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- =head1 NAME
- perldelta - what's new for perl v5.6.0
- This document describes differences between the 5.005 release and this one.
- =head1 Core Enhancements
- =head2 Interpreter cloning, threads, and concurrency
- Perl 5.005_63 introduces the beginnings of support for running multiple
- interpreters concurrently in different threads. In conjunction with
- the perl_clone() API call, which can be used to selectively duplicate
- the state of any given interpreter, it is possible to compile a
- piece of code once in an interpreter, clone that interpreter
- one or more times, and run all the resulting interpreters in distinct
- threads.
- On the Windows platform, this feature is used to emulate fork() at the
- interpreter level. See L<perlfork> for details about that.
- This feature is still in evolution. It is eventually meant to be used
- to selectively clone a subroutine and data reachable from that
- subroutine in a separate interpreter and run the cloned subroutine
- in a separate thread. Since there is no shared data between the
- interpreters, little or no locking will be needed (unless parts of
- the symbol table are explicitly shared). This is obviously intended
- to be an easy-to-use replacement for the existing threads support.
- Support for cloning interpreters and interpreter concurrency can be
- enabled using the -Dusethreads Configure option (see win32/Makefile for
- how to enable it on Windows.) The resulting perl executable will be
- functionally identical to one that was built with -Dmultiplicity, but
- the perl_clone() API call will only be available in the former.
- -Dusethreads enables the cpp macro USE_ITHREADS by default, which in turn
- enables Perl source code changes that provide a clear separation between
- the op tree and the data it operates with. The former is immutable, and
- can therefore be shared between an interpreter and all of its clones,
- while the latter is considered local to each interpreter, and is therefore
- copied for each clone.
- Note that building Perl with the -Dusemultiplicity Configure option
- is adequate if you wish to run multiple B<independent> interpreters
- concurrently in different threads. -Dusethreads only provides the
- additional functionality of the perl_clone() API call and other
- support for running B<cloned> interpreters concurrently.
- NOTE: This is an experimental feature. Implementation details are
- subject to change.
- =head2 Lexically scoped warning categories
- You can now control the granularity of warnings emitted by perl at a finer
- level using the C<use warnings> pragma. L<warnings> and L<perllexwarn>
- have copious documentation on this feature.
- =head2 Unicode and UTF-8 support
- Perl now uses UTF-8 as its internal representation for character
- strings. The C<utf8> and C<bytes> pragmas are used to control this support
- in the current lexical scope. See L<perlunicode>, L<utf8> and L<bytes> for
- more information.
- This feature is expected to evolve quickly to support some form of I/O
- disciplines that can be used to specify the kind of input and output data
- (bytes or characters). Until that happens, additional modules from CPAN
- will be needed to complete the toolkit for dealing with Unicode.
- NOTE: This should be considered an experimental feature. Implementation
- details are subject to change.
- =head2 Support for interpolating named characters
- The new C<\N> escape interpolates named characters within strings.
- For example, C<"Hi! \N{WHITE SMILING FACE}"> evaluates to a string
- with a unicode smiley face at the end.
- =head2 "our" declarations
- An "our" declaration introduces a value that can be best understood
- as a lexically scoped symbolic alias to a global variable in the
- package that was current where the variable was declared. This is
- mostly useful as an alternative to the C<vars> pragma, but also provides
- the opportunity to introduce typing and other attributes for such
- variables. See L<perlfunc/our>.
- =head2 Support for strings represented as a vector of ordinals
- Literals of the form C<v1.2.3.4> are now parsed as a string composed
- of characters with the specified ordinals. This is an alternative, more
- readable way to construct (possibly unicode) strings instead of
- interpolating characters, as in C<"\x{1}\x{2}\x{3}\x{4}">. The leading
- C<v> may be omitted if there are more than two ordinals, so C<1.2.3> is
- parsed the same as C<v1.2.3>.
- Strings written in this form are also useful to represent version "numbers".
- It is easy to compare such version "numbers" (which are really just plain
- strings) using any of the usual string comparison operators C<eq>, C<ne>,
- C<lt>, C<gt>, etc., or perform bitwise string operations on them using C<|>,
- C<&>, etc.
- In conjunction with the new C<$^V> magic variable (which contains
- the perl version as a string), such literals can be used as a readable way
- to check if you're running a particular version of Perl:
- # this will parse in older versions of Perl also
- if ($^V and $^V gt v5.6.0) {
- # new features supported
- }
- C<require> and C<use> also have some special magic to support such literals.
- They will be interpreted as a version rather than as a module name:
- require v5.6.0; # croak if $^V lt v5.6.0
- use v5.6.0; # same, but croaks at compile-time
- Alternatively, the C<v> may be omitted if there is more than one dot:
- require 5.6.0;
- use 5.6.0;
- Also, C<sprintf> and C<printf> support the Perl-specific format flag C<%v>
- to print ordinals of characters in arbitrary strings:
- printf "v%vd", $^V; # prints current version, such as "v5.5.650"
- printf "%*vX", ":", $addr; # formats IPv6 address
- printf "%*vb", " ", $bits; # displays bitstring
- See L<perldata/"Scalar value constructors"> for additional information.
- =head2 Improved Perl version numbering system
- Beginning with Perl version 5.6.0, the version number convention has been
- changed to a "dotted integer" scheme that is more commonly found in open
- source projects.
- Maintenance versions of v5.6.0 will be released as v5.6.1, v5.6.2 etc.
- The next development series following v5.6.0 will be numbered v5.7.x,
- beginning with v5.7.0, and the next major production release following
- v5.6.0 will be v5.8.0.
- The English module now sets $PERL_VERSION to $^V (a string value) rather
- than C<$]> (a numeric value). (This is a potential incompatibility.
- Send us a report via perlbug if you are affected by this.)
- The v1.2.3 syntax is also now legal in Perl.
- See L<Support for strings represented as a vector of ordinals> for more on that.
- To cope with the new versioning system's use of at least three significant
- digits for each version component, the method used for incrementing the
- subversion number has also changed slightly. We assume that versions older
- than v5.6.0 have been incrementing the subversion component in multiples of
- 10. Versions after v5.6.0 will increment them by 1. Thus, using the new
- notation, 5.005_03 is the "same" as v5.5.30, and the first maintenance
- version following v5.6.0 will be v5.6.1 (which should be read as being
- equivalent to a floating point value of 5.006_001 in the older format,
- stored in C<$]>).
- =head2 New syntax for declaring subroutine attributes
- Formerly, if you wanted to mark a subroutine as being a method call or
- as requiring an automatic lock() when it is entered, you had to declare
- that with a C<use attrs> pragma in the body of the subroutine.
- That can now be accomplished with declaration syntax, like this:
- sub mymethod : locked method ;
- ...
- sub mymethod : locked method {
- ...
- }
- sub othermethod :locked :method ;
- ...
- sub othermethod :locked :method {
- ...
- }
- (Note how only the first C<:> is mandatory, and whitespace surrounding
- the C<:> is optional.)
- F<AutoSplit.pm> and F<SelfLoader.pm> have been updated to keep the attributes
- with the stubs they provide. See L<attributes>.
- =head2 File and directory handles can be autovivified
- Similar to how constructs such as C<< $x->[0] >> autovivify a reference,
- handle constructors (open(), opendir(), pipe(), socketpair(), sysopen(),
- socket(), and accept()) now autovivify a file or directory handle
- if the handle passed to them is an uninitialized scalar variable. This
- allows the constructs such as C<open(my $fh, ...)> and C<open(local $fh,...)>
- to be used to create filehandles that will conveniently be closed
- automatically when the scope ends, provided there are no other references
- to them. This largely eliminates the need for typeglobs when opening
- filehandles that must be passed around, as in the following example:
- sub myopen {
- open my $fh, "@_"
- or die "Can't open '@_': $!";
- return $fh;
- }
- {
- my $f = myopen("</etc/motd");
- print <$f>;
- # $f implicitly closed here
- }
- =head2 open() with more than two arguments
- If open() is passed three arguments instead of two, the second argument
- is used as the mode and the third argument is taken to be the file name.
- This is primarily useful for protecting against unintended magic behavior
- of the traditional two-argument form. See L<perlfunc/open>.
- =head2 64-bit support
- Any platform that has 64-bit integers either
- (1) natively as longs or ints
- (2) via special compiler flags
- (3) using long long or int64_t
- is able to use "quads" (64-bit integers) as follows:
- =over 4
- =item *
- constants (decimal, hexadecimal, octal, binary) in the code
- =item *
- arguments to oct() and hex()
- =item *
- arguments to print(), printf() and sprintf() (flag prefixes ll, L, q)
- =item *
- printed as such
- =item *
- pack() and unpack() "q" and "Q" formats
- =item *
- in basic arithmetics: + - * / % (NOTE: operating close to the limits
- of the integer values may produce surprising results)
- =item *
- in bit arithmetics: & | ^ ~ << >> (NOTE: these used to be forced
- to be 32 bits wide but now operate on the full native width.)
- =item *
- vec()
- =back
- Note that unless you have the case (a) you will have to configure
- and compile Perl using the -Duse64bitint Configure flag.
- NOTE: The Configure flags -Duselonglong and -Duse64bits have been
- deprecated. Use -Duse64bitint instead.
- There are actually two modes of 64-bitness: the first one is achieved
- using Configure -Duse64bitint and the second one using Configure
- -Duse64bitall. The difference is that the first one is minimal and
- the second one maximal. The first works in more places than the second.
- The C<use64bitint> does only as much as is required to get 64-bit
- integers into Perl (this may mean, for example, using "long longs")
- while your memory may still be limited to 2 gigabytes (because your
- pointers could still be 32-bit). Note that the name C<64bitint> does
- not imply that your C compiler will be using 64-bit C<int>s (it might,
- but it doesn't have to): the C<use64bitint> means that you will be
- able to have 64 bits wide scalar values.
- The C<use64bitall> goes all the way by attempting to switch also
- integers (if it can), longs (and pointers) to being 64-bit. This may
- create an even more binary incompatible Perl than -Duse64bitint: the
- resulting executable may not run at all in a 32-bit box, or you may
- have to reboot/reconfigure/rebuild your operating system to be 64-bit
- aware.
- Natively 64-bit systems like Alpha and Cray need neither -Duse64bitint
- nor -Duse64bitall.
- Last but not least: note that due to Perl's habit of always using
- floating point numbers, the quads are still not true integers.
- When quads overflow their limits (0...18_446_744_073_709_551_615 unsigned,
- -9_223_372_036_854_775_808...9_223_372_036_854_775_807 signed), they
- are silently promoted to floating point numbers, after which they will
- start losing precision (in their lower digits).
- NOTE: 64-bit support is still experimental on most platforms.
- Existing support only covers the LP64 data model. In particular, the
- LLP64 data model is not yet supported. 64-bit libraries and system
- APIs on many platforms have not stabilized--your mileage may vary.
- =head2 Large file support
- If you have filesystems that support "large files" (files larger than
- 2 gigabytes), you may now also be able to create and access them from
- Perl.
- NOTE: The default action is to enable large file support, if
- available on the platform.
- If the large file support is on, and you have a Fcntl constant
- O_LARGEFILE, the O_LARGEFILE is automatically added to the flags
- of sysopen().
- Beware that unless your filesystem also supports "sparse files" seeking
- to umpteen petabytes may be inadvisable.
- Note that in addition to requiring a proper file system to do large
- files you may also need to adjust your per-process (or your
- per-system, or per-process-group, or per-user-group) maximum filesize
- limits before running Perl scripts that try to handle large files,
- especially if you intend to write such files.
- Finally, in addition to your process/process group maximum filesize
- limits, you may have quota limits on your filesystems that stop you
- (your user id or your user group id) from using large files.
- Adjusting your process/user/group/file system/operating system limits
- is outside the scope of Perl core language. For process limits, you
- may try increasing the limits using your shell's limits/limit/ulimit
- command before running Perl. The BSD::Resource extension (not
- included with the standard Perl distribution) may also be of use, it
- offers the getrlimit/setrlimit interface that can be used to adjust
- process resource usage limits, including the maximum filesize limit.
