from \$(MAKEFILE) ${todir}.exists
- \$(CP) $from $to
- ", $self->dir_target($todir);
- }
- join "", @m;
- }
- =item subdir_x (override)
- Use VMS commands to change default directory.
- =cut
- sub subdir_x {
- my($self, $subdir) = @_;
- my(@m,$key);
- $subdir = $self->fixpath($subdir,1);
- push @m, '
- subdirs ::
- olddef = F$Environment("Default")
- Set Default ',$subdir,'
- Set Default \'olddef\'
- ';
- join('',@m);
- }
- =item clean (override)
- Split potentially long list of files across multiple commands (in
- order to stay under the magic command line limit). Also use MM[SK]
- commands for handling subdirectories.
- =cut
- sub clean {
- my($self, %attribs) = @_;
- my(@m,$dir);
- push @m, '
- # Delete temporary files but do not touch installed files. We don\'t delete
- # the Descrip.MMS here so that a later make realclean still has it to use.
- clean ::
- ';
- foreach $dir (@{$self->{DIR}}) { # clean subdirectories first
- my($vmsdir) = $self->fixpath($dir,1);
- push( @m, ' If F$Search("'.$vmsdir.'$(MAKEFILE)").nes."" Then \\',"\n\t",
- '$(PERL) -e "chdir ',"'$vmsdir'",'; print `$(MMS)$(MMSQUALIFIERS) clean`;"',"\n");
- }
- push @m, ' $(RM_F) *.Map *.Dmp *.Lis *.cpp *.$(DLEXT) *$(OBJ_EXT) *$(LIB_EXT) *.Opt $(BOOTSTRAP) $(BASEEXT).bso .MM_Tmp
- ';
- my(@otherfiles) = values %{$self->{XS}}; # .c files from *.xs files
- # Unlink realclean, $attribs{FILES} is a string here; it may contain
- # a list or a macro that expands to a list.
- if ($attribs{FILES}) {
- my($word,$key,@filist);
- if (ref $attribs{FILES} eq 'ARRAY') { @filist = @{$attribs{FILES}}; }
- else { @filist = split /\s+/, $attribs{FILES}; }
- foreach $word (@filist) {
- if (($key) = $word =~ m#^\$\((.*)\)$# and ref $self->{$key} eq 'ARRAY') {
- push(@otherfiles, @{$self->{$key}});
- }
- else { push(@otherfiles, $word); }
- }
- }
- push(@otherfiles, qw[ blib $(MAKE_APERL_FILE) extralibs.ld perlmain.c pm_to_blib.ts ]);
- push(@otherfiles,$self->catfile('$(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)','extralibs.all'));
- my($file,$line);
- $line = ''; #avoid unitialized var warning
- # Occasionally files are repeated several times from different sources
- { my(%of) = map { ($_,1) } @otherfiles; @otherfiles = keys %of; }
- foreach $file (@otherfiles) {
- $file = $self->fixpath($file);
- if (length($line) + length($file) > 80) {
- push @m, "\t\$(RM_RF) $line\n";
- $line = "$file";
- }
- else { $line .= " $file"; }
- }
- push @m, "\t\$(RM_RF) $line\n" if $line;
- push(@m, " $attribs{POSTOP}\n") if $attribs{POSTOP};
- join('', @m);
- }
- =item realclean (override)
- Guess what we're working around? Also, use MM[SK] for subdirectories.
- =cut
- sub realclean {
- my($self, %attribs) = @_;
- my(@m);
- push(@m,'
- # Delete temporary files (via clean) and also delete installed files
- realclean :: clean
- ');
- foreach(@{$self->{DIR}}){
- my($vmsdir) = $self->fixpath($_,1);
- push(@m, ' If F$Search("'."$vmsdir".'$(MAKEFILE)").nes."" Then \\',"\n\t",
- '$(PERL) -e "chdir ',"'$vmsdir'",'; print `$(MMS)$(MMSQUALIFIERS) realclean`;"',"\n");
- }
- ';
- # We can't expand several of the MMS macros here, since they don't have
- # corresponding %$self keys (i.e. they're defined in Descrip.MMS as a
- # combination of macros). In order to stay below DCL's 255 char limit,
- # we put only 2 on a line.
