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<TITLE>Net::POP3 - Post Office Protocol 3 Client class</TITLE>
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<STRONG><P CLASS=block> Net::POP3 - Post Office Protocol 3 Client class</P></STRONG>
<A NAME="__index__"></A>
<!-- INDEX BEGIN -->
<LI><A HREF="#name">NAME</A></LI><LI><A HREF="#supportedplatforms">SUPPORTED PLATFORMS</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="#synopsis">SYNOPSIS</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="#description">DESCRIPTION</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="#examples">EXAMPLES</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="#constructor">CONSTRUCTOR</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="#methods">METHODS</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="#notes">NOTES</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="#see also">SEE ALSO</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="#author">AUTHOR</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="#copyright">COPYRIGHT</A></LI>
<!-- INDEX END -->
<H1><A NAME="name">NAME</A></H1>
<P>Net::POP3 - Post Office Protocol 3 Client class (RFC1081)</P>
<H1><A NAME="supportedplatforms">SUPPORTED PLATFORMS</A></H1>
<H1><A NAME="synopsis">SYNOPSIS</A></H1>
use Net::POP3;
# Constructors
$pop = Net::POP3->new('pop3host');
$pop = Net::POP3->new('pop3host', Timeout => 60);</PRE>
<H1><A NAME="description">DESCRIPTION</A></H1>
<P>This module implements a client interface to the POP3 protocol, enabling
a perl5 application to talk to POP3 servers. This documentation assumes
that you are familiar with the POP3 protocol described in RFC1081.</P>
<P>A new Net::POP3 object must be created with the <EM>new</EM> method. Once
this has been done, all POP3 commands are accessed via method calls
on the object.</P>
<H1><A NAME="examples">EXAMPLES</A></H1>
Need some small examples in here :-)</PRE>
<H1><A NAME="constructor">CONSTRUCTOR</A></H1>
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_new">new ( [ HOST, ] [ OPTIONS ] )</A></STRONG><BR>
This is the constructor for a new Net::POP3 object. <CODE>HOST</CODE> is the
name of the remote host to which a POP3 connection is required.
<P>If <CODE>HOST</CODE> is not given, then the <CODE>POP3_Host</CODE> specified in <CODE>Net::Config</CODE>
will be used.</P>
<P><CODE>OPTIONS</CODE> are passed in a hash like fashion, using key and value pairs.
Possible options are:</P>
<P><STRONG>ResvPort</STRONG> - If given then the socket for the <CODE>Net::POP3</CODE> object
will be bound to the local port given using <A HREF="../../../lib/Pod/perlfunc.html#item_bind"><CODE>bind</CODE></A> when the socket is
<P><STRONG>Timeout</STRONG> - Maximum time, in seconds, to wait for a response from the
POP3 server (default: 120)</P>
<P><STRONG>Debug</STRONG> - Enable debugging information</P>
<H1><A NAME="methods">METHODS</A></H1>
<P>Unless otherwise stated all methods return either a <EM>true</EM> or <EM>false</EM>
value, with <EM>true</EM> meaning that the operation was a success. When a method
states that it returns a value, failure will be returned as <EM>undef</EM> or an
empty list.</P>
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_user">user ( USER )</A></STRONG><BR>
Send the USER command.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_pass">pass ( PASS )</A></STRONG><BR>
Send the PASS command. Returns the number of messages in the mailbox.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_login">login ( [ USER [, PASS ]] )</A></STRONG><BR>
Send both the the USER and PASS commands. If <CODE>PASS</CODE> is not given the
<CODE>Net::POP3</CODE> uses <CODE>Net::Netrc</CODE> to lookup the password using the host
and username. If the username is not specified then the current user name
will be used.
<P>Returns the number of messages in the mailbox.</P>
<P>If the server cannot authenticate <CODE>USER</CODE> the <EM>undef</EM> will be returned.</P>
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_apop">apop ( USER, PASS )</A></STRONG><BR>
Authenticate with the server identifying as <CODE>USER</CODE> with password <CODE>PASS</CODE>.
Similar ti <A HREF="#item_login">login</A>, but the password is not sent in clear text.
<P>To use this method you must have the MD5 package installed, if you do not
this method will return <EM>undef</EM></P>
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_top">top ( MSGNUM [, NUMLINES ] )</A></STRONG><BR>
Get the header and the first <CODE>NUMLINES</CODE> of the body for the message
<CODE>MSGNUM</CODE>. Returns a reference to an array which contains the lines of text
read from the server.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_list">list ( [ MSGNUM ] )</A></STRONG><BR>
If called with an argument the <A HREF="#item_list"><CODE>list</CODE></A> returns the size of the message
in octets.
<P>If called without arguments a reference to a hash is returned. The
keys will be the <CODE>MSGNUM</CODE>'s of all undeleted messages and the values will
be their size in octets.</P>
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_get">get ( MSGNUM )</A></STRONG><BR>
Get the message <CODE>MSGNUM</CODE> from the remote mailbox. Returns a reference to an
array which contains the lines of text read from the server.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_last">last ()</A></STRONG><BR>
Returns the highest <CODE>MSGNUM</CODE> of all the messages accessed.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_popstat">popstat ()</A></STRONG><BR>
Returns an array of two elements. These are the number of undeleted
elements and the size of the mbox in octets.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_uidl">uidl ( [ MSGNUM ] )</A></STRONG><BR>
Returns a unique identifier for <CODE>MSGNUM</CODE> if given. If <CODE>MSGNUM</CODE> is not
given <A HREF="#item_uidl"><CODE>uidl</CODE></A> returns a reference to a hash where the keys are the
message numbers and the values are the unique identifiers.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_delete">delete ( MSGNUM )</A></STRONG><BR>
Mark message <CODE>MSGNUM</CODE> to be deleted from the remote mailbox. All messages
that are marked to be deleted will be removed from the remote mailbox
when the server connection closed.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_reset">reset ()</A></STRONG><BR>
Reset the status of the remote POP3 server. This includes reseting the
status of all messages to not be deleted.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_quit">quit ()</A></STRONG><BR>
Quit and close the connection to the remote POP3 server. Any messages marked
as deleted will be deleted from the remote mailbox.
<H1><A NAME="notes">NOTES</A></H1>
<P>If a <CODE>Net::POP3</CODE> object goes out of scope before <A HREF="#item_quit"><CODE>quit</CODE></A> method is called
then the <A HREF="#item_reset"><CODE>reset</CODE></A> method will called before the connection is closed. This
means that any messages marked to be deleted will not be.</P>
<H1><A NAME="see also">SEE ALSO</A></H1>
<P><A HREF="../../../site/lib/Net/Netrc.html">the Net::Netrc manpage</A>
<A HREF="../../../site/lib/Net/Cmd.html">the Net::Cmd manpage</A></P>
<H1><A NAME="author">AUTHOR</A></H1>
<P>Graham Barr <<A HREF="mailto:gbarr@pobox.com">gbarr@pobox.com</A>></P>
<H1><A NAME="copyright">COPYRIGHT</A></H1>
<P>Copyright (c) 1995-1997 Graham Barr. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.</P>
<STRONG><P CLASS=block> Net::POP3 - Post Office Protocol 3 Client class</P></STRONG>