- =head2 Long doubles
- In some systems you may be able to use long doubles to enhance the
- range and precision of your double precision floating point numbers
- (that is, Perl's numbers). Use Configure -Duselongdouble to enable
- this support (if it is available).
- =head2 "more bits"
- You can "Configure -Dusemorebits" to turn on both the 64-bit support
- and the long double support.
- =head2 Enhanced support for sort() subroutines
- Perl subroutines with a prototype of C<($$)>, and XSUBs in general, can
- now be used as sort subroutines. In either case, the two elements to
- be compared are passed as normal parameters in @_. See L<perlfunc/sort>.
- For unprototyped sort subroutines, the historical behavior of passing
- the elements to be compared as the global variables $a and $b remains
- unchanged.
- =head2 C<sort $coderef @foo> allowed
- sort() did not accept a subroutine reference as the comparison
- function in earlier versions. This is now permitted.
- =head2 File globbing implemented internally
- Perl now uses the File::Glob implementation of the glob() operator
- automatically. This avoids using an external csh process and the
- problems associated with it.
- NOTE: This is currently an experimental feature. Interfaces and
- implementation are subject to change.
- =item Support for CHECK blocks
- In addition to C<BEGIN>, C<INIT>, C<END>, C<DESTROY> and C<AUTOLOAD>,
- subroutines named C<CHECK> are now special. These are queued up during
- compilation and behave similar to END blocks, except they are called at
- the end of compilation rather than at the end of execution. They cannot
- be called directly.
- =head2 POSIX character class syntax [: :] supported
- For example to match alphabetic characters use /[[:alpha:]]/.
- See L<perlre> for details.
- =item Better pseudo-random number generator
- In 5.005_0x and earlier, perl's rand() function used the C library
- rand(3) function. As of 5.005_52, Configure tests for drand48(),
- random(), and rand() (in that order) and picks the first one it finds.
- These changes should result in better random numbers from rand().
- =head2 Improved C<qw//> operator
- The C<qw//> operator is now evaluated at compile time into a true list
- instead of being replaced with a run time call to C<split()>. This
- removes the confusing misbehaviour of C<qw//> in scalar context, which
- had inherited that behaviour from split().
- Thus:
- $foo = ($bar) = qw(a b c); print "$foo|$bar\n";
- now correctly prints "3|a", instead of "2|a".
- =item Better worst-case behavior of hashes
- Small changes in the hashing algorithm have been implemented in
- order to improve the distribution of lower order bits in the
- hashed value. This is expected to yield better performance on
- keys that are repeated sequences.
- =head2 pack() format 'Z' supported
- The new format type 'Z' is useful for packing and unpacking null-terminated
- strings. See L<perlfunc/"pack">.
- =head2 pack() format modifier '!' supported
- The new format type modifier '!' is useful for packing and unpacking
- native shorts, ints, and longs. See L<perlfunc/"pack">.
- =head2 pack() and unpack() support counted strings
- The template character '/' can be used to specify a counted string
- type to be packed or unpacked. See L<perlfunc/"pack">.
- =head2 Comments in pack() templates
- The '#' character in a template introduces a comment up to
- end of the line. This facilitates documentation of pack()
- templates.
- =head2 Weak references
- In previous versions of Perl, you couldn't cache objects so as
- to allow them to be deleted if the last reference from outside
- the cache is deleted. The reference in the cache would hold a
- reference count on the object and the objects would never be
- destroyed.
- Another familiar problem is with circular references. When an
- object references itself, its reference count would never go
- down to zero, and it would not get destroyed until the program
- is about to exit.
- Weak references solve this by allowing you to "weaken" any
- reference, that is, make it not count towards the reference count.
- When the last non-weak reference to an object is deleted, the object
- is destroyed and all the weak references to the object are
- automatically undef-ed.
- To use this feature, you need the WeakRef package from CPAN, which
- contains additional documentation.
- NOTE: This is an experimental feature. Details are subject to change.
- =head2 Binary numbers supported
- Binary numbers are now supported as literals, in s?printf formats, and
- C<oct()>:
- $answer = 0b101010;
- printf "The answer is: %b\n", oct("0b101010");
- =head2 Lvalue subroutines
- Subroutines can now return modifiable lvalues.
- See L<perlsub/"Lvalue subroutines">.
- NOTE: This is an experimental feature. Details are subject to change.
- =head2 Some arrows may be omitted in calls through references
- Perl now allows the arrow to be omitted in many constructs
- involving subroutine calls through references. For example,
- C<< $foo[10]->('foo') >> may now be written C<$foo[10]('foo')>.
- This is rather similar to how the arrow may be omitted from
- C<< $foo[10]->{'foo'} >>. Note however, that the arrow is still
- required for C<< foo(10)->('bar') >>.
- =head2 Boolean assignment operators are legal lvalues
- Constructs such as C<($a ||= 2) += 1> are now allowed.
- =head2 exists() is supported on subroutine names
- The exists() builtin now works on subroutine names. A subroutine
- is considered to exist if it has been declared (even if implicitly).
- See L<perlfunc/exists> for examples.
- =head2 exists() and delete() are supported on array elements
- The exists() and delete() builtins now work on simple arrays as well.
- The behavior is similar to that on hash elements.
- exists() can be used to check whether an array element has been
- initialized. This avoids autovivifying array elements that don't exist.
- If the array is tied, the EXISTS() method in the corresponding tied
- package will be invoked.
- delete() may be used to remove an element from the array and return
- it. The array element at that position returns to its unintialized
- state, so that testing for the same element with exists() will return
- false. If the element happens to be the one at the end, the size of
- the array also shrinks up to the highest element that tests true for
- exists(), or 0 if none such is found. If the array is tied, the DELETE()
- method in the corresponding tied package will be invoked.
- See L<perlfunc/exists> and L<perlfunc/delete> for examples.
- =head2 Pseudo-hashes work better
- Dereferencing some types of reference values in a pseudo-hash,
- such as C<< $ph->{foo}[1] >>, was accidentally disallowed. This has
- been corrected.
- When applied to a pseudo-hash element, exists() now reports whether
- the specified value exists, not merely if the key is valid.
- delete() now works on pseudo-hashes. When given a pseudo-hash element
- or slice it deletes the values corresponding to the keys (but not the keys
- themselves). See L<perlref/"Pseudo-hashes: Using an array as a hash">.
- Pseudo-hash slices with constant keys are now optimized to array lookups
- at compile-time.
- List assignments to pseudo-hash slices are now supported.
- The C<fields> pragma now provides ways to create pseudo-hashes, via
- fields::new() and fields::phash(). See L<fields>.
- NOTE: The pseudo-hash data type continues to be experimental.
- Limiting oneself to the interface elements provided by the
- fields pragma will provide protection from any future changes.
- =head2 Automatic flushing of output buffers
- fork(), exec(), system(), qx//, and pipe open()s now flush buffers
- of all files opened for output when the operation was attempted. This
- mostly eliminates confusing buffering mishaps suffered by users unaware
- of how Perl internally handles I/O.
- This is not supported on some platforms like Solaris where a suitably
- correct implementation of fflush(NULL) isn't available.
- =head2 Better diagnostics on meaningless filehandle operations
- Constructs such as C<< open(<FH>) >> and C<< close(<FH>) >>
- are compile time errors. Attempting to read from filehandles that
- were opened only for writing will now produce warnings (just as
- writing to read-only filehandles does).
- =head2 Where possible, buffered data discarded from duped input filehandle
- C<< open(NEW, "<&OLD") >> now attempts to discard any data that
- was previously read and buffered in C<OLD> before duping the handle.
- On platforms where doing this is allowed, the next read operation
- on C<NEW> will return the same data as the corresponding operation
- on C<OLD>. Formerly, it would have returned the data from the start
- of the following disk block instead.
- =head2 eof() has the same old magic as <>
- C<eof()> would return true if no attempt to read from C<< <> >> had
- yet been made. C<eof()> has been changed to have a little magic of its
- own, it now opens the C<< <> >> files.
- =head2 binmode() can be used to set :crlf and :raw modes
- binmode() now accepts a second argument that specifies a discipline
- for the handle in question. The two pseudo-disciplines ":raw" and
- ":crlf" are currently supported on DOS-derivative platforms.
- See L<perlfunc/"binmode"> and L<open>.
- =head2 C<-T> filetest recognizes UTF-8 encoded files as "text"
- The algorithm used for the C<-T> filetest has been enhanced to
- correctly identify UTF-8 content as "text".
- =head2 system(), backticks and pipe open now reflect exec() failure
- On Unix and similar platforms, system(), qx() and open(FOO, "cmd |")
- etc., are implemented via fork() and exec(). When the underlying
- exec() fails, earlier versions did not report the error properly,
- since the exec() happened to be in a different process.
- The child process now communicates with the parent about the
- error in launching the external command, which allows these
- constructs to return with their usual error value and set $!.
- =head2 Improved diagnostics
- Line numbers are no longer suppressed (under most likely circumstances)
- during the global destruction phase.
- Diagnostics emitted from code running in threads other than the main
- thread are now accompanied by the thread ID.
- Embedded null characters in diagnostics now actually show up. They
- used to truncate the message in prior versions.
- $foo::a and $foo::b are now exempt from "possible typo" warnings only
- if sort() is encountered in package C<foo>.
- Unrecognized alphabetic escapes encountered when parsing quote
- constructs now generate a warning, since they may take on new
- semantics in later versions of Perl.
- Many diagnostics now report the internal operation in which the warning
- was provoked, like so:
- Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) at (eval 1) line 1.
- Use of uninitialized value in print at (eval 1) line 1.
- Diagnostics that occur within eval may also report the file and line
- number where the eval is located, in addition to the eval sequence
- number and the line number within the evaluated text itself. For
- example:
- Not enough arguments for scalar at (eval 4)[newlib/perl5db.pl:1411] line 2, at EOF
- =head2 Diagnostics follow STDERR
- Diagnostic output now goes to whichever file the C<STDERR> handle
- is pointing at, instead of always going to the underlying C runtime
- library's C<stderr>.
- =item More consistent close-on-exec behavior
- On systems that support a close-on-exec flag on filehandles, the
- flag is now set for any handles created by pipe(), socketpair(),
- socket(), and accept(), if that is warranted by the value of $^F
- that may be in effect. Earlier versions neglected to set the flag
- for handles created with these operators. See L<perlfunc/pipe>,
- L<perlfunc/socketpair>, L<perlfunc/socket>, L<perlfunc/accept>,
- and L<perlvar/$^F>.
- =head2 syswrite() ease-of-use
- The length argument of C<syswrite()> has become optional.
- =head2 Better syntax checks on parenthesized unary operators
- Expressions such as:
- print defined(&foo,&bar,&baz);
- print uc("foo","bar","baz");
- undef($foo,&bar);
- used to be accidentally allowed in earlier versions, and produced
- unpredictable behaviour. Some produced ancillary warnings
- when used in this way; others silently did the wrong thing.
- The parenthesized forms of most unary operators that expect a single
- argument now ensure that they are not called with more than one
- argument, making the cases shown above syntax errors. The usual
- behaviour of:
- print defined &foo, &bar, &baz;
- print uc "foo", "bar", "baz";
- undef $foo, &bar;
- remains unchanged. See L<perlop>.
- =head2 Bit operators support full native integer width
- The bit operators (& | ^ ~ << >>) now operate on the full native
- integral width (the exact size of which is available in $Config{ivsize}).
- For example, if your platform is either natively 64-bit or if Perl
- has been configured to use 64-bit integers, these operations apply
- to 8 bytes (as opposed to 4 bytes on 32-bit platforms).
- For portability, be sure to mask off the excess bits in the result of
- unary C<~>, e.g., C<~$x & 0xffffffff>.
- =head2 Improved security features
- More potentially unsafe operations taint their results for improved
- security.
- The C<passwd> and C<shell> fields returned by the getpwent(), getpwnam(),
- and getpwuid() are now tainted, because the user can affect their own
- encrypted password and login shell.
