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package PPM::SOAPClient;
# Required inclusions.
use strict; # Activate compile-time syntax checking
use SOAP::EnvelopeMaker; # Needed for connecting to SOAP server
use SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Client; # Needed for connecting to SOAP server
use SOAP::Parser; # Needed for parsing results from SOAP srvr
# Get our version number out of the CVS revision number.
use vars qw( $VERSION );
$VERSION = do { my @r = q$Revision: 1.1 $ =~ /\d+/g; sprintf '%d.'.'%02d'x$#r, @r };
# Package-wide variables.
# Specifies the URN to the information about the SOAP interface for PPM.
# UNFINISHED -> We need a real URN for the SOAP interface for PPM.
my $SOAP_URN = 'urn:localhost';
# Subroutine: new ($server)
# Parameters: $server - URL to SOAP server
# Instantiates a new SOAP client, specifying the server that will be used for
# all later connections. '$server' should be provided as the URL to the SOAP
# server that we're going to connect to and make queries against.
# Note, that this method accepts both "http://" and "soap://" server URLs
# exactly the same way (we treat 'soap://' URLs as standard HTTP URLs).
sub new
my ($class, $server) = @_;
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
$server =~ s/^soap:/http:/io;
$self->{'_server'} = $server;
$self->{'_urn'} = $SOAP_URN;
return $self;
# Subroutine: version ()
# Gets the version number of the SOAP server that we're connected to. If we're
# unable to contact the server or its offline, this method returns 'undef'.
sub version ()
my ($self) = @_;
my @response = $self->_makeSOAPRequest( 'version' );
return 0 if (scalar @response == 0);
return $response[0];
# Subroutine: searchAbstract ($search)
# Parameters: $search - Term to search for
# Returns: $results - Hash of package information for matching pkgs
# Searches within the 'ABSTRACT' field within all of the packages held in the
# repository on the server. The value '$search' may be a regex that will be
# used to match against the abstracts. If no value for '$search' is provided,
# the server treats the search to be for '.*' (everything).
sub searchAbstract ($)
my ($self, $search) = @_;
my @matches = $self->_makeSOAPRequest( 'searchAbstract',
'search', $search );
my %pkgs;
map { $pkgs{$_->{'NAME'}} = $_ } @matches;
return %pkgs;
# Subroutine: searchAuthor ($search)
# Parameters: $search - Term to search for
# Returns: $results - Hash of package information for matching pkgs
# Searches within the 'AUTHOR' field within all of the packages held in the
# repository on the server. The value '$search' may be a regex that will be
# used to match against the authors. If no value of '$search' is provided, the
# server treats the search to be for '.*' (everything).
sub searchAuthor ($)
my ($self, $search) = @_;
my @matches = $self->_makeSOAPRequest( 'searchAuthor',
'search', $search );
my %pkgs;
map { $pkgs{$_->{'NAME'}} = $_ } @matches;
return %pkgs;
# Subroutine: searchTitle ($search)
# Parameters: $search - Term to search for
# Returns: $results - Hash of package information for matching pkgs
# Searches within the 'title' field within all of the packages held in the
# repository on the server. The value '$search' may be a regex that will be
# used to match against the titles. If no value of '$search' is provided, the
# server treats the search to be for '.*' (everything).
sub searchTitle ($)
my ($self, $search) = @_;
my @matches = $self->_makeSOAPRequest( 'searchTitle',
'search', $search );
my %pkgs;
map { $pkgs{$_->{'NAME'}} = $_ } @matches;
return %pkgs;
# Subroutine: search ($search)
# Parameters: $search - Term to search for
# Returns: $results - Hash of package information for matching pkgs
# Searches through all of the fields within all of the packages held in the
# repository on the server. The value '$search' may be a regex that will be
# used to match against the field values. If no value of '$search' is
# provided, the server treats the search to be for '.*' (everything).
sub search ($)
my ($self, $search) = @_;
my @matches = $self->_makeSOAPRequest( 'search', 'search', $search );
my %pkgs;
map { $pkgs{$_->{'NAME'}} = $_ } @matches;
return %pkgs;
# Subroutine: packages ()
# Returns: @packages - List of packages available in the repository
# Generates a list of all of the packages currently available in the
# repository. The value returned to the caller is a list containing the names
# of all of the packages in the repository.
sub packages ()
my ($self) = @_;
my @stuff = $self->_makeSOAPRequest( 'packages' );
my @return = map { $_->{'NAME'} } @stuff;
return @return;
# Subroutine: fetch_ppd ($pkg)
# Parameters: $pkg - Package to get PPD file for
# Returns: $ppd - Full contents of PPD in XML as a scalar
# Fetches the PPD associated with a given package. The full contents of the
# PPD are returned to the caller in XML format as a scalar value.
sub fetch_ppd ($)
my ($self, $pkg) = @_;
$pkg =~ s/\.ppd$//gio; # Strip any leftover '.ppd' extension.