- my($file,$line,$fcnt);
- my(@files) = qw{ $(MAKEFILE) $(MAKEFILE)_old };
- if ($self->has_link_code) {
- push(@files,qw{ $(INST_DYNAMIC) $(INST_STATIC) $(INST_BOOT) $(OBJECT) });
- }
- push(@files, values %{$self->{PM}});
- $line = ''; #avoid unitialized var warning
- # Occasionally files are repeated several times from different sources
- { my(%f) = map { ($_,1) } @files; @files = keys %f; }
- foreach $file (@files) {
- $file = $self->fixpath($file);
- if (length($line) + length($file) > 80 || ++$fcnt >= 2) {
- push @m, "\t\$(RM_F) $line\n";
- $line = "$file";
- $fcnt = 0;
- }
- else { $line .= " $file"; }
- }
- push @m, "\t\$(RM_F) $line\n" if $line;
- if ($attribs{FILES}) {
- my($word,$key,@filist,@allfiles);
- if (ref $attribs{FILES} eq 'ARRAY') { @filist = @{$attribs{FILES}}; }
- else { @filist = split /\s+/, $attribs{FILES}; }
- foreach $word (@filist) {
- if (($key) = $word =~ m#^\$\((.*)\)$# and ref $self->{$key} eq 'ARRAY') {
- push(@allfiles, @{$self->{$key}});
- }
- else { push(@allfiles, $word); }
- }
- $line = '';
- # Occasionally files are repeated several times from different sources
- { my(%af) = map { ($_,1) } @allfiles; @allfiles = keys %af; }
- foreach $file (@allfiles) {
- $file = $self->fixpath($file);
- if (length($line) + length($file) > 80) {
- push @m, "\t\$(RM_RF) $line\n";
- $line = "$file";
- }
- else { $line .= " $file"; }
- }
- push @m, "\t\$(RM_RF) $line\n" if $line;
- }
- push(@m, " $attribs{POSTOP}\n") if $attribs{POSTOP};
- join('', @m);
- }
- =item dist_basics (override)
- Use VMS-style quoting on command line.
- =cut
- sub dist_basics {
- my($self) = @_;
- '
- distclean :: realclean distcheck
- distcheck :
- $(PERL) "-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(PERL_LIB)" -e "use ExtUtils::Manifest \'&fullcheck\'; fullcheck()"
- skipcheck :
- $(PERL) "-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(PERL_LIB)" -e "use ExtUtils::Manifest \'&skipcheck\'; skipcheck()"
- manifest :
- $(PERL) "-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(PERL_LIB)" -e "use ExtUtils::Manifest \'&mkmanifest\'; mkmanifest()"
- ';
- }
- =item dist_core (override)
- Syntax for invoking F<VMS_Share> differs from that for Unix F<shar>,
- so C<shdist> target actions are VMS-specific.
- =cut
- sub dist_core {
- my($self) = @_;
- q[
- dist : $(DIST_DEFAULT)
- $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -le "print 'Warning: $m older than $vf' if -e ($vf = '$(VERSION_FROM)') && -M $vf < -M ($m = '$(MAKEFILE)')"
- zipdist : $(DISTVNAME).zip
- $(DISTVNAME).zip : distdir
- $(PREOP)
- $(ZIP) "$(ZIPFLAGS)" $(MMS$TARGET) [.$(DISTVNAME)...]*.*;
- $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX) : distdir
- $(PREOP)
- $(TO_UNIX)
- shdist : distdir
- $(PREOP)
- $(SHAR) [.$(DISTVNAME...]*.*; $(DISTVNAME).share
- ];
- }
- =item dist_dir (override)
- Use VMS-style quoting on command line.
- =cut
- sub dist_dir {
- my($self) = @_;
- q{
- distdir :
- $(PERL) "-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(PERL_LIB)" -e "use ExtUtils::Manifest '/mani/';" \\
- -e "manicopy(maniread(),'$(DISTVNAME)','$(DIST_CP)');"
- };
- }
- =item dist_test (override)
- Use VMS commands to change default directory, and use VMS-style
- quoting on command line.
- =cut
- sub dist_test {
- my($self) = @_;
- q{
- disttest : distdir
- startdir = F$Environment("Default")
- Set Default [.$(DISTVNAME)]
- $(PERL) "-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(PERL_LIB)" Makefile.PL
- Set Default 'startdir'
- };
- }
- # --- Test and Installation Sections ---
- =item install (override)
- Work around DCL's 255 character limit several times,and use
- VMS-style command line quoting in a few cases.
