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- #!/usr/bin/perl
- print STDERR "Loading proper nouns...\n";
- open(DICT,"/usr/dict/words") || die "Can't find /usr/dict/words: $!\n";
- while (<DICT>) {
- if (/^[A-Z]/) {
- chop;
- ($lower = $_) =~ y/A-Z/a-z/;
- $proper{$lower} = $_;
- }
- }
- close DICT;
- print STDERR "Loading exceptions...\n";
- $prog = <<'EOT';
- while (<>) {
- next if /[a-z]/;
- y/A-Z/a-z/;
- s/(\w+)/$proper{$1} ? $proper{$1} : $1/eg;
- s/^(\s*)([a-z])/$1 . (($tmp = $2) =~ y:a-z:A-Z:,$tmp)/e;
- s/([-.?!]["']?(\n\s*| \s*)["']?)([a-z])/$1 . (($tmp = $3) =~ y:a-z:A-Z:,$tmp)/eg;
- s/\b([b-df-hj-np-tv-xz]+)\b/(($tmp = $1) =~ y:a-z:A-Z:,$tmp)/eg;
- s/([a-z])'([SDT])\b/$1 . "'" . (($tmp = $2) =~ y:A-Z:a-z:,$tmp)/eg;
- while (<DATA>) {
- chop;
- next if /^$/;
- next if /^#/;
- if (! /;$/) {
- $foo = $_;
- $foo =~ y/A-Z/a-z/;
- print STDERR "Dup $_\n" if $proper{$foo};
- $foo =~ s/([^\w ])/\\$1/g;
- $foo =~ s/ /(\\s+)/g;
- $foo = "\\b" . $foo if $foo =~ /^\w/; # XXX till patch 9
- $foo .= "\\b" if $foo =~ /\w$/;
- $i = 0;
- ($bar = $_) =~ s/ /'$' . ++$i/eg;
- $_ = "s/$foo/$bar/gi;";
- }
- $prog .= ' ' . $_ . "\n";
- }
- $prog .= "}\ncontinue {\n print;\n}\n";
- $/ = '';
- #print $prog;
- eval $prog; die $@ if $@;
- __END__
- A.M.
- Air Force
- Air Force Base
- Air Force Station
- American
- Apr.
- Ariane
- Aug.
- August
- Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Caltech
- Cape Canaveral
- Challenger
- China
- Corporation
- Crippen
- Daily News in Brief
- Daniel Quayle
- Dec.
- Discovery
- Edwards
- Endeavour
- Feb.
- Ford Aerospace
- Fri.
- General Dynamics
- George Bush
- Headline News
- I
- II
- IV
- IX
- Institute of Technology
- Jan.
- Jul.
- Jun.
- Kennedy Space Center
- Long Duration Exposure Facility
- Long March
- Mar.
- March
- Martin
- Martin Marietta
- Mercury
- Mon.
- in May
- s/\bmay (\d)/May $1/g;
- s/\boffice of (\w)/'Office of ' . (($tmp = $1) =~ y:a-z:A-Z:,$tmp)/eg;
- National Science Foundation
- NASA Select
- New Mexico
- Nov.
- Oct.
- Office of Management and Budget
- President
- President Bush
- Richard Truly
- Rocketdyne
- Russian
- Russians
- Sat.
- Sep.
- Soviet
- Soviet Union
- Soviets
- Space Shuttle
- Sun.
- Thu.
- Tue.
- U.S.
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
- United States
- VI
- Vice President
- Vice President Quayle
- Wed.
- White Sands
- Kaman Aerospace
- Aerospace Daily
- Aviation Week
- Space Technology
- Washington Post
- Los Angeles Times
- New York Times
- Aerospace Industries Association
- president of
- Johnson Space Center
- Space Services
- Inc.
- Co.
- Hughes Aircraft
- Company
- Orbital Sciences
- Swedish Space
- Arnauld
- Nicogosian
- Magellan
- Galileo
- Mir
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- University
- Department of Defense
- Orbital Science
- United Press International
- United Press
- Associated Press
- AP
- Cable News Network
- Cape York
- Zenit
- Eastern
- Western
- Test Range
- Jcsat
- Japanese Satellite Communications
- Defence Ministry
- Defense Ministry
- Skynet
- Fixed Service Structure
- Launch Processing System
- Asiasat
- Launch Control Center
- Earth
- Glavkosmos
- Pacific
- Atlantic