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- package File::Basename;
- =head1 NAME
- fileparse - split a pathname into pieces
- basename - extract just the filename from a path
- dirname - extract just the directory from a path
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- use File::Basename;
- ($name,$path,$suffix) = fileparse($fullname,@suffixlist)
- fileparse_set_fstype($os_string);
- $basename = basename($fullname,@suffixlist);
- $dirname = dirname($fullname);
- ($name,$path,$suffix) = fileparse("lib/File/Basename.pm","\.pm");
- fileparse_set_fstype("VMS");
- $basename = basename("lib/File/Basename.pm",".pm");
- $dirname = dirname("lib/File/Basename.pm");
- These routines allow you to parse file specifications into useful
- pieces using the syntax of different operating systems.
- =over 4
- =item fileparse_set_fstype
- You select the syntax via the routine fileparse_set_fstype().
- If the argument passed to it contains one of the substrings
- "VMS", "MSDOS", "MacOS", "AmigaOS" or "MSWin32", the file specification
- syntax of that operating system is used in future calls to
- fileparse(), basename(), and dirname(). If it contains none of
- these substrings, Unix syntax is used. This pattern matching is
- case-insensitive. If you've selected VMS syntax, and the file
- specification you pass to one of these routines contains a "/",
- they assume you are using Unix emulation and apply the Unix syntax
- rules instead, for that function call only.
- If the argument passed to it contains one of the substrings "VMS",
- "MSDOS", "MacOS", "AmigaOS", "os2", "MSWin32" or "RISCOS", then the pattern
- matching for suffix removal is performed without regard for case,
- since those systems are not case-sensitive when opening existing files
- (though some of them preserve case on file creation).
- If you haven't called fileparse_set_fstype(), the syntax is chosen
- by examining the builtin variable C<$^O> according to these rules.
- =item fileparse
- The fileparse() routine divides a file specification into three
- parts: a leading B<path>, a file B<name>, and a B<suffix>. The
- B<path> contains everything up to and including the last directory
- separator in the input file specification. The remainder of the input
- file specification is then divided into B<name> and B<suffix> based on
- the optional patterns you specify in C<@suffixlist>. Each element of
- this list is interpreted as a regular expression, and is matched
- against the end of B<name>. If this succeeds, the matching portion of
- B<name> is removed and prepended to B<suffix>. By proper use of
- C<@suffixlist>, you can remove file types or versions for examination.
- You are guaranteed that if you concatenate B<path>, B<name>, and
- B<suffix> together in that order, the result will denote the same
- file as the input file specification.
- =back
- =head1 EXAMPLES
- Using Unix file syntax:
- ($base,$path,$type) = fileparse('/virgil/aeneid/draft.book7',
- '\.book\d+');
- would yield
- $base eq 'draft'
- $path eq '/virgil/aeneid/',
- $type eq '.book7'
- Similarly, using VMS syntax:
- ($name,$dir,$type) = fileparse('Doc_Root:[Help]Rhetoric.Rnh',
- '\..*');
- would yield
- $name eq 'Rhetoric'
- $dir eq 'Doc_Root:[Help]'
- $type eq '.Rnh'
- =over
- =item C<basename>
- The basename() routine returns the first element of the list produced
- by calling fileparse() with the same arguments, except that it always
- quotes metacharacters in the given suffixes. It is provided for
- programmer compatibility with the Unix shell command basename(1).
- =item C<dirname>
- The dirname() routine returns the directory portion of the input file
- specification. When using VMS or MacOS syntax, this is identical to the
- second element of the list produced by calling fileparse() with the same
- input file specification. (Under VMS, if there is no directory information
- in the input file specification, then the current default device and
- directory are returned.) When using Unix or MSDOS syntax, the return
- value conforms to the behavior of the Unix shell command dirname(1). This
- is usually the same as the behavior of fileparse(), but differs in some
- cases. For example, for the input file specification F<lib/>, fileparse()
- considers the directory name to be F<lib/>, while dirname() considers the
- directory name to be F<.>).
- =back
- =cut
- ## use strict;
- # A bit of juggling to insure that C<use re 'taint';> always works, since
- # File::Basename is used during the Perl build, when the re extension may
- # not be available.