- =cut
- sub install {
- my($self, %attribs) = @_;
- my(@m,@docfiles);
- if ($self->{EXE_FILES}) {
- my($line,$file) = ('','');
- foreach $file (@{$self->{EXE_FILES}}) {
- $line .= "$file ";
- if (length($line) > 128) {
- push(@docfiles,qq[\t\$(PERL) -e "print '$line'" >>.MM_tmp\n]);
- $line = '';
- }
- }
- push(@docfiles,qq[\t\$(PERL) -e "print '$line'" >>.MM_tmp\n]) if $line;
- }
- push @m, q[
- install :: all pure_install doc_install
- install_perl :: all pure_perl_install doc_perl_install
- install_site :: all pure_site_install doc_site_install
- install_ :: install_site
- $(NOECHO) $(SAY) "INSTALLDIRS not defined, defaulting to INSTALLDIRS=site"
- pure_install :: pure_$(INSTALLDIRS)_install
- doc_install :: doc_$(INSTALLDIRS)_install
- $(NOECHO) $(SAY) "Appending installation info to $(INSTALLARCHLIB)perllocal.pod"
- pure__install : pure_site_install
- $(NOECHO) $(SAY) "INSTALLDIRS not defined, defaulting to INSTALLDIRS=site"
- doc__install : doc_site_install
- $(NOECHO) $(SAY) "INSTALLDIRS not defined, defaulting to INSTALLDIRS=site"
- # This hack brought to you by DCL's 255-character command line limit
- pure_perl_install ::
- $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print 'read ].$self->catfile('$(PERL_ARCHLIB)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q[ '" >.MM_tmp
- $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print 'write ].$self->catfile('$(INSTALLARCHLIB)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q[ '" >>.MM_tmp
- $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print '$(INST_LIB) $(INSTALLPRIVLIB) '" >>.MM_tmp
- $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print '$(INST_ARCHLIB) $(INSTALLARCHLIB) '" >>.MM_tmp
- $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print '$(INST_BIN) $(INSTALLBIN) '" >>.MM_tmp
- $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print '$(INST_SCRIPT) $(INSTALLSCRIPT) '" >>.MM_tmp
- $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print '$(INST_MAN1DIR) $(INSTALLMAN1DIR) '" >>.MM_tmp
- $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print '$(INST_MAN3DIR) $(INSTALLMAN3DIR) '" >>.MM_tmp
- $(MOD_INSTALL) <.MM_tmp
- $(NOECHO) Delete/NoLog/NoConfirm .MM_tmp;
- $(NOECHO) $(WARN_IF_OLD_PACKLIST) ].$self->catfile('$(SITEARCHEXP)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q[
- # Likewise
- pure_site_install ::
- $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print 'read ].$self->catfile('$(SITEARCHEXP)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q[ '" >.MM_tmp
- $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print 'write ].$self->catfile('$(INSTALLSITEARCH)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q[ '" >>.MM_tmp
- $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print '$(INST_LIB) $(INSTALLSITELIB) '" >>.MM_tmp
- $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print '$(INST_ARCHLIB) $(INSTALLSITEARCH) '" >>.MM_tmp
- $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print '$(INST_BIN) $(INSTALLBIN) '" >>.MM_tmp
- $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print '$(INST_SCRIPT) $(INSTALLSCRIPT) '" >>.MM_tmp
- $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print '$(INST_MAN1DIR) $(INSTALLMAN1DIR) '" >>.MM_tmp
- $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print '$(INST_MAN3DIR) $(INSTALLMAN3DIR) '" >>.MM_tmp
- $(MOD_INSTALL) <.MM_tmp
- $(NOECHO) Delete/NoLog/NoConfirm .MM_tmp;
- $(NOECHO) $(WARN_IF_OLD_PACKLIST) ].$self->catfile('$(PERL_ARCHLIB)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q[
- # Ditto
- doc_perl_install ::
- $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print 'Module $(NAME)|installed into|$(INSTALLPRIVLIB)|'" >.MM_tmp
- ],@docfiles,