- The variable modified by shmread(), and messages returned by msgrcv()
- (and its object-oriented interface IPC::SysV::Msg::rcv) are also tainted,
- because other untrusted processes can modify messages and shared memory
- segments for their own nefarious purposes.
- =item More functional bareword prototype (*)
- Bareword prototypes have been rationalized to enable them to be used
- to override builtins that accept barewords and interpret them in
- a special way, such as C<require> or C<do>.
- Arguments prototyped as C<*> will now be visible within the subroutine
- as either a simple scalar or as a reference to a typeglob.
- See L<perlsub/Prototypes>.
- =head2 C<require> and C<do> may be overridden
- C<require> and C<do 'file'> operations may be overridden locally
- by importing subroutines of the same name into the current package
- (or globally by importing them into the CORE::GLOBAL:: namespace).
- Overriding C<require> will also affect C<use>, provided the override
- is visible at compile-time.
- See L<perlsub/"Overriding Built-in Functions">.
- =head2 $^X variables may now have names longer than one character
- Formerly, $^X was synonymous with ${"\cX"}, but $^XY was a syntax
- error. Now variable names that begin with a control character may be
- arbitrarily long. However, for compatibility reasons, these variables
- I<must> be written with explicit braces, as C<${^XY}> for example.
- C<${^XYZ}> is synonymous with ${"\cXYZ"}. Variable names with more
- than one control character, such as C<${^XY^Z}>, are illegal.
- The old syntax has not changed. As before, `^X' may be either a
- literal control-X character or the two-character sequence `caret' plus
- `X'. When braces are omitted, the variable name stops after the
- control character. Thus C<"$^XYZ"> continues to be synonymous with
- C<$^X . "YZ"> as before.
- As before, lexical variables may not have names beginning with control
- characters. As before, variables whose names begin with a control
- character are always forced to be in package `main'. All such variables
- are reserved for future extensions, except those that begin with
- C<^_>, which may be used by user programs and are guaranteed not to
- acquire special meaning in any future version of Perl.
- =head2 New variable $^C reflects C<-c> switch
- C<$^C> has a boolean value that reflects whether perl is being run
- in compile-only mode (i.e. via the C<-c> switch). Since
- BEGIN blocks are executed under such conditions, this variable
- enables perl code to determine whether actions that make sense
- only during normal running are warranted. See L<perlvar>.
- =head2 New variable $^V contains Perl version as a string
- C<$^V> contains the Perl version number as a string composed of
- characters whose ordinals match the version numbers, i.e. v5.6.0.
- This may be used in string comparisons.
- See C<Support for strings represented as a vector of ordinals> for an
- example.
- =head2 Optional Y2K warnings
- If Perl is built with the cpp macro C<PERL_Y2KWARN> defined,
- it emits optional warnings when concatenating the number 19
- with another number.
- This behavior must be specifically enabled when running Configure.
- =head1 Modules and Pragmata
- =head2 Modules
- =over 4
- =item attributes
- While used internally by Perl as a pragma, this module also
- provides a way to fetch subroutine and variable attributes.
- See L<attributes>.
- =item B
- The Perl Compiler suite has been extensively reworked for this
- release. More of the standard Perl testsuite passes when run
- under the Compiler, but there is still a significant way to
- go to achieve production quality compiled executables.
- NOTE: The Compiler suite remains highly experimental. The
- generated code may not be correct, even it manages to execute
- without errors.
- =item Benchmark
- Overall, Benchmark results exhibit lower average error and better timing
- accuracy.
- You can now run tests for I<n> seconds instead of guessing the right
- number of tests to run: e.g., timethese(-5, ...) will run each
- code for at least 5 CPU seconds. Zero as the "number of repetitions"
- means "for at least 3 CPU seconds". The output format has also
- changed. For example:
- use Benchmark;$x=3;timethese(-5,{a=>sub{$x*$x},b=>sub{$x**2}})
- will now output something like this:
- Benchmark: running a, b, each for at least 5 CPU seconds...
- a: 5 wallclock secs ( 5.77 usr + 0.00 sys = 5.77 CPU) @ 200551.91/s (n=1156516)
- b: 4 wallclock secs ( 5.00 usr + 0.02 sys = 5.02 CPU) @ 159605.18/s (n=800686)
- New features: "each for at least N CPU seconds...", "wallclock secs",
- and the "@ operations/CPU second (n=operations)".
- timethese() now returns a reference to a hash of Benchmark objects containing
- the test results, keyed on the names of the tests.
- timethis() now returns the iterations field in the Benchmark result object
- instead of 0.
- timethese(), timethis(), and the new cmpthese() (see below) can also take
- a format specifier of 'none' to suppress output.
- A new function countit() is just like timeit() except that it takes a
- TIME instead of a COUNT.
- A new function cmpthese() prints a chart comparing the results of each test
- returned from a timethese() call. For each possible pair of tests, the
- percentage speed difference (iters/sec or seconds/iter) is shown.
- For other details, see L<Benchmark>.
- =item ByteLoader
- The ByteLoader is a dedicated extension to generate and run
- Perl bytecode. See L<ByteLoader>.
- =item constant
- References can now be used.
- The new version also allows a leading underscore in constant names, but
- disallows a double leading underscore (as in "__LINE__"). Some other names
- are disallowed or warned against, including BEGIN, END, etc. Some names
- which were forced into main:: used to fail silently in some cases; now they're
- fatal (outside of main::) and an optional warning (inside of main::).
- The ability to detect whether a constant had been set with a given name has
- been added.
- See L<constant>.
- =item charnames
- This pragma implements the C<\N> string escape. See L<charnames>.
- =item Data::Dumper
- A C<Maxdepth> setting can be specified to avoid venturing
- too deeply into deep data structures. See L<Data::Dumper>.
- The XSUB implementation of Dump() is now automatically called if the
- C<Useqq> setting is not in use.
- Dumping C<qr//> objects works correctly.
- =item DB
- C<DB> is an experimental module that exposes a clean abstraction
- to Perl's debugging API.
- =item DB_File
- DB_File can now be built with Berkeley DB versions 1, 2 or 3.
- See C<ext/DB_File/Changes>.
- =item Devel::DProf
- Devel::DProf, a Perl source code profiler has been added. See
- L<Devel::DProf> and L<dprofpp>.
- =item Devel::Peek
- The Devel::Peek module provides access to the internal representation
- of Perl variables and data. It is a data debugging tool for the XS programmer.
- =item Dumpvalue
- The Dumpvalue module provides screen dumps of Perl data.
- =item DynaLoader
- DynaLoader now supports a dl_unload_file() function on platforms that
- support unloading shared objects using dlclose().
- Perl can also optionally arrange to unload all extension shared objects
- loaded by Perl. To enable this, build Perl with the Configure option
- C<-Accflags=-DDL_UNLOAD_ALL_AT_EXIT>. (This maybe useful if you are
- using Apache with mod_perl.)
- =item English
- $PERL_VERSION now stands for C<$^V> (a string value) rather than for C<$]>
- (a numeric value).
- =item Env
- Env now supports accessing environment variables like PATH as array
- variables.
- =item Fcntl
- More Fcntl constants added: F_SETLK64, F_SETLKW64, O_LARGEFILE for
- large file (more than 4GB) access (NOTE: the O_LARGEFILE is
- automatically added to sysopen() flags if large file support has been
- configured, as is the default), Free/Net/OpenBSD locking behaviour
- flags F_FLOCK, F_POSIX, Linux F_SHLCK, and O_ACCMODE: the combined
- mask of O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY, and O_RDWR. The seek()/sysseek()
- constants SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, and SEEK_END are available via the
- C<:seek> tag. The chmod()/stat() S_IF* constants and S_IS* functions
- are available via the C<:mode> tag.
- =item File::Compare
- A compare_text() function has been added, which allows custom
- comparison functions. See L<File::Compare>.
- =item File::Find
- File::Find now works correctly when the wanted() function is either
- autoloaded or is a symbolic reference.
- A bug that caused File::Find to lose track of the working directory
- when pruning top-level directories has been fixed.
- File::Find now also supports several other options to control its
- behavior. It can follow symbolic links if the C<follow> option is
- specified. Enabling the C<no_chdir> option will make File::Find skip
- changing the current directory when walking directories. The C<untaint>
- flag can be useful when running with taint checks enabled.
- See L<File::Find>.
- =item File::Glob
- This extension implements BSD-style file globbing. By default,
- it will also be used for the internal implementation of the glob()
- operator. See L<File::Glob>.
- =item File::Spec
- New methods have been added to the File::Spec module: devnull() returns
- the name of the null device (/dev/null on Unix) and tmpdir() the name of
- the temp directory (normally /tmp on Unix). There are now also methods
- to convert between absolute and relative filenames: abs2rel() and
- rel2abs(). For compatibility with operating systems that specify volume
- names in file paths, the splitpath(), splitdir(), and catdir() methods
- have been added.
- =item File::Spec::Functions
- The new File::Spec::Functions modules provides a function interface
- to the File::Spec module. Allows shorthand
- $fullname = catfile($dir1, $dir2, $file);
- instead of
- $fullname = File::Spec->catfile($dir1, $dir2, $file);
- =item Getopt::Long
- Getopt::Long licensing has changed to allow the Perl Artistic License
- as well as the GPL. It used to be GPL only, which got in the way of
- non-GPL applications that wanted to use Getopt::Long.
- Getopt::Long encourages the use of Pod::Usage to produce help
- messages. For example:
- use Getopt::Long;
- use Pod::Usage;
- my $man = 0;
- my $help = 0;
- GetOptions('help|?' => \$help, man => \$man) or pod2usage(2);
- pod2usage(1) if $help;
- pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man;
- __END__
- =head1 NAME
- sample - Using GetOpt::Long and Pod::Usage
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- sample [options] [file ...]
- Options:
- -help brief help message
- -man full documentation
- =head1 OPTIONS
- =over 8
- =item B<-help>
- Print a brief help message and exits.
- =item B<-man>
- Prints the manual page and exits.
- =back
- B<This program> will read the given input file(s) and do someting
- useful with the contents thereof.
- =cut
- See L<Pod::Usage> for details.
- A bug that prevented the non-option call-back <> from being
- specified as the first argument has been fixed.
- To specify the characters < and > as option starters, use ><. Note,
- however, that changing option starters is strongly deprecated.
- =item IO
- write() and syswrite() will now accept a single-argument
- form of the call, for consistency with Perl's syswrite().
- You can now create a TCP-based IO::Socket::INET without forcing
- a connect attempt. This allows you to configure its options
- (like making it non-blocking) and then call connect() manually.
- A bug that prevented the IO::Socket::protocol() accessor
- from ever returning the correct value has been corrected.
- IO::Socket::connect now uses non-blocking IO instead of alarm()
- to do connect timeouts.
- IO::Socket::accept now uses select() instead of alarm() for doing
- timeouts.
- IO::Socket::INET->new now sets $! correctly on failure. $@ is
- still set for backwards compatability.
- =item JPL
- Java Perl Lingo is now distributed with Perl. See jpl/README
- for more information.
- =item lib
- C<use lib> now weeds out any trailing duplicate entries.
- C<no lib> removes all named entries.
- =item Math::BigInt
- The bitwise operations C<<< << >>>, C<<< >> >>>, C<&>, C<|>,
- and C<~> are now supported on bigints.
- =item Math::Complex
- The accessor methods Re, Im, arg, abs, rho, and theta can now also
- act as mutators (accessor $z->Re(), mutator $z->Re(3)).
- The class method C<display_format> and the corresponding object method
- C<display_format>, in addition to accepting just one argument, now can
- also accept a parameter hash. Recognized keys of a parameter hash are
- C<"style">, which corresponds to the old one parameter case, and two
- new parameters: C<"format">, which is a printf()-style format string
- (defaults usually to C<"%.15g">, you can revert to the default by
- setting the format string to C<undef>) used for both parts of a
- complex number, and C<"polar_pretty_print"> (defaults to true),
- which controls whether an attempt is made to try to recognize small
- multiples and rationals of pi (2pi, pi/2) at the argument (angle) of a
- polar complex number.
