This seemingly useless piece of code below is not that useless. It demonstrates the methods used to perform a database session in a transactional state. First, we set the Mode of the Connection object to a read/write mode, then <B>BeginTrans()</B> ignites the transaction. A query is executed and then the transaction is rolled back for fun by calling <B>RollbackTrans()</B>. Lastly, a call to <B>CommitTrans()</B> is made, and it does not do anything because the transaction has been rolled back. Something commonly misunderstood about transactions is that it will not automatically roll back if an error occurs -- you have to do error-checking and then tell the code to roll back on the occurance of an error. No changes made during the transaction are finalized or submitted until <B>CommitTrans()</B> is called, so if you remove the call to RollbackTrans(), you will see that an update occurs provided that you have the database settings configured for a database available on your system.