- q% $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print q[@ARGV=split(/\\|/,<STDIN>);]" >.MM2_tmp
- $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print q[print '=head2 ',scalar(localtime),': C<',shift,qq[>\\n\\n=over 4\\n\\n];]" >>.MM2_tmp
- $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print q[while(($key=shift) && ($val=shift)) ]" >>.MM2_tmp
- $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print q[{print qq[=item *\\n\\nC<$key: $val>\\n\\n];}print qq[=back\\n\\n];]" >>.MM2_tmp
- $(NOECHO) $(PERL) .MM2_tmp <.MM_tmp >>%.$self->catfile('$(INSTALLARCHLIB)','perllocal.pod').q[
- $(NOECHO) Delete/NoLog/NoConfirm .MM_tmp;,.MM2_tmp;
- # And again
- doc_site_install ::
- $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print 'Module $(NAME)|installed into|$(INSTALLSITELIB)|'" >.MM_tmp
- ],@docfiles,
- q% $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print q[@ARGV=split(/\\|/,<STDIN>);]" >.MM2_tmp
- $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print q[print '=head2 ',scalar(localtime),': C<',shift,qq[>\\n\\n=over 4\\n\\n];]" >>.MM2_tmp
- $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print q[while(($key=shift) && ($val=shift)) ]" >>.MM2_tmp
- $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print q[{print qq[=item *\\n\\nC<$key: $val>\\n\\n];}print qq[=back\\n\\n];]" >>.MM2_tmp
- $(NOECHO) $(PERL) .MM2_tmp <.MM_tmp >>%.$self->catfile('$(INSTALLARCHLIB)','perllocal.pod').q[
- $(NOECHO) Delete/NoLog/NoConfirm .MM_tmp;,.MM2_tmp;
- ];
- push @m, q[
- uninstall :: uninstall_from_$(INSTALLDIRS)dirs
- uninstall_from_perldirs ::
- $(NOECHO) $(UNINSTALL) ].$self->catfile('$(PERL_ARCHLIB)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q[
- $(NOECHO) $(SAY) "Uninstall is now deprecated and makes no actual changes."
- $(NOECHO) $(SAY) "Please check the list above carefully for errors, and manually remove"
- $(NOECHO) $(SAY) "the appropriate files. Sorry for the inconvenience."
- uninstall_from_sitedirs ::
- $(NOECHO) $(UNINSTALL) ],$self->catfile('$(SITEARCHEXP)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist'),"\n",q[
- $(NOECHO) $(SAY) "Uninstall is now deprecated and makes no actual changes."
- $(NOECHO) $(SAY) "Please check the list above carefully for errors, and manually remove"
- $(NOECHO) $(SAY) "the appropriate files. Sorry for the inconvenience."
- ];
- join('',@m);
- }
- =item perldepend (override)
- Use VMS-style syntax for files; it's cheaper to just do it directly here
- than to have the MM_Unix method call C<catfile> repeatedly. Also, if
- we have to rebuild Config.pm, use MM[SK] to do it.
- =cut
- sub perldepend {
- my($self) = @_;
- my(@m);
- push @m, '
- $(OBJECT) : $(PERL_INC)cop.h, $(PERL_INC)cv.h, $(PERL_INC)embed.h, $(PERL_INC)form.h
- $(OBJECT) : $(PERL_INC)gv.h, $(PERL_INC)handy.h, $(PERL_INC)hv.h, $(PERL_INC)keywords.h
- $(OBJECT) : $(PERL_INC)mg.h, $(PERL_INC)op.h, $(PERL_INC)opcode.h, $(PERL_INC)patchlevel.h
- $(OBJECT) : $(PERL_INC)perl.h, $(PERL_INC)perly.h, $(PERL_INC)pp.h, $(PERL_INC)proto.h
- $(OBJECT) : $(PERL_INC)regcomp.h, $(PERL_INC)regexp.h, $(PERL_INC)scope.h, $(PERL_INC)sv.h
- $(OBJECT) : $(PERL_INC)vmsish.h, $(PERL_INC)util.h, $(PERL_INC)config.h
- $(OBJECT) : $(PERL_INC)iperlsys.h
- ' if $self->{OBJECT};
- if ($self->{PERL_SRC}) {
- my(@macros);
- my($mmsquals) = '$(USEMAKEFILE)[.vms]$(MAKEFILE)';
- push(@macros,'__AXP__=1') if $Config{'arch'} eq 'VMS_AXP';
- push(@macros,'DECC=1') if $Config{'vms_cc_type'} eq 'decc';
- push(@macros,'GNUC=1') if $Config{'vms_cc_type'} eq 'gcc';
- push(@macros,'SOCKET=1') if $Config{'d_has_sockets'};
- push(@macros,qq["CC=$Config{'cc'}"]) if $Config{'cc'} =~ m!/!;
- $mmsquals .= '$(USEMACROS)' . join(',',@macros) . '$(MACROEND)' if @macros;
- push(@m,q[
- # Check for unpropagated config.sh changes. Should never happen.