my @ppd = $self->_makeSOAPRequest( 'fetch_ppd', 'package', $pkg );
return undef if (scalar @ppd == 0);
return $ppd[0];
# Subroutine: fetch_summary ()
# Returns: $summary - Full summary of repository in XML as a scalar
# Fetches the full summary of all of the packages held in the repository. The
# full contents of the summary are returned to the caller in XML format as a
# scalar value.
sub fetch_summary ()
my ($self) = @_;
my @response = $self->_makeSOAPRequest( 'fetch_summary' );
return undef if (scalar @response == 0);
return $response[0];
# Subroutine: _makeSOAPRequest ($method, $search)
# Returns: @results - List of package information
# INTERNAL METHOD. Makes the SOAP request to the server, doing the bulk of the
# actual work for us.
sub _makeSOAPRequest
my ($self, $method, @params) = @_;
# Build up the SOAP envelope that we're going to use.
my $soap_request = '';
my $envelope = new SOAP::EnvelopeMaker( sub { $soap_request .= shift } );
# Set the parameters that we're going to send along in the SOAP call, and
# put them into the envelope.
# UNFINISHED -> Right now we've got a placeholder in here as the
# PPM::SOAPServer module needs one to be able to parse the
# request at its end. This will need to be fixed before final
# release.
my $fcnparms = { 'placeholder' => undef, @params };
$envelope->set_body( $self->{'_urn'}, $method, 0, $fcnparms );
# Create a SOAP client and do the call to the SOAP server.
my $soap = new SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Client();
my $result = $soap->send_receive(
$soap_request );
# Create a parser to parse the response, and yank the response apart.
my $parser = new SOAP::Parser();
my $rc = $parser->parsestring( $result );
my $body = $parser->get_body();
# Take the response body that we just got back, and put it into a _list_
# instead of the hash structure that we got back. NOTE, that this is done
# solely because SOAP/Perl does not yet support the transport of list
# values; when it does this should be changed to use the list serialization
# instead.
my $return_val = $body->{'return'};
my $num_results = $return_val->{'num_results'};
my @results;
foreach my $idx (1 .. $num_results)
# Get the contents of this result item.
my $key = "result_$idx";
my $val = $return_val->{$key};
# Remove any SOAP fields that were used during transport.
if ((ref($val) eq 'HASH') && (exists $val->{'soap_typename'}))
delete $val->{'soap_typename'};
# Add this item to our return value.
push( @results, $val );
# All done, return the result set to the caller.
return @results;
# POD Documentation
=head1 NAME
PPM::SOAPClient - SOAP client for PPM repository
use PPM::SOAPClient;
my $client = new PPM::SOAPClient;
my @results = $client->search( 'sarathy' );
C<PPM::SOAPClient> implements a SOAP client to be used to access a PPM
repository through a SOAP interface. All of the functionality for making
and parsing the SOAP request is handled internally; simply access the
provided methods and you'll be returned a data structure containing the
actual response.
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
=item new ($server)
Instantiates a new SOAP client, specifying the server that will be used for
all later connections. 'C<$server>' should be provided as the URL to the
SOAP server that we're going to connect to and make queries against.
Note, that this method accepts both "http://" and "soap://" server URLs
exactly the same way (we treat 'C<soap://>' URLs as standard HTTP URLs).
=item version ()
Gets the version number of the SOAP server that we're connected to. If
we're unable to contact the server or its offline, this method returns
=item searchAbstract ($search)
Searches within the 'C<ABSTRACT>' field within all of the packages held in
the repository on the server. The value 'C<$search>' may be a regex that
will be used to match against the abstracts. If no value for 'C<$search>'
is provided, the server treats the search to be for 'C<.*>' (everything).
=item searchAuthor ($search)
Searches within the 'C<AUTHOR>' field within all of the packages held in
the repository on the server. The value 'C<$search>' may be a regex that
will be used to match against the authors. If no value of 'C<$search>' is
provided, the server treats the search to be for 'C<.*>' (everything).
=item searchTitle ($search)
Searches within the 'C<title>' field within all of the packages held in the
repository on the server. The value 'C<$search>' may be a regex that will
be used to match against the titles. If no value of 'C<$search>' is
provided, the server treats the search to be for 'C<.*>' (everything).
=item search ($search)
Searches through all of the fields within all of the packages held in the
repository on the server. The value 'C<$search>' may be a regex that will
be used to match against the field values. If no value of 'C<$search>' is
provided, the server treats the search to be for 'C<.*>' (everything).
=item packages ()
Generates a list of all of the packages currently available in the
repository. The value returned to the caller is a list containing the names
of all of the packages in the repository.
=item fetch_ppd ($pkg)
Fetches the PPD associated with a given package. The full contents of the
PPD are returned to the caller in XML format as a scalar value.
=item fetch_summary ()
Fetches the full summary of all of the packages held in the repository. The
full contents of the summary are returned to the caller in XML format as a
scalar value.
=item _makeSOAPRequest ($method, $search)
B<INTERNAL METHOD.> Makes the SOAP request to the server, doing the bulk of
the actual work for us.
=head1 AUTHOR
Graham TerMarsch (gtermars@home.com)
=head1 SEE ALSO