- unless (eval { require re; })
- { eval ' sub re::import { $^H |= 0x00100000; } ' }
- import re 'taint';
- }
- use 5.005_64;
- our(@ISA, @EXPORT, $VERSION, $Fileparse_fstype, $Fileparse_igncase);
- require Exporter;
- @ISA = qw(Exporter);
- @EXPORT = qw(fileparse fileparse_set_fstype basename dirname);
- $VERSION = "2.6";
- # fileparse_set_fstype() - specify OS-based rules used in future
- # calls to routines in this package
- #
- # Currently recognized values: VMS, MSDOS, MacOS, AmigaOS, os2, RISCOS
- # Any other name uses Unix-style rules and is case-sensitive
- sub fileparse_set_fstype {
- my @old = ($Fileparse_fstype, $Fileparse_igncase);
- if (@_) {
- $Fileparse_fstype = $_[0];
- $Fileparse_igncase = ($_[0] =~ /^(?:MacOS|VMS|AmigaOS|os2|RISCOS|MSWin32|MSDOS)/i);
- }
- wantarray ? @old : $old[0];
- }
- # fileparse() - parse file specification
- #
- # Version 2.4 27-Sep-1996 Charles Bailey bailey@genetics.upenn.edu
- sub fileparse {
- my($fullname,@suffices) = @_;
- my($fstype,$igncase) = ($Fileparse_fstype, $Fileparse_igncase);
- my($dirpath,$tail,$suffix,$basename);
- my($taint) = substr($fullname,0,0); # Is $fullname tainted?
- if ($fstype =~ /^VMS/i) {
- if ($fullname =~ m#/#) { $fstype = '' } # We're doing Unix emulation
- else {
- ($dirpath,$basename) = ($fullname =~ /^(.*[:>\]])?(.*)/s);
- $dirpath ||= ''; # should always be defined
- }
- }
- if ($fstype =~ /^MS(DOS|Win32)/i) {
- ($dirpath,$basename) = ($fullname =~ /^((?:.*[:\\\/])?)(.*)/s);
- $dirpath .= '.\\' unless $dirpath =~ /[\\\/]\z/;
- }
- elsif ($fstype =~ /^MacOS/si) {
- ($dirpath,$basename) = ($fullname =~ /^(.*:)?(.*)/s);
- }
- elsif ($fstype =~ /^AmigaOS/i) {
- ($dirpath,$basename) = ($fullname =~ /(.*[:\/])?(.*)/s);
- $dirpath = './' unless $dirpath;
- }
- elsif ($fstype !~ /^VMS/i) { # default to Unix
- ($dirpath,$basename) = ($fullname =~ m#^(.*/)?(.*)#s);
- if ($^O eq 'VMS' and $fullname =~ m:/[^/]+/000000/?:) {
- # dev:[000000] is top of VMS tree, similar to Unix '/'
- ($basename,$dirpath) = ('',$fullname);
- }
- $dirpath = './' unless $dirpath;
- }
- if (@suffices) {
- $tail = '';
- foreach $suffix (@suffices) {
- my $pat = ($igncase ? '(?i)' : '') . "($suffix)\$";
- if ($basename =~ s/$pat//s) {
- $taint .= substr($suffix,0,0);
- $tail = $1 . $tail;
- }
- }
- }
- $tail .= $taint if defined $tail; # avoid warning if $tail == undef
- wantarray ? ($basename . $taint, $dirpath . $taint, $tail)
- : $basename . $taint;
- }
- # basename() - returns first element of list returned by fileparse()
- sub basename {
- my($name) = shift;
- (fileparse($name, map("\Q$_\E",@_)))[0];
- }
- # dirname() - returns device and directory portion of file specification
- # Behavior matches that of Unix dirname(1) exactly for Unix and MSDOS
- # filespecs except for names ending with a separator, e.g., "/xx/yy/".
- # This differs from the second element of the list returned
- # by fileparse() in that the trailing '/' (Unix) or '\' (MSDOS) (and
- # the last directory name if the filespec ends in a '/' or '\'), is lost.
- sub dirname {
- my($basename,$dirname) = fileparse($_[0]);
- my($fstype) = $Fileparse_fstype;
- if ($fstype =~ /VMS/i) {
- if ($_[0] =~ m#/#) { $fstype = '' }
- else { return $dirname || $ENV{DEFAULT} }
- }
- if ($fstype =~ /MacOS/i) { return $dirname }
- elsif ($fstype =~ /MSDOS/i) {
- $dirname =~ s/([^:])[\\\/]*\z/$1/;
- unless( length($basename) ) {
- ($basename,$dirname) = fileparse $dirname;
- $dirname =~ s/([^:])[\\\/]*\z/$1/;
- }
- }
- elsif ($fstype =~ /MSWin32/i) {
- $dirname =~ s/([^:])[\\\/]*\z/$1/;
- unless( length($basename) ) {
- ($basename,$dirname) = fileparse $dirname;
- $dirname =~ s/([^:])[\\\/]*\z/$1/;
- }
- }
- elsif ($fstype =~ /AmigaOS/i) {
- if ( $dirname =~ /:\z/) { return $dirname }
- chop $dirname;
- $dirname =~ s#[^:/]+\z## unless length($basename);
- }
- else {
- $dirname =~ s:(.)/*\z:$1:s;
- unless( length($basename) ) {
- local($File::Basename::Fileparse_fstype) = $fstype;
- ($basename,$dirname) = fileparse $dirname;
- $dirname =~ s:(.)/*\z:$1:s;
- }
- }
- $dirname;
- }
- fileparse_set_fstype $^O;
- 1;