- # We do NOT just update config.h because that is not sufficient.
- # An out of date config.h is not fatal but complains loudly!
- $(PERL_INC)config.h : $(PERL_SRC)config.sh
- $(PERL_ARCHLIB)Config.pm : $(PERL_SRC)config.sh
- $(NOECHO) Write Sys$Error "$(PERL_ARCHLIB)Config.pm may be out of date with config.h or genconfig.pl"
- olddef = F$Environment("Default")
- Set Default $(PERL_SRC)
- $(MMS)],$mmsquals,);
- if ($self->{PERL_ARCHLIB} =~ m|\[-| && $self->{PERL_SRC} =~ m|(\[-+)|) {
- my($prefix,$target) = ($1,$self->fixpath('$(PERL_ARCHLIB)Config.pm',0));
- $target =~ s/\Q$prefix/[/;
- push(@m," $target");
- }
- else { push(@m,' $(MMS$TARGET)'); }
- push(@m,q[
- Set Default 'olddef'
- ]);
- }
- push(@m, join(" ", map($self->fixpath($_,0),values %{$self->{XS}}))." : \$(XSUBPPDEPS)\n")
- if %{$self->{XS}};
- join('',@m);
- }
- =item makefile (override)
- Use VMS commands and quoting.
- =cut
- sub makefile {
- my($self) = @_;
- my(@m,@cmd);
- # We do not know what target was originally specified so we
- # must force a manual rerun to be sure. But as it should only
- # happen very rarely it is not a significant problem.
- push @m, q[
- ] if $self->{OBJECT};
- push @m,q[
- # We take a very conservative approach here, but it\'s worth it.
- # We move $(MAKEFILE) to $(MAKEFILE)_old here to avoid gnu make looping.
- $(MAKEFILE) : Makefile.PL $(CONFIGDEP)
- $(NOECHO) $(SAY) "$(MAKEFILE) out-of-date with respect to $(MMS$SOURCE_LIST)"
- $(NOECHO) $(SAY) "Cleaning current config before rebuilding $(MAKEFILE) ..."
- - $(MV) $(MAKEFILE) $(MAKEFILE)_old
- $(PERL) "-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(PERL_LIB)" Makefile.PL ],join(' ',map(qq["$_"],@ARGV)),q[
- $(NOECHO) $(SAY) "$(MAKEFILE) has been rebuilt."
- $(NOECHO) $(SAY) "Please run $(MMS) to build the extension."
- ];
- join('',@m);
- }
- =item test (override)
- Use VMS commands for handling subdirectories.
- =cut
- sub test {
- my($self, %attribs) = @_;
- my($tests) = $attribs{TESTS} || ( -d 't' ? 't/*.t' : '');
- my(@m);
- push @m,"
- TEST_FILE = test.pl
- TESTDB_SW = -d
- test :: \$(TEST_TYPE)
- \$(NOECHO) \$(NOOP)
- testdb :: testdb_\$(LINKTYPE)
- \$(NOECHO) \$(NOOP)
- ";
- foreach(@{$self->{DIR}}){
- my($vmsdir) = $self->fixpath($_,1);
- push(@m, ' If F$Search("',$vmsdir,'$(MAKEFILE)").nes."" Then $(PERL) -e "chdir ',"'$vmsdir'",
- '; print `$(MMS)$(MMSQUALIFIERS) $(PASTHRU2) test`'."\n");
- }
- push(@m, "\t\$(NOECHO) \$(SAY) \"No tests defined for \$(NAME) extension.\"\n")
- unless $tests or -f "test.pl" or @{$self->{DIR}};
- push(@m, "\n");
- push(@m, "test_dynamic :: pure_all\n");
- push(@m, $self->test_via_harness('$(FULLPERL)', $tests)) if $tests;
- push(@m, $self->test_via_script('$(FULLPERL)', 'test.pl')) if -f "test.pl";
- push(@m, "\t\$(NOECHO) \$(NOOP)\n") if (!$tests && ! -f "test.pl");
- push(@m, "\n");
- push(@m, "testdb_dynamic :: pure_all\n");
- push(@m, $self->test_via_script('$(FULLPERL) "$(TESTDB_SW)"', '$(TEST_FILE)'));
- push(@m, "\n");
- # Occasionally we may face this degenerate target:
- push @m, "test_ : test_dynamic\n\n";
- if ($self->needs_linking()) {
- push(@m, "test_static :: pure_all \$(MAP_TARGET)\n");
- push(@m, $self->test_via_harness('$(MAP_TARGET)', $tests)) if $tests;
- push(@m, $self->test_via_script('$(MAP_TARGET)', 'test.pl')) if -f 'test.pl';
- push(@m, "\n");
- push(@m, "testdb_static :: pure_all \$(MAP_TARGET)\n");
- push(@m, $self->test_via_script('$(MAP_TARGET) $(TESTDB_SW)', '$(TEST_FILE)'));
- push(@m, "\n");
- }
- else {
- push @m, "test_static :: test_dynamic\n\t\$(NOECHO) \$(NOOP)\n\n";
- push @m, "testdb_static :: testdb_dynamic\n\t\$(NOECHO) \$(NOOP)\n";
- }
- join('',@m);
- }
- =item test_via_harness (override)
- Use VMS-style quoting on command line.
- =cut
- sub test_via_harness {
- my($self,$perl,$tests) = @_;
- " $perl".' "-I$(INST_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(INST_LIB)" "-I$(PERL_LIB)" "-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)" \\'."\n\t".
- '-e "use Test::Harness qw(&runtests $verbose); $verbose=$(TEST_VERBOSE); runtests @ARGV;" \\'."\n\t$tests\n";
- }
- =item test_via_script (override)
- Use VMS-style quoting on command line.
- =cut
- sub test_via_script {
- my($self,$perl,$script) = @_;
- " $perl".' "-I$(INST_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(INST_LIB)" "-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(PERL_LIB)" '.$script.'
- ';
- }
- =item makeaperl (override)
- Undertake to build a new set of Perl images using VMS commands. Since
- VMS does dynamic loading, it's not necessary to statically link each
- extension into the Perl image, so this isn't the normal build path.
- Consequently, it hasn't really been tested, and may well be incomplete.
- =cut
- sub makeaperl {
- my($self, %attribs) = @_;
- my($makefilename, $searchdirs, $static, $extra, $perlinc, $target, $tmp, $libperl) =
- my(@m);
- push @m, "
- # --- MakeMaker makeaperl section ---
- MAP_TARGET = $target
- ";
- return join '', @m if $self->{PARENT};
- my($dir) = join ":", @{$self->{DIR}};
- unless ($self->{MAKEAPERL}) {
- push @m, q{
- $(NOECHO) $(SAY) "Writing ""$(MMS$TARGET)"" for this $(MAP_TARGET)"
- Makefile.PL DIR=}, $dir, q{ \
- push @m, map(q[ \\\n\t\t"$_"], @ARGV),q{
- };
- push @m, "\n";
- return join '', @m;
- }
- my($linkcmd,@optlibs,@staticpkgs,$extralist,$targdir,$libperldir,%libseen);
- local($_);
- # The front matter of the linkcommand...
- $linkcmd = join ' ', $Config{'ld'},
- grep($_, @Config{qw(large split ldflags ccdlflags)});
- $linkcmd =~ s/\s+/ /g;
- # Which *.olb files could we make use of...
- local(%olbs);
- $olbs{$self->{INST_ARCHAUTODIR}} = "$self->{BASEEXT}\$(LIB_EXT)";
- require File::Find;
- File::Find::find(sub {
- return unless m/\Q$self->{LIB_EXT}\E$/;
- return if m/^libperl/;
- if( exists $self->{INCLUDE_EXT} ){
- my $found = 0;
- my $incl;
- my $xx;
- ($xx = $File::Find::name) =~ s,.*?/auto/,,;
- $xx =~ s,/?$_,,;
- $xx =~ s,/,::,g;
- # Throw away anything not explicitly marked for inclusion.
- # DynaLoader is implied.