- The potentially disruptive change is that in list context both methods
- now I<return the parameter hash>, instead of only the value of the
- C<"style"> parameter.
- =item Math::Trig
- A little bit of radial trigonometry (cylindrical and spherical),
- radial coordinate conversions, and the great circle distance were added.
- =item Pod::Parser, Pod::InputObjects
- Pod::Parser is a base class for parsing and selecting sections of
- pod documentation from an input stream. This module takes care of
- identifying pod paragraphs and commands in the input and hands off the
- parsed paragraphs and commands to user-defined methods which are free
- to interpret or translate them as they see fit.
- Pod::InputObjects defines some input objects needed by Pod::Parser, and
- for advanced users of Pod::Parser that need more about a command besides
- its name and text.
- As of release 5.6.0 of Perl, Pod::Parser is now the officially sanctioned
- "base parser code" recommended for use by all pod2xxx translators.
- Pod::Text (pod2text) and Pod::Man (pod2man) have already been converted
- to use Pod::Parser and efforts to convert Pod::HTML (pod2html) are already
- underway. For any questions or comments about pod parsing and translating
- issues and utilities, please use the pod-people@perl.org mailing list.
- For further information, please see L<Pod::Parser> and L<Pod::InputObjects>.
- =item Pod::Checker, podchecker
- This utility checks pod files for correct syntax, according to
- L<perlpod>. Obvious errors are flagged as such, while warnings are
- printed for mistakes that can be handled gracefully. The checklist is
- not complete yet. See L<Pod::Checker>.
- =item Pod::ParseUtils, Pod::Find
- These modules provide a set of gizmos that are useful mainly for pod
- translators. L<Pod::Find|Pod::Find> traverses directory structures and
- returns found pod files, along with their canonical names (like
- C<File::Spec::Unix>). L<Pod::ParseUtils|Pod::ParseUtils> contains
- B<Pod::List> (useful for storing pod list information), B<Pod::Hyperlink>
- (for parsing the contents of C<LE<lt>E<gt>> sequences) and B<Pod::Cache>
- (for caching information about pod files, e.g., link nodes).
- =item Pod::Select, podselect
- Pod::Select is a subclass of Pod::Parser which provides a function
- named "podselect()" to filter out user-specified sections of raw pod
- documentation from an input stream. podselect is a script that provides
- access to Pod::Select from other scripts to be used as a filter.
- See L<Pod::Select>.
- =item Pod::Usage, pod2usage
- Pod::Usage provides the function "pod2usage()" to print usage messages for
- a Perl script based on its embedded pod documentation. The pod2usage()
- function is generally useful to all script authors since it lets them
- write and maintain a single source (the pods) for documentation, thus
- removing the need to create and maintain redundant usage message text
- consisting of information already in the pods.
- There is also a pod2usage script which can be used from other kinds of
- scripts to print usage messages from pods (even for non-Perl scripts
- with pods embedded in comments).
- For details and examples, please see L<Pod::Usage>.
- =item Pod::Text and Pod::Man
- Pod::Text has been rewritten to use Pod::Parser. While pod2text() is
- still available for backwards compatibility, the module now has a new
- preferred interface. See L<Pod::Text> for the details. The new Pod::Text
- module is easily subclassed for tweaks to the output, and two such
- subclasses (Pod::Text::Termcap for man-page-style bold and underlining
- using termcap information, and Pod::Text::Color for markup with ANSI color
- sequences) are now standard.
- pod2man has been turned into a module, Pod::Man, which also uses
- Pod::Parser. In the process, several outstanding bugs related to quotes
- in section headers, quoting of code escapes, and nested lists have been
- fixed. pod2man is now a wrapper script around this module.
- =item SDBM_File
- An EXISTS method has been added to this module (and sdbm_exists() has
- been added to the underlying sdbm library), so one can now call exists
- on an SDBM_File tied hash and get the correct result, rather than a
- runtime error.
- A bug that may have caused data loss when more than one disk block
- happens to be read from the database in a single FETCH() has been
- fixed.
- =item Sys::Syslog
- Sys::Syslog now uses XSUBs to access facilities from syslog.h so it
- no longer requires syslog.ph to exist.
- =item Sys::Hostname
- Sys::Hostname now uses XSUBs to call the C library's gethostname() or
- uname() if they exist.
- =item Term::ANSIColor
- Term::ANSIColor is a very simple module to provide easy and readable
- access to the ANSI color and highlighting escape sequences, supported by
- most ANSI terminal emulators. It is now included standard.
- =item Time::Local
- The timelocal() and timegm() functions used to silently return bogus
- results when the date fell outside the machine's integer range. They
- now consistently croak() if the date falls in an unsupported range.
- =item Win32
- The error return value in list context has been changed for all functions
- that return a list of values. Previously these functions returned a list
- with a single element C<undef> if an error occurred. Now these functions
- return the empty list in these situations. This applies to the following
- functions:
- Win32::FsType
- Win32::GetOSVersion
- The remaining functions are unchanged and continue to return C<undef> on
- error even in list context.
- The Win32::SetLastError(ERROR) function has been added as a complement
- to the Win32::GetLastError() function.
- The new Win32::GetFullPathName(FILENAME) returns the full absolute
- pathname for FILENAME in scalar context. In list context it returns
- a two-element list containing the fully qualified directory name and
- the filename. See L<Win32>.
- =item XSLoader
- The XSLoader extension is a simpler alternative to DynaLoader.
- See L<XSLoader>.
- =item DBM Filters
- A new feature called "DBM Filters" has been added to all the
- DBM modules--DB_File, GDBM_File, NDBM_File, ODBM_File, and SDBM_File.
- DBM Filters add four new methods to each DBM module:
- filter_store_key
- filter_store_value
- filter_fetch_key
- filter_fetch_value
- These can be used to filter key-value pairs before the pairs are
- written to the database or just after they are read from the database.
- See L<perldbmfilter> for further information.
- =back
- =head2 Pragmata
- C<use attrs> is now obsolete, and is only provided for
- backward-compatibility. It's been replaced by the C<sub : attributes>
- syntax. See L<perlsub/"Subroutine Attributes"> and L<attributes>.
- Lexical warnings pragma, C<use warnings;>, to control optional warnings.
- See L<perllexwarn>.
- C<use filetest> to control the behaviour of filetests (C<-r> C<-w>
- ...). Currently only one subpragma implemented, "use filetest
- 'access';", that uses access(2) or equivalent to check permissions
- instead of using stat(2) as usual. This matters in filesystems
- where there are ACLs (access control lists): the stat(2) might lie,
- but access(2) knows better.
- The C<open> pragma can be used to specify default disciplines for
- handle constructors (e.g. open()) and for qx//. The two
- pseudo-disciplines C<:raw> and C<:crlf> are currently supported on
- DOS-derivative platforms (i.e. where binmode is not a no-op).
- See also L</"binmode() can be used to set :crlf and :raw modes">.
- =head1 Utility Changes
- =head2 dprofpp
- C<dprofpp> is used to display profile data generated using C<Devel::DProf>.
- See L<dprofpp>.
- =head2 find2perl
- The C<find2perl> utility now uses the enhanced features of the File::Find
- module. The -depth and -follow options are supported. Pod documentation
- is also included in the script.
- =head2 h2xs
- The C<h2xs> tool can now work in conjunction with C<C::Scan> (available
- from CPAN) to automatically parse real-life header files. The C<-M>,
- C<-a>, C<-k>, and C<-o> options are new.
- =head2 perlcc
- C<perlcc> now supports the C and Bytecode backends. By default,
- it generates output from the simple C backend rather than the
- optimized C backend.
- Support for non-Unix platforms has been improved.
- =head2 perldoc
- C<perldoc> has been reworked to avoid possible security holes.
- It will not by default let itself be run as the superuser, but you
- may still use the B<-U> switch to try to make it drop privileges
- first.
- =head2 The Perl Debugger
- Many bug fixes and enhancements were added to F<perl5db.pl>, the
- Perl debugger. The help documentation was rearranged. New commands
- include C<< < ? >>, C<< > ? >>, and C<< { ? >> to list out current
- actions, C<man I<docpage>> to run your doc viewer on some perl
- docset, and support for quoted options. The help information was
- rearranged, and should be viewable once again if you're using B<less>
- as your pager. A serious security hole was plugged--you should
- immediately remove all older versions of the Perl debugger as
- installed in previous releases, all the way back to perl3, from
- your system to avoid being bitten by this.
- =head1 Improved Documentation
- Many of the platform-specific README files are now part of the perl
- installation. See L<perl> for the complete list.
- =over 4
- =item perlapi.pod
- The official list of public Perl API functions.
- =item perlboot.pod
- A tutorial for beginners on object-oriented Perl.
- =item perlcompile.pod
- An introduction to using the Perl Compiler suite.
- =item perldbmfilter.pod
- A howto document on using the DBM filter facility.
- =item perldebug.pod
- All material unrelated to running the Perl debugger, plus all
- low-level guts-like details that risked crushing the casual user
- of the debugger, have been relocated from the old manpage to the
- next entry below.
- =item perldebguts.pod
- This new manpage contains excessively low-level material not related
- to the Perl debugger, but slightly related to debugging Perl itself.
- It also contains some arcane internal details of how the debugging
- process works that may only be of interest to developers of Perl
- debuggers.
- =item perlfork.pod
- Notes on the fork() emulation currently available for the Windows platform.
- =item perlfilter.pod
- An introduction to writing Perl source filters.
- =item perlhack.pod
- Some guidelines for hacking the Perl source code.
- =item perlintern.pod
- A list of internal functions in the Perl source code.
- (List is currently empty.)
- =item perllexwarn.pod
- Introduction and reference information about lexically scoped
- warning categories.
- =item perlnumber.pod
- Detailed information about numbers as they are represented in Perl.
- =item perlopentut.pod
- A tutorial on using open() effectively.
- =item perlreftut.pod
- A tutorial that introduces the essentials of references.
- =item perltootc.pod
- A tutorial on managing class data for object modules.
- =item perltodo.pod
- Discussion of the most often wanted features that may someday be
- supported in Perl.
- =item perlunicode.pod
- An introduction to Unicode support features in Perl.
- =back
- =head1 Performance enhancements
- =head2 Simple sort() using { $a <=> $b } and the like are optimized
- Many common sort() operations using a simple inlined block are now
- optimized for faster performance.
- =head2 Optimized assignments to lexical variables
- Certain operations in the RHS of assignment statements have been
- optimized to directly set the lexical variable on the LHS,
- eliminating redundant copying overheads.
- =head2 Faster subroutine calls
- Minor changes in how subroutine calls are handled internally
- provide marginal improvements in performance.
- =item delete(), each(), values() and hash iteration are faster
- The hash values returned by delete(), each(), values() and hashes in a
- list context are the actual values in the hash, instead of copies.
- This results in significantly better performance, because it eliminates
- needless copying in most situations.
- =head1 Installation and Configuration Improvements
- =head2 -Dusethreads means something different
- The -Dusethreads flag now enables the experimental interpreter-based thread
- support by default. To get the flavor of experimental threads that was in
- 5.005 instead, you need to run Configure with "-Dusethreads -Duse5005threads".
- As of v5.6.0, interpreter-threads support is still lacking a way to
- create new threads from Perl (i.e., C<use Thread;> will not work with
- interpreter threads). C<use Thread;> continues to be available when you
- specify the -Duse5005threads option to Configure, bugs and all.
- NOTE: Support for threads continues to be an experimental feature.
- Interfaces and implementation are subject to sudden and drastic changes.
- =head2 New Configure flags
- The following new flags may be enabled on the Configure command line
- by running Configure with C<-Dflag>.
