Creates a new ODBC connection based on <CODE>DSN</CODE>, or, if you specify an
already existing ODBC object, then a new ODBC object will be created
but using the ODBC Connection specified by <CODE>ODBC_OBJECT</CODE>. (The new
object will be a new <EM>hstmt</EM> using the <EM>hdbc</EM> connection in
<P><CODE>DSN</CODE> is <EM>Data Source Name</EM> or a proper <CODE>ODBCDriverConnect</CODE> string.</P>
<P>You can specify SQL Connect Options that are implemented before the
actual connection to the DSN takes place. These option/values are the
same as specified in <A HREF="#item_GetConnectOption"><CODE>GetConnectOption</CODE></A>/<A HREF="#item_SetConnectOption"><CODE>SetConnectOption</CODE></A> (see
below) and are defined in the ODBC API specs.</P>
<P>Returns a handle to the database on success, or <EM>undef</EM> on failure.</P>
<H1><A NAME="methods">METHODS</A></H1>
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_Catalog">Catalog ( QUALIFIER, OWNER, NAME, TYPE )</A></STRONG><BR>
Tells ODBC to create a data set that contains table information about
the DSN. Use <CODE>Fetch</CODE> and <A HREF="#item_Data"><CODE>Data</CODE></A> or <A HREF="#item_DataHash"><CODE>DataHash</CODE></A> to retrieve the data.