home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/usr/bin/perl
- # $RCSfile: gcp,v $$Revision: 4.1 $$Date: 92/08/07 17:20:15 $
- # Here is a script to do global rcps. See man page.
- $#ARGV >= 1 || die "Not enough arguments.\n";
- if ($ARGV[0] eq '-r') {
- $rcp = 'rcp -r';
- shift;
- } else {
- $rcp = 'rcp';
- }
- $args = $rcp;
- $dest = $ARGV[$#ARGV];
- $SIG{'INT'} = 'CONT';
- while ($arg = shift) {
- if ($arg =~ /^([-a-zA-Z0-9_+]+):/) {
- if ($systype && $systype ne $1) {
- die "Can't mix system type specifers ($systype vs $1).\n";
- }
- $#ARGV < 0 || $arg !~ /:$/ || die "No source file specified.\n";
- $systype = $1;
- $args .= " $arg";
- } else {
- if ($#ARGV >= 0) {
- if ($arg =~ /^[\/~]/) {
- $arg =~ /^(.*)\// && ($dir = $1);
- } else {
- if (!$pwd) {
- chop($pwd = `pwd`);
- }
- $dir = $pwd;
- }
- }
- if ($olddir && $dir ne $olddir && $dest =~ /:$/) {
- $args .= " $dest$olddir; $rcp";
- }
- $olddir = $dir;
- $args .= " $arg";
- }
- }
- die "No system type specified.\n" unless $systype;
- $args =~ s/:$/:$olddir/;
- chop($thishost = `hostname`);
- $one_of_these = ":$systype:";
- if ($systype =~ s/\+/[+]/g) {
- $one_of_these =~ s/\+/:/g;
- }
- $one_of_these =~ s/-/:-/g;
- @ARGV = ();
- push(@ARGV,'.grem') if -f '.grem';
- push(@ARGV,'.ghosts') if -f '.ghosts';
- push(@ARGV,'/etc/ghosts');
- $remainder = '';
- line: while (<>) {
- s/[ \t]*\n//;
- if (!$_ || /^#/) {
- next line;
- }
- if (/^([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)=(.+)/) {
- $name = $1; $repl = $2;
- $repl =~ s/\+/:/g;
- $repl =~ s/-/:-/g;
- $one_of_these =~ s/:$name:/:$repl:/;
- $repl =~ s/:/:-/g;
- $one_of_these =~ s/:-$name:/:-$repl:/g;
- next line;
- }
- @gh = split(' ');
- $host = $gh[0];
- next line if $host eq $thishost; # should handle aliases too
- $wanted = 0;
- foreach $class (@gh) {
- $wanted++ if index($one_of_these,":$class:") >= 0;
- $wanted = -9999 if index($one_of_these,":-$class:") >= 0;
- }
- if ($wanted > 0) {
- ($cmd = $args) =~ s/[ \t]$systype:/ $host:/g;
- print "$cmd\n";
- $result = `$cmd 2>&1`;
- $remainder .= "$host+" if
- $result =~ /Connection timed out|Permission denied/;
- print $result;
- }
- }
- if ($remainder) {
- chop($remainder);
- open(grem,">.grem") || (printf stderr "Can't create .grem: $!\n");
- print grem 'rem=', $remainder, "\n";
- close(grem);
- print 'rem=', $remainder, "\n";
- }
- sub CLEANUP {
- exit;
- }
- sub CONT {
- print "Continuing...\n"; # Just ignore the signal that kills rcp
- $remainder .= "$host+";
- }