- usemultiplicity
- usethreads useithreads (new interpreter threads: no Perl API yet)
- usethreads use5005threads (threads as they were in 5.005)
- use64bitint (equal to now deprecated 'use64bits')
- use64bitall
- uselongdouble
- usemorebits
- uselargefiles
- usesocks (only SOCKS v5 supported)
- =head2 Threadedness and 64-bitness now more daring
- The Configure options enabling the use of threads and the use of
- 64-bitness are now more daring in the sense that they no more have an
- explicit list of operating systems of known threads/64-bit
- capabilities. In other words: if your operating system has the
- necessary APIs and datatypes, you should be able just to go ahead and
- use them, for threads by Configure -Dusethreads, and for 64 bits
- either explicitly by Configure -Duse64bitint or implicitly if your
- system has 64-bit wide datatypes. See also L<"64-bit support">.
- =head2 Long Doubles
- Some platforms have "long doubles", floating point numbers of even
- larger range than ordinary "doubles". To enable using long doubles for
- Perl's scalars, use -Duselongdouble.
- =head2 -Dusemorebits
- You can enable both -Duse64bitint and -Duselongdouble with -Dusemorebits.
- See also L<"64-bit support">.
- =head2 -Duselargefiles
- Some platforms support system APIs that are capable of handling large files
- (typically, files larger than two gigabytes). Perl will try to use these
- APIs if you ask for -Duselargefiles.
- See L<"Large file support"> for more information.
- =head2 installusrbinperl
- You can use "Configure -Uinstallusrbinperl" which causes installperl
- to skip installing perl also as /usr/bin/perl. This is useful if you
- prefer not to modify /usr/bin for some reason or another but harmful
- because many scripts assume to find Perl in /usr/bin/perl.
- =head2 SOCKS support
- You can use "Configure -Dusesocks" which causes Perl to probe
- for the SOCKS proxy protocol library (v5, not v4). For more information
- on SOCKS, see:
- http://www.socks.nec.com/
- =head2 C<-A> flag
- You can "post-edit" the Configure variables using the Configure C<-A>
- switch. The editing happens immediately after the platform specific
- hints files have been processed but before the actual configuration
- process starts. Run C<Configure -h> to find out the full C<-A> syntax.
- =head2 Enhanced Installation Directories
- The installation structure has been enriched to improve the support
- for maintaining multiple versions of perl, to provide locations for
- vendor-supplied modules, scripts, and manpages, and to ease maintenance
- of locally-added modules, scripts, and manpages. See the section on
- Installation Directories in the INSTALL file for complete details.
- For most users building and installing from source, the defaults should
- be fine.
- If you previously used C<Configure -Dsitelib> or C<-Dsitearch> to set
- special values for library directories, you might wish to consider using
- the new C<-Dsiteprefix> setting instead. Also, if you wish to re-use a
- config.sh file from an earlier version of perl, you should be sure to
- check that Configure makes sensible choices for the new directories.
- See INSTALL for complete details.
- =head1 Platform specific changes
- =head2 Supported platforms
- =over 4
- =item *
- VM/ESA is now supported.
- =item *
- Siemens BS2000 is now supported under the POSIX Shell.
- =item *
- The Mach CThreads (NEXTSTEP, OPENSTEP) are now supported by the Thread
- extension.
- =item *
- GNU/Hurd is now supported.
- =item *
- Rhapsody/Darwin is now supported.
- =item *
- EPOC is is now supported (on Psion 5).
- =item *
- The cygwin port (formerly cygwin32) has been greatly improved.
- =back
- =head2 DOS
- =over 4
- =item *
- Perl now works with djgpp 2.02 (and 2.03 alpha).
- =item *
- Environment variable names are not converted to uppercase any more.
- =item *
- Incorrect exit codes from backticks have been fixed.
- =item *
- This port continues to use its own builtin globbing (not File::Glob).
- =back
- =head2 OS390 (OpenEdition MVS)
- Support for this EBCDIC platform has not been renewed in this release.
- There are difficulties in reconciling Perl's standardization on UTF-8
- as its internal representation for characters with the EBCDIC character
- set, because the two are incompatible.
- It is unclear whether future versions will renew support for this
- platform, but the possibility exists.
- =head2 VMS
- Numerous revisions and extensions to configuration, build, testing, and
- installation process to accomodate core changes and VMS-specific options.
- Expand %ENV-handling code to allow runtime mapping to logical names,
- CLI symbols, and CRTL environ array.
- Extension of subprocess invocation code to accept filespecs as command
- "verbs".
- Add to Perl command line processing the ability to use default file types and
- to recognize Unix-style C<2E<gt>&1>.
- Expansion of File::Spec::VMS routines, and integration into ExtUtils::MM_VMS.
- Extension of ExtUtils::MM_VMS to handle complex extensions more flexibly.
- Barewords at start of Unix-syntax paths may be treated as text rather than
- only as logical names.
- Optional secure translation of several logical names used internally by Perl.
- Miscellaneous bugfixing and porting of new core code to VMS.
- Thanks are gladly extended to the many people who have contributed VMS
- patches, testing, and ideas.
- =head2 Win32
- Perl can now emulate fork() internally, using multiple interpreters running
- in different concurrent threads. This support must be enabled at build
- time. See L<perlfork> for detailed information.
- When given a pathname that consists only of a drivename, such as C<A:>,
- opendir() and stat() now use the current working directory for the drive
- rather than the drive root.
- The builtin XSUB functions in the Win32:: namespace are documented. See
- L<Win32>.
- $^X now contains the full path name of the running executable.
- A Win32::GetLongPathName() function is provided to complement
- Win32::GetFullPathName() and Win32::GetShortPathName(). See L<Win32>.
- POSIX::uname() is supported.
- system(1,...) now returns true process IDs rather than process
- handles. kill() accepts any real process id, rather than strictly
- return values from system(1,...).
- For better compatibility with Unix, C<kill(0, $pid)> can now be used to
- test whether a process exists.
- The C<Shell> module is supported.
- Better support for building Perl under command.com in Windows 95
- has been added.
- Scripts are read in binary mode by default to allow ByteLoader (and
- the filter mechanism in general) to work properly. For compatibility,
- the DATA filehandle will be set to text mode if a carriage return is
- detected at the end of the line containing the __END__ or __DATA__
- token; if not, the DATA filehandle will be left open in binary mode.
- Earlier versions always opened the DATA filehandle in text mode.
- The glob() operator is implemented via the C<File::Glob> extension,
- which supports glob syntax of the C shell. This increases the flexibility
- of the glob() operator, but there may be compatibility issues for
- programs that relied on the older globbing syntax. If you want to
- preserve compatibility with the older syntax, you might want to run
- perl with C<-MFile::DosGlob>. For details and compatibility information,
- see L<File::Glob>.
- =head1 Significant bug fixes
- =head2 <HANDLE> on empty files
- With C<$/> set to C<undef>, "slurping" an empty file returns a string of
- zero length (instead of C<undef>, as it used to) the first time the
- HANDLE is read after C<$/> is set to C<undef>. Further reads yield
- C<undef>.
- This means that the following will append "foo" to an empty file (it used
- to do nothing):
- perl -0777 -pi -e 's/^/foo/' empty_file
- The behaviour of:
- perl -pi -e 's/^/foo/' empty_file
- is unchanged (it continues to leave the file empty).
- =head2 C<eval '...'> improvements
- Line numbers (as reflected by caller() and most diagnostics) within
- C<eval '...'> were often incorrect where here documents were involved.
- This has been corrected.
- Lexical lookups for variables appearing in C<eval '...'> within
- functions that were themselves called within an C<eval '...'> were
- searching the wrong place for lexicals. The lexical search now
- correctly ends at the subroutine's block boundary.
- The use of C<return> within C<eval {...}> caused $@ not to be reset
- correctly when no exception occurred within the eval. This has
- been fixed.
- Parsing of here documents used to be flawed when they appeared as
- the replacement expression in C<eval 's/.../.../e'>. This has
- been fixed.
- =head2 All compilation errors are true errors
- Some "errors" encountered at compile time were by neccessity
- generated as warnings followed by eventual termination of the
- program. This enabled more such errors to be reported in a
- single run, rather than causing a hard stop at the first error
- that was encountered.
- The mechanism for reporting such errors has been reimplemented
- to queue compile-time errors and report them at the end of the
- compilation as true errors rather than as warnings. This fixes
- cases where error messages leaked through in the form of warnings
- when code was compiled at run time using C<eval STRING>, and
- also allows such errors to be reliably trapped using C<eval "...">.
- =head2 Implicitly closed filehandles are safer
- Sometimes implicitly closed filehandles (as when they are localized,
- and Perl automatically closes them on exiting the scope) could
- inadvertently set $? or $!. This has been corrected.
- =head2 Behavior of list slices is more consistent
- When taking a slice of a literal list (as opposed to a slice of
- an array or hash), Perl used to return an empty list if the
- result happened to be composed of all undef values.
- The new behavior is to produce an empty list if (and only if)
- the original list was empty. Consider the following example:
- @a = (1,undef,undef,2)[2,1,2];
- The old behavior would have resulted in @a having no elements.
- The new behavior ensures it has three undefined elements.
- Note in particular that the behavior of slices of the following
- cases remains unchanged:
- @a = ()[1,2];
- @a = (getpwent)[7,0];
- @a = (anything_returning_empty_list())[2,1,2];
- @a = @b[2,1,2];
- @a = @c{'a','b','c'};
- See L<perldata>.
- =head2 C<(\$)> prototype and C<$foo{a}>
- A scalar reference prototype now correctly allows a hash or
- array element in that slot.
- =head2 C<goto &sub> and AUTOLOAD
- The C<goto &sub> construct works correctly when C<&sub> happens
- to be autoloaded.
- =head2 C<-bareword> allowed under C<use integer>
- The autoquoting of barewords preceded by C<-> did not work
- in prior versions when the C<integer> pragma was enabled.
- This has been fixed.
- =head2 Failures in DESTROY()
- When code in a destructor threw an exception, it went unnoticed
- in earlier versions of Perl, unless someone happened to be
- looking in $@ just after the point the destructor happened to
- run. Such failures are now visible as warnings when warnings are
- enabled.
- =head2 Locale bugs fixed
- printf() and sprintf() previously reset the numeric locale
- back to the default "C" locale. This has been fixed.
- Numbers formatted according to the local numeric locale
- (such as using a decimal comma instead of a decimal dot) caused
- "isn't numeric" warnings, even while the operations accessing
- those numbers produced correct results. These warnings have been
- discontinued.
- =head2 Memory leaks
- The C<eval 'return sub {...}'> construct could sometimes leak
- memory. This has been fixed.
- Operations that aren't filehandle constructors used to leak memory
- when used on invalid filehandles. This has been fixed.
- Constructs that modified C<@_> could fail to deallocate values
- in C<@_> and thus leak memory. This has been corrected.
- =head2 Spurious subroutine stubs after failed subroutine calls
- Perl could sometimes create empty subroutine stubs when a
- subroutine was not found in the package. Such cases stopped
- later method lookups from progressing into base packages.
- This has been corrected.
- =head2 Taint failures under C<-U>
- When running in unsafe mode, taint violations could sometimes
- cause silent failures. This has been fixed.
- =head2 END blocks and the C<-c> switch
- Prior versions used to run BEGIN B<and> END blocks when Perl was
- run in compile-only mode. Since this is typically not the expected
- behavior, END blocks are not executed anymore when the C<-c> switch
- is used.
- See L<CHECK blocks> for how to run things when the compile phase ends.
- =head2 Potential to leak DATA filehandles
- Using the C<__DATA__> token creates an implicit filehandle to
- the file that contains the token. It is the program's
- responsibility to close it when it is done reading from it.
- This caveat is now better explained in the documentation.
- See L<perldata>.
- =head1 New or Changed Diagnostics
- =over 4
- =item "%s" variable %s masks earlier declaration in same %s
- (W misc) A "my" or "our" variable has been redeclared in the current scope or statement,
- effectively eliminating all access to the previous instance. This is almost
- always a typographical error. Note that the earlier variable will still exist
- until the end of the scope or until all closure referents to it are
- destroyed.
- =item "my sub" not yet implemented
- (F) Lexically scoped subroutines are not yet implemented. Don't try that
- yet.
- =item "our" variable %s redeclared
- (W misc) You seem to have already declared the same global once before in the
- current lexical scope.
