<P>For ease of use also the SEEK_* constants (for <A HREF="../lib/Pod/perlfunc.html#item_seek"><CODE>seek()</CODE></A> and sysseek(),
e.g. SEEK_END) and the S_I* constants (for <A HREF="../lib/Pod/perlfunc.html#item_chmod"><CODE>chmod()</CODE></A> and <A HREF="../lib/Pod/perlfunc.html#item_stat"><CODE>stat())</CODE></A> are
available for import. They can be imported either separately or using
the tags <CODE>:seek</CODE> and <CODE>:mode</CODE>.</P>
<P>Please refer to your native fcntl(2), open(2), fseek(3), <CODE>lseek(2)</CODE>
(equal to Perl's <A HREF="../lib/Pod/perlfunc.html#item_seek"><CODE>seek()</CODE></A> and sysseek(), respectively), and <A HREF="../lib/Pod/perlfunc.html#item_chmod"><CODE>chmod(2)</CODE></A>
documentation to see what constants are implemented in your system.</P>
<P>See <A HREF="../lib/Pod/perlopentut.html">the perlopentut manpage</A> to learn about the uses of the O_* constants
with sysopen().</P>
<P>See <A HREF="../lib/Pod/perlfunc.html#seek">seek in the perlfunc manpage</A> and <A HREF="../lib/Pod/perlfunc.html#sysseek">sysseek in the perlfunc manpage</A> about the SEEK_* constants.</P>
<P>See <A HREF="../lib/Pod/perlfunc.html#stat">stat in the perlfunc manpage</A> about the S_I* constants.</P>