- foreach $incl ((@{$self->{INCLUDE_EXT}},'DynaLoader')){
- if( $xx eq $incl ){
- $found++;
- last;
- }
- }
- return unless $found;
- }
- elsif( exists $self->{EXCLUDE_EXT} ){
- my $excl;
- my $xx;
- ($xx = $File::Find::name) =~ s,.*?/auto/,,;
- $xx =~ s,/?$_,,;
- $xx =~ s,/,::,g;
- # Throw away anything explicitly marked for exclusion
- foreach $excl (@{$self->{EXCLUDE_EXT}}){
- return if( $xx eq $excl );
- }
- }
- $olbs{$ENV{DEFAULT}} = $_;
- }, grep( -d $_, @{$searchdirs || []}));
- # We trust that what has been handed in as argument will be buildable
- $static = [] unless $static;
- @olbs{@{$static}} = (1) x @{$static};
- $extra = [] unless $extra && ref $extra eq 'ARRAY';
- # Sort the object libraries in inverse order of
- # filespec length to try to insure that dependent extensions
- # will appear before their parents, so the linker will
- # search the parent library to resolve references.
- # (e.g. Intuit::DWIM will precede Intuit, so unresolved
- # references from [.intuit.dwim]dwim.obj can be found
- # in [.intuit]intuit.olb).
- for (sort { length($a) <=> length($b) } keys %olbs) {
- next unless $olbs{$_} =~ /\Q$self->{LIB_EXT}\E$/;
- my($dir) = $self->fixpath($_,1);
- my($extralibs) = $dir . "extralibs.ld";
- my($extopt) = $dir . $olbs{$_};
- $extopt =~ s/$self->{LIB_EXT}$/.opt/;
- push @optlibs, "$dir$olbs{$_}";
- # Get external libraries this extension will need
- if (-f $extralibs ) {
- my %seenthis;
- open LIST,$extralibs or warn $!,next;
- while (<LIST>) {
- chomp;
- # Include a library in the link only once, unless it's mentioned
- # multiple times within a single extension's options file, in which
- # case we assume the builder needed to search it again later in the
- # link.
- my $skip = exists($libseen{$_}) && !exists($seenthis{$_});
- $libseen{$_}++; $seenthis{$_}++;
- next if $skip;
- push @$extra,$_;
- }
- close LIST;
- }
- # Get full name of extension for ExtUtils::Miniperl
- if (-f $extopt) {
- open OPT,$extopt or die $!;
- while (<OPT>) {
- next unless /(?:UNIVERSAL|VECTOR)=boot_([\w_]+)/;
- my $pkg = $1;
- $pkg =~ s#__*#::#g;
- push @staticpkgs,$pkg;
- }
- }
- }
- # Place all of the external libraries after all of the Perl extension
- # libraries in the final link, in order to maximize the opportunity
- # for XS code from multiple extensions to resolve symbols against the
- # same external library while only including that library once.
- push @optlibs, @$extra;
- $target = "Perl$Config{'exe_ext'}" unless $target;
- ($shrtarget,$targdir) = fileparse($target);
- $shrtarget =~ s/^([^.]*)/$1Shr/;
- $shrtarget = $targdir . $shrtarget;
- $target = "Perlshr.$Config{'dlext'}" unless $target;
- $tmp = "[]" unless $tmp;
- $tmp = $self->fixpath($tmp,1);
- if (@optlibs) { $extralist = join(' ',@optlibs); }
- else { $extralist = ''; }
- # Let ExtUtils::Liblist find the necessary libs for us (but skip PerlShr)
- # that's what we're building here).