- =item '!' allowed only after types %s
- (F) The '!' is allowed in pack() and unpack() only after certain types.
- See L<perlfunc/pack>.
- =item / cannot take a count
- (F) You had an unpack template indicating a counted-length string,
- but you have also specified an explicit size for the string.
- See L<perlfunc/pack>.
- =item / must be followed by a, A or Z
- (F) You had an unpack template indicating a counted-length string,
- which must be followed by one of the letters a, A or Z
- to indicate what sort of string is to be unpacked.
- See L<perlfunc/pack>.
- =item / must be followed by a*, A* or Z*
- (F) You had a pack template indicating a counted-length string,
- Currently the only things that can have their length counted are a*, A* or Z*.
- See L<perlfunc/pack>.
- =item / must follow a numeric type
- (F) You had an unpack template that contained a '#',
- but this did not follow some numeric unpack specification.
- See L<perlfunc/pack>.
- =item /%s/: Unrecognized escape \\%c passed through
- (W regexp) You used a backslash-character combination which is not recognized
- by Perl. This combination appears in an interpolated variable or a
- C<'>-delimited regular expression. The character was understood literally.
- =item /%s/: Unrecognized escape \\%c in character class passed through
- (W regexp) You used a backslash-character combination which is not recognized
- by Perl inside character classes. The character was understood literally.
- =item /%s/ should probably be written as "%s"
- (W syntax) You have used a pattern where Perl expected to find a string,
- as in the first argument to C<join>. Perl will treat the true
- or false result of matching the pattern against $_ as the string,
- which is probably not what you had in mind.
- =item %s() called too early to check prototype
- (W prototype) You've called a function that has a prototype before the parser saw a
- definition or declaration for it, and Perl could not check that the call
- conforms to the prototype. You need to either add an early prototype
- declaration for the subroutine in question, or move the subroutine
- definition ahead of the call to get proper prototype checking. Alternatively,
- if you are certain that you're calling the function correctly, you may put
- an ampersand before the name to avoid the warning. See L<perlsub>.
- =item %s argument is not a HASH or ARRAY element
- (F) The argument to exists() must be a hash or array element, such as:
- $foo{$bar}
- $ref->{"susie"}[12]
- =item %s argument is not a HASH or ARRAY element or slice
- (F) The argument to delete() must be either a hash or array element, such as:
- $foo{$bar}
- $ref->{"susie"}[12]
- or a hash or array slice, such as:
- @foo[$bar, $baz, $xyzzy]
- @{$ref->[12]}{"susie", "queue"}
- =item %s argument is not a subroutine name
- (F) The argument to exists() for C<exists &sub> must be a subroutine
- name, and not a subroutine call. C<exists &sub()> will generate this error.
- =item %s package attribute may clash with future reserved word: %s
- (W reserved) A lowercase attribute name was used that had a package-specific handler.
- That name might have a meaning to Perl itself some day, even though it
- doesn't yet. Perhaps you should use a mixed-case attribute name, instead.
- See L<attributes>.
- =item (in cleanup) %s
- (W misc) This prefix usually indicates that a DESTROY() method raised
- the indicated exception. Since destructors are usually called by
- the system at arbitrary points during execution, and often a vast
- number of times, the warning is issued only once for any number
- of failures that would otherwise result in the same message being
- repeated.
- Failure of user callbacks dispatched using the C<G_KEEPERR> flag
- could also result in this warning. See L<perlcall/G_KEEPERR>.
- =item <> should be quotes
- (F) You wrote C<< require <file> >> when you should have written
- C<require 'file'>.
- =item Attempt to join self
- (F) You tried to join a thread from within itself, which is an
- impossible task. You may be joining the wrong thread, or you may
- need to move the join() to some other thread.
- =item Bad evalled substitution pattern
- (F) You've used the /e switch to evaluate the replacement for a
- substitution, but perl found a syntax error in the code to evaluate,
- most likely an unexpected right brace '}'.
- =item Bad realloc() ignored
- (S) An internal routine called realloc() on something that had never been
- malloc()ed in the first place. Mandatory, but can be disabled by
- setting environment variable C<PERL_BADFREE> to 1.
- =item Bareword found in conditional
- (W bareword) The compiler found a bareword where it expected a conditional,
- which often indicates that an || or && was parsed as part of the
- last argument of the previous construct, for example:
- open FOO || die;
- It may also indicate a misspelled constant that has been interpreted
- as a bareword:
- use constant TYPO => 1;
- if (TYOP) { print "foo" }
- The C<strict> pragma is useful in avoiding such errors.
- =item Binary number > 0b11111111111111111111111111111111 non-portable
- (W portable) The binary number you specified is larger than 2**32-1
- (4294967295) and therefore non-portable between systems. See
- L<perlport> for more on portability concerns.
- =item Bit vector size > 32 non-portable
- (W portable) Using bit vector sizes larger than 32 is non-portable.
- =item Buffer overflow in prime_env_iter: %s
- (W internal) A warning peculiar to VMS. While Perl was preparing to iterate over
- %ENV, it encountered a logical name or symbol definition which was too long,
- so it was truncated to the string shown.
- =item Can't check filesystem of script "%s"
- (P) For some reason you can't check the filesystem of the script for nosuid.
- =item Can't declare class for non-scalar %s in "%s"
- (S) Currently, only scalar variables can declared with a specific class
- qualifier in a "my" or "our" declaration. The semantics may be extended
- for other types of variables in future.
- =item Can't declare %s in "%s"
- (F) Only scalar, array, and hash variables may be declared as "my" or
- "our" variables. They must have ordinary identifiers as names.
- =item Can't ignore signal CHLD, forcing to default
- (W signal) Perl has detected that it is being run with the SIGCHLD signal
- (sometimes known as SIGCLD) disabled. Since disabling this signal
- will interfere with proper determination of exit status of child
- processes, Perl has reset the signal to its default value.
- This situation typically indicates that the parent program under
- which Perl may be running (e.g., cron) is being very careless.
- =item Can't modify non-lvalue subroutine call
- (F) Subroutines meant to be used in lvalue context should be declared as
- such, see L<perlsub/"Lvalue subroutines">.
- =item Can't read CRTL environ
- (S) A warning peculiar to VMS. Perl tried to read an element of %ENV
- from the CRTL's internal environment array and discovered the array was
- missing. You need to figure out where your CRTL misplaced its environ
- or define F<PERL_ENV_TABLES> (see L<perlvms>) so that environ is not searched.
- =item Can't remove %s: %s, skipping file
- (S) You requested an inplace edit without creating a backup file. Perl
- was unable to remove the original file to replace it with the modified
- file. The file was left unmodified.
- =item Can't return %s from lvalue subroutine
- (F) Perl detected an attempt to return illegal lvalues (such
- as temporary or readonly values) from a subroutine used as an lvalue.
- This is not allowed.
- =item Can't weaken a nonreference
- (F) You attempted to weaken something that was not a reference. Only
- references can be weakened.
- =item Character class [:%s:] unknown
- (F) The class in the character class [: :] syntax is unknown.
- See L<perlre>.
- =item Character class syntax [%s] belongs inside character classes
- (W unsafe) The character class constructs [: :], [= =], and [. .] go
- I<inside> character classes, the [] are part of the construct,
- for example: /[012[:alpha:]345]/. Note that [= =] and [. .]
- are not currently implemented; they are simply placeholders for
- future extensions.
- =item Constant is not %s reference
- (F) A constant value (perhaps declared using the C<use constant> pragma)
- is being dereferenced, but it amounts to the wrong type of reference. The
- message indicates the type of reference that was expected. This usually
- indicates a syntax error in dereferencing the constant value.
- See L<perlsub/"Constant Functions"> and L<constant>.
- =item constant(%s): %s
- (F) The parser found inconsistencies either while attempting to define an
- overloaded constant, or when trying to find the character name specified
- in the C<\N{...}> escape. Perhaps you forgot to load the corresponding
- C<overload> or C<charnames> pragma? See L<charnames> and L<overload>.
- =item CORE::%s is not a keyword
- (F) The CORE:: namespace is reserved for Perl keywords.
- =item defined(@array) is deprecated
- (D) defined() is not usually useful on arrays because it checks for an
- undefined I<scalar> value. If you want to see if the array is empty,
- just use C<if (@array) { # not empty }> for example.
- =item defined(%hash) is deprecated
- (D) defined() is not usually useful on hashes because it checks for an
- undefined I<scalar> value. If you want to see if the hash is empty,
- just use C<if (%hash) { # not empty }> for example.
- =item Did not produce a valid header
- See Server error.
- =item (Did you mean "local" instead of "our"?)
- (W misc) Remember that "our" does not localize the declared global variable.
- You have declared it again in the same lexical scope, which seems superfluous.
- =item Document contains no data
- See Server error.
- =item entering effective %s failed
- (F) While under the C<use filetest> pragma, switching the real and
- effective uids or gids failed.
- =item false [] range "%s" in regexp
- (W regexp) A character class range must start and end at a literal character, not
- another character class like C<\d> or C<[:alpha:]>. The "-" in your false
- range is interpreted as a literal "-". Consider quoting the "-", "\-".
- See L<perlre>.
- =item Filehandle %s opened only for output
- (W io) You tried to read from a filehandle opened only for writing. If you
- intended it to be a read/write filehandle, you needed to open it with
- "+<" or "+>" or "+>>" instead of with "<" or nothing. If
- you intended only to read from the file, use "<". See
- L<perlfunc/open>.
- =item flock() on closed filehandle %s
- (W closed) The filehandle you're attempting to flock() got itself closed some
- time before now. Check your logic flow. flock() operates on filehandles.
- Are you attempting to call flock() on a dirhandle by the same name?
- =item Global symbol "%s" requires explicit package name
- (F) You've said "use strict vars", which indicates that all variables
- must either be lexically scoped (using "my"), declared beforehand using
- "our", or explicitly qualified to say which package the global variable
- is in (using "::").
- =item Hexadecimal number > 0xffffffff non-portable
- (W portable) The hexadecimal number you specified is larger than 2**32-1
- (4294967295) and therefore non-portable between systems. See
- L<perlport> for more on portability concerns.
- =item Ill-formed CRTL environ value "%s"
- (W internal) A warning peculiar to VMS. Perl tried to read the CRTL's internal
- environ array, and encountered an element without the C<=> delimiter
- used to spearate keys from values. The element is ignored.
- =item Ill-formed message in prime_env_iter: |%s|
- (W internal) A warning peculiar to VMS. Perl tried to read a logical name
- or CLI symbol definition when preparing to iterate over %ENV, and
- didn't see the expected delimiter between key and value, so the
- line was ignored.
- =item Illegal binary digit %s
- (F) You used a digit other than 0 or 1 in a binary number.
- =item Illegal binary digit %s ignored
- (W digit) You may have tried to use a digit other than 0 or 1 in a binary number.
- Interpretation of the binary number stopped before the offending digit.
- =item Illegal number of bits in vec
- (F) The number of bits in vec() (the third argument) must be a power of
- two from 1 to 32 (or 64, if your platform supports that).
- =item Integer overflow in %s number
- (W overflow) The hexadecimal, octal or binary number you have specified either
- as a literal or as an argument to hex() or oct() is too big for your
- architecture, and has been converted to a floating point number. On a
- 32-bit architecture the largest hexadecimal, octal or binary number
- representable without overflow is 0xFFFFFFFF, 037777777777, or
- 0b11111111111111111111111111111111 respectively. Note that Perl
- transparently promotes all numbers to a floating point representation
- internally--subject to loss of precision errors in subsequent
- operations.
- =item Invalid %s attribute: %s
- The indicated attribute for a subroutine or variable was not recognized
- by Perl or by a user-supplied handler. See L<attributes>.
- =item Invalid %s attributes: %s
- The indicated attributes for a subroutine or variable were not recognized
- by Perl or by a user-supplied handler. See L<attributes>.
- =item invalid [] range "%s" in regexp
- The offending range is now explicitly displayed.
- =item Invalid separator character %s in attribute list
- (F) Something other than a colon or whitespace was seen between the
- elements of an attribute list. If the previous attribute
- had a parenthesised parameter list, perhaps that list was terminated
- too soon. See L<attributes>.
- =item Invalid separator character %s in subroutine attribute list
- (F) Something other than a colon or whitespace was seen between the
- elements of a subroutine attribute list. If the previous attribute
- had a parenthesised parameter list, perhaps that list was terminated
- too soon.
- =item leaving effective %s failed
- (F) While under the C<use filetest> pragma, switching the real and
- effective uids or gids failed.
- =item Lvalue subs returning %s not implemented yet
- (F) Due to limitations in the current implementation, array and hash
- values cannot be returned in subroutines used in lvalue context.
- See L<perlsub/"Lvalue subroutines">.
- =item Method %s not permitted
- See Server error.
- =item Missing %sbrace%s on \N{}
- (F) Wrong syntax of character name literal C<\N{charname}> within
- double-quotish context.
- =item Missing command in piped open
- (W pipe) You used the C<open(FH, "| command")> or C<open(FH, "command |")>
- construction, but the command was missing or blank.
- =item Missing name in "my sub"
- (F) The reserved syntax for lexically scoped subroutines requires that they
- have a name with which they can be found.
- =item No %s specified for -%c
- (F) The indicated command line switch needs a mandatory argument, but
- you haven't specified one.
- =item No package name allowed for variable %s in "our"
- (F) Fully qualified variable names are not allowed in "our" declarations,
- because that doesn't make much sense under existing semantics. Such
- syntax is reserved for future extensions.
- =item No space allowed after -%c
- (F) The argument to the indicated command line switch must follow immediately
- after the switch, without intervening spaces.
- =item no UTC offset information; assuming local time is UTC
- (S) A warning peculiar to VMS. Perl was unable to find the local
- timezone offset, so it's assuming that local system time is equivalent
- to UTC. If it's not, define the logical name F<SYS$TIMEZONE_DIFFERENTIAL>
- to translate to the number of seconds which need to be added to UTC to
- get local time.
- =item Octal number > 037777777777 non-portable
- (W portable) The octal number you specified is larger than 2**32-1 (4294967295)
- and therefore non-portable between systems. See L<perlport> for more
- on portability concerns.
- See also L<perlport> for writing portable code.
- =item panic: del_backref
- (P) Failed an internal consistency check while trying to reset a weak
- reference.
- =item panic: kid popen errno read
- (F) forked child returned an incomprehensible message about its errno.
- =item panic: magic_killbackrefs
- (P) Failed an internal consistency check while trying to reset all weak
- references to an object.
- =item Parentheses missing around "%s" list
- (W parenthesis) You said something like
- my $foo, $bar = @_;
- when you meant
- my ($foo, $bar) = @_;
- Remember that "my", "our", and "local" bind tighter than comma.
- =item Possible Y2K bug: %s
- (W y2k) You are concatenating the number 19 with another number, which
- could be a potential Year 2000 problem.
- =item pragma "attrs" is deprecated, use "sub NAME : ATTRS" instead
- (W deprecated) You have written somehing like this:
- sub doit
- {
- use attrs qw(locked);
- }
- You should use the new declaration syntax instead.
- sub doit : locked
- {
- ...
- The C<use attrs> pragma is now obsolete, and is only provided for
- backward-compatibility. See L<perlsub/"Subroutine Attributes">.
- =item Premature end of script headers
- See Server error.
- =item Repeat count in pack overflows
- (F) You can't specify a repeat count so large that it overflows
- your signed integers. See L<perlfunc/pack>.
- =item Repeat count in unpack overflows
- (F) You can't specify a repeat count so large that it overflows
- your signed integers. See L<perlfunc/unpack>.
- =item realloc() of freed memory ignored
- (S) An internal routine called realloc() on something that had already
- been freed.
- =item Reference is already weak
- (W misc) You have attempted to weaken a reference that is already weak.
- Doing so has no effect.
- =item setpgrp can't take arguments
- (F) Your system has the setpgrp() from BSD 4.2, which takes no arguments,
- unlike POSIX setpgid(), which takes a process ID and process group ID.
- =item Strange *+?{} on zero-length expression
- (W regexp) You applied a regular expression quantifier in a place where it
- makes no sense, such as on a zero-width assertion.
- Try putting the quantifier inside the assertion instead. For example,
- the way to match "abc" provided that it is followed by three
- repetitions of "xyz" is C</abc(?=(?:xyz){3})/>, not C</abc(?=xyz){3}/>.
- =item switching effective %s is not implemented
- (F) While under the C<use filetest> pragma, we cannot switch the
- real and effective uids or gids.
- =item This Perl can't reset CRTL environ elements (%s)
- =item This Perl can't set CRTL environ elements (%s=%s)
- (W internal) Warnings peculiar to VMS. You tried to change or delete an element
- of the CRTL's internal environ array, but your copy of Perl wasn't
- built with a CRTL that contained the setenv() function. You'll need to
- rebuild Perl with a CRTL that does, or redefine F<PERL_ENV_TABLES> (see
- L<perlvms>) so that the environ array isn't the target of the change to
- %ENV which produced the warning.
- =item Too late to run %s block
- (W void) A CHECK or INIT block is being defined during run time proper,
- when the opportunity to run them has already passed. Perhaps you are
- loading a file with C<require> or C<do> when you should be using
- C<use> instead. Or perhaps you should put the C<require> or C<do>
- inside a BEGIN block.
- =item Unknown open() mode '%s'
- (F) The second argument of 3-argument open() is not among the list
- of valid modes: C<< < >>, C<< > >>, C<<< >> >>>, C<< +< >>,
- C<< +> >>, C<<< +>> >>>, C<-|>, C<|->.
- =item Unknown process %x sent message to prime_env_iter: %s
- (P) An error peculiar to VMS. Perl was reading values for %ENV before
- iterating over it, and someone else stuck a message in the stream of
- data Perl expected. Someone's very confused, or perhaps trying to
- subvert Perl's population of %ENV for nefarious purposes.
- =item Unrecognized escape \\%c passed through
- (W misc) You used a backslash-character combination which is not recognized
- by Perl. The character was understood literally.
- =item Unterminated attribute parameter in attribute list
- (F) The lexer saw an opening (left) parenthesis character while parsing an
- attribute list, but the matching closing (right) parenthesis
- character was not found. You may need to add (or remove) a backslash
- character to get your parentheses to balance. See L<attributes>.
- =item Unterminated attribute list
- (F) The lexer found something other than a simple identifier at the start
- of an attribute, and it wasn't a semicolon or the start of a
- block. Perhaps you terminated the parameter list of the previous attribute
- too soon. See L<attributes>.
- =item Unterminated attribute parameter in subroutine attribute list
- (F) The lexer saw an opening (left) parenthesis character while parsing a
- subroutine attribute list, but the matching closing (right) parenthesis
- character was not found. You may need to add (or remove) a backslash
- character to get your parentheses to balance.
- =item Unterminated subroutine attribute list
- (F) The lexer found something other than a simple identifier at the start
- of a subroutine attribute, and it wasn't a semicolon or the start of a
- block. Perhaps you terminated the parameter list of the previous attribute
- too soon.
- =item Value of CLI symbol "%s" too long
- (W misc) A warning peculiar to VMS. Perl tried to read the value of an %ENV
- element from a CLI symbol table, and found a resultant string longer
- than 1024 characters. The return value has been truncated to 1024
- characters.
- =item Version number must be a constant number
- (P) The attempt to translate a C<use Module n.n LIST> statement into
- its equivalent C<BEGIN> block found an internal inconsistency with
- the version number.
- =back
- =head1 New tests
- =over 4
- =item lib/attrs
- Compatibility tests for C<sub : attrs> vs the older C<use attrs>.
- =item lib/env
- Tests for new environment scalar capability (e.g., C<use Env qw($BAR);>).
- =item lib/env-array
- Tests for new environment array capability (e.g., C<use Env qw(@PATH);>).
- =item lib/io_const
- IO constants (SEEK_*, _IO*).
- =item lib/io_dir
- Directory-related IO methods (new, read, close, rewind, tied delete).
- =item lib/io_multihomed
- INET sockets with multi-homed hosts.
- =item lib/io_poll
- IO poll().
- =item lib/io_unix
- UNIX sockets.
- =item op/attrs
- Regression tests for C<my ($x,@y,%z) : attrs> and <sub : attrs>.
- =item op/filetest
- File test operators.
- =item op/lex_assign
- Verify operations that access pad objects (lexicals and temporaries).
- =item op/exists_sub
- Verify C<exists &sub> operations.
- =back
- =head1 Incompatible Changes
- =head2 Perl Source Incompatibilities
- Beware that any new warnings that have been added or old ones
- that have been enhanced are B<not> considered incompatible changes.
- Since all new warnings must be explicitly requested via the C<-w>
- switch or the C<warnings> pragma, it is ultimately the programmer's
- responsibility to ensure that warnings are enabled judiciously.
- =over 4
- =item CHECK is a new keyword
- All subroutine definitions named CHECK are now special. See
- C</"Support for CHECK blocks"> for more information.
- =item Treatment of list slices of undef has changed
- There is a potential incompatibility in the behavior of list slices
- that are comprised entirely of undefined values.
- See L</"Behavior of list slices is more consistent">.
- =head2 Format of $English::PERL_VERSION is different
- The English module now sets $PERL_VERSION to $^V (a string value) rather
- than C<$]> (a numeric value). This is a potential incompatibility.
- Send us a report via perlbug if you are affected by this.
- See L</"Improved Perl version numbering system"> for the reasons for
- this change.
- =item Literals of the form C<1.2.3> parse differently
- Previously, numeric literals with more than one dot in them were
- interpreted as a floating point number concatenated with one or more
- numbers. Such "numbers" are now parsed as strings composed of the
- specified ordinals.
- For example, C<print 97.98.99> used to output C<97.9899> in earlier
- versions, but now prints C<abc>.
- See L</"Support for strings represented as a vector of ordinals">.
- =item Possibly changed pseudo-random number generator
- Perl programs that depend on reproducing a specific set of pseudo-random
- numbers may now produce different output due to improvements made to the
- rand() builtin. You can use C<sh Configure -Drandfunc=rand> to obtain
- the old behavior.
- See L</"Better pseudo-random number generator">.
- =item Hashing function for hash keys has changed
- Even though Perl hashes are not order preserving, the apparently
- random order encountered when iterating on the contents of a hash
- is actually determined by the hashing algorithm used. Improvements
- in the algorithm may yield a random order that is B<different> from
- that of previous versions, especially when iterating on hashes.
- See L</"Better worst-case behavior of hashes"> for additional
- information.
- =item C<undef> fails on read only values
- Using the C<undef> operator on a readonly value (such as $1) has
- the same effect as assigning C<undef> to the readonly value--it
- throws an exception.
- =item Close-on-exec bit may be set on pipe and socket handles
- Pipe and socket handles are also now subject to the close-on-exec
- behavior determined by the special variable $^F.
- See L</"More consistent close-on-exec behavior">.
- =item Writing C<"$$1"> to mean C<"${$}1"> is unsupported
- Perl 5.004 deprecated the interpretation of C<$$1> and
- similar within interpolated strings to mean C<$$ . "1">,
- but still allowed it.
- In Perl 5.6.0 and later, C<"$$1"> always means C<"${$1}">.
- =item delete(), values() and C<\(%h)> operate on aliases to values, not copies
- delete(), each(), values() and hashes in a list context return the actual
- values in the hash, instead of copies (as they used to in earlier
- versions). Typical idioms for using these constructs copy the
- returned values, but this can make a significant difference when
- creating references to the returned values. Keys in the hash are still
- returned as copies when iterating on a hash.
- See also L</"delete(), each(), values() and hash iteration are faster">.
- =item vec(EXPR,OFFSET,BITS) enforces powers-of-two BITS
- vec() generates a run-time error if the BITS argument is not
- a valid power-of-two integer.