- push @optlibs, grep { !/PerlShr/i } split ' ', +($self->ext())[2];
- if ($libperl) {
- unless (-f $libperl || -f ($libperl = $self->catfile($Config{'installarchlib'},'CORE',$libperl))) {
- print STDOUT "Warning: $libperl not found\n";
- undef $libperl;
- }
- }
- unless ($libperl) {
- if (defined $self->{PERL_SRC}) {
- $libperl = $self->catfile($self->{PERL_SRC},"libperl$self->{LIB_EXT}");
- } elsif (-f ($libperl = $self->catfile($Config{'installarchlib'},'CORE',"libperl$self->{LIB_EXT}")) ) {
- } else {
- print STDOUT "Warning: $libperl not found
- If you're going to build a static perl binary, make sure perl is installed
- otherwise ignore this warning\n";
- }
- }
- $libperldir = $self->fixpath((fileparse($libperl))[1],1);
- push @m, '
- # Fill in the target you want to produce if it\'s not perl
- MAP_TARGET = ',$self->fixpath($target,0),'
- MAP_SHRTARGET = ',$self->fixpath($shrtarget,0),"
- MAP_LINKCMD = $linkcmd
- MAP_PERLINC = ", $perlinc ? map('"$_" ',@{$perlinc}) : '',"
- MAP_EXTRA = $extralist
- MAP_LIBPERL = ",$self->fixpath($libperl,0),'
- ';
- push @m,"\n${tmp}Makeaperl.Opt : \$(MAP_EXTRA)\n";
- foreach (@optlibs) {
- push @m,' $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print q{',$_,'}" >>$(MMS$TARGET)',"\n";
- }
- push @m,"\n${tmp}PerlShr.Opt :\n\t";
- push @m,'$(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print q{$(MAP_SHRTARGET)}" >$(MMS$TARGET)',"\n";
- push @m,'
- $(MAP_SHRTARGET) : $(MAP_LIBPERL) Makeaperl.Opt ',"${libperldir}Perlshr_Attr.Opt",'
- $(MAP_LINKCMD)/Shareable=$(MMS$TARGET) $(MAP_LIBPERL), Makeaperl.Opt/Option ',"${libperldir}Perlshr_Attr.Opt/Option",'
- $(MAP_TARGET) : $(MAP_SHRTARGET) ',"${tmp}perlmain\$(OBJ_EXT) ${tmp}PerlShr.Opt",'
- $(MAP_LINKCMD) ',"${tmp}perlmain\$(OBJ_EXT)",', PerlShr.Opt/Option
- $(NOECHO) $(SAY) "To install the new ""$(MAP_TARGET)"" binary, say"
- $(NOECHO) $(SAY) "To remove the intermediate files, say
- ';
- push @m,"\n${tmp}perlmain.c : \$(MAKEFILE)\n\t\$(NOECHO) \$(PERL) -e 1 >${tmp}Writemain.tmp\n";
- push @m, "# More from the 255-char line length limit\n";
- foreach (@staticpkgs) {
- push @m,' $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print q{',$_,qq[}" >>${tmp}Writemain.tmp\n];
- }
- push @m,'
- $(NOECHO) $(PERL) $(MAP_PERLINC) -ane "use ExtUtils::Miniperl; writemain(@F)" ',$tmp,'Writemain.tmp >$(MMS$TARGET)
- $(NOECHO) $(RM_F) ',"${tmp}Writemain.tmp\n";
- push @m, q[
- # Still more from the 255-char line length limit
- doc_inst_perl :
- $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print 'Perl binary $(MAP_TARGET)|'" >.MM_tmp
- $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print 'MAP_STATIC|$(MAP_STATIC)|'" >>.MM_tmp
- $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -pl040 -e " " ].$self->catfile('$(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)','extralibs.all'),q[ >>.MM_tmp
- $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print 'MAP_LIBPERL|$(MAP_LIBPERL)|'" >>.MM_tmp
- $(DOC_INSTALL) <.MM_tmp >>].$self->catfile('$(INSTALLARCHLIB)','perllocal.pod').q[
- $(NOECHO) Delete/NoLog/NoConfirm .MM_tmp;
- ];
- push @m, "
- inst_perl : pure_inst_perl doc_inst_perl
- \$(NOECHO) \$(NOOP)
- pure_inst_perl : \$(MAP_TARGET)
- $self->{CP} \$(MAP_SHRTARGET) ",$self->fixpath($Config{'installbin'},1),"
- $self->{CP} \$(MAP_TARGET) ",$self->fixpath($Config{'installbin'},1),"
- clean :: map_clean
- \$(NOECHO) \$(NOOP)
- map_clean :
- \$(RM_F) ${tmp}perlmain\$(OBJ_EXT) ${tmp}perlmain.c \$(MAKEFILE)
- \$(RM_F) ${tmp}Makeaperl.Opt ${tmp}PerlShr.Opt \$(MAP_TARGET)
- ";
- join '', @m;
- }
- # --- Output postprocessing section ---
- =item nicetext (override)
- Insure that colons marking targets are preceded by space, in order
- to distinguish the target delimiter from a colon appearing as
- part of a filespec.
- =cut
- sub nicetext {
- my($self,$text) = @_;
- $text =~ s/([^\s:])(:+\s)/$1 $2/gs;
- $text;
- }
- 1;
- =back
- =cut
- __END__