- =item Text of some diagnostic output has changed
- Most references to internal Perl operations in diagnostics
- have been changed to be more descriptive. This may be an
- issue for programs that may incorrectly rely on the exact
- text of diagnostics for proper functioning.
- =item C<%@> has been removed
- The undocumented special variable C<%@> that used to accumulate
- "background" errors (such as those that happen in DESTROY())
- has been removed, because it could potentially result in memory
- leaks.
- =item Parenthesized not() behaves like a list operator
- The C<not> operator now falls under the "if it looks like a function,
- it behaves like a function" rule.
- As a result, the parenthesized form can be used with C<grep> and C<map>.
- The following construct used to be a syntax error before, but it works
- as expected now:
- grep not($_), @things;
- On the other hand, using C<not> with a literal list slice may not
- work. The following previously allowed construct:
- print not (1,2,3)[0];
- needs to be written with additional parentheses now:
- print not((1,2,3)[0]);
- The behavior remains unaffected when C<not> is not followed by parentheses.
- =item Semantics of bareword prototype C<(*)> have changed
- The semantics of the bareword prototype C<*> have changed. Perl 5.005
- always coerced simple scalar arguments to a typeglob, which wasn't useful
- in situations where the subroutine must distinguish between a simple
- scalar and a typeglob. The new behavior is to not coerce bareword
- arguments to a typeglob. The value will always be visible as either
- a simple scalar or as a reference to a typeglob.
- See L</"More functional bareword prototype (*)">.
- =head2 Semantics of bit operators may have changed on 64-bit platforms
- If your platform is either natively 64-bit or if Perl has been
- configured to used 64-bit integers, i.e., $Config{ivsize} is 8,
- there may be a potential incompatibility in the behavior of bitwise
- numeric operators (& | ^ ~ << >>). These operators used to strictly
- operate on the lower 32 bits of integers in previous versions, but now
- operate over the entire native integral width. In particular, note
- that unary C<~> will produce different results on platforms that have
- different $Config{ivsize}. For portability, be sure to mask off
- the excess bits in the result of unary C<~>, e.g., C<~$x & 0xffffffff>.
- See L</"Bit operators support full native integer width">.
- =head2 More builtins taint their results
- As described in L</"Improved security features">, there may be more
- sources of taint in a Perl program.
- To avoid these new tainting behaviors, you can build Perl with the
- Configure option C<-Accflags=-DINCOMPLETE_TAINTS>. Beware that the
- ensuing perl binary may be insecure.
- =back
- =head2 C Source Incompatibilities
- =over 4
- Release 5.005 grandfathered old global symbol names by providing preprocessor
- macros for extension source compatibility. As of release 5.6.0, these
- preprocessor definitions are not available by default. You need to explicitly
- compile perl with C<-DPERL_POLLUTE> to get these definitions. For
- extensions still using the old symbols, this option can be
- specified via MakeMaker:
- perl Makefile.PL POLLUTE=1
- This new build option provides a set of macros for all API functions
- such that an implicit interpreter/thread context argument is passed to
- every API function. As a result of this, something like C<sv_setsv(foo,bar)>
- amounts to a macro invocation that actually translates to something like
- C<Perl_sv_setsv(my_perl,foo,bar)>. While this is generally expected
- to not have any significant source compatibility issues, the difference
- between a macro and a real function call will need to be considered.
- This means that there B<is> a source compatibility issue as a result of
- this if your extensions attempt to use pointers to any of the Perl API
- functions.
- Note that the above issue is not relevant to the default build of
- Perl, whose interfaces continue to match those of prior versions
- (but subject to the other options described here).
- See L<perlguts/"The Perl API"> for detailed information on the
- ramifications of building Perl with this option.
- NOTE: PERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT is automatically enabled whenever Perl is built
- with one of -Dusethreads, -Dusemultiplicity, or both. It is not
- intended to be enabled by users at this time.
- Enabling Perl's malloc in release 5.005 and earlier caused the namespace of
- the system's malloc family of functions to be usurped by the Perl versions,
- since by default they used the same names. Besides causing problems on
- platforms that do not allow these functions to be cleanly replaced, this
- also meant that the system versions could not be called in programs that
- used Perl's malloc. Previous versions of Perl have allowed this behaviour
- to be suppressed with the HIDEMYMALLOC and EMBEDMYMALLOC preprocessor
- definitions.
- As of release 5.6.0, Perl's malloc family of functions have default names
- distinct from the system versions. You need to explicitly compile perl with
- C<-DPERL_POLLUTE_MALLOC> to get the older behaviour. HIDEMYMALLOC
- and EMBEDMYMALLOC have no effect, since the behaviour they enabled is now
- the default.
- Note that these functions do B<not> constitute Perl's memory allocation API.
- See L<perlguts/"Memory Allocation"> for further information about that.
- =back
- =head2 Compatible C Source API Changes
- =over
- are now available by default from perl.h, and reflect the base revision,
- patchlevel, and subversion respectively. C<PERL_REVISION> had no
- prior equivalent, while C<PERL_VERSION> and C<PERL_SUBVERSION> were
- previously available as C<PATCHLEVEL> and C<SUBVERSION>.
- The new names cause less pollution of the B<cpp> namespace and reflect what
- the numbers have come to stand for in common practice. For compatibility,
- the old names are still supported when F<patchlevel.h> is explicitly
- included (as required before), so there is no source incompatibility
- from the change.
- =back
- =head2 Binary Incompatibilities
- In general, the default build of this release is expected to be binary
- compatible for extensions built with the 5.005 release or its maintenance
- versions. However, specific platforms may have broken binary compatibility
- due to changes in the defaults used in hints files. Therefore, please be
- sure to always check the platform-specific README files for any notes to
- the contrary.
- The usethreads or usemultiplicity builds are B<not> binary compatible
- with the corresponding builds in 5.005.
- On platforms that require an explicit list of exports (AIX, OS/2 and Windows,
- among others), purely internal symbols such as parser functions and the
- run time opcodes are not exported by default. Perl 5.005 used to export
- all functions irrespective of whether they were considered part of the
- public API or not.
- For the full list of public API functions, see L<perlapi>.
- =head1 Known Problems
- =head2 Thread test failures
- The subtests 19 and 20 of lib/thr5005.t test are known to fail due to
- fundamental problems in the 5.005 threading implementation. These are
- not new failures--Perl 5.005_0x has the same bugs, but didn't have these
- tests.
- =head2 EBCDIC platforms not supported
- In earlier releases of Perl, EBCDIC environments like OS390 (also
- known as Open Edition MVS) and VM-ESA were supported. Due to changes
- required by the UTF-8 (Unicode) support, the EBCDIC platforms are not
- supported in Perl 5.6.0.
- =head2 In 64-bit HP-UX the lib/io_multihomed test may hang
- The lib/io_multihomed test may hang in HP-UX if Perl has been
- configured to be 64-bit. Because other 64-bit platforms do not
- hang in this test, HP-UX is suspect. All other tests pass
- in 64-bit HP-UX. The test attempts to create and connect to
- "multihomed" sockets (sockets which have multiple IP addresses).
- =head2 NEXTSTEP 3.3 POSIX test failure
- In NEXTSTEP 3.3p2 the implementation of the strftime(3) in the
- operating system libraries is buggy: the %j format numbers the days of
- a month starting from zero, which, while being logical to programmers,
- will cause the subtests 19 to 27 of the lib/posix test may fail.
- =head2 Tru64 (aka Digital UNIX, aka DEC OSF/1) lib/sdbm test failure with gcc
- If compiled with gcc 2.95 the lib/sdbm test will fail (dump core).
- The cure is to use the vendor cc, it comes with the operating system
- and produces good code.
- =head2 UNICOS/mk CC failures during Configure run
- In UNICOS/mk the following errors may appear during the Configure run:
- Guessing which symbols your C compiler and preprocessor define...
- CC-20 cc: ERROR File = try.c, Line = 3
- ...
- bad switch yylook 79bad switch yylook 79bad switch yylook 79bad switch yylook 79#ifdef A29K
- ...
- 4 errors detected in the compilation of "try.c".
- The culprit is the broken awk of UNICOS/mk. The effect is fortunately
- rather mild: Perl itself is not adversely affected by the error, only
- the h2ph utility coming with Perl, and that is rather rarely needed
- these days.
- =head2 Arrow operator and arrays
- When the left argument to the arrow operator C<< -> >> is an array, or
- the C<scalar> operator operating on an array, the result of the
- operation must be considered erroneous. For example:
- @x->[2]
- scalar(@x)->[2]
- These expressions will get run-time errors in some future release of
- Perl.
- =head2 Windows 2000
- Windows 2000 is known to fail test 22 in lib/open3.t (cause unknown at
- this time). That test passes under Windows NT.
- =head2 Experimental features
- As discussed above, many features are still experimental. Interfaces and
- implementation of these features are subject to change, and in extreme cases,
- even subject to removal in some future release of Perl. These features
- include the following:
- =over 4
- =item Threads
- =item Unicode
- =item 64-bit support
- =item Lvalue subroutines
- =item Weak references
- =item The pseudo-hash data type
- =item The Compiler suite
- =item Internal implementation of file globbing
- =item The DB module
- =item The regular expression constructs C<(?{ code })> and C<(??{ code })>
- =back
- =head1 Obsolete Diagnostics
- =over 4
- =item Character class syntax [: :] is reserved for future extensions
- (W) Within regular expression character classes ([]) the syntax beginning
- with "[:" and ending with ":]" is reserved for future extensions.
- If you need to represent those character sequences inside a regular
- expression character class, just quote the square brackets with the
- backslash: "\[:" and ":\]".
- =item Ill-formed logical name |%s| in prime_env_iter
- (W) A warning peculiar to VMS. A logical name was encountered when preparing
- to iterate over %ENV which violates the syntactic rules governing logical
- names. Because it cannot be translated normally, it is skipped, and will not
- appear in %ENV. This may be a benign occurrence, as some software packages
- might directly modify logical name tables and introduce nonstandard names,
- or it may indicate that a logical name table has been corrupted.
- =item Probable precedence problem on %s
- (W) The compiler found a bareword where it expected a conditional,
- which often indicates that an || or && was parsed as part of the
- last argument of the previous construct, for example:
- open FOO || die;
- =item regexp too big
- (F) The current implementation of regular expressions uses shorts as
- address offsets within a string. Unfortunately this means that if
- the regular expression compiles to longer than 32767, it'll blow up.
- Usually when you want a regular expression this big, there is a better
- way to do it with multiple statements. See L<perlre>.
- =item Use of "$$<digit>" to mean "${$}<digit>" is deprecated
- (D) Perl versions before 5.004 misinterpreted any type marker followed
- by "$" and a digit. For example, "$$0" was incorrectly taken to mean
- "${$}0" instead of "${$0}". This bug is (mostly) fixed in Perl 5.004.
- However, the developers of Perl 5.004 could not fix this bug completely,
- because at least two widely-used modules depend on the old meaning of
- "$$0" in a string. So Perl 5.004 still interprets "$$<digit>" in the
- old (broken) way inside strings; but it generates this message as a
- warning. And in Perl 5.005, this special treatment will cease.
- =back
- =head1 Reporting Bugs
- If you find what you think is a bug, you might check the
- articles recently posted to the comp.lang.perl.misc newsgroup.
- There may also be information at http://www.perl.com/perl/, the Perl
- Home Page.
- If you believe you have an unreported bug, please run the B<perlbug>
- program included with your release. Be sure to trim your bug down
- to a tiny but sufficient test case. Your bug report, along with the
- output of C<perl -V>, will be sent off to perlbug@perl.com to be
- analysed by the Perl porting team.
- =head1 SEE ALSO
- The F<Changes> file for exhaustive details on what changed.
- The F<INSTALL> file for how to build Perl.
- The F<README> file for general stuff.
- The F<Artistic> and F<Copying> files for copyright information.
- =head1 HISTORY
- Written by Gurusamy Sarathy <F<gsar@activestate.com>>, with many
- contributions from The Perl Porters.
- Send omissions or corrections to <F<perlbug@perl.com>>.
- =cut